
How much damage did the lock-downs cause? []
2FollowHim comments on Feb 3, 2021:
Many thought this was either planned by uber wealthy or was used once it happened: obscure, ot known, many thoughts on it. I always thought happy people old go through a lot,miserable people couldn't face it, no energy, no vim or vigor. I also think it prepares many for dependence on government, disinterest in their own future, WHAT FUTURE? many say. I find it's harder to reason with others, they're full up, ready to explode. Governments are saving millions, or is it billions? But who's asking me? You? I don't matter. Maybe only BLM? There's a pall on society that is palpable. I believe the top don't want improvement. They do well in these times. Her stats were excellent. What will happen to thèse kids?
Independent journalist, Andy Ngo, has been beaten, threatened, and forced to flee from the terrorist...
2FollowHim comments on Feb 3, 2021:
The Bible explains this best for me, anyway! There are those who 'see darkness as light' and 'light as darkness'. So what you see as WRONG, they insist is right. What you see as fair, they think is terrible. It's a different and scary mindset.
Great! who needs a vaccination anyway.
2FollowHim comments on Feb 3, 2021:
If they KILL some(they DO), then aren't lesser damages being done to others? Why should we believe that the few dying!(so, no big deal, right??!!), are irrelevant to everyone else taking the V. Let's say it disrupted(for example) blood flow to the brain causing death in some, why should we believe blood flow isn't being disrupted, just not killing others? What about long term? Who knows? They don't. They got their money, the recipient got their disability. I believe they can get more than Invermectin (which is alright) but just work on curing once someone gets it. Ah, but where's the big money in that??!! When money drives it, people will be driven in bad health. We need better, faster, easier ways to strengthen our immune system. Maybe special breathing apparatus. Many are just not fit, often unavoidable due to health situations, genetic problems. I think that could be a whole industry.
Amen! 🙏🏼
2FollowHim comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Do you know what time period that occurs in?
Democrats Just Changed Their Minds On COVID-19 Now That Biden Is In Office []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I'm not American but are those places democratic generally? What was SAD was Trump who knows ZIP about viruses, masks, had ROTTEN advisors, didn't follow his gut. Often he DID, and won. Nug he bot intimidated bt Dr. Fauci, did not hear Dr. BUTTAR, others, let left ride roughshod over him. Now dems look good, Trump bad. Trump was FOR leaving it open.
If the document attached is a real CIA written work, then I suggest it is further evidence that the ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 31, 2021:
We can't trust history when there are victors and lovers. When it makes themselves look good, justifies them. The ible does none of that. I think some wings of Islam might do that. When destruction is jihad, holy, then I want no part.
Chinese rip offs.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 31, 2021:
You've seen or heard about their fake rice, other things? And apparently toys from China have a dangerous chemical in the plastic. I read this gears ago. Do you buy at Dollar shop, Dollar tree? I often do, and I'm pretty sure that's China? Sometimes it's hard to know where it comes from. Likely have go avoid a lot because it's hard to know? So many scams from there? Iamwhy86, youtube goes over this. They sell deadly drugs online. Any Canadians die yearly. Apparently the government allows even thrives on corruption. So then that becomes the Chinese mindset. Indoctrinated. Yet it's such a big country, some better areas.
Persecution for U.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Absolutely true. If Christians can believe they're SO IMPORTANT and WATCHED mostly for CONDEMNATION, it changes us. A devout Christian would go out, be thinking, just thinking troublesome thoughts, then people watching, yes, they're WATCHING, ACCUSING, finding fault look, think 'unhappy person, miserable person'. So we spoke and talked about THINK on what is GOOD. It was done, and people stopped looking! Thing is, somebody has to get this out, organize it, get Christians aware of their grave danger. How likely do you think THAT will happen? All those SPORTS, Netflix, dunking donuts. What chance is there? I deal one on one, all I can do, but sometimes it works.
India reports more accurate news on Canada than Canadian media
2FollowHim comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Justin works for CCP, attacks India, quite charmingly, so caring! But India DEALS with this. Justin wants to protect Canadians from that hurtful media, ban our usage. But I already KNOW.
Gutless Faucci! WE’RE NOT GOING THERE”; Fauci Refuses To Criticize Cuomo During Heated Fox ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 29, 2021:
They're on the same team.
Home school might be the last option for some Americans to save their children from indoctrination ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 29, 2021:
There are a LOT of billionaire Jews. This info must be sent to as many as possible. THEY have the power, the money, the connections to deal with it. Various should write, get NAMES of those on the curriculum.
Trading freedom for security - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jan 29, 2021:
And we know what happened next. Brutal, oppressive. Good point made that freedom isn't free. And there's no security in following freedom. It's that 'walk on the wild side'. They're drumming up the fear with Covid without telling anybody much at all. I felt bad about the younger doctors, nurses dying. So unfair. What's supposed to help?
Flight of the Valkyries – Brian Ruhe: Canada's Highest Speaker of Truth
2FollowHim comments on Jan 29, 2021:
We've all seen, heard about some atrocities, about some men(funny, it's men) who abused others, oppressed, killed, tortured. And they died. What I'm grateful for is the perfection of Jesus, the final judgement. Which seems different from what we were taught. And there may be evidence that what are called 'the wicked are destroyed. I must do more research on that. But if that's true, then there are all the rest. Not followers who are saved, that's different. All the rest are a mixed bag. It seems possible their good works are examined. This makes sense and I can rest peacefully. Those gods Brian follows are not peaceful.
Q:8991 The GREAT RESET started with the stolen US election!
2FollowHim comments on Jan 28, 2021:
We see that the ends justify the means. Winning, by hook fine. And those disagreeing must be dealt with. I think they call it totalitarian ? Not familiar with that but I may end up very familiar.
