
What's your view on Biden after his claim about Barrett nomination is constitutional?
2FollowHim comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Sorry, UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Missed that.
And the beat goes on...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 13, 2020:
The left should know!
Gotta ❤️ South Park.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Worst thing is, is there's truth in it. Hard to laugh when UK an Australia are doing it. They've passed insanity around for collection.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Genius absolutely. Add to this, part of my memory lane, a different time. Made sense. Miss the time when things made sense. Miss Steve McQueen. Somehow it lost beauty along the way. Lot to ponder as you said and so accurate. Thank you.
If Trump made healthcare more affordable, I would vote for him! You got it right here in print.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Please write to it SENATOR? After Pres. Trump's encounter with presumed Covid-19, he's way more concerned. Joe is talk, not tested. Check out his track record. I think you can find things. Why TWO main people, why no good third?
Ooooppppssss!!! The Left Is Sent Into A Panic After This Announcement From The World Health ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Where is the head of WHO? Awfully QUIET? What's up there? Sounds very rational. Delighted.
Is Canada Compromised for SHTF? []
2FollowHim comments on Oct 11, 2020:
This makes me remember Richard Wurmbrand, 'Tortured for his faith' and how the GUARD became Christian. Richard was released. It certainly looks BAD, but God hasn't been factored in yet. Most don't believe in Canada but what? I pray ALL to the glory of God, and keep watching. Those Chinese people have no choice. Once we get to where it's certain death anyway, a freedom comes over us and the Holy Spirit helps us. I think there's a lot of surprises for Justin; Sophie being one of a long line. I actually think he's a poor soul, can't destroy fast enough. I don't think many like him.
Rocco Galati: Your Rights to Decline Mandatory Covid Measures.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 11, 2020:
This government is like trying to hold an eel, and it seems it's set up. Is it ALL bought off, intimidated? Rocco HAS had much success. This is a worse level, though. They don't deal in facts at all, just ad hominem attacks. You remember Norman Traversy? I wonder how he is. He was very badly dealt with.
Christians, theists in USA, to what degree do you think prayer SHOULD be made, IS FEING made re the...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Meant is BEING MADE, sorry.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 11, 2020:
I wrote to the person in the article. Dr. Andrew Kaufman DID excellent research, showed no virus, EVER. Can't catch. I know, sounds nuts but this is fraudulent. Something ELSE is causing it and those Conglomerates poisoning us get away with it. Look up Rudolf Steiner who explains humans SEE about 4% of the spectrum. Lots exist we DON'T see.
Philippians 4:5-7 "Let your moderation be known unto all men.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Doing the Greek word study on 'moderation', we get 1933 epieikḗs(an adjective, derived from 1909 /epí, "on, fitting" and eikos, "equitable, fair"; also see the noun-form, 1932 /epieíkeia, "equity-justice") – properly, equitable; "gentle" in the sense of truly fair by relaxing overly strict standards in order to keep the "spirit of the law." 1933 /epieikḗs ("justice beyond ordinary justice") builds on the real intent (purpose) of what is really at stake (note the epi, "upon") – and hence, is true equity that appropriately fulfills the spirit (not just the letter) of the law So we're to be seen as 'reasonable, willing to hear out the other. In these tense times, we are not to allow ourselves to be overset. Rather we put these into words to the Lord. It's amazing what sorting my concerns out does. I just see it differently. Thank you.
Civil war talk []
2FollowHim comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Problem is, he will gain momentum with other ones in the left. Left behind.
Civil war talk []
2FollowHim comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Too bad they can't prosecute for this drivel. Very unbalanced person. Sort of wonder if they deserve 'person' status?
The Glazov Gang: Threats to America from the Northern Border.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Justin doesn't care, won't hear, facts don't matter as long as it's not Christian in any way. Then the tables tilt the other way. Writers do need to point out some of these discrepancies and ask whether it's just that l8ve-hate relationship with no basis in fact. We notice the more something is fake, the more you get serious consequences for bringing it up. If you're working there, best to get the tone first, then use language that's harder to condemn, and work in groups. The Line Ranger today is easily nipped off. And, I have to also take my own advice. Things might not be worth that much. If others won't join in.
Ima Stoner: Pierre Poilievre Questions the Speaker of the House during Question Period The Speaker...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 10, 2020:
And the moderator illegally cuts him off, and then sound is cut.
Critical race theory continuing to be taught despite Trump ban.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Homeschooling never looked so good, but not sure how they'd do it. I think like minded families must work together, won't ever be perfect, might not last, but keep at it. And your children would have trouble if they MIS commented.
