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Is it fair to call AOC a "Fucking Bitch"?

A few days ago, it was alleged that Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "Fucking Bitch" after she said he was rude for criticizing her stance on crime and policing. According to the Urban Dictionary, a "Fucking Bitch" is "A female who victimizes people around her by using her evil thoughts and ideas to manifest misery around her because she feels better when others suffer." (see [] ). To others, a "Fucking Bitch", or the masculine "Fucking Asshole", is someone who focuses on the negatives of others and disregards the positives.

As you know, we don't allow ad hominids here on this site as it doesn't foster conversation and civility - especially when people are anonymous and not face-to-face. We would also like to see our political leaders to be respectful of each other. However, sometimes heated emotions do cause us all to short-circuit civility for expediency.

Does AOC appear to enjoy picking on Conservatives or is this more a Conservative bias towards anyone who disagrees with them? Is there something different between AOC being called a "bitch" and Trump being called an "Asshole"? All fair in politics, love, and war?

Is it fair to call AOC a "Fucking Bitch"?

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Admin 8 July 24
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Is this a continuation of your previous question? If males are lust-driven Neanderthals, why would MS Ocasio-Cortez expect any other behavior?

Yeah... it could be a bit of a continuation. IF a male politician was called an asshole by another politician, would he be able to get an audience of support? Or would he just be an ass for trying?

@Admin I thought the term "bastard" was used more to describe men than asshole? Guess it could be both...


Ah yes, the taxanomy of invective.


Is there proof that he actually said that, or is this a "me too" thing?

A few days ago, you could hear one of the reporters in the press pool call the Press Secretary a "lying bitch", and Kayliegh (sp?) did what any mature adult would do: ignored her and continued on with her day. AOC isn't mature enough for that. She's too much of a victim, and a prime example of why I denounce my gender regularly.

ktpinto Level 7 July 24, 2020

When AOC played this like the wounded victim, on the verge of tears in referring to her late father, she came across as to me as a weak woman, not a strong one.

People face insults and rudeness everyday, especially in the blood sport of politics. A male politician would be laughed out of Congress if he tried to pull out the violins the way AOC did. Can you imagine Ted Cruz making a sentimental speech referencing his dad because “Senator Pelosi called me a f**king asshole.”

I also completely reject AOC’s hard left fantasy that words equal “violence.” Actions equal violence, like the instances where AOC claims she “threw men out of bars” for using naughty language. Yep. A woman of many contradictions.

GeeMac Level 8 July 24, 2020

It’s inaccurate. She’s a COMMIE fucking bitch.

Andyman Level 8 July 24, 2020

She's a moron. He is within his rights, but he is being unprofessional. But of course people call Trump everything.

All week the major papers, media hacks and pundits have been questioning Trump’s sanity, angrily speculating and name calling. That’s fair game.

Call AOC a “f**king bitch” and it’s an international incident.

Anyone else smell the sexism in here?


As a self-proclaimed revolutionary, AOC works right out of the playbook of the left. Never validate your opponents or their ideas. Ascribe to them the worst motives you can think of and never allow yourself to be put in a position where you might have to actually back up your claims with evidence. Never debate issues. Ridicule opposing thoughts and smear those who advocate them. And whenever possible, accuse your opponent of that which you yourself are doing.

Frankly, Rep. Yoho let her off easy. It’s time we stopped being nice and polite to people who make no effort to hide their scorn and lack of respect for us. Setting aside the obvious profane descriptors that come to mind, she’s an uneducated moron, a living breathing testament to the utter failure of a university education to turn out anything but mindless drones who think, when they think at all, in MSNBC talking points.

It isn’t she who truly disgusts me, however. It’s the so-called leaders who should know better, who shrink from the truth for fear of getting a little dirt on them. Our politicians used to have balls.


If you read some old memoirs or took in any interviews of those who participated in the DC circles than you will know that is very mild.

What AOC does not realize is that a huge chunk of the US that is their opinion of her.
When she said "I am someone's daughter, too." So what, just because someone is counted as part of a defined demographical group does not make you an individual of good character.

Every time AOC gets her individual character attacked, she rifles through and see which card she can try to play to get sympathy from that group, to make it look like her opponent is attacking the group she is a part of and not just her the individual, this time it is the daughters card.
She cannot accept it is just her as an individual, when she is attacked she tries to redirect it to make it an attack on all members of particular group, but if there is big benefits due to the groups hard work, she takes the glory and pockets all the benefits.