Living Truth Daily Devotion ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 28, 2021:
A lot of deflection, skirting around when there's sin. Yet Jesus pierced her darkness through telling her about herself. I wonder why we agree spiritually to hide sin in ourselves? I haven't heard this being said lately but there was a whole movement I'll call 'just TELL them, whatever the problem was. I suggest TRYING IT, noting down what happens. Jesus said 'hearing they do not hear'. I'm guilty too, sometimes. Hearing some obvious sin, some flaw HURTS. Doesn't it wreck or damage our self image? I find getting to TRUTH within ME is tough. Showing someone else, even someone wanting truth is fraught Dying to self IS..DYING and not fun at all. Thanks for good post.
[] The Fog Of War: Proof Masks And Lockdowns Are Worthless
2FollowHim comments on Jan 28, 2021:
That was an excellent, science based article. I liked 'fog of warm, how confusion sets in, can't think properly, make rational decisions. Covid war. That's amazing. To lose so much for such questionable, miniscule gain. And once it happens, those who do see can't reach those in the fog, often leaders. Isn't that strange, they'd have the power, are in greatest fog?
There was a minister who did not believe in miracles nor the bible as the word of God.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 27, 2021:
To make money yet ot believe is evil. If the person doesn't believe, it's a big world: leave the church alone.
Your enemy has shown they will go to any lengths to win, they will use violent coercion, DE ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
I'm watching this happen with a former seemingly rational person. All reasoning and right values are going, fast. That unreasoning group know how to collude, get, seize power. They're not stupid. They're unable to manage without fraud. If possible, getting your own area, separate BUT since they need you to EXIST, like cancer, they'll incite war.
Can we get some more signatures on this petition to STOP THE LOCKDOWN IN ONTARIO! Thank you so ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Facebook, Twitter will get more
Can we get some more signatures on this petition to STOP THE LOCKDOWN IN ONTARIO! Thank you so ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
I would vote for this woman without hesitation. Short vid - I say Amen sister! []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Unless Republicans find a better candidate who is not lining pockets anywhere, not geriatric, I think she'd win. I think she'd be amenable to discussion. To have BEEN in the military!
Trump, and the FAILURE of the "expert class", by the WSJ.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
I quote: ” Mr. Trump’s refusal to accept defeat, culminating in demands that Vice President Mike Pence overturn a lawful election on no legal authority, occasioned a debacle that may haunt the Republican Party, and the country, for years This was no LAWFUL election. I followed, studied Dominion and Soros connection. I understood Pence had the legal right. Trump was cheated. I don't have to LIKE someone to want justice done. To me, Trump RESISTED China. Nobody else did. China was a big part of undermining Trump. And Canada. Then there was McConnell, married to the Chinese whose family had ties to the CCP. So much corruption, collusion, back rubbing.
◾Slave Owner Alexander Komin Russian Alexander Komin was a serial killer and modern day slave ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
We don't realize what we escape.
This is the last invitation for members of this group to fill out the survey.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Coldest, quasi United ever seen.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 26, 2021:
So much is cruel. Did you see the picture of the young Chinese boys going to war, with tears streaming down their face? And the organ harvesting, live, in China? Those who love life certainly hate war, love and protect animals. Goes hand in hand.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting the feeling that this whole planet is going down the ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Used to travel, winter escapes. But for a few years sensed it was bad. The genetics, conditioning of a group are inclusive. We go, upset that balance, or catch what the native people have immunity for. Got worse over time, wasn't bad 50 years ago, 8 years ago. Maybe bugs getting stronger? Lock downs ruin economy. Everyone gets depressed. I heard tropical Cancun has outbreak. No hope in site.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Since the whole world believe they are on an insanely spinning globe, which is UNDETECTABLE to them! And ORBITING at a much more insane speed, which they didn't have instruments to measure. And since there are many evidences for a flat earth, yet mocked completely, then I'm sure everything has been partly or completely a lie. I learned through excellent evidence that what they call the holo**st never happened. The world almanac shows it. Many evidences. Untruths must be indoctrinated, and any coming close to *ruth must be punished. Anyone can say anything about Jesus but they dare not try it with the leader of Muslims. All big lies punish those who expose them. May I ask what you learned, beside it being a whitewashed lie that was significant? For example, I recently read the article outlining Trump's actual liaison with Jeffrey Epstein for 17 years. Until 2004 when Trump really 'got Jeffrey' who sued, never spoke again. Hillary knew, too. Used to wonder how she stayed out and about. Trump was part of the underage sex trade until 2004. I still think he may gave done good things. So, all of them corrupt, WWII, everything. That's why I study the bible, Jesus.?.it's clean.
Trump must create his own brand TV and Social Media FAST.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 23, 2021:
I did wonder why Trump never in his 4 years got Hillary put away. Actually, no swamp creatures were put away. Then I learned that indeed Trump was very much a part of Jeffrey Epstein's sex business. For 17 years. Using his hotel in Mar El Lago, in Florida, underage girls, starry eyes wannabe models one specialty. Legally classified as pedophile. And for 17 years, and at his island. Hillary and Bill weren't stupid. They'd have full details of Trump. But Trump could legally say he had zip to do with Jeffrey bcuz in 2004 Trump pulled such an underhanded deal on Epstein that Epstein sued Trump. Not sure of results. They never spoke again. Epstein said he thought Donald Trump alerted the authorities. He'd know a lot having partnered over those 17 years. Joe Biden is WORSE. But they're going after him. Tulsa Gabbard is none of those things.
Alkie Logic (we're clever)
2FollowHim comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Are we 'all in it together?
I have been guilty of the lowercase stuff, not THE OTHER STUFF
2FollowHim comments on Jan 23, 2021:
I'm so glad I don't have to learn Chinese! Ah, yet.