California is a model for how you turn the United States into Venezuela....
2FollowHim comments on Oct 8, 2020:
How did those lovers EVER get voted IN? Lying, trickery, people not very concerned? Same thing happened in Canada, I'm told forced terrible choices plus some illusions portrayed by the now leader who destroys everything, gleefully. I was in San Diego, also liked it. I guess it's not possible now? Seems like letting those ones take over a nice place.
Will the pandemic result in the salvage and restoration of classical liberal education and the ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 8, 2020:
This is a far, far bigger hoax than 9-11 ever was. All these peppers will bring on the shortage and looting and break ins will be unprecedented. Certainly violence will escalate if weapons and guns are mandatory. And how many would know during a crisis how to use any of it ? I think education is suspended which will be interesting for any future in USA. I actually totally side with Sweden, and how Trump WOULD have done. Yes, a THINK TANK to come up with what to do. But everything would have continued. Personally I would have STRONGLY advised people to vastly improve health, have HEALTH programs going on. Just for this time period. Better testing situations, so if groups gathered, what happened? Very cheap compared to this debacle. Most was panic. Knowing panic, fear makes it worse, work on that.
I think the media considers anyone that hasn't planned to vote for Biden "undecided"...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Hasn't he been proven to be SENILE, mentally INCAPABLE? Isn't he MARXIST? A pedophile? And nobody cares? Are those things TRUE or false ?
Here is a view with evidence on what BLM goal really is! []
2FollowHim comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Didn't watch video but she's good, and so is rebel news. So, funded by Communist China. They infiltrate, find weak spots, exploit. And China is quite Supremacist, apparently BUILT on the premise thousands of years ago, that they were better. And, often, they WERE.
i hope this prick dies from the plaque before Trump's election
2FollowHim comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Who ran AGAINST Trudeau, 2016? Was that Harper or Scheer? I wasn't into politics then, but heard Harper was bad. So, wondering about choice? I think Trudeau portrayed something else then, didn't he? I still don't think nearly enough Canadians know what he's been doing. Some I know say, ...he's helping Canadians through this pandemic Hard to respond to that?
I have NO faith in the CIA, the FBI, or the DOJ.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Sounds wise. To keep a watch out requires NOT joining much. I can't think straight once I join something.
We are pro-life evangelicals for Biden - The Christian Post
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Isn't he Marxist. Pro Chinese, thus pro NWO, Communist ? Educate me here, thanks.
In this group I'm gonna start by talking about what my goal here is: To discredit the most believed...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I tried to view as much about coronavirus as I could, as likely some others here, too. But it was Dr. Kaufman, Andrew, who walked us definitively through what turns OUT to be the hoax of the century. He showed viruses, get ready, do not exist. He's not the only Doctor, either. And explained what did happen. I'm just on a tablet, not computer so can't elaborate, too cumbersome. Kind of another! 9-11. He's VERY attacked for this. I appreciated what CM said about the detail of the bible, how intricate, more than a lifetime study.
Should the government decide who should run companies?
2FollowHim comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Is that how it went with Hong Kong? Family plays into it. I read about Ben and Jerry's, almost went under by Pillsbury. They put a little please help circle and phone number to an explanation. The SON of Pillsbury became upset his family would do that, waited until Christmas dinner, complained, they reversed. Taking over is unhealthy in the long run. Letting companies manage is healthy. Greed prevents. At all levels.
Isn't it beautiful how even the sound seems to be shaking when you close your eyes trying to fall ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Hi! Have you ever 'cared'? Honest question. Not meant to hurt, attack. I find it COSTS big time, caring. 8f someone knows I care ABOUT something, anything, I can be sabotaged for that. Some intuitive person can remove it if I don't do as they wish. Actually, someone 'caring' can be a drag, limit your freedom, choice. Same idea with 'liking'. If someone 'likes me', I've got to maintain that. It can easily turn. So easily. I think there's quasi neutral which is better, distance. It does look like the world's getting worse, hard to fathom, so fast!! There were things I liked, now, what is there? Yes, sure, writing, music, food but interactions, don't think so. I think many people, even introverts are sometimes meant to interact. It's very easy for me to see that you have plenty of smarts. Within you. And those will take care of you. Just go over how they already have. And you can fine tune those.
[] Is this how far away people have strayed from our divine source?
2FollowHim comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I don't think we can totally focus our attention EQUALLY on BOTH the child AND the pedophile. To me, the child is being robbed and forever twisted and that's criminal. Likely also mental. Many pedophiles explain they hate what they do, so it's self hate, or lust for a destructive act. Yes, they need to be able to talk about it. When I say criminal, I mean put away from children, no criminal record. There's much sickness.
