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Is "whiteness" required for a healthy modern society?

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History recently posted the following infographic on their discussion of "Whiteness". While they have since removed it due to backlash, it lists what they consider societal norms that white people naturally follow which gives them advantages over those who don't.

These norms of "Whiteness" include being independent, traditional family units, use scientific method, have Judeo-Christian values, value status/power, delay gratification, be on time, like European aesthetics, value law and order, be competitive, and be polite.

They then claim that "Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color. Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messages."

Whiteness, as defined by the tax-supported Smithsonian, is mostly...

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Admin 8 July 17
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The question is a non-starter for me, because it is based on false woke-progressive assumptions of a society based on racial identity. Why are you buying into that falsehood?

A better question would be “Do you consider the Smithsonian post racist? Why or why not?”

It would be ludicrous to ask Chinese if “Asianness” is required for a healthy society. How about asking Saudi Arabians if they are guilty of “Arab supremacy”. You’d be laughed out of Riyadh.

Entertaining these absurd questions only plays into the hands of progressives.

GeeMac Level 8 July 17, 2020

Thank you. i couldn't have said it better myself.

I’ve noticed that “Admin” has a bit of a “woke” kant (won’t let me use “cant” ) ... not very much but look over several of the past items posted as questions and the “choices” offered as answers ...

@Bay0Wulf yep. The questions are never neutral, and always heavily weighed. I can’t answer any of these surveys because I don’t see any of the options as valid.

Yes. I respond: "Me three, Me four, etc.!"

I completely agree with this.

these ideas feed the Beast of Marxism who has a will of it's own. "The left has completely taken over Wikipedia."

@Bay0Wulf, @GeeMac Admin isn't a very good contrarian. At least he tries. Lol

@Naomi I tend to agree with you. My personal interactions suggest a strong desire for objectivity but the bias is strong also. I acknowledge and appreciate the efforts however.


Racist. Simply racist.
Our tax dollars at work.
I'm not surprised by this, because I used to devour Smithsonian magazine, but last year, it went severely left, and I canceled my subscription.
Sadly many museums - including NYC's Museum of Natural History - are Smithsonian affiliated.

ktpinto Level 7 July 17, 2020

WE as a white race are under attack for simply being white. There are so many idiot whites that are ashamed to be white that we who love being we are fighting a losing battle.

@CvBannister I've never understood why white people don't have a community. I've always been envious of the 'black community'. They're not always in the right, but they come together, whether it be around a church, a neighborhood, or a political party, they come together. White people don't do that. They are more apt to stab each other in the back and climb over each other to get something they want. And this is what we're seeing now with the woke virtue signalers of the world. I see people like DiBlasio and the Cuomo brothers, and the word that pops into mind is "traitor".


It's an idiotic question. What does whiteness have to do with being human?

TyKC Level 7 July 17, 2020

Spot on.... or Blackness and what about Asians?
And they confuse race and culture...

Yes, the question is based on a false woke progressive premise. The Admin can do better.

I’ve noticed that “Admin” has a bit of a “woke” can't ... not very much but look over several of the past items posted as questions and the “choices” offered as answers ...


The fact that a publically and federally funded museum feels the need to justify the actions of some blacks based on some left-winged "woke" idea, is insulting to every race in America.

Well spoken/written, gentle Miss.

this is reinforcing the bigotry of low expectations


Yeah, all those things listed are what's required by a responsible adult to function in modern society. Race has nothing to do with that.

F0XF1R3 Level 6 July 17, 2020

Yes, only the conversation is racist.


“Whiteness, as defined by the tax-supported Smithsonian, is mostly...”

As a brochure explaining why “Whiteness” is a Standard to Look Up To and Cherish ... its not bad ... its actually Pretty Good and, until fairly recently accurate.

As a brochure explaining why “Whiteness” is a Standard to to Despise and Throw Down ... its pretty laughable ...

If you left out the words “White” and “Whiteness” it would be a pretty good guideline as to what one should ASPIRE to Regardless of Color, Race or Ethnicity.

The FACT is, as far as I can tell, MOST People of ALL Ethnicities in the “Free World” DO Admire and Aspire to these ideas ... “Whites” just seem to do it better and, were instrumental in coming up with these ideas/ideals (though a case COULD be made that Asians might be doing it even better yet)

By ‘Asians’ do you mean those individuals located in a “Free World” and who also aspire to good ideals? Or ‘Asians’ geographically with their general sense of philosophy and how that philosophy manifests socially, ie. governments, cultural norms, class relations, moral ideals etc.

Asians who have come to Our “Western” Shores or, are generally in aplace where tgey are out from under Totalitarian Regimes.
Many Asians do manifest philosophically differing points of view which lead to a relatively healthy Society ... I don’t discount its value ... but most 2nd or 3rd Generation Asians found in the USA show every sign of pursuing the values of “Whiteness” found in the brochure.