Do you have a problem with your Christian faith?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Well put. The Biblios, a library about Jesus, God, mankind, sin, salvation, prophecy, 'the end times', I always felt had to be my standard. Often (too often?), knowing what it did say was more or less beyond me. Certain bible codes that showed Jesus were also overlaid and as you know, the Hebrew alphabet is a masterpiece. Genesis 1:1 in the Hebrew is statistically impossible for any human to contrive, everything x7, internally and end to end. It's a work of art also. It goes on and on. About 7 years ago now, I first 'ran into' the flat earth. Little by little I began studying this from many angles. Just the phrase 'heaven above' was only possible on a flat earth. As I imaged the verse, by Paul, I believe, 'as the LIGHT shine through from the EAST to the WEST' if taken verbatim occurs on a flat earth. Immediately it just 'made sense' to me. I could go on and on, big topic, big study. But I either took the bible literally, as much as I could, or I wouldn't be part of it. Kind of 'all or nothing'. That's never true in the world, or about people. God does not change. He's written 'history in advance'. Yet He deems to care, love us, hear our cries, pay us mind. It boggles my little mind, that's for sure. I found it wasn't just what was said or how it was said, but what wasn't said, maybe should have been said. So much can be written. Great post, thanks.
This Congresswoman Just Filed Articles of Impeachment On Joe Biden. []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Media, everyone is against any criticism of Joe. Trump had a ton of proof. I hope she's ok. Everyone was for Trump's impeachment even though ridiculous. Public opinion of those guiding opinions. Do you have confidence?
Daily in Christ by Dr.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 21, 2021:
We are all so different. I will NEVER forget my first 💘 love. We've heard these stories where everything flashes before someone's eyes INSTANTLY! No time! I had something like that right at the beginning. Although I had never faced myself, my ways, I 'saw' the layers of mess, and above, Someone who could fix it. I didn't know yet who that was. But I knew it was 'decision time'. There wouldn't be another chance. I just KNEW it. Somehow I knew this would 'cost me, maybe a heavy price. Like standing in the window of a burning building, the net FAR below. I leapt, knew beyond a shadow I'd jumped, wouldn't be turning back, ever. How can anyone? Heaven above, filth below. Never will forsake purity. I'm part of what's below, I know it. But I'm being raised up. In increments.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Did Or, is he a quack? Did you ever see such a thriving swamp, not touched by Trump? What did Trump do 'My way'? All that hoopla about executive orders, purchasing guns etc. That STING. Guess who got STUNG? He flew off. It's much harder to depose the President, harder to serve papers. He's got his protection now, will counter sue. With no thanks or explanation to the many brave patriots, no pardon for Julian Assange who revealed Clinton and helped him, my view lowered. Certainly not down too Joe's level, but lower.
Eye Opener with Michael Lewis: Trump: The movement we started is only just beginning; Texas to file ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 20, 2021:
We'll need now to see it. I hold no opinion.
Eye Opener with Michael Lewis: Trump: The movement we started is only just beginning; Texas to file ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 20, 2021:
They swept everything else. I thought he had to do it before his term was up, not way after. ONE State?
You know if there werent already enough to convince me that the support for Biden is not what people...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 20, 2021:
I'll give it just a bit more time. Nonsense seems to reign.
As someone who initially supported Clinton (albeit narrowly) in 2016 i heard all the arguments ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 16, 2021:
What bad? I'm sure he did, everyone does. What did he do bad? Since I think your enemy is China, and Trump takes on China while Joe Biden is linked to China, that's enough. Joe's told you. UNIFY. Or what? FEMA camps, re education camps. End of any freedom. They'll punish, seize assets, imprison Republicans. I've heard it said. Entrepreneurs need to get out of US. Assets seized. Executive orders, constraints. Masks etc don't fix things. Nor V's You need stronger immune system. Treatment if you did get it. Travel to warmer, sunny places combats it. We recall the agenda of Gates, nwo, lower population a lot.
Atheist vs Christian Debate on Discord []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 13, 2021:
You either see/understand the Lord Jesus or it just doesn't make sense. FE only makes sense TO ME, and I see much evidence for it. Others do not. I'm glad for the Bible's teaching on judgement as I see so much wickedness done to people.
I have been poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 13, 2021:
In my life as a Christian, it seems to me that God wants us to know these trials are fitting us for the next life. Due to all those things Psalm 22 says, always true for believers, I don't see much life here, only 'in the Lord', prayer, study, discussion on the Bible. Then, are we not lifted out of the misery all around? I meditate often on Jesus's words, I'm sure you do also, and one keeps coming up 'Fear not him who can kill the body....'. Jesus wants us able to go through the many deep, dark valleys and keep our joy, our peace. Not as one who has arrived.... Good verses.
Fight! Guns vs Hackers.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Nobody knows 'the ends', do they? I don't know the weather tomorrow and the 'ends' are anybody guess. People aren't in control of either ends or means when under the long duress of US citizens. Never before, to my knowledge anything like virus controls, no social life, no seeing family, no helping the grieving. Masks that distance and hide us psychologically. Losing jobs, homes. It's devastating. They can't help themselves. Their inner state has exploded. We know weapons kill, destroy. That much we know. We know it's often the innocent who get hurt. So, it often doesn't justify anything but it can't be avoided. Too much got bottled up. To the greater degree, I loved many American people, so I just feel 😥 sad. Sometimes, not often I do fantasize I could wipe it all away, do you ever do that?
