
[] Situation Report 4/25/21 The world is positioning
2FollowHim comments on Apr 26, 2021:
Nice, reasonable people are going to really get hurt. Those wheeling and dealing, willing to do anything will seem to do fine. I expect some UNEXPECTED shifts. It's topsy-turvy, rather crazy, yet it seems various alignments may be occurring. Definitely, there's huge aggression against Israel. Israel, however has always (so far) had money, smarts, superior planning. Will it be enough. China TRIED to level the economic playing field in the world but I think their woes may drown them. Several 'wild cards'. Every day or so, it SHIFTS again.
Kamala Harris blames Trump administration for border crisis []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 26, 2021:
I noticed certain people always laughing, like this one, Obama, Canadian leaders. Those doing the job aren't laughing.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Thank you. I suggested in a message he start a list of believers willing to pray daily. This is 'out of this world', not possible in this realm; VERY hard for us to access above, the evil is so...thick. But pierce it we can. If you're a non-believer, then getting messages out is great. Include Pierre Poilievre, Randy Hillier, Ezra Levant. They are warriors. We operate in different fields.
Christopher Fuqua, age 30, fatally shot in Alabama []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 24, 2021:
She tried last November, 2nd degree. He had to get out then. But it's a trap 😕, not easy to get out. Plus, it's true, if the man invested, married her, it's a big failure admission. Again, hard to do. Visually, she looks like the aggressor, he not so. At least there, in that picture. I don't like agreeing with MGOW (?) who advises men not to marry, but accounts like these make that seem wise.
One of my recent Vids. I promise to catch up and add more content. []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 24, 2021:
He's described perfectly by Jesus in the parable of the wicked steward. Buying support with our money.
Police Convert Antifa Into Productive Members Of Society By Playing Jordan Peterson Clips On Giant ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Jordan is personal, a kind of good in your face, confronting. He's helped many. Not my style. I don't agree. But where he helps others, it's great, if it lasts!
Brett Kavanaugh Rules Children Deserve Life in Prison With No Chance of Parole
2FollowHim comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Top general. I taught 12 year old stone cold killers with no remorse. I saw that 7 year old's took a gun, shot their father who had said they ...whatever(a minor punishment like no TV). Evil knows no age limit and usually is inherent. I'm in favor of 'do the crime, do the times. Looks like Brett may have scammed the system. Where is Amy Barrett? Doesn't she do anything?
You can tell about the Woke Royalty how they subconsciously think they are chosen from God, as ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 23, 2021:
A few years ago, during about a 6-8 month time period, some 68 naturopathy or holistic doctors ALL committed suicide over the US. None of their deaths were declared suspicious. ALL 68 doctors had found various unique ways of curing cancer. There are many accounts, in the US, and other places of what happened to whistle-blower. Many groups imagine themselves better than other groups. Considering what a beautiful place Mexico is, the country did not do well. I'm speaking of it's beauty, climate, ocean. Then again, Panama without the canal, also made nothing with what they had. I saw that the people did not care.
Perth and Peel lockdown at midnight for 3 days Masks mandatory Anzac Day cancelled Only 4 reasons...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 23, 2021:
What that does is prevent herd immunity and dr8ve the virus to mutate and this usually has about survival of the virus. A sense? So, maybe it's not quite as inert as we thought!
There are no conspiracies, by G. William Domhoff []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Disagree. No, not unified but still grandiose drives. These let them come together like that meeting in Davos(sp?). The almost worship of certain extremely wealthy puts others subservient, wanting to please. Call it deceit, subterfuge, secret society groups have been the 'in thing maybe always. Secrets have drawn those wanting to 'get away with criminal acts'. I certainly believe there are conspiracies. Good points but omitting that wanting more, that boredom of those on the dark side.
White cop shoots black girl, to save the life of a black girl!!! White cop is a RACIST!!!!! ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Proving they are stupid, unable to think or reason and they prove why 'whites' did better, dominated. Those 'blacks', or dark skinned who know better need to SAY something. Say it TOGETHER in a group. Only they can bring their own into line.
Finding "dirt" on dissenting experts - The Covid Narrative - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Just the FACTS, Ma'am. Was that Dan Aykroyd? Otherwise, it's a cover-up. Which is it?