. What a terrible thing to say
2FollowHim comments on Oct 3, 2020:
We see what hate does.
REPORT: Liberal Government Stopping Provinces From Buying Rapid Virus Tests and u all believe this ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I wonder if it's only control? Manitoba must keep asking, asking why, and then write the company. So? Of course we write.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 3, 2020:
It took me time to see this. But then I thought about how Singh was a CRIMINAL lawyer, we know what they do to get their money. Of course, get CRIMINALS off. Then I began to see the collusion, corruption. And I think FAR more got skimmed, scammed through HIDING exchanges through the virus. Why doesn't JT want the economy opened? I have thoughts on that.
[] Don't like the two party system?
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Most unhappily follow MSM on the news. Indoctrinated. In fact, I try to figure out 'am I Indoctrinated?'. Would I know? Yes, Canada also had forced 'choices, so we need more choices.
"Turning a blind eye to evil, however, doesn't make it disappear.
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I now believe opposite, didn't before but now I work on positive, spreading positive. If it turns out it's right on my path, my turf, kind of has my name on it, and can't avoid it, then yes, I'd begin speaking to someone who seemed capable of rational discussion. Who would hold them 'accountable? Turns out, I observed the purpose of it was to remove our own peace, joy, purpose in living. I think given attention, it grows, attention removed, it dies down.
Teenagers who tried to decapitate factory worker with samurai sword jailed for murder Robert ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2020:
China has lethal injection vehicles. Instant, painless. I see a need. Like all things, then there's 'mistakes', misuse but sometimes it's clear. Living freely in society is a privilege. None of us is at ALL safe anymore.
QUESTION OF THE DAY Who was it in the Bible that disguises Himself as "The Light'?
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2020:
We think of a DISGUISE. That's visual, sensory. So many go for that. But the NT gives the fruit of the spirit(9), and Jesus gave over 60 sayings followers would do. Paul and others added to this. So, if it's FORCE, or LEGALISM(Do's and Don't's) then we don't follow that. The apostle Paul was LED to DEFINE Christian love, so you could see it in action. Satan is disguising Himself as an ANGEL or messenger of light. Jesus IS the Light. But my experience shows me this world is getting more 'confusing', or convoluted all the time. I just stay 'sola scripture', and then have to look some words up, All translations are approximations, and those can be good or bad. In order to bring in Antichrist, first the Christ must be 'removed'.
Doug Ford is a traitor to Ontarians!! He has rescinded the plan to fly the CCP Flag honouring the ...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I was thinking RESCINDED might mean Ford rejected, then JT told him to rescind it. What do you think?
Doug Ford is a traitor to Ontarians!! He has rescinded the plan to fly the CCP Flag honouring the ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Do Ontarians agree? Do you think he might be paid off, Soros etc? What other countries would have two people locked up in a harsh regime and do nothing? When is the Chinese woman being extradited? Why are we involved? Do you know? Not up on it.
This from the "debate" showed up on my FB page: Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Are folks DEAF or don't care? Shouldn't he be disqualified for mental health issues? Of course, Hillary, oft referred to killary, of course SHE certainly killed no one, directly, will step in, or Michelle, Michael? Why does NOBODY know? Should they have DNA tests done in order to be president? Canada would likely nod in agreement. We are in trouble, yes?
Biden Needs To Denounce White Supremacists As far as the race topic goes, I'd like to know why ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
No Supremacists of any group. I think the so called 'blacks' will become Black Supremacists once they shift the balance of power. NO SUPREMACISTS. Privilege, Of COURSE! They built the country, rightly or wrongly. Seems much was WRONGLY.
Did NY Times break the law re Trumps Tax data? Looks that way. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 30, 2020:
This is high comedy indeed. Talk about wanting it both ways! How childish! How immature, it ACTIONABLE? I don't know law well. This person is excellent. Do we EVER need him in Canada!
What say you on the msm coverage of Saturday's Freedom protests in Londonistan? []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 28, 2020:
That's a LOT of upset people! For good reason! Ignored! How do you handle..ignored?
[] Disrespecting Islam is worse than cops killing blacks, says 'scholar
2FollowHim comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I don't like disrespect of Jesus, either. But disrespect doesn't kill humans.
And the smears fest start []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
He couldn't have chosen better.