God has to bring us to the place where our faith is in Christ alone, and not in ourselves.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 12, 2021:
A big part of crucifying self is just that, saying 'I can't do it', but YOU did it, will do it for me. This requires humility, and rather constant watching for the tendency to rise up again. We're always leaving Christ when we do this. And as bad, entering enemy territory. Once I'm in control, it's easy to trick me, get me into wrong thinking. Listening to the politics, in Canada, US(which one is worse?), somehow, for me, the carnal gets back in control. Tricky, at first 'we're doing it', soon Jesus isn't there. Yet I know WE DO all to the glory of God, so we DO things. I know the US election has world consequences yet I think I get above myself which is dangerous. So, how to do all....regarding this election. I live in Canada and our leader planned WAR with US. Seriously, I'm appalled since I love US in many ways, have been glad we were friends. Now, no. And being CALLED CANADA that wants to wage war with US is evil. So, how to keep the 'right relationship' during all this isn't clear. We are ambassadors for Christ, so we represent Him, I think. So I find that completely true above, but can't see how to live it out given the current situations. What do you do?
Suppose you are depressed.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 11, 2021:
What is not depressing today? Did you ever like walking in forests? The fresh smell? Colors, peace? For 15 years, forests are infested, totally covered with long hanging moss, fungi, and an off smell like decay. Forests are done, whales debeaching, killing themselves en masse. That's depressed. But just bcuz all that is ugly just doesn't have anything to do with me. If I'd done it, then I'd definitely be depressed. But of that I'm innocent. I didn't CAUSE Covid-19 or the US problem. So, I'm not depressed. If I were culpable, then, I'd be depressed. I'd ask the person to write out why depressed. I used to be seriously, clinically depressed, on many drugs. No drugs, no depression. Happy, life is full of interesting things. And I know depression, the difference now. At first the person likely says 'I don't know' Many other questions follow when they're ready.
Parler reportedly removes post from pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood after calling for Mike Pence execution...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 11, 2021:
They only SEEM to offer, give. It's a set up to control you. I don't trust, rely on any media. And they're getting it sewn up so it's the only way, putting out the rest. You'll have to toe their line more and more where if you have standards, you're out. And it looks rather recent, but only those groups know. I don't know how a new Christian can manage today.
One Trump goes who is left to blame or more to the point.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 11, 2021:
I think Trump will pull a coup. I think he, family would have been long gone. Can he? As a Christian, I factor in Supreme power. 80 year old! Seriously, Fauci? Pelosi? 80? Time for a nap.
When Republicans strive to "save the republic," they are ironically working to advance the successor...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Most systems fail. I'd like to see more black men hired to help. Only Trump can take on the China monster, SLAY the dragon, free the Chinese people, so suppressed.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 11, 2021:
He stayed amazingly fit in ways.
Ever watch someone in a failing relationship do everything wrong?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Whether they show it or not, they're 100% force, restrictions. Arbitrary, not simple basic laws. Bad news. Comparatively, President Trump is a dream. China's not far behind and Biden will sell out.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Apparently China is #1, Iran #2 in no human rights. Humans are just ALLOWED to exist in China, and this can be removed anytime. Jack Ma, many times billionaire in China now missing for 7 plus weeks. Nobody knows anything. It is a privilege to live at ALL in China, and the person may starve, freeze. All goes to the leader, the wealthiest, most powerful man. Any and all means are at his disposal to keep his position, which he does. Meanwhile, CCP have infiltrated US on so any levels, so many methods. Good to know these as they repeat. And I suggest those knowing Chinese use the same on them but protect themselves first. They hunt anyone down. I believe those media are infiltrated by China. Or have big holdings there.
The tragicomic thing about the demise of Trump is the outrage of his supporters at the outrage ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Sure shows how BIAS occluded. Pictures showed ANTIFA were PLANTED. I TOTALLY expected this. Isn't it just the easiest thing when it's actually KNOWN that a)Soros and b) China have money to BURN since only TRUMP can stand up to them. The video, analyzed, showed those THUGS really tried to INCITE the crowd. Try understanding for a change. Many of these people, like yourself?, have list their jobs, perhaps homes due to extended lockdowns. On edge. They did amazingly well NOT to react. Ever been in a surge crowd? I don't go near them. We're EMOTIONAL beings and can be provoked. He INSTIGATED nothing. Did you see how lily livered all the left was? Hmm? Also phoney Republicans. Ooh, might get hurt, FLEE, and they dropped everything. This vote count? 100% stolen. You trust Joe Biden? Well, Joe Biden said his group pulled off the GREATEST electoral FRAUD in the history of US. He wasn't slurring his speech at all. Not laughing. Do you believe him? He SAID it. Italy? The person was found, in Pescare, charged who jinxed this with sophisticated technology, satellites on US. Paid ONE BILLION dollars by US, Soros. But I delved deeper. Whoa! The entire Italian government was complicit, so they'll shut this down. Is it easier for you to blame than understand how people collude to line their pockets? Do you so want to live in a fairytale world that you'll accuse Trump? Bcuz the OPTION is Biden or Trump, then Trump. You find a non liar, non collude with CCP, and maybe we have another leader. Now you may have...trash. Trump at least wants the best for Americans, stands up to China. Find younger, not geriatrics who all need to be put out to pasture. Pelosi, Fauci..80, Biden soon there. Really. Isn't that tragicomedy? Should we..laugh?
Where do we go from here?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Italy CAUGHT in Pescare and charged who muddled with Dominion for 1 BILLION. I heard the transcript before it was removed from IDW which I'd thought open to discussion. We WAIT. Deep corruption, a lot of it. Many cowards.
Did anyone look up Italy News regarding US?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
As of 7:11 PST, this link worked. It should be about 11 pm Eastern. This SHOULD seal the situation. When I spelled it out, the post was taken down here.
