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Is it time to put Trump out to pasture?

Especially in a close election, the apparent losing side has every right to make their best case that they in fact won. Now five weeks post election, Trump's team seem towards the end of their options. Is it time for his supporters to move on and prepare for a Biden/Harris term? Either way, what to do next?

Is it time for Trump to concede?

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  • 7 votes
Admin 8 Dec 13
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I was going to reply here, but turned it into a separate post:

"Sydney Powell just filed an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court to order Georgia, Michigan and ..."

Actually, the question should be, “Is it time for Biden to take the pardons, announce to the nation that it has come to his attention that gross fraud has tainted any thoughts of victory for him, and for the good of the country, he is conceding to Donald Trump.

Word is he’s already approached McConnell about this, but there is still resistance in his camp. I suspect when DNI Ratcliffe’s report is released, and the topic switches from stolen ballots to treason, there may some flexibility there. But he’ll need to hurry. The flights to Gitmo are already boarding.

I was summarily exiled from that Group (for the crime of speaking the truth) and so I do not have access to that link for that reason. Thanks for the link, I can get around the censorship with my own search on the case reported in the Title.

You were censored from Culture Wars?

You must live in fantasy land. It will most certainly make really come crashing down even harder on you.

@Josf-Kelley Have you been banned from The Culture War group?


As far as I remember, the "discussion" with someone turned into Political Maneuvering, then access denied. In many other forums from Free State Project, to Fully Informed Jury Association, even Mises Institute, I've developed a tactic of cutting and pasting during the exchange to then have the proof of the exchange that inevitably results in censorship.

In the Mises case, I was cut out for the crime of exposing 911 soon after it happened, all my exchanges were erased from the archives, which is typical.

On IDW that did not happen for some time, so I let my guard down.

I did not save the exchange that ended up with the execution of sentence done by fiat.

@Naomi, @JacksonNought

"You must live in fantasy land. It will most certainly make really come crashing down even harder on you."

Who is that aimed at?

@Josf-Kelley, should have put a tag originally. It is aimed at Edgework, who somehow thinks Biden is pleading for a pardon, and will be conceding any day now, despite all evidence to the contrary.

@Josf-Kelley I'm guessing he aimed that at @Edgework. I just came across this.I think both of you might find it interesting. I am not familiar with either one of these men, but they seem to be credible. It's 34 minutes long.


I like what Steele says, particularly on the Open Source stuff. I do question the "kidnapped children on mars" statements. O'Connell claims that Steele is unquestionably a Psyops agent.

The unnamed speaker, selling a book, speaks of details that could be confirmed. How does one confirm something? None of these people appear to want to return to rule of law. A common law due process jury trial is still on the books in America as the law, see: Bill of Rights, and if 100 counties move forward any one of these many ongoing subsidized treasonous crimes, facts under oath, with threat of perjury, could unravel each one, talk about dominoes.

@Josf-Kelley Kidnapped children from Mars? I missed that! Must have been when I stepped away to the let the dogs out. Haha. I’ll have to watch that again.


It was not in that example of media. To find the Mars report (probably buried deep now) you have to go to Brendon O'Connell's work. I think that Brendon calls Steele "Chipmunk face".

@Josf-Kelley Do you know who blocked you? It has to be either Remi, the originator of the group in question or Admin. If it was Admin, you would have received an explanation as to why you were blocked.

I think it was Remi, as far as my memory goes (I was off guard with the documentation of how the "conversation" with Remi went), and as things were drug south, suddenly no more access. This is a routine as common as diarrhea during flu season.

@Josf-Kelley Ah, Remi... just as I thought... he's done it again...


This process is set up by the constitution for situations like this. Everyone should make their best legal efforts and see where things end up.
As an aside: the fact we''ve had so few audits and states are bypassing their own constitutions to destroy election data and avoid audits is appalling.


Trump would be throwing America under the bus if he gives up fighting for it. Do Americans deserve to be fought for? Trump seems to think so. I think so too.


Once again Admin seems to be trending Left ...

First, Is this even really about Trump anymore?
It is but mostly because He simply didn’t smile, shake hands and ride off into the Sunset. No, He not only declared that He wasn’t beat but said ... Out Loud ... that the Election was a CHEAT ... and has gone a Very Long Way towards PROVING IT.
His Resistance and Insistence has Ripped the Cover Off of the DOZENS of ways the DemLeft and the Establishment have CHEATED the US Citizenry during This Election AND Several Previous Elections.

Secondly, the Party of the CHEAT has Exposed Themselves in DOZENS of different ways AND by THEIR Determination as to Who THEY SUPPORTED AND Their Eagerness to Inform the US Citizenry that THEY Intend to Ensure that THEY will be Able to do it AGAIN in the Future by Changing Laws ... Changing Rules ... Changing the US Constitution in ANY MANNER THEY See Fit.