“As bitter as it may be, the fact remains: It is the irresponsibleness of masses of people that ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
I saw people as wanting to give over their responsibility, their 'essential rights' to others, let others do it. We've traveled to places where the climate is good for growing things. People don't. We'd go all over, many houses, just grass, or stone, or in some places paved out. All food was handed over. Same with personal health. Handed lover to doctors who had their own problems without taking on someone else. It's 'what do people want, or not want? But there are consequences to that.
Cringe time []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
If you are fit, not fat, more or less in shape not totally out of shape, it's something to be very happy about. No one can breathe clean air with a mask.
“Why, when gay rights have never been better, are they portrayed as if they’ve never been ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
I like the bible explanation: the carnal nature can't get enough, be enough, have enough. What a frustration. Hard for everybody. You've noticed the increase in videos on narcissism? The bible says 'lovers of themselves'. That's got to produce conflict. Another great park quote in Waikiki(ah, is beautiful Waikiki gone?), 'Don't feed the birds'. They will immediately make more birds. For a bible following Christian, we stifle self bcuz self will destroy.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Have you looked at Dr. Kaufman, exosomes? Worth it. Changes the picture.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Just a few comments. Sorry, not a movie watcher. I really don't know why the world population can't decline? Do better? Better training? What I've noticed with males is so often they just aren't ready for the responsibilities of having a baby. And I really think it's unfair to them, and often the woman. A BABY should, (Ah!, SHOULD) be a PRIVILEGE both want, feel commitment for. Doesn't matter, 'accident', if both say, 'wow, let's do it', that baby will be wanted. When women can run their lives. Yes, there IS a problem if the MALE wants one. But thankfully that's not usually the case. I think we all deserve as much freedom as possible.
New pro-life movie challenges the soul of America Breaking Christian News is promoting a Pro-Life...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 27, 2020:
A baby per se who will be addicted to drugs, porn, violence is no help to society. Expensive, futile. But put requirements on completed pregnancy...the exact opposite of this 'pro life misused term, and make it special. It IS special, keep it special. Every baby WANTED by 2 parents who plan to stay together. Get rid of pedophilia, kids ABUSED for sex trafficking. Squelch those ugly things.
New pro-life movie challenges the soul of America Breaking Christian News is promoting a Pro-Life...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
It's as if ALL life is GOOD. Hitler's mother desperately sought an abortion, denied. The rest is...carnage. Women KNOW what's best. Only Muhammad claimed women had 1/2 the brain of a man.
PHARAOH JESUS The Pharaohs were known as Shepherds. See the Crook for the Sheep?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The 3 magi from the EAST, brought those gifts to the young child. That very night, Mary and Joseph had to GO to Egypt. Those gifts would have paid for a LONG journey to Egypt, getting a place etc. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd, and 'The LORD is my shepherd, so Jesus is Lord. This is really the miracle.
Here is where atheism is talked about.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 25, 2020:
I've heard Scientists say they could either lose tenure or grants for research if they spoke up. The bible makes clear it's not about people, but 'principalities and powers in high places'. Unwittingly, the people are used. I think many Scientists do believe but don't discuss it. They're there for science. Atheists are right that Scientists will be excluded if they discuss Creator, God etc. I'm FE and mocked around the block. But I've SEEN, experienced, seen science experiments so I'll stay with it. Where UP is up, and down is below. I generally leave Atheists alone. There's plenty to keep people busy without religion unless it's very important.
> The estimated infection fatality rate (IFR) is close to zero for children and younger adults but ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 25, 2020:
I agree with Dr. Kaufman that it's not a virus. He has lots of material.
High Risk COVID 19 Behaviors; Cases Rise in Europe, exponential growth []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 25, 2020:
A wild supposition. Get rid of ALL fear of it, show a LOT of love to those you know. Sure. Older people with other problems should stay away from others, try to keep active. If someone gets it, think IMMUNITY. Apparently you get broad spectrum immunity. Ruining our social fabric, our closeness so we stay clear sounds like a bad compromise.
Spencer Fernando: BREAKING: Conservatives To Vote Against Trudeau Throne Speech Conservatives rip ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I certainly hope so. Sorry to hear Jagmeet won't stand up to anything. I thought he could. He lives in BC, so I think invested in it. Also heard PPC leader isn't quite what he portrays. Just trolling for money, free help. Heard Erin has bad connections BUT at the same time, he may actually care. I think that should be tested. But then, current group must go, fast. So somebody needs to do it!