The Purge has started []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
All those are 'in it together and we patriots know regardless what's out or blocked. Actually, I totally believe this is spiritual, played out in levels we don't see. Ah, but we CAN! Not atheists or lukewarm saving their life, but prayer people just SKIP over the corruption here, PRAY to the Lord(head honcho) for help. Why? There's a battle. We noticed. A battle has an enemy or enemies. You saw them BLOCK Trump. That's DARKNESS. I just pray for LIGHT. Light SEARS, breaks up darkness. But don't do it if you're not sure. It's actually dangerous. Stuff can happen that wouldn't otherwise. I do it bcuz it's RIGHT. And to me RIGHT trumps(!) Danger.
How would the Trump legacy and the future of the Republican Party been impacted if this speech had ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Trump did not if you reread.
Under what time and circumstance is the use of violence warranted?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
A Christian never does. It's clear how a Christian proceeds. For the world, when home and hearth and personal safety are extremely threatened, then VIOLENCE will erupt bcuz VIOLENCE is being perpetrated on them, even if it's hidden. They have little recourse except VIOLENCE which they are then BLAMED for. But the REAL VIOLENCE was done to them, pushing them hard. A Christian PRAYS, knows God will act. It won't be THEIR will, but God's will. The world do it themselves. You can see how that's working out.
Reality check time. Who won the presidency?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021: Listen to it.
Reality check time. Who won the presidency?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Right on this site, the proof from ITALY, in a court proved this election was stolen. It just went down Jan. 6. 1 BILLION dollars was paid. It's up right now, and those involved in Italy, with Soros connections are being stripped and charged. This was quite an elegant fraud, planned for 8 months, with Obama deeply involved. Trump will learn of it soon. The courts exposed the whole thing. A Greek Billionaire offered one MILLION dollars to info proving Dominion was corrupted. Far more than we knew. The main culprits are charged but the collusion! Oh, the collusion is extensive. No, this election was, and proven to be stolen from Donald Trump. Never allow that. Get a decent, non lying contender and win decently.
Dominion Voting Hack NEW INFO FROM ROME ITALY ON 1-6-21!!! yes youtube delete the video it's on ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Joe Biden SAID his group had pulled off the greatest US election FRAUD ever.
Dominion Voting Hack NEW INFO FROM ROME ITALY ON 1-6-21!!! yes youtube delete the video it's on ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
When do they get Soros?
Dominion Voting Hack NEW INFO FROM ROME ITALY ON 1-6-21!!! yes youtube delete the video it's on ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 8, 2021:
There Trump has it, in Italian court! Supported by Greek Billionaire. There we now know just what an ADVANCED technological corruption was contrived. It seems this CAN be done anytime, so can any voting EVER be trusted again? As people have said, anything man can make can be broken into. Man made. Broken by man. I pray they'll HAVE to notice now that the election was STOLEN and just WHOSE 1 BILLION dollars paid them? Excellent work. If you believe in God, PRAY. Paul said the battle is with very high evil powers.
Walid Shoebat - Kingdom of the Antichrist.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 7, 2021:
The 100% enemies of Christ are not Muslims; they are Jews. Not all Israel is Israel. To utterly slander Jesus like in the Talmud, Antichrist will be a Jew. There's no doubt they are the smartest people in the world. Likely Cain who comes again. In the Spirit, these things happen. No Muslim would slander Jesus like the, mostly Zionist Jews. Zionist Jews will rebuild the temple, are working on it, and they'd never allow a Muslim as world leader, religious leader. But Jews have always deceived, hiding, blaming others. Quick with their labels, ANTI SEMITIC!! The bible then is anti Semitic since only a REMNANT will be saved. The ability to keep all wars down, 'When they say peace and safety', cannot be done by a Muslim. The Jews host the capital of the entire world for HOMOSEXUALITY and Antichrist has nothing to do with women. Muslim men may be homosexuals, but they don't boast the world's foremost center. It is the Jews that killed the prophets, not Arabs. Islam is a false flag. And Jesus, God, DIVORCED the Jews...for adulteries. One DARES not speak this. Trump supports Israel who doctrinal hate Jesus. Ask them. Muslims LOVE Jesus, a DIFFERENT Jesus. Jews know EXACTLY Who Jesus is and HATE Him. So, I do not support Israel. I need not stand against it bcuz the world will, and are doing that. China is another false flag, the dragon.
Yep, another breach, staged by the left. []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 7, 2021:
US is a HUGE country, and many of the people are pro active. Prior to this event of Trump conceeding, an unfair win where he simply met with walls of resistance. I did not pray then, not called but I do now. Sadly, I think Trump and Melania, and Barron must leave USA during Biden's presidency. Strange, he did so much to prepare, yet none of it counted. That's unrighteous to watermark the votes, and it doesn't matter, to prove corruption of Dominion, to prove collusion, and none of it counts. Nobody looks, cares. Too much work. They falsely think Joe is better, easier. So much is proven and NONE of it counts, for anything. It bodes bad for the world, good for China.
Trump commits to 'orderly' transfer of power in newly released statement []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 7, 2021:
When lies win, when the lie stands in the greatest position in US. I truly followed everything, as many did. Lies can win. Total fraud can win. China WILL win. This moves that doomsday clock forward. I personally expect events in Israel from this. Not sure how, but I do. This is sad indeed.
If you are concerned that Trump may not prevail, remember; we are witnessing a US military operation...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 7, 2021:
It was tried with Obama, via Muslim Brotherhood, Hillary and Huma who would, she said 'take over'(I have to wonder if she was drugging Hillary, maybe poisoning her since Huma said she 'controlled her' determined who she could see. Again, Muslim. Now, China. Infiltrated, turned many, owns US top companies. Not all the military are with Trump, hopefully, enough. I actually DON'T think either side will accept Joe, fairly soon, as he gets harsh. Kamala is worse, they'll hate her. They THOUGHT they hated Trump! If it fell, it wouldn't be direct. Can't see China trying to go head to head. It would be subversive. As it's been done in Canada. What the wild card is, in Canada, is WEXIT, and WHO leaves.