With THEIR HORRIFIC CHARADE and Mockery THEY Created Absolute CHAOS and are DARING the US Citizenry to DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

President Trump has become a Lightening Rod and Figurehead for the US Citizenry, Americans, “WE the PEOPLE” to Rally.
He has done this by Fighting FOR the US Constitution and the US Citizenry in an Obviously JUST CAUSE.

Yes, after I posted this "topic of the day", I realized that it might look that I've given up hope. I am concerned with how this drama will affect Georgia's Senate race as without the Senate, if it does turn out to be Harris/Biden, it is likely that the results will feel punitive. A future topic can be on wtf should be the conservative response.

... also, shouldn't I try to pull/frame things to the center and let members be a counterweight?

If they are allowed to get away with this fraud ... fake ... cheat ...
Do you honestly believe that the Georgia runoff is not going to be predictably “won” in the SAME MANNER?
If this TRAVESTY is “called” for the DemLeft and Biden/Harris are installed by the DemLeft / Establishment, even if the Georgia Election comes up with 2 Republicans ... it Won’t Matter.

@Bay0Wulf Perhaps we need to call in NATO to oversee the election. Winning GA is better than losing it.

@Admin Yes you should. Thank you.

How has Trump gone a very long way proving the election fraud. Even judges that he himself has appointed reject his arguments. One thing I have noticed about this administration is that when they start doing under the table dealings they immediately start accusing the Democrats of doing it. There is little regard for law and only drive for retaining power through any means possible. They have so twisted and lied about things in order to make everyone confused about what is going on. I see there is little hope for America any more. That man has destroyed the foundation of America. Good luck.

I’m guessing your response including NATO is sarcasm?
Because I can’t figure that you would believe either NATO or the UN to be any less “Globalist”.

@TheMiddleWay You would like that!!!!

“... shouldn't I try to pull/frame things to the center...”
I really don’t see a “center” in this situation

@Admin The election in Georgia is Jan 5th. The Contingent Election can start no earlier than Jan 6th. They have to seat the newly elected Senators so that they can vote in the VP election if needed.

@Pand0ro Are you actually saying the election was clean? If so we live in parallel universes and there are 3 of you, possibly more here, who are in need of medical help. Just denying all the evidence is a sign of what? Old age, TDS, willful blindness?

@Rick-A What evidence. Everything put before the court has been dismissed on lack of evidence, even by judges appointed by Trump. Please tell me or point to what verified evidence there is of massive fraud.

@Pand0ro Listen you just been duped! SCOTUS didn’t even hear the case. Are you saying that’s evidence that fraud didn’t happen? There is a legal .concept you don’t understand and your option tells me you should rather say nothing than confirm you don’t know what you are talking about.

The absence of evidence does not prove there isn’t evidence. (In this case your are just being disingenuous and dishonest)
Failure to disclose evidence is crime.
Denial isn’t evidence.
Censorship isn’t a lack of evidence.
And the evidence is overwhelming!

@Pand0ro don't let your bias show ! lol try to evaluate without the emotional system interloping interfering with the cognitive

@Pand0ro, @TheMiddleWay then give the majority to the Demoncrats?......i say never i would love to see and hope the Republicans win by a substantial margin..... but i suspect the populous who prefer to be considered Victims will continually vote for their Offenders

@jpnese If the evidence is overwhelming, where can I find it? I keep on hearing about all the evidence but have never seen it spelled out. Who is being disingenuous here?

@jpnese I have yet to hear or read an unbiased statement that explains the evidence of massive fraud. All there are is accusations with no evidence.

@jpnese It seems that it is the Republicans who are claiming victimhood. All the commotion about stolen elections, massive fraud and unfair treatment with absolutely no solid evidence. I am begging to see the evidence is continually claimed but never shown.

Chew on This. Want to bet this Report will bear out over THOUSANDS of Machines? (I’d call THAT “MASSIVE” )


@Bay0Wulf This document has accusations of fraud without showing how the votes were changed, who was miscounting where and when, the ballots without a chain of possession, how the recounts showed insubstantial change from the originals, and why challenges were dismissed by the courts that had Trump appointees on them.

Gone a very long way to proving it? Really. Could you give an example of proof?

@Rick-A If you or anyone else has any evidence, please provide a link. As yet, no one has, including Trumps legal team.

@maxmaccc No evidence are you seriously delusional? Are you totally nuts?

@Pand0ro you know what i mean don"t be cute ..... do i need to spell it out "Victims and Victimhood" are ?

