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I just had to be clear about something for anyone to think about. I have had the power to control what goes on in the world like certainly who falls in love with who, but, there's still something people should know, the one that controls if girls fall in love with anyone is girls. You might be thinking that it's girls entitlement to love men but that's still sexist, it doesn't matter how likely that you would think a girl shall love you, the one who controls that is her, when you are having sex with girls you might be just thinking that you're having sex with a girl, but that's incorrect, she's having sex with you, you can think that and be having sex with her think and I have to use the word fucking so to speak, but you're not fucking her, she's fucking you, you have to consider that when having sex or thinking that girls will love you, people are making girls out to be just such complex beings, they aren't that complex, you either are capable of having girls love you and they are or you don't, if you're not going to think about sex with them or about girls right, it's that simple they won't be having sex with you. You have to think about that and about girls, if you have any hope of making girls love you if you were to have considered them just too complex for you to understand, because whether you want to be sexist jerk or not doesn't really matter, like I was saying if girls were are to love you it's for that girl to decide she controls that. I mean come on, was it seriously that hard to figure out? Hahaahhahaaa, now if you are a girl reading this, hey, you have people who that think you're a wonderfully lovely girl any guy would want to love, and, if you're a man right now that's the best that I can tell you because you can all just go fuck yourselves in which case now. Have fun with that.

Caseyxsharp2 6 May 23
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sqeptiq Level 10 May 23, 2021

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Posted by fthemediaI noticed with people who want to be the opposite sex as a trend or way of escape are mostly young girls aged 13-16, gay women with internalized homophobia, gay men with internalized homophobia, ...

Posted by fthemediaIs is horrible and sad that we live in a day and age where mental disorders are trendy and being a majority is demonized by the far left.

Posted by fthemediaThis 100% many don't and just want to share there story

Posted by fthemediaIt's like we are living in a irl cringe comp.

Posted by fthemediaWelcome to incel central. Free ignorance!

Posted by TheHerrDarkThat sounds about right

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by NaomiShould there be legal restrictions on trans athletes competing in schools?

Posted by Naomi"Super Bi", “Super Gay”, “Super Lesbian”... So, is there anything wrong with "Super Straight"? Are you offended by the term?

Posted by ariellescarcellaHow do we feel about this? "Men and the rest" Why do men get the "safe space" toilet when they are not the ones who generally at risk?

Posted by AtitayaWoah. This is beyond madness. 😂😂 “There’s a lot to unpack here.”

Posted by TheHerrDarkSince you are an expert, Doesn't this ad look like a woman taking her top off? Did the Oculus design and marketing team really go there?

Posted by TheHerrDarkRemember when the leftist said Trump would shake Hitler's hand?

Posted by ariellescarcellaMen in dresses. Good, bad? Who cares?

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