I think I’d agree. It’s funny, though, IMO those Asians in the Western-like parts of the world seem to excel over whites, per capita. It’s a combination of a strong family unit, discipline, and dedication that runs traditionally through the generations. Seems like if you take those generalities and remove the despotic authorities common to their region, Asians are better at being productive and acting “white” than whites. Of course, they still have their own vices but the combination of “western values” seem to counteract many of them eg. racism, over baring traditions, lack of empathy.

The systemic white supremacy of western societies seems to have forgotten about the Asians. 😂 except university standards unfairly put on Asians.


This poster from the NMAAHC is so racist it's funny. What they are calling Whiteness is simply Western Culture. To demonstrate that Western Culture is not coupled with whiteness just consider other "White" cultures like socialism/marxism, Naziism, Fascism, etc...

The horrible thing about this is that America disappears as a nation without many of these principles. Unlike most other nations of the world, America is not held together by a common ancestry but by a common ideal that I like to summarize using "We hold these truths... that all men are created equal etc..." The very first item regarding the individual is a requirement of that ideal. Our national enemies have been busy.

Feels a bit like "Whiteness" = Western Culture = Conservative / Republican culture? Or is that a stretch?

@Admin not too much of a stretch...


For the most part, I agree that those are the traits of a healthy, stable, strong society. To the extent that any society is full of people who behave that way and a government that doesn't cheat, that society is likely to be good. To the extent that a society doesn't follow those principles, that society is likely to be a cesspool, figuratively speaking.

With that said, some of the things under "Competition" aren't true of what our society has traditionally been and aren't part of a healthy society. Traditionally, we have not had a "win at all costs" attitude. Traditionally, we have been a society that believes in following the rules and honoring the rules that give everyone a level playing field. The superiority of our society has given us advantages that come because we are better, but that's not the same as winning at all costs by being unfair. Likewise, not everything is a "winner/loser dichotomy." The point of a free-market economic system is that people make trades where both sides walk away with what they want at what each feels is a fair trade. To the extent that some products are unfairly priced, we encourage competition to meet the demand that isn't being met fairly. In rare cases were monopolistic practices create an inequity, we have laws to try to restore at least some degree of balance.

A different issue under the Competition label is the idea that we must "do something" about a situation. That's not a part of our traditional culture. That's also against the idea of the scientific method. Sometimes, people who look at and evaluate the information will decide that we can't "do something" without causing a bigger problem. The "do something" culture is the opposite of what this country has traditionally done.

A final point under the "Competition" label is that the United States was not built under a "majority rules" principle. In fact, the U.S. Constitution was specifically written to prevent "majority rules" tyranny. The "checks and balances" written into our Constitution were intended to keep the majority from ruling quickly and foolishly in the heat of a moment. The Bill of Rights was supposed to keep any majority from trying to solve certain problems by infringing on what we considered basic human rights. This lack of understanding is common to many people in this country today. While criticizing the millennials, X, and Y generations is popular among people of a certain age, I've know many Baby Boomers who didn't understand this intent of our Constitution. For them, First Amendment freedoms aren't about true religious or speach freedom but are only about getting to watch the entertainment that they want. To them, the Second Amendment means nothing at all. This ignorance across all generations is a threat to our nation.

The people who disparage these ideas should be sent to places that have rejected these ideals for many generations. They can then live in the cesspools that are the natural result of failure to live by these principles. What too many want is the benefits that come from living this kind of responsible life without the cost of being responsible.

Yay... was going to point out nearly exactly the same things... whoever wrote this document has a very distorted world view.


Errrh .... Christian values ....


I have no time for this racist dogma. What is of interest is who gave this screed the green light? Their name? If not why not and how do we hold people in the public sector accountable if not?

Is the best you can do "The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History", this suggests a lack of focus and poor thinking.


Those definitions of "whiteness" weren't defined by whites. You can see them on Egyptian tombs, you can read them in cuneiform, or in the teachings of Confucius. They are basic, universal values taught across human civilization.


Neo Marxism/Neo Collectivsm is Fukken Cancer. That's my answer.


It is so satisfying to see that the vast majority commenting see this rubbish for what it is and disavows the racism that it represents and the societal norms it clearly misrepresents... yay for the day to you all.

I agree completely. I Thoroughly enjoy the company of red-pilled people of any color, cultural background, or even sexual orientation. It's about embracing western culture for me. Not race. Not ethnicity. Not anything else.


Please excuse us for being the leaders of the world.....we know you would not excuse yourself if you could lead.


Where is the "infographic" for "blackness" or "asian" or any other group??????????????