Does anyone but me think it strange that OUR leaders, Congress, was hiding in the basement or under ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 6, 2021:
I followed hard evidence about Dominion, provenance, math constructs. JOE'S OWN WORDS of greatest voter fraud that his team did in history. Said as FACT, not arrogant, not dither. Followed fraud. Oh, was there EVER massive fraud, swept by all groups. The PEOPLE want Trump, the government hates Trump, exposes them. They've been back room dealing for years, lining their pocket, Trump exposed, threatened them by exposing some. Clinton's, Obama STOLE a lot, can afford to set up Trump. Easy to see. Never seen, well, except Julian Assange, anyone so badly treated. He actually HELPED the people! How DARE he!!
Protestors have breached the capital building!!! It is happening, now!! The vote count has been ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 6, 2021:
That's EXACTLY what they wanted. This protest is SEEDED with other groups to block this, BLAME Republicans, likely imprison, kill them.
Christian terrorism in DC right now.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Jesus is the head of Christianity. There is 100%, ABSOLUTELY NO New Testament terrorism. Christians LOVE, LOVE their enemies. Their Supreme head said, ALWAYS, 100%, return GOOD for evil. When you see destruction, hurting, this is SATANISM, Satan's kingdom. A Christian MUST OVERCOME their CARNAL to do this. Or they FAIL. Wide is the WAY that leads to DESTRUCTION and many are on it. (Jesus's words, the head of Christianity). Christian TERRORISM is an evil oxymoron, try to learn. It's insulting and incorrect.
Only in America will we stop a football game, drag out measuring chains out and look at a play 15 ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 5, 2021:
What a great point. Nobody wants to be shown they were taken, tricked, made a fool of. A game doesn't threaten anyone. Election fraud calls into question the entire country, at all levels. Lot of immaturity: 'close eyes so it's gone'-- babies do that. Even THEY know: when they pull their blanket off their face, they laugh and laugh. I think it requires maturity: we never checked it out, so look what happened! I see this all the time. In my own life, too! That's how extensive it is from my view.
"Amen and Awoman": Congress Gender-Bends Basic Prayer [youtube.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 5, 2021:
It either shows complete rejection of God, the bible, mockery of the same, or utter unawareness of anything God. The great name of Jesus Christ is 'the AMEN', the Alpha and the Omega, the 'Thy WILL be done. He wouldn't try it for Muhammad, Mooing mad, for example. They'd cut off his head. It's mocking Our Lord, and that crosses the line for me. I sure don't want to hear trash like that. And since biblically, not worldly, women are part of the man, then it's often inclusive anyway. Christian women need no attention to know their value.
Does your city add value to your life? - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jan 5, 2021:
I think this line of discussion is important. With people out of work, they should examine this.
Does your city add value to your life? - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Jan 5, 2021:
I'm frugal, not minimalist. I've kept and worn things for sometimes 15 or more years. Most of our stuff is comfortable, usable junk nobody, including us would actually want. We're a suburb of the city. It's quite boring, but fine. Great shopping, many ethnic shops. So, supplies needs. I don't need a city to do anything for me. Covid-19 in Canada means anti social. Fine. I was fine before. The suburban area means no car mandatory. Try not to go out much: depressing out there. Pretty grim, hopeless. So, city supplies what's needed. Everyone is in own space, so mental is good. Weather is not terrible, not good. Because needs are met, yes, happiness is increased. Not usually a violent place, but exceptions can exist. Not able to off grid or be sustainable. So, it's useful.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Justin loves DRAMA, playwriting, having fun at other's expense. I believe this is a disease, addictive.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Well, I suppose with corrupt voting procedures, it could happen. But aha moments can be 'monkey wrench moments'. I haven't noticed Erin O'Toole doing much of anything, have you? More surprising, have you heard Maxime Bernier oppose Trudeau directly? Certainly not NDP who need their support. What would you do if he actually got in again? Would you want to live in Canada at all? I'm glad you said this. People, though are motivated by money, and increased taxes, gas will have a, I'd guess big effect. So he'd have to fix that. I actually think BC could be their own country. With how politics is, druggies are ruining everything, they've given up, hopeless. That's what they see. It's hard to find fault with that.
JANUARY—4 And David said, Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a king’s son-in-law, seeing ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 4, 2021:
I love how perfectly honest King David was! How many Psalms began in anguish? How many began in confusion about what God was doing? But David CONTINUED in prayer in these psalms. Through Prayer, meditation, King David CAME to understand. So many people in MS churches talk as if one has ARRIVED, forgetting the tremendous labor to overcome. For the Christian, it demands they CRUCIFY the carnal. Crucifying, as this picture implies HURTS, and takes ALL we have. Paul even went astray under the influence of James when returning to Jewish law was totally against the New Testament? Did Paul know it? Forget it ? Or was he intimidated? I'm grateful for this TRUTH which wasnswept to encourage those who do go wrong.
How China and Walmart Teamed Up to Crush the American Dream Senator Josh Hawley engaged in a brief ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Are most asleep? Don't THINK? Don't think they care? Refuse to see what CCP is about. If you look up the FOUNDER of Walmart, it's the same idea; he orchestrated the internment camps for the Japanese who'd done nothing wrong. Such evil. Certain heads of Walmart remain the same. The very symbol of CCP tells it all, and proud of it.
Matthew 24:31 "And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 4, 2021:
I am sola scriptura, as I see you doing somewhat. But Matt 24:31 is what it says, which are the elect from one end of heaven to the other. I see the 144,000 as quite different. God has both elect and enemies throughout the heavens, that's why it's such a big thing. This earth is a small part of that. We just can't say this equals that when there's not enough evidence for that. What I find perplexing(lots!) is Matt. 24 saying 'the great sound of a trumpets and Paul's account of 'the last trump' which seems to be the last of the trumpets, so I can't tell 'the time' but I haven't yet studied it well.