The comparison is disparaging to female canines everywhere, and I'm sure they are highly offended. Bitches have feelings too, ya know..

Maybe COMMIE CU-T would be more accurate!!!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97 I assume you mean "cunt" and I would have to disagree. I believe cunts to be useful and important. That leaves the question: what can you compare her to that is useless or odious enough to be fair?

@Penrodster TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Something else, since you raised several questions.

AOC is one of the more recent bogeymen from Conservatives. They simply cannot stand a young, smart, non-white male in Congress, let alone a liberal trying to end the corruption they love so much. It is why you see so many people jump on any opportunity to insult her, like when people who have no valid argument will just go after her looks or call her "just a bartender" - any excuse to try and denigrate her. Obviously Yoho had his feeling hurt and felt emasculated, because he has such thin skin, so he lashed out. With all the crap people in Congress slew, I'd say it was rather tame (looking at you, Gaetz). Look at who we have as a president, we have far long passed expecting our elected representatives to be respectful.

As for calling her a bitch vs calling Trump an asshole - there is a difference. Trump spends 75% of his time calling other people names and slinging insults - always has, always will - so it's perfectly fair to throw it right back at him. AOC may go after other peoples' policies, but she is going around calling people names and insulting them.

Also, @admin, you said "we don't allow ad hominids here on this site" - that is interesting, because I see ad hominid attacks here all the time.

I concur that there is probably a racist component for why AOC angers some Conservatives. Then again, Pelosi is also not thought of a being a uniter. And yes, as a non-profit, we don't have the resources to monitor everything... and a few ad hominids do take place.

To assume conservatives oppose AOC because of her race, gender and age is an extremely ugly and completely unsupported accusation that implies conservatives are racist, sexist and against young people.

It’s a completely divisive, specious allegation that prevents the conversation from moving forward.

It’s absolutely amazing conservatives as an entire group could be smeared as racists, and in the next breath we get an expression concern over ad hominem attacks.

"They simply cannot stand a young, smart, non-white male in Congress"

well she is young and her skin is not as white as mine but your premise is "white racism" - and it is completely off base and uncalled for. You should be ashamed of yourself. Oh and "smart" ? really? bwahahahahhbwahhahahahaha!

@iThink yeah, that was a chuckle for me too.


fake news, I would bet money this is meant to take attention away from the reporter that called Kaley mceany a lying bitch.

I'm not falling for it.

solopro Level 6 July 24, 2020

It is NOT fake.

White House transcript and other reporters at the scene confirm she did NOT call her a lying bitch.

@JacksonNought, I haven't read the transcript, and others were talking, but did hear "thank you Kelly, get on with it.." and do know people hear what they want and love to bicker.

lol @ this !


In this case I believe “fucking” is used as an intensifier. It does not necessarily refer to her level, degree, or frequency of sexual activity.

@scotirishviet Fucking is NOT a superfluous modifier. I could not communicate ideas properly at work without it.

@Penrodster I agree it is by no means superfluous. In this case it is entirely appropriate.


Words are not a crime. The AOCs of the world want to reduce everything to the atomic level. She is a useful idiot. The left is using ridiculous people to create chaos and throw us off balance. Occasional Cortex and her ilk would have us in gulags. Funny thing is she doesn’t know what she is doing. Gloves are off and feelings don’t matter. The survival of the Republic is at stake

Tarpon Level 7 July 24, 2020

"words are not a crime" - According to 1st amendment this is true - but in real life you can and will pay a dear price for saying things that "displease" others. In some cases you might be "detained" or arrested by police for using certain words.
On this website as well as You tube and Facebook your privileges can be suspended for using certain words.
Last week someone (he is still around here somewhere) was complaining about speech he didn't like..."street preachers" to be exact. I called him a pussy - he went crying to admin - admin deleted my comment! LOL

@iThink 🤣Oh, there are consequences!


She calls everyone on the right racists/nazis/etc so yeah, she is one.

pnw1234 Level 6 July 24, 2020

I finally got around to listening to her response and I think calling her a “f-ing bitch” was not only just, but actually quite nice, she’s a cumb dunt and should be referred to as such.