Looks to good to be true
2FollowHim comments on Apr 22, 2021:
Jesus ( to my way of thinking) made my kind of life-style statement: He said 'in it, but not of it'. It's how we live, smack dab in a busy suburb of a major city in Canada. Yet, the way we were led in our life, we're on this small ponderosa with this big, old house: fabulously built, but is about 80+ years. Are you sensitive to floor and walls? I am. It's about 90%, a few minor areas. We cut the gas out years ago so no hot water, no central heat. We work around it. Not absolutely convenient, no. But the freedom is there. We sit near our herb garden often, or sip coffee near the front steps. We like many of our neighbors, glad to help, and they return it! But that's an amazing picture! Thanks.
MEDIA NEUTRALITY? The Case Against Corona Panic - []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 21, 2021:
News says things, don't back it up. A place for skepticism.
While the world is trying to clean up the Chinese CCP virus, the commies take advantage of the ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 21, 2021:
I saw it, see if it's still up on YouTube.
While the world is trying to clean up the Chinese CCP virus, the commies take advantage of the ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Very devious, even deceitful. Did you see the very well demonstrated video showing the blue masks are made of plastic, not cloth? Guess where they came from? I doubt breathing plastic is good.
MEDIA NEUTRALITY? The Case Against Corona Panic - []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 21, 2021:
TALK in first must have statistics.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 21, 2021:
I think Margaret Trudeau was put in there, 'reprogrammed', and who knows WHAT programming went into Justin. I dug deep into whatever conspiracies I found. Found them true ; MSM, the party line was false, but most bought. If you spoke otherwise, trouble. As one person, I learned them, left it at that. All those scientists founding NASA? Were plucked from Nuremberg trials, brought to USA. They all had serious crimes against humanity. Look at the mess in US today. It all connects.
What the hey?
2FollowHim comments on Apr 20, 2021:
I see black supremacy at play, inherent. Entitlement.
Cats Cats go on laps.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Also mysterious, what do they see, notice? Their stillness I can enter sometimes. They can enhance purpose, definitely 'get under our skin'(in a good way). Each with their personality. I appreciate cats from a distance due to allergies. I often watch kittens on YouTube. All ages are interesting.
CAN PAIN KILL YOU The teen last google search.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Personally, I'd have to back way up to when it began. Often sports injuries, kicking the soccer ball, for example. IF(big if), he had a good family doctor, it's examined, monitored. Almost all problems have occurred before to others and the HOME TREATMENT is given on Google search or other search. This is tragic for the boy and his grieving family. The takeaway is never dismiss, take things lightly. Don't panic, but find answers. And the boy would have to understand his life CHANGED at least for a while, get off his feet, elevate, do treatments. Septicaemia usually takes time. IF NOT, THEN a doctor who would by pass hospital delays. And, I believe there's a time to die. For your auntie, 8f it WAS my time, I'd far rather be at home. I remember when electrical cut out in a major city in Canada: patients were sent home: they got better.
911 did you know?
2FollowHim comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Was the other half Chinese? I read several groups sold out a few weeks before; seems many knew. A st8ng operation of great magnitude. But I remember this one man fretting that he was LATE for work! He was never late! THEN, further ruining things, he got caught in a real traffic snarl! He missed the explosion. I'm glad I believe in God, that there is a judgment. To think it was 'survival of the wickedest' wouldn't make living fair enough for me.
Communism is global.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 18, 2021:
E-ducation is a lie since this root word means to lead out of, presumably to a better place. It's INDUCATION, brainwashing. We can find evidence of it in how 'scholars' translated the Bible into English. Why do we 'educate' children anyway? If they are helping their family(are they?) then they must learn many things, measuring (science), instructions (reading), cost (math). And they used to do just this in Turkey(I think) where the offspring all helped. Looked to me the children were contented, felt important. School separates them from their families, helping. They learned then the family business.
Riot declared in Portland; vandals smash windows, burglarize So it's no longer a "mostly ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 17, 2021:
In ways, isn't the phrase 'peaceful protest' an oxymoron? Maybe not at first, but isn't it fueled by discontent? It doesn't take much to push that border. As much as I am against ruining people's livelihoods, their purpose for living, I believe in the long, slow, persistent path of writing, reasoning.
BRMinistries: Testimony - "Jesus is Enough" - Cynthia Huber Cynthia shares her story of the abuse ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 16, 2021:
That told us FAITH and how walking by faith WORKS. Especially important as we hear about Canada voted #1 country in the WORLD and JT going to use more money, a lot more so he gets his majority this time. It's a choice? Do I go by sight? (Horrible) or Faith in Jesus? And I find it's a daily decision, to WALK in the light. How can Our faith, our light shine in this kind of world? I know a lot has to do with patience. What do you think?
