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What do you think will be the result of last week's mass apologies and genuflecting to Black Lives Matter protesters?

First, I want to be clear that this question is meant to be independent of the actual merits of the BLM (and allies) protests. There are so many issues around how to improve the situation of black citizens relative to other racial groups to fill a month's worth of questions... so today, we are focusing on the politics and optics of public apologies and genuflecting to protesters. Was it an effective way of showing solidarity or a dangerous sign of things to come? What do you expect when you apologize to others?

Apologies to BLM will...

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Admin 8 June 14
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Apologising or “take responsibility” for sins you did not do means exactly the opposite of what you are saying.

You are actually saying... it was not me... I am the good guy on your side... I am NOT responsible.

Apologies to a hurt person from someone not involved is extremely offensive... it dilutes the actual apology needed from the actual wrong doer.

Never apologise for something you did not do.
Sympathise yes, help to correct the wrong yes... but never pretend that you apologise “or take responsibility” when it is not your to do so.

Hanno Level 8 June 14, 2020

Interesting point.


The more you give into them the more it will spur them on to ask for more until eventually you reach a point were you have nothing left to offer or they ask for something you just are not willing to give, at that point all hell breaks loose.
Change what is need to be changed and stand firm on the rest.

There is real resistance to acceptance that many ethnic people meet when navigating outside their community. As you say there is only so much that is reasonable to give to accommodate their requests. Beyond that it is their job to understand what is expected of them when stepping outside.


First of all we should deny that mobs represent communities. We should also deny that the pretended anger about racism is genuine. Neither the mobs nor the politicians who genuflect care for the fate of black communities, they don't care whether blacks have decent jobs, are properly protected against the crimes of other blacks, have decent housing in orderly neighborhoods. Look at the horrible situation in cities where these politicians were in power for decades.

Corjova Level 6 June 15, 2020

Lets talk about apologizing first. First there has to have been a genuine transgression. Some harm sometimes physical other times insulting or threatening has to have been done in order for the transgressor to apologize/ask forgiveness. There are two scenarios where an apology is meaningless - first, an apology is demanded when no transgression ever occurred and second is when an apology is forced by a 3rd party - usually an authority figure.
Apology for no reason/when no harm was done, no transgression committed is meaningless. Apology that is made under threat or duress is also meaningless.
Following all that, in order for an apology to have meaning it requires the acceptance of the apology on the part of the person who was harmed.
The apologies being tossed about by political figures, celebrities, corporations, sports franchises etc are nothing more than symbolic and without substance.
Personally where race relations is concerned I feel no need to apologize. I've done nothing to harm anyone with regard to their race nor the condition of the lifestyle they find themselves in.
On the grand scale, society owes no apology for the past transgressions of slavery and Jim Crow.
There is no such thing as "systemic racism" any longer. The demands for apology are based on a completely false and mendacious premise.

iThink Level 9 June 15, 2020

Im sorry but i will not apologize for something i didn't do. History is full of horrific things. We must learn from it study it. Put in ways to prevent it. If we keep living in the past how can we move forward. Until we stop seeing color and start seeing humans it will never end.also im sorry but i won't support anyone or anything that singles people out by the color of their skin.

jlm1170 Level 1 June 15, 2020

When I apologize to others it is because I have done something wrong. Whether or not the person receiving the apology accepts it is not up to me, but it is wrong to apologize for someone else's actions or behaviors because who are you to know what is in the other person's mind. In fact kneeling to someone and apologizing is in some ways racist because the one apologizing is assuming the other person is not able to deal with the matter themselves.

Don't kneel, just view the other person as an equal and act like they are equal and move on.

Pand0ro Level 7 June 14, 2020

It will satisfy no one. This is wrong on so many levels.


Apologising to these marxists. will reward protesters and rioters to do more, much more!

angelo Level 8 June 15, 2020

Besides emboldening the radical left, where does it end? The pyramids, Rome, and other historic landmarks across Europe and Asia, as well as parts of the Western Hemisphere, were built by slave labor. Not always POC, but slaves none the less. Do these monuments get destroyed? Does civilization simply bulldoze itself into the ground and start over? My multiracial family and circle of friends are both sympathetic about the death of George Floyd and appalled at the violence. And, FYI, I will never apologize for how the Goddess made me. We need intelligent dialogue and workable solutions, not pandering and self-abasement.