You’ve probably heard something of this incident, but maybe you didn’t linger over the details.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 23, 2020:
When the shoe fits...when there's no better reply, I do quote the BIBLE bcuz it says it all. It saws there's a man of LAWLESSNESS, read POWER or period of time. Knowing this brings many consequences or expectations, or lack thereof. From the reactions, how quickly EVICTED, he was not liked, for whatever reasons. I think he had to get to know this, say meet the landlord or people in the place. I had a similar thing happen years ago, the group rejected me. So I left, got out. To support the lawless like that shows you can't do business there. Don't know what you can do, but something not needing group approval. We tend to think the group is right, individual must be wrong. Usually it's the opposite. It's Alice in House of Mirrorsland.
Trudeau: Second wave is here but ‘we have a shot at Christmas’ [westernstandardonline.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 23, 2020:
I gotta tell you a weird thing? Don't hate him. I really think he's into spiritual stuff, like Hillary, the Royal family, carefully, he feeds (spiritually) off this hate. It fuels him. Decide to think h8m PASSING, like a bad gas eventually drifting away. You deny his thrill. He's incompetent as a political leader: roads, transportation, import/export, and only knows perverted sex, drugs and how to use this health problem to hide his total incapability. If we weren't ruined because of him, I might feel sorry for someone in the wrong job. But he's NOT because he wants the money, is REALLY siphoning it off. I think his skill may be this. Otherwise, he has nothing going for himself. And everyone knows!!
2FollowHim comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Gregory, New King John III. Queen=imposter. Gregory Halloran (I think ). Not the real deal. Just pedophiles, killers, usurpers. But what Gregory will power, isn't known.
Breaking as the NewWorldOrder Enslaves the West China Is Expanding Their Slave Labour Camps Into ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 23, 2020:
And this is hidden. Imagine losing everything? And isn't this increasing? Lining the pockets of government people. They seem to have total control?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 22, 2020:
My take? This world wide, or mostly, has brought certain people into power somehow, unopposed. Well, we weren't used to this, didn't understand. These people set rules based on whim, fear, fantasy, not on science or facts. I believe they CAN'T be reasoned with at all and they've seized the control. They'll DISMISS all the facts, shrug off all the SCIENCE or lack thereof BUT they'll register anyone openly disagreeing as 'disturbing the peace and issue fines, put the people on watch lists. Although MANY may agree, they won't SAY anything, just be quiet, go along. After a while, they may even be brainwashed by it. I believe THAT'S the era we've rushed into. A person complies with lies or serious consequences take place. Is there any answer? YES!!! But I don't see much of it happening. To put forth these facts, I'd do more than the LINKS. For your safety, I'd email a source, request permission to use material? They'll tell you it's already given, but I'd say I requested permission to use their name. That's different. You, everyone who presents dares not 'go it alone. Consider poor Julian Assange, so abused. He could not shoulder this atrocity alone. And now no truth should be shouldered alone. We beed to band together, and MAYBE find somebody who might look or hear A FACT. You only need ONE.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 22, 2020:
This site is called Learning from Christ. Your comment belongs elsewhere, not here.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 22, 2020:
As a Christian, Jesus is LIFE. Dying is not life. We are here for the Lord's purposes, and THAT'S our focus. If we are 'in Christ', we never die. People are more than a physical body, and some various doctors proved that with experiments. It's worth researching but I think that video is gone. Maybe more will be put up.
The medias obsession with with Trump and Russia started as a hoax.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 22, 2020:
It reminds me of MSG? Remember that hoàx how BAD it was? All again on one bad science article done improperly. Thing is, people believe it. It was examined FOR YEARS. Donald Trump is, I think the most maligned president in history. Often wrongly. I'd be interested in the percentage it's been wrongly. What is wrong with people like Nancy Pelosi?
I've noticed that the 'mainstream organizations' are so badly compromised that I don't trust ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Will seem off topic, but I think on. Look up MSG. Total scam. Totally fraudulent 'science. Keep eyes open, keep looking. Usually MSM is false BUT I suspect not always. It's very angering. People believe MASKS. Masks were scientifically lproven NOT to wor,. Doesn't matter. Really? Does to me. Science or drop it. They're scared! Masks are Talisman Just one example, lots more. I bought into MSG lie so that registers. This is a good place to find out, though.
Do we really need technology like this?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Show me the SCIENCE that has been done to prove a) you're not hurting your OWN health, thus keeping people AT RISK, and b) that masks prevent ANY VIRUS. These are talismans, superstitions that LURE people into false security. Masks don't work!! This has been researched and studied in peer reviewed science journals for 5 YEARS, again and again. Many people and also children cannot wear a mask due to breathing problems. I should write this company.