Serg97 Level 8 July 18, 2020

I looked... perhaps we could come up with one for these groups? Or would that be racist? 😉

@Admin WE would most likely be called RACIST for this type of "infographic"!!!!!!
IMHO, I believe an "infograghic" for "asians" would look a lot like the one for "whites"!!!!!
All you have to do is look at history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree in the sense that "whiteness" is in reference to ideals and social influences that developed by predominantly white cultures therefore referring to racial contribution and not any inherent superiority. While all racial identities have elements of great contribution to civil society the white races have been historically more significant in a broad spectrum of influences. For whatever reason. In modern culture we have been conditioned to think objectively about racial influence is somehow wrong and disparaging of others, that is mentally disingenuous and indicative of a society that is more interested in awarding moral participation trophies than seeking truth. Therefore It is no wonder that the term "whiteness" triggers racial animosity rather than intellectual honesty.


The first thing that came to my mind was how there is this shaming of black people who are accused by other black people of "acting white" (for example: a young black person who is a high achiever in school may get accused by other black people of "acting white" ); while maybe most of these behaviors are beneficial and are common sense to have (and some are disadvantageous or could be, mainly religion)! Unfortunately, many black people engage in self-sabotage behaviors such the "acting white" accusations and choosing unusual names or even sometimes totally made-up names or variants of names for their children which would negatively impact them in their future. Both examples were given in the book Freakonomics.

Absolutely! There is massive peer pressure in the black community against “acting white.” Sadly this has resulted in kids being penalized for good grammar, respecting rules, and doing well in school. Worse still, black kids are being pressured from all sides to conform to often exaggerated, and damaging, cultural stereotypes.


Incredibly insulting for all blacks who are called out for 'acting white'.
As far as Asians, are we supposed to say 'Yeah, we are good at imitating the white people, aren't we cool?'
And, as for Mexicans, should they say 'We do all the hard manual labor because the white side of us mestizos dominate our native side and turn us into drone workers for whites?'

Shout out to the Asians! Doing so well Harvard has to rig the admissions system to keep them out, so less deserving students have a place.

We always hear that Whites are approved for more lending from banks than blacks. They never report that Asians have the best credit ratings of all. Which proves this isn’t really about equity at all.


so, this was removed due to backlash and not because it is facially flawed? wow

I've been looking for some similar chart that defines "blackness" or "asianness"... know any?

its factually flawed alright


Ah! I was wondering where that graphic came from!

Saying these things are bad is cutting off one's nose to spite ones face. Yes, there is a downside to a culture where moving is relatively easy, and people have trouble finding meaning. But I think we have benefited far more from the values listed on the graphic than otherwise. ALL cultural norms are opressive to someone. But lacking those norms means we have no culture at all. Without culture, we cannot go about our lives and be productive. Those norms are the net that catches us when we fall. They are the framework that allows us to contiue being productive, creative, and growing as humans.

As much as we don't like them, limitations are good for us. They force us to be creative.

Assuming of course that we take responsibility for our own lives instead of blaming others for our unhappiness.


Whiteness isn't a term a crazy white lady that was is suffering from white guilt and has a vary narrow minded outlook on the world.

Secondly I don't think referring to Caucasian in this manner inherently gives a reson to treat others differently.

Lastly just because Asins and Caucasians seemed to figure out a way of raising their kids in a more fruitful manner doesnt make it racist... learn from it and implement it

[] interesting reads


The enlightenment has some ways to go.

For all the scientific bluster the enlightened seem amazingly ignorant of human nature.

wolfhnd Level 8 July 17, 2020

Is the Smithsonian claiming that "Whiteness" is superior to other lifestyles? I'm not well versed in these racist conversations. Is anyone suggesting that society no longer requires "Whiteness?"

Facci Level 7 July 17, 2020

First, I would like to point out that next to "rugged individualism" there's a picture of a black person lifting weights.🤔

Second, while highly flattering to whites and largely needed for a functioning society, this is not an accurate representation of "all whites". It also doesn't all have to be required for a functioning society either. Those with mental, physical, social, economic differences, are often still functioning members of society. For those that aren't it still is more encouraged, at least in America, that they are taken care of instead of abandoned to rely on their own "individualism".

Honestly, pretty much every bullet point can be shown a "special case" or even large case argument. On a serious note, it's pretty worrying that what should be a childs view of the world has carried over into adult hood to this extent. I'd like to put it nicer, but this is not ok😬


Remove the wrong religion subset and you describe all successful cultures all over the world of all races.

Why do they post a poster about white people in an African American museum?

All it does it shows why some people fail and other succeed.
You can study the Maori of NZ and the iwis (tribes) that practiced those exact principles survived and those who did not went extinct... this happened long before white man arrived.
Ditto when you study African kingdoms that dominated.

It has nothing to do with whiteness. It is simply the way
Nature works.

White peoples (Europeans, Japanese and Chinese as well as
Indians) are just better at doing it as living in harsh cold climates forced those principles into our cultures.

Hanno Level 8 July 17, 2020

I agree. I could easily imagine very similar content to the Smithsonian pamphlet being published by white nationalists and causing an uproar.

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