Conservatives and mainstream people will be offended and walk away.

Leftists and liberals will use these people like toilet paper and flush them at the first opportunity.


Africans can’t even make a good government in Africa. They most advanced African countries are the ones ruled by whites. This doesn’t mean they should be killed. But they should be thankful they live in a better place than Africa!!!! Their own people sold them into slavery... they have higher testosterone and lower intelligence. This science is constantly denied


I just want the White liberal dross to die off, so the strong Whites can voice our own opinions and take back our subverted history, and beyond. Anyone who kneels before baboons with bullhorns deserves to be executed. Liberals are true White trash

you are among friends here brother, we can voice our opinions freely and call for executions!


You do know that it is the younger generation that is far more liberal and leftist, yes?

@WilyRickWiles In the past years I see stunningly beautifull young white ladies expressing a right wing views. Lots of young people come to Donald Trump rallies. On the left I see people like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden who forgot to die. Perhaps we see other media, perhaps you live in the past when young people were not yet aware that for them (or others) no future with a decent life exists if liberals rule.

@Corjova I'm afraid you've met all of the young white right wing ladies! Good for you, btw.

@WilyRickWiles Don't be afraid! There are millions such ladies, despite all the liberal havoc, they'll bring about grace and peace.

@Corjova Are these them?

@WilyRickWiles I like those ladies. These are just a few. Black ladies support him too: []

@bastion thanks brother!


It won't do anything except for feed the "racism is everywhere" propaganda machine. There is nothing anyone could ever do to make this go away. The goal post always moves. We could give 5 million dollars to every single black person in the world tomorrow, and in 30 days they would say it was racist that they did not get 10 million each. This entire made up problem is designed to not be fixable. No matter what happens, we will be accused of having implicit bias, being too color blind, not color blind enough, too nice to blacks, not nice enough to blacks, etc. etc. This is pure divide and conquer, and it has been working perfectly.


It will only create a deeper divide in our Country. Bowing down and giving a "free pass" to the riots and violence we have seen across this Nation does nothing to bring unity.


Unfortunately, the Left narrative is integrated into the psyche of many. Make reforms where needed but quit apologizing for being white.


There are so many different kinds of bigotry.
One of the worst is “the bigotry of low expectations”. This was perpetrated on our children by seemingly well intentioned democrats, through programs like, no child left behind, that made our entire educational system move at the rate of the slowest students.
Expectations were lowered for all students. No one was helped, everyone was hurt.
Dumbing down the entire population is a tactic used since ancient time to control a population. Chinese rulers, talked of keeping their minds and stomaches empty.
Another is pigeonholing those we perceive to be outside our fraternity or way of thinking.
Republicans assume that all democrats are young, dumb and idealistic.
Democrats assume that republicans are rich and heartless, or poor ignorant rednecks.
People in the north assume that everyone below the mason Dixon line is racist. Southern people think everyone up north is cold and arrogant, distrustful and brash.
All whites people think they are superior. All blacks are criminal thugs, and can’t be trusted.
Chinese people talk funny and Jews are control Freaks out to control the world.
Admittedly, there are people dumb enough to believe this or actually be this way, but they are rare.
Racism is so ignorant, the best way to deal with it is to laugh about like we did with Archie Bunker.
Partisan politicians and the media that depends on them, exploit our every fear, prejudice and weakness.
It’s a control thing.
Ignore them.
Wealthy people control us all.
Whoever has the gold makes the rules, even those who hate us.
One of the sad realities of capitalism is, even our media is for sale to our enemies.
Please wise up and understand that partisan politics is an evil control game.
It’s is perpetual warfare, best isolated to inside the Washington beltway.
If media or a politicians says it; it’s a lie or half truth with hidden agendas written by think tanks.
People that support Trump just want a border that filters out bad guys, disease, drugs, violence and corruption that has ruined the lives of people below the border.
That’s not racist, we have more than enough poor to help in our own country.
Trump isn’t a politician, he’s a business executive and a good one. Business isn’t bad, it’s where the jobs that sustain us come from. A business executive is making it healthy, which is good for all of us, especially the poor.
Get rid of democrats and republicans. They are too divisive.
We are all Americans.
It’s our responsibility to make our country the best it can be.
Love your neighbor, even if they wear a red hat or fly a rainbow flag.