An observation.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2020:
To quote the bible with no reason, no backup logic is counterproductive. I often find the bible, Jesus, or NT EXPLAINS it best, whatever 'it' is. I sometimes think people are doing a lot of interior thinking and ascribing this to all. Also, we need to know the score: if many(most? today?, a growing number) don't know it, don't believe it, then it must be translated into terms they CAN see, HAVE likely experienced. Also, I object to this term 'science based since it usually is not science at all. Not provable, not verifiable, not repeatable. Then, I'll often include the bible, whether indicating it or not, since this site is not peer reviewed or ready for scholarly submission. But more a DISCUSSION site where the bible can fit that discussion. I like your point on #2 and it CAN be equally used regarding the Bible. Others had to teach me to HUNT DOWN sources, thus I used to be tricked. Actually this type of hunting down is now done IN the Bible so I often source out the original languages. Atheists taught me to 'consider the source' which they may forget THEY are necessarily included! The SOURCE often hides bias, yet it's usually 'hidden in plain sight'. Canada, in my view, is in big trouble, and just my opinion, but I think we'll have to somewhat work together to hope to stop the impending disaster that I see looming. As some have, I thought WELL said, Pierre Trudeau began this, altered Canada forever. I actually don't know why it can't be rescinded. I hope Erin gets in, and yes, I'm aware his stances. I think he's balanced. Gets in...soon.
Canadian Riot
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Certainly Canadians are not represented or helped.
For years I have pointed out how a democrat does something he is horrible, the party is horrible.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I draw the line at pedophilia of all age groups. I'm pretty sure it is rampant, not entirely contained in Democrats. But so far I haven't heard Republicans extolling the virtues. What I hear, here, is across the board corruption, but I felt Trump would not be prone to sell USA out to Saudi, like Hillary's closest aid who was entirely Muslim, intending to literally run things if what I read is not a lie. (Hard go know), Hema? Forget the name. There's crooked then filthy. So trying to get some chance. The Bible explains the CARNAL nature which is SELFISH to the extreme but wily, so looks matter, acting matters. I know most US people suspect November will be bad. I sometimes wonder why left and right don't separate.
US Army combat medic, 22, is charged with raping one of his nine-month-old twin daughters and ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 20, 2020:
The human mind is a labyrinth of undetected dark areas. So terrible. The confusion for the wife. More and more mental diseases.
University professor pauses during science class to make a death wish- [redstate.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 20, 2020:
A good university to exit. Only suspended?
I haven't been payed attention to, so I'll share my experience with black people because I don't ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 20, 2020:
In your view, ARE you homosexual, or were you set up for it...or..both? My little experience with people of color was sort of overstepping with threatening undertones that...don't disagree. Then I was intimidated, not now. And my godly agape has grown. I'm willing to risk now. Ha! Now, don't meet them.
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-09-19 THIS ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 19, 2020:
A very important, beautiful posting, so full of wisdom. Paul had no other main interests, so much zeal and also deadly attacks ongoing! The HEART, that center, that place from whence our essence flows. As you outlined, just WHERE is our heart? And this is an ongoing battle. Not allowing divisionx, distractions, yet dealing with daily things? I'm exhausted just thinking about it? How can I do THAT! The country's falling apart, getting worse. The economy, oops, forget that!! Masks don't work! Gotta wear one. Vaccines don't work, gotta have it. Maybe, maybe not. And we guard our heart? So, a very tall order. I believe we have to TRUST GOD with everything and then we can guard our heart. We know we're headed biblically into bad times. Yes, I think we should try to delay that, so hard. But it's likely NWO will happen: After all they're all broke, crime is completely out of control. NWO will of course make it much worse, but what else is there? Great post, thank you.
We all know Biden is not competent - protestations to the contrary notwithstanding What would ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Two different group findings needed. As the other said, lots of payoffs, corruption. They could ENLARGE some flaw, minimize another. But I'd say SURREPTITIOUSLY, yes. We're all being monitored, they say, so...keep the files, and then present. I have a bad feeling everything is flawed !
September 11, 2016 - Bro. Sammy Allen - " Ye Must Be Born Again" - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Of course. It's the only way. Once done, the battle begins.
That's because he is borrowing to support anyone but Canadians! Spencer Fernando: Canada Has ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 17, 2020:
I'd say FEAR, panic is a powerful motivator for many. Funny, I doubt JT was motivated by either. Don't know that, but as a DRAMA substitute, he might have just been USING the pandemic. All his actions destroyed which sure sounds planned to me. Nobody makes that many mistakes. He hasn't got stupid genes, Soooooo...deliberate seems it ..possibly. I wouldn't SAY without some proof. But late March, you likely know the Conservatives gave JT..UNLIMITED spending for 6 months!! What!! JT sure wouldn't GIVE Conservatives anything. I think they were spooked, definitely overreacted, big time. I'd have given 6 WEEKS, then REPORT in to see if more was required. What happened?? He got carte blanche!! So they're part of the problem, wouldn't you say?