In response to the death of a 48 year lady following vaccination.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Then there's 'down the road', what happens. These were instant. I'm curious about longer term. You? I don't know if it will be a ill Gates extinction or not. Not sure how he really is, what he's up to. You?
If it bleeds, it leads, even if they have to stick the knife in themselves.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Something is, I believe for the first time?, causing the ice to melt at the poles. Pictures I saw were sad as polar bears were stranded. SOMETHING must cause this. When large icebergs break off, a lot of cold is released: like leaving ice cubes out. Something is going on, going wrong. These may be toxic waste changing the pH of the ocean. I saw a video. Very sad.
25 Chinese warplanes enter Taiwan defence zone | Taiwan airspace [youtu.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 14, 2021:
These aren't (usually) times when the good side wins. She did such a great job. Did anyone care? She was punished. The god of this world determines things and it's bad. And it's both physical AND spiritual. Wonderful leader.
I Got Attacked by a Very Cute Beagle Puppy! []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 14, 2021:
They are very smart dogs; had one. We need fun things in life.
Prepping - Eastern Europe Just went HOT! [youtu.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Balanced, insightful report. Wars ARE planned when you're doing something else, or your religious day. Catch us NOT prepared. What is your view on prepping?
Those who feel climate anxiety are overwhelmingly white (.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 9, 2021:
So few FACTS, just a hodgepodge. Who could ever have an intelligent conversation on any of that. Might as well just dwindle down to IS NOT!! IS SO!! I see no difference. Wastes time. I saw icebergs cracking up, melting, sounds like change to me. Governments have mandated masks, so outlaw single passenger gas cars for 6 months, see what happens. They're so tough, cut emissions, test it.
Chinese embassy release propaganda film riddled with misinformation on Uyghur genocide ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 7, 2021:
These must be hammered. Severe criticism for mistruths. Sent to other countries. Sent to MUSLIM countries. China is responsive to this. It must be emphasized. Anything they SAY must be put on hold until proof, verified by independent sources is found. Their long history of getting mixed up must be addressed. We'll assume they were confused.
Pastor who stood up to police in viral video speaks out []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 7, 2021:
it's not a physical battle. It's spiritual as the apostle Paul said. This pastor understands that he is the pastor of the flock. I'm not sure Canadians could do what Polish people did. Which, you know what that means. I actually believe like minded pastors should bond.
Masks do more harm than good []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Let's try to put aside BELIEF, it's not church. Let's compile facts, evidence, set up experiments, FIND OUT!!
Masks do more harm than good []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Is anyone reporting on the HARM they do? They WILL LOWER flow of oxygen intake making breathing harder, more taxing on the pulmonary system. Does that mean no one ever should wear a mask? No. There are situations where it's probably better. Likely for short periods of say 45 minutes followed by 'fresh air breathing'. Little kids and those with compromised immune systems must avoid masks mostly.
Masks do more harm than good []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 5, 2021:
I call them 'face diapers'. When we eliminate, do we recycle it? Pretty weird, harmful. Anything that you EXPEL is USED. The best was taken, you eliminate the rest. The AIR burns it up, remixes it. Why are we told to OPEN our windows? They SAY..for FRESH air. What's UNFRESH about the room we're in? Just the air, but OURS is pristine? Can't you SMELL fresh air? When you go outside? Breathing will be seen to be a major elimination ability. Have you ever gone to a nice place in the woods? Ah, then sadly return to your hazy, polluted city? This is another big pharmacy bid for more sick people down the road. I'm glad you started this site. More studies are needed on exhaled breath. Imagine people with 'bad breath'!! Maybe, skip that.
I watched this 5 part video series, in a which a woman who is supposedly a psychopath talks about ...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Of the 5, which told you the most? A most coherent and well delineated article you've written, in my view. Having a condition of low energy, your selecting ONE video, reposting, I'd appreciate. Am I right that she doesn't connect to others other than reacting?
New, Unheard-of Variants Coming Out! No, not Cov19, but Eschatological scenarios.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 5, 2021:
What do you think of Israel being the strictest, most forceful country in the world regarding vaccine administering? There's an election, I'm told, March 23. It's all heating up fast. You saw how China and Iran came together? I don't see it going well for Israel, do you? The leader and Pfizer have some mandate. It's on YouTube about Israel. Also, the problems with the vax are suppressed, hidden.
Zombie Apocalypse (The Covid Fraud Summarised in under 17 Minutes) Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc...
