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What happened to the Intellectual Dark Web's influence?

The IDW became popular as it was perceived that the core members were standing up against false narratives - primarily related to identity politics.

Bret Weinstein says the core principle of the IDW was "stating what one actually believes irrespective of the social consequences" and to "hold the discovery of truth to be of higher value than pushing ones agenda".

There was strength in having a set of intellectuals who cross-promoted and challenged each other to focus on finding the truth. They were, in effect, the media branch of the resistance to false narratives.

Some conversation ideas:

  • What beliefs do the IDW promote that seem controversial?

  • Do you think they uphold these principles for all of their beliefs or are they still limiting the clarity of their statements so as to not be canceled? If so, which beliefs are they hiding?

  • How can the IDW convert an intellectual discussion into activists who are willing to engage with those who peddle false narratives?

  • If the IDW is a prototype of something to come, what does it need to embrace to have meaningful impact

  • As the Progressive Left has advanced their ideology in the past year, has the IDW kept up with the challenge of presenting an alternative view?

Admin 8 June 24
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As they said of Superman, "[He] fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American Way."

The American way can fuck right off truth and honest opinions I can get behind


This site is candy ass and bans people who state about greedy Jews. Sure is to chicken to allow true debate of black vs whute

Jews are not now, nor have they ever been the problem.

Hey, you can blame 'greedy jews' and we can laugh at your simplistic attempt to assign blame to an 'out' group you don't like.

"Mom, she hit me" level of analysis.

Let me be more specific - it’s not Jew by Genetics that’s bad... it’s Zionism!! The Zionists think Israel is special . Talk about White Priviledge, Jews are very small percentage and they control Huge amounts of $$ and control the Media.

Want to talk HONESTLY - I don’t think whites and blacks should mix breed. I don’t wish harm to blacks and Latinos, I just feel sad that whites will go extinct.

@SocialDarwin I hear you, and I know you are always sincere in your posts. Still, I would add that Israel is special. It’s the only democratic nation in a wasteland of authoritarianism and a staunch ally.
Yes, the Jews control massive amounts of resources, but they come by it honestly through discipline, hard work, strong families and communities and academic excellence. In addition, they seek to control or oppress no one.
If a marginalized community wishes to advance in the world, they would do well to study the Jews.
I have the highest respect for any individual or community who refuses to be a victim.


"What beliefs do the IDW promote that seem controversial?"

IDW (or any group of people) promote might making right as a standard rule, as if the software loaded into each individual is loaded with this virus. The controversy is nearly absent, but that does not mean that there is no controversy. Might does not make right, the opposite is true, so those (in any group) who promote the false narrative don't "seem controversial" among themselves. The controversy is only visible to those who have identified the virus and have killed it, so as to then allow the true software to emerge from the dark web of deceit.

  1. Ubiquitous parroting of the Might Makes Right non-principle as if it were the governing law of human beings.

  2. Almost completely absent Golden Rule principle failing to inspire controversy because the false narrative is so ubiquitous and internally defended by it's promoters.

"Do you think they uphold these principles for all of their beliefs or are they still limiting the clarity of their statements so as to not be canceled? If so, which beliefs are they hiding?"

"They" (those who promote Might Makes Right: a non-principle dependent upon deception and other criminal means) will be canceled as so often is demonstrated for any failure to promote that narrative. If "they" are hiding any beliefs I suppose they could be hiding the belief that they are promoting deception: self-deception. What would they need to hide from those who know about the nature of their non-principle? If they admit that they are promoting deception internally, yet they still promote deception externally, it looks the same from outside the deceiver. If they admit externally (stop hiding the fact that they know they are in the business of promoting a deception), then they stop hiding the "secret."

"How can the IDW convert an intellectual discussion into activists who are willing to engage with those who peddle false narratives?"

Those in or out of the group called IDW are obviously going to have a hard time "converting" or convincing other people to disengage a false narrative if they themselves promote (peddle) a false narrative. People who are infected with the Might Makes Right non-principle virus share the same devious methods required to maintain the deception internally as well as externally. Honor among thieves is a strict set of rules, and no one is allowed to defect. A fellow deceiver attempting to convince another fellow deceiver to "engage with those who peddle false narratives" is to put it mildly: insincere. To put it bluntly "they" first ignore facts that unmask their dogma, "they" then resort to changing the subject from the data that unmasks their dogma when ignoring it does not work, and routinely the subject matter introduced into the flow of data is called a personal attack, also known as an ad hominem attack, changing the subject from the facts that matter which expose the dogma, to made up fictional personal faults of anyone who dares to expose the false narrative. So, how does that work, do as I say not as a do? Who in IDW ever tries to convert an intellectual discussion into activists who are willing to engage with those who peddle false narratives? Where is this ever attempted? Having an example of this happening could help reach the stated goal, so as to see why it fails, how it fails, or how it succeeds, and why it succeeds.

"If the IDW is a prototype of something to come, what does it need to embrace to have meaningful impact"

The facts that matter in any case of any controversial phenomenon, religion, science, medicine, education, government (law), etc. can only have a meaningful impact if the facts are discovered and acknowledged as facts that matter in the case.

Case in point: What is meant by "meaningful impact?"

If it is hatched from a Might Makes Right perspective (the dominant perspective) then "meaningful impact" must be defined by those in that group.

If it is instead defined by someone in the group that has discovered, acknowledged, and shed the Might Makes Right dogma, then "meaningful impact" means in no uncertain terms an increase in the number of people shedding the Might Makes Right dogma.

"As the Progressive Left has advanced their ideology in the past year, has the IDW kept up with the challenge of presenting an alternative view?"

Why not present a viewpoint that will effectively defend against the criminal Marxists whose Might Make Right dogma, combine with the Conservative Right Might Makes Right dogma, and deter further criminal acts perpetrated by both sides of the same coin, acts that are thinly hidden behind a cloak of fraudulent legality?


How can the IDW convert an intellectual discussion into activists who are willing to engage with those who peddle false narratives?

Ive just started a discussion on this..

Could I paste pages from my “Anarchist’s Cookbook”?
They have astounding “How To” pages ...
The chapter on basic homemade bombs is ... Killer!


I think the idea is to pull up short of war war, stick with jaw jaw.

Oh ... bummer
I was being a bit ... sarcastic ... not about the book or contents but ... I have a thing about kids and matches being a bad idea ... ever since I “burned down” a cemetery when I was 5 playing with matches. My Mom beat the hell out of me and ... I still wonder ... what was there to “burn” down in an old, small Civil War Cemetery? Maybe our house which was beside it?

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