She is a marxist. She should be hanged after a speedy trial. She is an enemy to our nation and our people. She will work tirelessly to destroy our childrens' lives.

Calling her a bitch is a kindness compared to what she deserves.


He was obviously annoyed with her.
Her stupid politics certainly annoy me.


She personally is a mudslinger and name caller.
Now she tries to be all “offended” by being called a name in return?
What kind of Bullshit is that?
What kind of Bullshit is this question?

Maybe if she acted like, or was, a “Lady” she’d have something to cry about ... but she’s not so she doesn’t.

As to liking to see Our Representatives be “Respectful” towards one another ...
Personally I’d like to see some Conservatives grab their opponents by the throat and slam them up against a wall.
Its time they Damn Well Learned that; “Nice Guys Finish LAST”.

I’m TIRED of being the recipient of Their FAILURE.


I think ignorant buffoon would have been more appropriate.

Xtra Level 8 July 24, 2020

I wonder if "Karen" applies?

@Admin wouldn't "Karen" be sexist? shame on you! shame! shame! shame!...


Would be nice to do it without profanity (although I must admit I’m a big fan) but for them to cry about something after they’ve moved the goalposts is weak. Nah, that train has left the station

AOC “I’m a strong woman, equal to any man! Please don’t be mean to me.”


I checked multiple online dictionaries - The #2 definition was always some version of "A spiteful or unpleasant woman." She qualifies.

I replaced the 'c' word with 'hillary' (lower case 'h'😉 - I think AOC is also a 'hillary'


That’s exactly what she is a radical left wing nut bitch!


AOC covers a lot of bases, shes an easy target for the right given her inexperience and gaffs, she is also a totem for the left given the PC boxes she ticks. Shes also Soros funded, go figure.


Try as we might to stay calm, level headed and respectful, sometimes our emotions get the better of us. Telling someone it’s rude to criticise their views or opinions is a way of trying to silence them and the people who share their opinion. In an ideal world we wouldn’t be hurling insults at each other, so I’m not sure that it was fair or unfair to call her a “fucking bitch”. There are worse things she could have been called though.

Lilu Level 5 July 25, 2020

I agree with what you wrote. I also agree that there is a professional level of discourse, that, when not followed, shows contempt for the system of process. There is a difference between things that start off ugly and things that get ugly because of not aligning yourself standard decorum of protocol.


Thomas Jefferson called Adams worse. If anything bothers me at all is that in 2020 "bitch" and "cunt" are the only slurs still acceptable and used by everyone. If I have to hear a gay man tell me one more time that they are removing the stigma I will scream.

I cannot as a white woman remove the stigma from the N word. I can't even say it. So, no, dickwad. Men CANNOT remove it for women because they shouldn't be fucking saying it at all.

However, I think she's a fake and quite willing to do harm to people and cause harm to be done to people for her crazy ass vanguard beliefs so fuck her. Venezuela, Cuba, and all of Eastern Europe would like to tell you how great the quality of life was under communism.

you know as well as I that the very idea of permissible use of certain words is self contradictory and full of hypocrisy.

Certain words are explicitly reserved for certain skin color and genitalia in certain circumstances. "Hurtful words" are ONLY so when they are used by someone who does not have "permission" to use them in any circumstance.

Take the word "bitch" since you are complaining about it.
Females, gays, trans...maybe I'm leaving out some all use the word "bitch" freely and sometimes are rewarded for doing so with laughter and nodding approval.

Then there's the word "cunt" - almost always frowned upon but no one with a penis damn well better use it under any circumstances - right?

Then there's that word that no one can use unless they have black skin.

I'll use it here "nigga" - needs no further explanation.

Oh and one more thing - there is a particular demographic group to which any vulgarity, epithet, spiteful threatening words are permissible and NEVER frowned upon or "judged" to be unfair, racist, hateful...
Of course I am talking about that bane of all history White males - especially heterosexual males.

The very idea of speech codes of any kind is antithetical (to put it kindly) to the very basic intent and meaning of our beloved 1st Amendment. Seems everybody and his sister LOVES their 1st amendment rights but most seem to have a powerful intolerance for hearing words and ideas to which they take personal offense...I say too bad. Can't have one without the other.