“The important thing is that you should not argue with them .
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Yet they attack you and the assumption is that you are agreeing if you refuse to engage. So, how to point out ANYTHING may simply escalate the problem. A catch 22. Do you know what you'd do? Since nothing works, I might as well say something bcuz I think it DOES work! Just is hidden. One way I might broach is I love the freedoms of differences.
The current air quality of Portland, OR vs. Boston from Fallout 4.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2020:
In BC, Canada that has no fires is 10+, very dangerous.
Don't Let America Fade Into the Sunset If you want your and your every decision controlled by ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Some people, I think too many people want to not have to think, but let someone else do it. I hope there's enough who don't like that way. Do you think there are?
Don't Let America Fade Into the Sunset If you want your and your every decision controlled by ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2020:
What's problematical is how many people...want? expect? need? a free ride which they're 'promised'. I'd say pretty much gone is any work ethic, or values ethics. Trump is, to me, a realist. So many watch just Netflix, believe in fantasy. I think that's part of the left and the right. The left are willing to destroy, (is that true?) rather than negotiate. Would this be accurate?
2009151600Tu SOCIALIST WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION IS COMMON THEFT: No government can give anyone ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Actually, in our case, the Lord gave us what we have legally done. But when 'in the Lord', WHATEVER happens is how we are led. The apostle Paul said that God's love 'does not seek it's own way'. This is relaxing, peaceful. It's our way we live. I have to put down 'Me, I want etc.'. I don't know what I want or need. A big illusion. Thus trusting the Lord, I don't get into that. And we both have to ensure we don't look primarily to physical security. Although you're right, it won't include or touch the elite, the controllers, just the hard working middle class. As you said, unjust. I think there's an illusion that the 'have nots' can be raised to 'haves'. Generally, it can't be done, but the determination to make it happen remains.
So, if nobody is interested in doing the right thing, and therefore you must rely on a nanny State ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2020:
I find scripture helps me, directs me, helps me VIEW. What you're saying, from my understanding, is decay, destruction. The bible says the man of lawlessness is revealed. It's so highly complex, covered up and now, not so much. I only found goodness in Jesus, or Yehoshua, the proper Hebrew name, which says it all. Hebrew names will sometimes do that. The NT teaches we have a 'carnal' nature. Me nature. Me want, me get. Only through regeneration can anyone begin to find their way out that morass. I am finding my way out. It's complex, complicated, but I'm being led to see it, do it. Right now in Vancouver, there's a 10+ smoke advisory, going on for days. Extreme health problems. Covid-19 is spiking again. So, a lot against progress. You like goodness, I think. So do I. But here it seems there are 2 broad categories: the hunters(elites, power groups, bullies) and the hunted(a vast group including victims, but various kinds). So, if you like goodness, others(hunters) know, can exploit that. If someone is meek, gentle, honest, kind, how will that go?
Ebay Declares Sharia Compliance, Bans Products Offensive to Muslims - YouTube
2FollowHim comments on Sep 15, 2020:
This often means money, such as major shareholders, clout. One thing I think Muslims might do more is operate as a group effort. I hope Ebay also does this with OTHER religions. I don't think we dare let ANYgo by without challenging it. For example: a letter to Ebay that we're glad they don't want to offend Muslims but wonder if they extend this policy to other major religions, and could they reply? Likely a response video is required. I believe in equitable.
University of Pittsburgh scientists discover antibody that 'neutralizes' virus that causes ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Whoa, THIS is what we want. When, IF a person gets those symptoms, not handling it, THEN they get this. I'll look now.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Actually, that's EXACTLY the amazement that anone can do a 180'. But others have done, like Anthony Flew. Good last name.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Why were the Jews ALWAYS trailing after Saul, when he was just preaching to such a few people. Why so venomous? Could you put scripture. I wasn't aware Saul had boys? Wasn't he more of a loner?
I just watched the Governor of California claim that the fires in his state were caused by "Climate ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Yes, it's low level, almost like primitive people. Are people less so today? Maybe, slightly. But isn't there this 'something for nothing concept'? Everything needs care and CARE COSTS. So...we can't make as much money and the top can't skim. It calls for honesty, caring. We ALL need it, rare to get it.