Facebook - the biggest enemy on the planet. q:8003
2FollowHim comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Years ago, I veered always away from Facebook, more a spiritual move, not knowing anything. I heard they had great posts but always got away. Then learned about the head, how he treated people in Hawaii. Then saw him and how strange he looked, acted: like a robot? In biblical terms, we say he's possessed. Not under any human control. Maybe once anything gets too big, it gets corrupt?
Just saw this: Very interesting we all need to keep passing this along.
2FollowHim comments on Jan 3, 2021:
This I found again and again. Also see Dr. Brennan on Dr. Fauci. Very revealing. It wasn't all China.
Canadian Patriots its time to ARISE! Share Rex Murphys clip far and wide []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 3, 2021:
No link.
your rules at to strict....
2FollowHim comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I totally believe in the spirit realm. As a Christian, the Psalms say to 'do good in the land. When less is possible on, I turn to prayer, the spirit realm; when I pass others who are amenable (you know this), I connect even though they have a mask. I encourage and totally believe it helps. And as another said, I also believe nothing goes as planned. Too many factors. What the takeaway from Pierre Poilievre for me was is reject negativity, those down feelings. Even though you might think justified: they don't help. I also try to uplift wherever I leave comments. No, can't help every situation, but some. VERY powerful people are running this thing
Vid says it all - all I can say is "disgusting" []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I see no difference between Canada and China, at least as bad. Canadians were so deceived. It's the worst I've known. Although some told me what P. Trudeau did was just as bad. Canada has been very corrupt. Did you read rebel news on the Alberta MLA? What Alberta did to churches? Canadians have no rights at all. I've read so many of these, forgive me ,if I don't 'toke up' on more. Australia is the same. Canada is considered atheist, and I think it's telling. Sure, lots of wrong beliefs, crazy beliefs, goes with Christianity. But US has more Christians and the situation is not so crazy...yet. Let's hope it doesn't. I actually expect worse, praying to be ready. Christians have been killed big time the world over. We were spared. A Christian doesn't want to live unto themselves. My question is: What can Canadians do? Like Stalin's time, some like to snitch, live to snith: perceived insults, jealousy, lots of reasons.
Senators to challenge election results
2FollowHim comments on Jan 2, 2021:
They're testing a hypothesis: better late than never. Is it? Always? Just in CASE, who knows, maybe that Trump fella has something: better hedge our bets. We get that Biden will take away all our easy gotten money.
Is Mike Pence preparing to resign, assume the presidency, or both? | TheHill
2FollowHim comments on Jan 2, 2021:
The most important thing eternally for Mike will be spiritual. Will he 'save his life in this world' and lose it all spiritually? Is he aware God knows, is watching? Why, even millions of people know, are watching. I have heard Mike make some strong, excellent rebuttals, was surprised, pleased. I think he'll come through. A tough thing for him being so mild mannered, not normally a fighter. But these aren't normal times. No matter what he does, he'll suffer, be condemned. For sure he'll want to just get out. I doubt he'll do that. Trump is a born fighter, thus his successes, (and failures); Mike Pence is the opposite. It will be a pinnacle moment for Mike Pence. I think he'll be bullied, threatened. Not an enviable position. “WOMEN WERE OWNED AS CHATTEL; MEN WERE OWNED AS BEASTS OF BURDEN?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 1, 2021:
You know why history repeats itself, not exactly the same but just different costumes. And not everywhere, either. But in areas. I remember when you never saw a fully covered Muslim or mosque. Then, bang, like the virus, just everywhere, mostly on the take. But maybe everyone was. Certainly the leader of Canada led in showing how to hide/ slowly...2..5..0 BILLION, and nobody said ANYTHING? We pay the opposition to oppose. I see it as a self centered society. Both are defrauding, men with money, women with...who knows? I'm learning from women taking their marriages for granted. Very stupid. Nice men, very willing. Yes, it's tough to communicate but so worth it. I can't see people feeling good about their lives as it's going. Said leader of Canada defrauded probably the largest heist, but lost his marriage. She was extremely self centered too. Just like the bible said.
Happy New Year...ummm []
2FollowHim comments on Jan 1, 2021:
All those entitled people, huh? What would anyone expect to be better?
2FollowHim comments on Jan 1, 2021:
How to get straight hate.
2021 opened with a death in the family, a 19 year old child of an in-law but fairly closely tied ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Only God's will is the righteous will. Christians seek God's will, certainly never their own carnal, selfish will. Even if it looks good, underneath it? So, I gave up 'free will' for God's will, which, btw, is challenging to attain, though I seek it, struggle for it. I understand NOTHING, thus TRUST God is working. So often, later I see it. By living this way, not questioning, not challenging the CREATOR, by trusting, I have many wonderful moments in time.
After watching this video - if you can think of a good reason to take the vaccine please let us ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 1, 2021:
As the doctor said, skipping animals was a deadly idea. Nobody knows long term effects, nor could they prove it was the vax.
After watching this video - if you can think of a good reason to take the vaccine please let us ...
2FollowHim comments on Jan 1, 2021:
President Trump HAD this attitude but the left(and his own) attacked so hard, plus Dr. Fauci(btw, see Dr. Brennan expose Dr. Fauci)...that he changed his tactic. People, scientists included can be lazy and sloppy and want to turn a quick buck. What will be the long term effects? I read they really affect children negatively.
Some people distrust loyalty of vice president Mike Pence and think he will try to flip or has ...