2FollowHim comments on Apr 4, 2021:
The Bible predicts this. But it still came as a surprise and shock so fast, one year. Everything changed. Fear and guardedness went up. Yes people, who have no clue of science and don't care reiterate the mantras dictated: much free help to despots. And great danger to thinkers. This went on, didn't it, in communist Russia when thinkers were removed. These groups laugh at FACTS. They don't want thinkers, they just want unthinking slaves. And also the population is lowered, of these 'types'. Jesus didn't mince words: Christians must not put values here.
Merrill Rabus, age 54, dies after being run over and shot in Kansas []
2FollowHim comments on Apr 2, 2021:
It doesn't sound safe to try to live a healthy life. If he'd been in a car, no problem. Enjoyable things, healthy things aren't a good idea now. It's risky.
2FollowHim comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Wow! Is THAT ever opposite to what Tam, Henry, supported by JT are saying. What are they REALLY doing? Disempowering? Making more unquestioning their 'directives' EVEN when those DESTROY their lives? Is this a monstrous experiment to cause Canadian citizens to DESTROY THEMSELVES? It seems to look like it. Such sauve liars. 2 minutes, then GONE, the excellent video.
Marjorie Taylor Greene rips White House support for vaccine 'passport': 'Biden's Mark of the Beast' ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 30, 2021:
So glad someone's speaking up! I pray for her protection. I think we're seeing non human beasts. Underneath the skin.
Trudeau dog and China dog sniffing each others arses. []
2FollowHim comments on Mar 30, 2021:
One of the few things Canada did right. Canada wants, needs human rights for all groups. China's actions are inhumane. Why is it wrong to speak this? Why are relations damaged for asking China to stop bad behavior? Why aren't more standing up? Why only JT?
Chinese and Iran Sign $400 Billion Economic-Military Pact In the aftermath of a dismal ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 30, 2021:
In the Bible, the OT, some will know how nations rose against Israel, then. Sometimes Israel was following what God said, and the other nations had been corrupted and hostile for a long time. The Bible said 'their cup of INIQUITY' was full. That was before Jesus came. But I think still when a country professes Jesus, indicate they're Christian and then are passive about very wrong things, then there's trouble. Jesus said 'I would thou wert hot...or COLD'. One or the other, not both. China is 🥶 COLD. Overall. Christians must be underground or killed. It's my opinion(only) that US is reaching that point where professing to be Christian, they were part of fraud znd deception and nobody said anything. Anyone who did was vilified. I don't mean people should tell powers off, be incarcerated. No. But writing, joining to point things out, for years. Better outcomes would have occurred. Many here on idw, myself included, don't see a good outcome for US. At risk of bringing bad vibes to myself, I feel it right to point out that Trump was closely connected to Epstein for 17 years up to 2004 when Trump caused a rift. Trump is complicit, and it was underage girls. Thus, how much better than Biden? I'd say better, but not good.
It was not until the Holy Spirit filled the disciples that they were able to live just like Jesus.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 30, 2021:
My fervent spouse said 'we are FOOLS for Christ'.
NYPost: VP Kamala Harris has had no meetings about the border crisis, even though she's in charge of...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Transparency? Missing?
‘Show Us Your Papers’: New York Rolls Vaccine Passport The State of New York under Governor ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Someone tell me why WE aren't responsible for our own lives? IF Someone gets symptoms (just how many per 1000 get that? Some FACTS?)... then I think TREATMENT should be done freely, info made clear. We need to point out power grabs, suggest THOSE reasons. We need SPEAKERS to tell people.
Nearly One Month After Texas Lifted Mask Mandate, the Results of This 'Neanderthal Thinking' Are ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Do NOT tell Canada! There will be SNARLING znd GROSLING since they are INCREASING RESTRICTIONS due to variants. All to care for Canadiznx, when there's a 99% rate of not getting it. Ah, that 1%!!
HotAir: Scientists wonder why Texas COVID cases are going down, two weeks after ending the mask ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Meanwhile, Canada calls for T8GHTER restrictions due to variants that could go right over the top! Canadians may die from depression, drug ODs, not getting hospital treatments, their jobs ended. This does not count at all. Canadians only need to not get this seeming virus. After all, they must get that special cocktail into Canadians! Maybe then it won't matter? Is Canada a death row country?
Foreign-Born Americans vote overwhelmingly Democrat - so what?
2FollowHim comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Where is my (and my 6 kid's) free lunch? Better housing! What are those white supremacists doing i the house I want, my kids need? Of COURSE we're not working! We're in America! I actually saw a group in Canada get away with much of that!