A simple issue that baffles me.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 13, 2020:
If you are really interested? Often we may THINK we are but have agenda or are set so only looking for flaws, faults, holes. I NEVER tried to PROVE anything to ANYONE. I will respond to comments AS LED. Remember, I might not have SEEN this posting at all. This LIBRARY since it's sure not A BOOK has been so amazing for me. People CLUMP everyone. Can't be done. It's one at a time, a LONG process. So, short answer, is if you're not LED to see, learn, then you forget it. Way back 2000 years ago, a big WANING was prophesied bcuz recall it was just getting going. I think also the GREEK gives a better picture than the English. For example 'repentance'. The Greek makes this clear. In fact, I saw years ago this method in 'The One Minute Manager'. I never saw this particular book again. But since you've left, dropped it, nuff said.
Spencer Fernando: Propaganda Patty Defends Communist China Yet Again! Patty Hajdu appears to be ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 13, 2020:
We'll either be 'lucky' or blessed if China doesn't just take over Canada with these communists who, btw, hate Christianity, Christians. Then we'll see massive carnage. It's happened before. I'd say we were blessed to not go through something like that, wouldn't you? I'd say Canada is in serious trouble. Justin has prepared it for easy Chinese takeover.
“It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Except children are having lots of stress too and that's unfair. I'm not in favor of children in cities.
AAPS Sues the FDA to End Its Arbitrary Restrictions on Hydroxychloroquine.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 13, 2020:
It all sounds confusing, arbitrary. Who would someone believe? I thank the Lord I can pray and be led. Not some magical incantation, or whisper but what I'm then shown, somehow articles, blogs, videos, led to those. I'm no expert and sometimes experts disagree. So I love to go right to the top. Regardless of belief, if anyone has a belief, use it, get divine help. It's considered reasonable to get an investment counselor, so isn't this the best ?
Man Takes Dump on Pelosi’s Driveway in San Francisco – Live-Streams It []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Oh, POO, it can't be true!
Bruce Mckenna writes: sometimes i am no lover of quebec because of politics, but i have to say when...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 13, 2020:
It might be Blanchet who sounds reasonable, sane. They're a good example. Is it bcuz they're Quebecois French(different than Acadian)?
Who knew?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 12, 2020:
So revealing. Why can't this be spread to more Canadians?
Are you a good and loyal subject?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I'm thinking about Halloween masks, one angelic, one not depending on what kind of day it is. But I have an exempt card due to condition. But really, I don't mind carrying something for if people get over the edge UPSET. Not that important to me. I'm fine for a short while, then get out, BREATHE. I'm surprised nobody researched the effects of 'recycled' and thus 'waste air'. Expelled ANYTHING is bad for individual, do you agree? Shouldn't that be easy science to show?
Free book download available: as a therapist, I got interested in Peterson because I have a strong ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I tracked all these venues, sure found them true, enlightening, revealing. We can't seem to be CLEAR, straight, uncomplicated. We've seen and heard plenty of 'hidden in plain sight', turns out we might all have aspects of this. Along with this is body LANGUAGE which tends to say it clearly, and we can't prevent. This for me comes under what Jesus said, 'Watch and pray'. If only!, if only I'd do that more often. These are methods that essentially slow things down. Everything's too fast, zip, missed it.
Where does this leave the US voter?
2FollowHim comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Also, does anyone know if this is all true? Or if this person has another position, like left? I can't tell.
We now have many confessions online and in the media that the leftists are planning a coup against ...
2FollowHim comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Frankly, all of this is so ILLEGAL, so TRAITOROUS, and hurts so many fine Americans, no matter their stance, if ANONE has a belief, I'd PRAY. If not, write, write to senators, others, FLOOD it.
Government-implemented racism []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Totally racist. OBLM, ONLY BLM, nobody else. Trying to remove Canadian rights. Must be opposed on grounds of SYSTEMIC RACISM.
Dr. Steve Pieczenik Exposes Who Was Really Behind 9-11 []
2FollowHim comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I didn't hear the REASON, purpose, did you hear it? I heard another with evidence (I forget now) it was certain powerful Jews along with those ones. They put a strong case due to the aftermath. There are so many important videos. I'd need more than a little tablet to upload, save, file.
> Housing costs for the homeless rose to $531,000 a unit, L.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I saw tiny houses costing little but they were one storey only. That's more than Idpay for a condo.
Don't even get riled.
2FollowHim comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Minority government, not dictatorship. Others must SHOOT DOWN. Write MP, MPS, write Conservatives. Short, but write. If they have more issues, then they WILL, case by case, qualify.
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