2FollowHim comments on Dec 31, 2020:
I think Pence is Christian, not lapsed to my knowledge. I've heard strong, excellent speeches from him. At first I thought little of him, too, but then he dealt with something diplomatically but definitively. Pence, if still Christian, and I think he is, must live with himself. Never heard him endorse open borders. Read he was very conservative, quiet. I heard his aides say if he had to welcome in Biden, then he'd leave USA the next day. Didn't sound like just a trip. I think 'doing the right thing' will be important to Pence. It's what he thinks is right. That's what I don't know.
An open letter to Vice President Pence, from Neon Revolt _____________ December 28, 2020 by Neon...
2FollowHim comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Pence is Christian, and I've seen him stand up well on occasion, but diplomatically. I've seen him hit a fine target in ways it was hard to attack him. His OWN belief in Jesus is being called to be shown. I know his aides said on the day he brought Biden in, the next he would LEAVE USA. Does he think USA has hope under Trump? He's against China, Biden, and very up on politics. He's seen the evidence, knows Trump won, but denied it. I think his prayer may be 'what happens next?' if Trump wins. Do we have a chance against this much corruption? Should I GIVE UP on America? I actually think he has something in him. Trump didn't give him enough chance to shine. He should have. Pence was a good ally, trustworthy. He might be globalist but not stupid. I think he knows, not right now.
Listen to this caller who called into the Sean Hannity's Show.Its chilling folks.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 31, 2020:
The woman worked well with him. He hurt. Bad. Many like him hurting, and some is true.
Listen to this caller who called into the Sean Hannity's Show.Its chilling folks.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 31, 2020:
She needed to ask who THEY are, and how they got ALL the machines. A lot of what he said is VERY TRUE, and what she said VERY true. It's what capitalism BECAME, not the ideology of it. Socialism is fine but not ACTUALLY followed. It's hypocrisy. But it's tighter, harder to deal with. Big changes are needed, not throwing money at the poor. Giving them a voice. Giving colored people people strong voice. Giving other groups a voice. People got too passive, then everyone gets away with everything.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Everyone needs to be strong, empowered in their own way. But SEEKING also to empower the other. Love is missing.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Do you know about little boys and girls? Little baby boys have to be COAXED to live at all, never girls. I suppose nature? Little boys run to mummy more, so not true. You're trying to compete, men with women. God intended the woman be the helpmeet to the man, and it wasn't good he was alone. Men don't usually TALK to each other, maybe too competitive? Women bond and discuss. Very different brain structure; not better, different, meant to work together. If feminists stop relating, then it doesn't work, and men must leave. Both lose, but better than ruining each other.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 31, 2020:
I saw the fraud, traced the ..many, devious routes, witnessed the strange behavior of voting polls which STOPPED before closing. Algorithms on Dominion shifted. It is known, but left don't care, bring in China. Whatever. Foolish. Such harsh, bad, BAD times ahead. Not that they'll be really good when Trump gets in. Far too much hate. Hate is so destructive. I'm so glad to follow the teachings of Jesus: not my way, His way.
What did you learn in 2020?
2FollowHim comments on Dec 30, 2020:
There's many levels: societal, political, financial, emotional, spiritual, and then, personal. I see it bad in all ways EXCEPT top 1%, elites who get the bounty for pennies on the TEN dollars. Their increase will be astronomical while middle class shrink to almost gone. This is the goal, no middle class: just the few controllers and compliant slaves. Emotional will be suppressed by drugs, spiritual will decline or just disappear. Political may actually change into more of Soros dream, and one world government. Soros is destroying along with CCP, Canadian leadership and others. But personally, it is better than ever before, getting closer to my own values, putting the Lord ever more central, inclusive, seeing prayer far more clearly, doing it, studying the word, prophecy. Social distancing from unbelievers while encouraging those I meet to consider God, what's most important. So while darkness increases, so does the brightness of light in my life: warming me, encouraging me, directing me. I've never been so much in awe of the blessings bestowed; I just tremble sometimes that I won't be worthy. Oh, yes, I know I'm not. But when you're given much, much is required, and justifiably so. For me, 2020 was a wake up call to smarten up, get far more serious(I was always fairly serious). Just as no one could direct or control 2020, and the solutions only line the financial pockets of drug companies, no one will be able to direct 2021. But I believe there will be PERSONAL, individual miracles, and that's what will be wonderful. Well, we'll see. Important question, @admin!
Two Bible Verses Every Christian Man Should Live by in 2021! Dr.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 29, 2020:
One of the smartest men there are: sometimes psychopaths are smart. I think he knows Arabic, studied to know flaws of Islam, pairs well with Apostate Prophet. Many have thanked David, become ex Muslim. I remember David musing(when he was trying to destroy his friend's faith!!!)..saying 'Maybe God is smarter than me'!!! Not too arrogant, right? I wish him ALL the best. And a good new year to you. I think it's possible.
People Are SNAPPING, Viral Videos Show People REFUSING To Comply With Lockdowns, Militia Says ENOUGH...
2FollowHim comments on Dec 29, 2020:
This pleases Gates as then the population lowers leaving compliant slaves. Strangely, I have(personally) no problem with anything bcuz I am free in Jesus Christ. We're individuals, and we were led STRONGLY by the Holy Spirit, are fine, better than before. Am I compassionate towards those suffering? Absolutely, and wish they'd PRAY. But most think that's a waste, so I can't help. I only know appealing to the Lord. Most don't believe, so there's just nothing left. The Power must be reached. Canada is unbelievably corrupt. Not sure who is worse. China is the dragon, symbol of Satan, merciless, fearsome, hurtful, cruel. Of course people have reached their limit, some time ago. Meanwhile the Canadian leaders are trying to break everyone. Thank God this isn't 'all there is'.
2FollowHim comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Absolutely. So why not? What stops him? Should they have DESTROYED evidence? And let it continue? How does anyone live then with themselves? Didn't JA help Trump, exposing Hillary? Wasn't that all swept? Why?
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