Art on a budget.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 28, 2021:
Sure a targeted idea.
HotAir: Scientists wonder why Texas COVID cases are going down, two weeks after ending the mask ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 27, 2021:
BRAVO!! TEXAS!! Let LIVE their lives, GO to WORK, school! Keep their LIFE. Why don't they get CURES ??! It's a disease! Get relief! Kill the bug. By all means, STAY out of public if sick! Phone z doctor, GET WELL soon, back into life. Nothing is as deadly boring as what they're doing. It's anti-social which is deadly. We didn't KNOW folks at the restaurants but we smiled, nodded before. This is inhumane, not good enough for lab rats.
Satanism Is The Future Under the New World Order []
2FollowHim comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Very much being pushed. People themselves, no matter how influential, wealthy don't have that power. I always, or nearly, found Alex on in his views.
Since well before Nov election day I've been telling people Biden suffers with Alzheimers Disease.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I think US, and not just US is in crisis. I think friendly groups must form to deliver messages together, not alone, not unprotected. Why should just be BLM or woke, or whoever? And this would double as social. Keep groups to 10 or fewer. Same, similar ideologies. To me, it's groups,maybe even 2. Say they ask people if they're concerned, interested to be part of a friendly group meeting once or maybe twice a month, say while walking together. So, it's a walking group but more. Have to keep adding because people do drop out. Some would find it useful. Some would deteriorate to chat. I think we're not concerned enough, and others bank on that. Evil and hate have more energy.
Before November 2020 the question below seemed laughable: As each day passes since the coup ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I had no idea: was it just all a play? How the military supported Trump that executive order that Flynn said wasn't true? I feel...played, and don't want to consider anything anymore. Seems EVERYTHING is something else, doesn't it? Except for scams, fraud: those are real, the rest make believe. Sorry if I sound..negative, but do tell me the positive?
One GREAT song - loved it first time I heard it - but that was so long ago I can't remember when ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Yeah, great song, tough message. Remember that song, 'When a man loves a woman's? Big responsibility for a woman when her man LOVES her, no more games, pretense. It's like you have this great eagle that became a baby bird, just for you, laid bare their flaws. It's the greatest privilege I know, worth all the suffering. Thanks.
The top dish for 2021!
2FollowHim comments on Mar 25, 2021:
I've made that before.
World Renowned Scientist Murdered in 2016 After Discovering Vote Manipulation Capability Using ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 24, 2021:
This shows the FIX was in. I read it was an Italian who designed the satellite program for 1 BILLION US. However, Rome/and Vatican were part of it, squelched it. Long range for sure. Quite beyond ordinary people. No power at all is how I see it, you?
Another Left-Wing media org is bought off with Canadian tax-payers money by Trudeau, the criminal ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 24, 2021:
He's buying his way, only knows how to defraud. Funny how so many Canadians don't know?, don't care?, and may vote him in. Because of how O'Toole is, makes a bad choice. BTW? This is OFTEN the case, no choice. They're talking about bringing back Harper.
I am the benign psychopath who is going to save the world.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 24, 2021:
You delight in your differences. I can enjoy your enjoyment. So many have no view at all, just seem to plod on. More 8s possible, don't you think?
World Renowned Scientist Murdered in 2016 After Discovering Vote Manipulation Capability Using ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 24, 2021:
I know I heard yet ANOTHER expert who said similar kinds of things. It was long, scientific, involved so I skimmed it: Dominion could very shown to have malfunctioned, or something. Anything against power groups is dealt with severely. Thus it's not just physical, factual or rational. It is driven by long term extreme money goals, power grabs.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 24, 2021:
You're right, it's all twisted, USED to accomplish their own agenda. ONE person sets a precedent? One obviously deranged? When NOBODY else is like that? I see it no different, or, at least, LITTLE different from their Covid-19. It's obviously a scam. So much better ways COULD be used. I guess it's how a deranged person got a weapon? I'm not up on crime, so much, everywhere.
Sidney Powell Argues in New Court Filing That No Reasonable People Would Believe Her Election Fraud ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Dominion headquarters, or one branch was found in downtown Toronto, right next door to G. SOROS company, RIGHT adjacent, and the entire building was rented out to other far left power groups. Corrupt as they come. Sidney is as honest as the day is long in summer. But not only would nobody believe her, Trump did not support her. I'm quite sure Trump was TOLD what to do, and I also know how they did it. Trump has a do far, somewhat hidden, sleazy past. If Americans knew, he'd be finished even though he may have done some good things. Sidney was stone walled.