I believe there is reason - a very good reason "Free Speech..." is the very first on the list of the Bill of Rights.
It is so because without it NONE of the following amendments would have any meaning whatsoever.

Sure, feelings get hurt sometimes...but pause for a moment and think about how hurtful it would be if you and I could not speak freely for fear of violating a speech code not to mention being charged with a crime for it - because someone else "felt hurt" by it. People get over "hurt feelings" - but the oppression of "speech codes" would be permanently intolerable. That is a heavy burden to bear for the silly purpose of "protecting feelings".

Bad speech is like one Judge many years ago who said of pornography:

He said "you know what pornography is when you see it". We all recognize bad words and yet we all should know that we absolutely MUST tolerate such in our presence lest we be silenced ourselves.

So what if AOC got her feelings hurt - she'll get over it - and if she doesn't get over it well then - we'll always think she should have. right?

@iThink Excellent post. Truly.

@RAZE Thank you kindly.

@iThink In fact people with a penis use cunt all the time. Gay men, especially. They call each other that, they try to call me that. I don't know where you get this idea that its unacceptable. Slurs against women are not only acceptable but commonplace.

Try that with blacks, latinos, jews, LGBT, etc.

Now, I am a free speech absolutist. Say it if you want. Just don't expect us to be friends after. However, I'm also a anti-hypocrisy absolutist. Don't be a fucking hypocrite about which slurs are acceptable and which aren't.

@ThomasinaPaine apparently something you don't understand about men. When we call each other names like cunt, fag, pussy NONE of that has anything at all to do with disparaging women.
It's a way to disparage the other guy by impugning his masculinity - telling him he's weak, wimpy, a sissy...get it? I don't think you want to get it. but I assure you when one man calls another man a pussy there is absolutely zero thought about women in that moment. He is telling that other guy that he is a weakling; a beta an unmanly man.
Women do not fit into the equation anywhere in this dynamic.
It's got nothing to do with women - especially nothing to do with putting women down.
If it upsets you when one man calls another man a pussy then you're just looking for something to complain about. Taking offense where there is none - none directed at women in general. period.

@iThink I DO know that. It is something I actually appreciate about certain men. Usually in or former military. BUT in context of larger western society every other marginalized group gets tip toed around but pejoratives for women are still used regularly.

I am not offended because I am called a bitch. I am offended because no one would get up in a comedy routine in 2020 and say "So my faggot ex..." but they will bitch. I am offended because you wouldn't date say the N word unless you were black but everyone with lips can get away without losing a career after calling someone a cunt.

I just hate double standards.

@ThomasinaPaine In the first place I reject the premise that "women are marginalized" - in the West. Certainly women in Asia and middle east and on Africa are marginalized to put it mildly.
Here in the west we live in a gynocentric culture. Talk about double standards! I could write a 1,000 word essay on how many different ways women can and do "have it both ways" have not so many "options" and you know this is true. I'm not complaining. I'm a man and I accept the bad with the good that goes along with being a man - without complaint.

Using stand up comedy is not a valid reference for making your point. You're smart enough to know that without me having to go any deeper into that subject.
I have never seen anyone get away with using the word "cunt" - at least not explicitly. Seriously that's a word I don't use myself and I believe I am part of a vast majority who gets quite uncomfortable in the presence of someone who is using it. Of course I'm an American; I might be mistaken but I think the word "cunt" is much more commonly used in the British Isles than anywhere else.
You also know as well as I do that in the realms of movie, TV and advertising men - especially White heterosexual men are commonly used and made the butt of nearly every joke or "laugh track". Black men, women, gays and children always get that not so subtle portrayal of being smarter, wiser, wittier, more. clever, more sensitive, stronger emotionally and physically that do White men.
The messaging is clear - heterosexual White males are clownish, oafish, weak, mostly inept and to be mocked sometimes implicitly (with an eye roll or a sidewise look and wrinkled brow) and often explicitly with patronizing dialog.

You know these things are true - but for some reason I think you prefer to ignore the reality of male / female roles in Western Culture - especially in USA


These days, it appears anything goes in politics. Nothing much surprises me anymore.


Profanity should not be used in politics or in the work place.

Profanity should not be used, period!!!!
But, that would be in a fairytale world!!!!!!!


She is free to say stupid shit.

She is also Fair Game for ridicule regardless of the words used to define her.

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