David42 Level 7 June 15, 2020

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!


woke maoist renditions?

RobD1 Level 7 June 15, 2020

This has become more than just apologizing and genuflecting to Black Lives Matter protesters. In my opinion, Black Lives Matter has morphed into a hateful cult that has garnered an inordinate amount of power by exploiting some of the worst, yet rare, tragic events involving back people and law enforcement in order to fuel the systemic racism narrative. I think they promote racial superiority—black supremacy—which will only elevate racial tensions resulting in the worsening of race relations in America. These black supremacists are basically forcing non-blacks, namely white people, to acquiesce in their massive public ceremonies of repetitive chanting, taking a knee, and in some instances, feet washing. Forcing people to grovel at their feet and atone for sins they've not committed is immoral, and will only lead to resentment towards the whole BLM movement. Now Black Lives Matter is going hard after institutions and corporations that do not kowtow to their radical demands. Where does it end? When is it enough? This will not end well for anyone.

Mazzylu Level 5 June 15, 2020

ask them what the gaps are i don't see them and what seems to happen is more anger from protester simply put they don't really know either many are paid to protest and some are just racist any way. it all the part of the NWO to divide and conquer. we must unite to show the face of the elite to fight there division of the human race. the universities in England are burning there books today to appease the BLM movement they intend to “decolonize and diversify” their book collection. i believe this is wrong to erase history.


This will have negative results. Most apologies online seem to either be a form of just plain phony grandstanding or a type of peer pressure were the person makes an empty apology in an attempt to pacify their peers which results in sacrificing your morals which leads to following the heard off the cliff.


This kind of empty genuflecting only angers regular whites more. It's the kind of vapid symbolic gesture politics always used to fob off blacks. All image, no substance. Like the Obama presidency.


What do I expect when I apologize to someone?

FIRST I have to know ... I Have to KNOW ... that I ... ME ... I ... screwed up badly enough that an apology HAS to be made.
SECOND ... Nothing. They can accept the apology or not. I have acknowledged that I screwed up badly enough to have to apologize. I have fulfilled my obligation to acknowledge and admit. Beyond that ... ?


On the part of the mentally and emotionally fragile white folks, genuflecting before thugs was pure fear based and the politicians who did it, was pure incitement for the thugs to do more by the true criminals in this whole farce. What do I expect when I apologize to someone, apart from letting them know I am regretful for my behaviour or actions? That would depend on my offense and how forgiving I would be in the same situation, but I sure as hell wouldn't apologize for actions that I had nothing to do with! My whole life has been witness to so called minorities being given a pass for bad behaviours, while at the same time rewarded with privileges and opportunities that should be open to all who are willing to work for them. This is the best country in the world and we are all equally responsible for what we make of it. There is no excuse for what is going on behind the BLM movement and it needs to be rooted out and crushed!

Ah yes, it's the folks calling for the police to be replaced, who welcome more chaos into their lives, who are fragile.

@WilyRickWiles Indeed, these folks need to find a cure.


What does an apology or humiliating yourself do to solve the problem? Protesters/rioters might get some measure of satisfaction from such gestures, but it will be short lived and they'll be back at it until politicians promise to come up with some sort of magic salve that doesn't actually address the root problems plaguing black communities. Then things will settle down until the next incident.

Wow...did I drink a cup of cynicism earlier?

I don't need to write my own comment because this one sums up my thoughts pretty nicely.


#Blexit #walkaway.

The Democrats kept you as slaves.
The Democrats kept you segregated.
The Democrats bribed you to get your votes
Now the Democrats want to keep you as vassals so they can remain in power.

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