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Breaking again at the Kyle Rittenhouse Kangaroo Due Process of Persecution Side Show

Evidence strongly suggests, from many sources, that those funding the riots with stolen loot are aiming for destabilization during the act of acquiring power. Some of the evidence includes something pointed out by the former High Office of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts. Her witness testimony on the matter is offered in the Public Sphere, although it is censored by the crumbling Monopoly of Media. The Riots serve to accomplish something she suspects to be a Real Estate Acquisition Plan.

So the way Roman Civil Rules plays out, those capable of getting away with persecution do so, because they can, and facts be dammed.

The way common law works, a witness discretely informs anyone capable of forming an independent, common law, grand jury of evidence warranting investigation, such as the aforementioned Real Estate Acquisition Plan, which is an obvious motive for using the stolen Public Funds to incite riots in places where the valuable real estate will be burned down, and those wanting that real estate can buy it back better, at bargain basement, fire sale, prices.

The independent grand jury would either establish probable cause to schedule a court date in a Court of Law (common law Court of Law, not a Roman Civil Rules Summary Justice Court), or they would return a verdict of Ignoramus, as the evidence they find does not establish probable cause warranting a court date FOR the defendant to defend against the charges that would then be STATED to the representatives of The People, who are the Trial Jurors.

The People's Panel
The Grand Jury in the United States, 1634 - 1941
Richard D. Younger
Page 3
"They proved their effectiveness during the Colonial and Revolutionary periods in helping the colonists resist imperial interference. They provided a similar source of strength against outside pressure in the territories of the western United States, in the subject South following the Civil War, and in Mormon Utah. They frequently proved the only effective weapon against organized crime, malfeasance in office, and corruption in high places.
But appreciation of the value of grand juries was always greater in times of crisis, and, during periods when threats to individual liberty were less obvious, legal reformers, efficiency experts, and a few who feared government by the people worked diligently to overthrow the institution. Proponents of the system, relying heavily on the democratic nature of the people's panel, on its role as a focal point for the expression of the public needs and the opportunity provided the individual citizen for direct participation in the enforcement of law, fought a losing battle. Opponents of the system leveled charges of inefficiency and tyranny against the panels of citizen investigators and pictured them as outmoded and expensive relics of the past. Charges of "star chamber" and "secret inquisition" helped discredit the institution in the eyes of the American people, and the crusade to abolish the grand jury, under the guise of bringing economy and efficiency to local government, succeeded in many states.”

Fitts, Part 1: Mr Global, Waivees, and Real Estate Acquisition Plans

Josf-Kelley 8 Nov 4
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