Doctors drugs kill more than they save
2FollowHim comments on Mar 23, 2021:
And they know nothing about any of those things.
oh ho..... the legacy he's leaving for history
2FollowHim comments on Mar 22, 2021:
You've heard the saying, 'He'll go down in' but with this "He'll go DOWN in history..' Jesus gives an interesting parable about the wicked steward. Jesus explains that one steals from everyone else to buy friends for when he goes to hell. I don't think many world leaders like him, do you?
Western lockdown trigger-happy politicians could learn a thing or two from what we're doing over ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 22, 2021:
excellent, sane, and I'd say we get CURES, not prevention.
Florida Principal Busted for Hacking Homecoming Vote to Favor Daughter
2FollowHim comments on Mar 21, 2021:
If the top government could hack, why not her? Good they caught this.
Why do Blacks have a much higher risk of being murdered by other Blacks than they do from Whites?
2FollowHim comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Sensational? Ordering more so provoking more?
I'd just like to remind everyone that ItsOkayToBeWhite 👌
2FollowHim comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Caucasians. Nobody is literally white, or black. I think Caucasians managed better, whether lawfully, or fraud, I don't know. Other groups did very little generally to advance. Whether this was not their fault, again, don't know. I know Mexico and Mexican upper classes don't let lower strata ever do well.
Pay attention Canada! Biden is considering literally flying migrants from the Mexican border to ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Way over 30 YEARS AGO now, we went to hear a renowned professor from Harvard speak at UBC, a university in Vancouver. Way back then he warned this very thing, if North America wasn't more helpful to those countries, more fair. He cited many examples of how they were exploited. He warned that there would come a time when many people, families would have nothing to lose and just pour into US znd Canada. It's here.
I see all these people who for the last year advocated for lockdowns because we have to save lives ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 20, 2021:
If people were dying in the streets, and if transmission rates were 60%, and death was 30%, THAT to me would be a severe emergency requiring strict measures. Still, not lockdowns, unless warranted. I'd focus funds on CURES. They could do it but few would need it. So, this is a money hoax that destroys livelihoods.
China loving Trudope (Trudeau) is complaining about the lack of transparency in the trial of two ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 20, 2021:
I'd give him some points there. Not easy for yesman JT to the vast military regime of China whom he openly idolized to criticize. I don't know if he's brave or stupid at this point. I hope brave. Maybe he'll surprise us, and himself?
When Patriots decide to do patriot shit, and take their country back
2FollowHim comments on Mar 20, 2021:
We're victims. Untrained, unskilled, vulnerable. And we just get more vulnerable all the time.
Self-centered ME ME ME ME ME SCREW YOU wench letting all the males know how unwanted they are and ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 19, 2021:
What a sad, SELF centered world, devoid of anything good is portrayed here. Narcissism on BOTH sides. We were both lost and in finding each other, found our way. Very tough, yes. We each have backgrounds and those produced problems. We are improving that. I sure wouldn't want to be alone today!
The existence of a traditional god is impossible - a god having the traditional traits described in ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 19, 2021:
if you could present this in 5 to 10 sections? The sheer volume is quite impossible to do a proper discussion. Briefly Theos or God is expanding. Some will be part of this. Everyone gets this one life: Theo has the rest. Many things made the Bible clear and true for me. As I went along, more things were evident. To someone, like yours who does not believe, is seeking to refute it, detail invites argument. Not an open argument for we both 'have arrived' at different places. If not for the Lord's benevolent, miraculous interventions for me, not only would I not be here, but my demise would have been terrible. Again znd again. Only when one comes into spiritual light does that one get to see darkness, the spiritual aspects. The very wealthiest, top people are very aware of the occult. The signs znd symbols are to be seen. I think when you're not called, it's better not to know.
Why is autism on the rise?
2FollowHim comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Studies showed vaccines did it. Everything is so hard to prove, easy to argue.
[] Father of trans child JAILED for speaking out against gender transition
2FollowHim comments on Mar 19, 2021:
This is tragic, will ruin both lives. That said, I feel it unwise to have family today. For that man, too late. Nut back up 8 years, DON'T have family, better. Nobody today NEEDS family. I am not against kids, who can't help how it is now. But you have issues in schools, entitlement where nothing is good enough, a malaise and increased early sex, watching of porn. When small, there's the chance of abduction for child trafficking, sex abuse, homosexuality come on to young boys, broken families. If a couple think they want family, they could faster kids, see how it is. The government can take your kids, use them sexually; it's been done before. If Christian, you can help others. I believe the time of healthy family has been gone for years. There are exceptions; but this is general.
SIN FULL I am fall of sin It is bubbling out from within When I entertain it Nothing can ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Yeah, you got a point there. Knew not to traverse that path on a dare Found Who could my sins to take Would take me on, my life remake. Thanks for insightful poem.
Everybody has something worth hearing
2FollowHim comments on Mar 18, 2021:
That's what's really GREAT about Jesus, Christianity. The legal system never forgets, although they do it far more. You're labeled, and most buy the label. SOME have something worth hearing; SOME you'll want to UNHEAR it.
I'm going to start calling myself an SJW now.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 18, 2021:
We must do and be what rings right. I'm FE and that sure qualifies. But I've studied, am happy with results. Hope you are too.
What can death do to you that life has not already done? Robert Roe
2FollowHim comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Take your breath away. Not long.
Black Teens Burn Disabled White Man to DEATH | Woke Media Silent []
2FollowHim comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Anyone notice they're cowards? 2 young against an older? Then, disabled? Does it MATTER what race they are? Is it ok if they're 'black cowards'? Shouldn't this be cited as standard then in the law? So when 'whites' do likewise, this must be upheld?
2FollowHim comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Hitler's biological father was a high up Jew. A very sad story for the mother who had health issues and tried to get an abortion. The most patently evil combinations are Jew/German(Nazi leaning). When people 'serve' great wealth, power, then they hate God, znd those who follow God. We see then the Germany/England connection, like a kind of repeat. So much information there, just layer after layer.
State v. God: A Deeper Look Into The Intensifying Religious War
2FollowHim comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Very true. Sure headed towards an opposing view, and since no opposing views are tolerated? I still have to wonder about Islam since their belief is AFTER also. But Islam is to establish world domination first, so maybe they fit. I know Christianity is the truth BY these attacks. MISANDRY & WHAT PRECISELY IS UNPAID DOMESTIC LABOR?
2FollowHim comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Men should get married for so many 'reasons'. The woman is called the help meet. Further, she can protect him from bad paths with bad endings, like drugs, violence, getting fixated on 'one upMANship' which is rarely found in women. The couple both need TIME, and they must THINK AHEAD to family. Family takes an enormous amount of time AND energy. If there's NO FAMILY, it's much easier. Both must understand they likely need outside help for those DAILY chores. All too often, the woman can be abused, and then it IS BETTER for both not to do this. Most places today do not have LAWNS to mow. And I have seen women do those also. The idea is communication, companionship, LOVE which means wanting the best for EACH OTHER. Otherwise, there's just left narcissism, total me centered men (and women who will become feminist). This destroys society. In the example, the man's lawyer must show what the man did, COMPARED to the woman. Everyone's work SHOULD be DONE to let both recuperate.
one of the funniest commedians EVER - Bob Newhart.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Agreed. Funny! How LESS is MORE. When people THINK it SHOULD be funny, they're READY to laugh. If you or I do this in a group? Ah, so different.
Another huge snowstorm in America. Must be global freezing.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Actually, as I understand it, I do think those 8cebergs melting, breaking up release a lot of cold into the environment. I think when that subsides, we could have heat waves, very dangerous. I'm hoping this isn't true.
Living Truth Daily Devotion ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 16, 2021:
If we are all by ourselves, are we still seeking righteousness? I would never slander or slur the Lord this way, hopefully in No way, but another time for that. Do you know of ANYTHING more delightful than learning to do righteousness? And having the King of Kings as your Teacher? Everything down here, including myself is tainted, more or less by darkness. What a privilege to leave it behind sometimes. True, I can get 'caught up, tricked, and I hope to steer clear of that as much as possible. Wishing you well. A side note. BTW? Did you notice all the ads featuring colored people? In a Caucasian country? Like going to Nigeria and having 'white people ' on THEIR income tax forms, and other things. I think the Asian population exceeds the colored people in this country. There's a slant on this. Not to be confused with feelings because everyone's welcome in Canada, but more representation for majority people.
Pastor Teaches Jesus was a Racist! "He's a gay man who hates Christianity.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 16, 2021:
What truly amazed me about Jesus was His heretofore unheard of treatment of women. When the treatment of women, NOT ONLY in THOSE times, not only historically, but in some cultures TODAY! is compared to how Jesus treated women, it was never seen, not then, and I haven't seen it now. Jesus HEALED the EFFEMINATE, or ' gay' or anal males. Jesus was creator, and that creation was against homosexuality, considered abnormal in not bonding with the female. Nothing much is bonding today. The abuse just keeps coming. Jesus gave the prevailing view in some cases, no different than other Jews.
[] Bill Gates Exposed!
2FollowHim comments on Mar 15, 2021:
I think of Hillary, then Dr. Fauci. Dr. Brennan exposed Dr. Fauci. Not enough care, OR, they actually support them. Most outright lie, should be called on it, but aren't.
Over the years I have been attacked, there is no better way to describe it, by European and ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 13, 2021:
To me, there's a certain reality that 8s wisely faced right up front. There are killers, thieves, militia types that have often very up to date weapons. These are facts. If you live where this almost never happens (hmm, like the virus?), then you can afford to be quest or appalled by guns. You're privileged. But if you live where (usually) men might try to attack or steal your property, then 'rolling over dead might just become your reality. If you live on a farm where coyotes, wolves prey on your animals, then you either quit, go work at McDonald's or you bring an end to it, znd take care of what's your's.
yea who's the puppet
2FollowHim comments on Mar 12, 2021:
The Bible in revelation is clear about the interconnections between the groups, how this is part of the wrath of God. I knew someone, (I thought) for years; didn't know them at all. Yet, in retrospect, again, hidden in plain sight. Quite painful when you see how you were used. It simply takes us a very long time to see, 'get it'. Some of those men will be involved with Christians who likely think highly of them. I was always careful, but I got tricked. But you're right, no one needed to bother voting. I never did. Useless. Nor do marches work. They laugh. Sent cruel police with no credentials except violence. What you're doing holds more value. The Bible calls it leaven, hidden in the meal. There's good and bad leaven. Know you're doing a good work, helpful. Justin Trudeau's father, Pierre was part of the club of Rome. Justin needs know nothing about politics. It's his genetic connections. Jesus never lied; told the followers what was ahead. We've been seeing it. Christianity isn't for everyone, I'm just putting forth how it laws things out.
Rebel News: Ezra Levant: I can’t help but notice that across Canada, lockdown police are ...
2FollowHim comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Do you remember Justin saying something like, Christianity was the worst thing to happen in Canada? I don't remember any hue and outcry from religious groups. I wonder how mosques are faring? Are they locked down?
Not sure what to say
2FollowHim comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Better still, WAIT, don't promise. For her part, same thing. Stay TOO BUSY, no long calls, busy. We see better with distance. If the woman wants honesty, don't dress provocatively. Wrong message, won't last.
Trump asks you to remember him - twice. You'll never forget him will you guys?
2FollowHim comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Flynn said Trump never signed an executive order in 2018, and no military were helping. I saw Trump holding that order, I THOUGHT. Many patriots believed that. That's subversive. All that time thinking he would turn the vote, nada. I think the wonderful, hardworking patriots were cheated. They deserved better.
Another Myanmar party official dies in custody []
2FollowHim comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Looks like a fine man. I hope this cruelty is widely reported.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Dolly Parton, move over! What would happen, do you think, no mask? Cuts down on costs, those. No pillows needed.
Guy Throws Closed Umbrella in Air and Catches it Back After it Opens Itself []
2FollowHim comments on Mar 10, 2021:
How much you want to believe he PRACTICES that? Wind has to be just right. Neat, though.
Look after your politics-free zone.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 10, 2021:
I love TRUTH. Truth is, it's just far too complicated. Like @jaymaron says, I also used to believe politicians would take care of things and I'd then live my life. I lived like that until 2016 in Canada, woke up, did not smell roses. I'm moving away again now, again will live my life. I suggest we all have enough to do. To me, it's out of control. I try to write various about things. Rarely hear back, they'd be inundated. I pretty much know how to handle those conversations. And we can't have vehement, negative people around: they'll pollute and destroy. Snip, snip, snip those THORNS out. I'm sure there's other sides, exceptions, and generally disagreement prevails. I don't feel negative about that, BTW. Why be negative? Enjoy your dog, cuppa, get your stuff done, take proper care of yourself. We matter.
2FollowHim comments on Mar 10, 2021:
In history, the worst atrocities are carried out by men. Might be better if THEY did...GTOW. You likely saw the Godfather. If memory serves, he has a fabulous estate with this woman all in black (his wife) praying all the time for their 'immortal soul', a Catholic contrivance. Only 'decent' women might keep the men honest. Men are in the pubs, the jails, running drugs; women are busy at home.
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