@Pand0ro take a page from the Lefties [ not the girlfriend type] they make blanket statements and it is expected to be believed...hmmm last 4 years in US last 20 in Canada [ fyi Canada a lost cause]

merely the elusion of nefarious activity should be sufficient to review

after all i am a Hierarchial Partriarch Oppressor Racist Bigot who has worked 7 days a week for almost 35 years to feed a family pay a mortgage take care of parents help those that needed help when possible
But a LOSER TRUST FUND CHild and over educated Idiots on the LEft want to tell me otherwise

i will put this politely to all the Radical Progressives and Trudeau cultists "GO FUCK YOURSELF AND DIE'

Dont take this personally its just a blanket statement from a MAN, not any other gender thought .... who is now enjoying the fruits of HIS labour.

You’re blind if you’re still “looking for proof”
However ...
There are NONE So Blind As Those Who Will NOT See ...

@Rick-A Again, can you please address the question "if you or anyone else has any evidence, please provide a link." Why do you find this so difficult?

@maxmaccc Man you are in denial! Wake the F up!

@Rick-A, @Bay0Wulf If it's simply claims you're making, without evidence(proof) then they can be dismissed as whinging.

@Rick-A Well, at least you're consistent, repetitive but consistent.

@Bay0Wulf I want to see. I have asked to be shown. What I get is "There is massive evidence" or "It is being gathered now and will soon be shown" or "If you just look it is obvious". No one has been able to direct me to evidence, only to accusations. You are delusional.

@jpnese Well I would agree that there are "lefties" that will throw out blanket accusations. They are the scum of the liberal movement. I would also include "righties" in doing the same thing here in the U.S.A. Look at the tsunami of election fraud accusations coming from Republicans. I expect that they will be accusing Hunter Biden's dog any day now. We have gone over and over these accusations and the courts, even with judges appointed by Trump, have found no merit in any of it. I believe you that you are responsible, hard working and a good neighbor in your community. There are also the same type of people here, both liberal and conservative who fit that description. There are assholes on both sides of the fence but I hope those who live near the fence can get together and listen to one another, ease back and allow that a practical solution can be reached. I am also a male, not any other gender, and think those who wish to wear different clothes and follow a certain gender should go for it without me having to give some special recognition. Be who you are but don't expect special treatment.


This site is full of Trump cultists who can't accept he's lost.

They simply ignore all evidence.

They'll ignore the obvious reality that he's a conman who's clearly dishonest, in piles of debt and furiously grifting his fanbase for millions and millions of dollars.

Totally deluded cultists.

bastion Level 7 Dec 14, 2020

Where are the facts? All the facts on this end point to the biggest election fraud in the history of this country. Prove me wrong.

@Tarpon you are making the claim here, where's the proof of this fraud? there's no proof, it's all just conspiracy theories and Tim Pool nonsense.

Mail in ballots were fraudulently cast and added to vote totals. Trump won the election.

@Afterthought all the cases have been thrown out of court. this is just nonsense.

Joe Biden will be your president.

@bastion Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

@bastion just because the SCOTUS or state courts have not heard the argument does not mean no form of manipulation or fraud occurred..... the Texas claim and those that deal directly with Constitutional issues are the only appropriate course, i believe, that can be taken .....its not that one side can file a claim and then hold discoveries etc to question under oath all the characters/parties to the so called fraud issue the system is not set up that way

you have a country that is divided ....not by racial issues as the Legacy media states , rather insultingly i may add.... it is divided on ideological issues WHy I ask Why not validate for the sake of the country ?

especially if so many have questions........or shall they just start killing people, as the Democrats have demonstrated to be acceptable ?

@Tarpon electoral college said Joe won.

Putin said Joe won.

this is all just weird coping mechanisms.

@jpnese Trump lost, get over it.

@bastion i don't believe i once said Trump won ....seems you are on the "defensive" or "offensive" in regards to the won lost issue

my concern is merely with dealing with what appears to be questions and potential actions

i would think everyone would agree to investigate the election process for security and confidence .... i would hope you would as well

otherwise lets just have the military choose

@jpnese this is just nonsense.


"US Electoral College formally affirms Joe Biden's victory as Attorney General resigns"

it's very simple - Biden is the president elect. It's funny as he's got dementia and doesn't know where he is, but i'm afraid he's your president elect.

typing lots won't change this i'm afraid.

@bastion you keep speaking in a condescending manner ...its ok i don't take offence to it

Biden is not and never will be my President [firstly i am not US American my children are , secondly we don't live in US ]

i personally do not believe that Trump will retain office....however if the matter becomes a Dog Fight, amongst the populous to me it will be like watching Monday Night Football ...grab some Beers the most patriotic brand some chips and enjoy a good battle

i have a team to cheer for and i will place my wagers thru an English betting line

i am off to another Post have a good day i am sure we will exchange opinions on another page !!

@bastion If you don't know anything about history I can see how you would feel that way.

@Tarpon lol at trying to feel smug about backing the loser then when they lose being smug you have some secret knowledge.

he lost. get over it.

@bastion Your obvious support for Communism shows that you are either a victim of the MSM propaganda hypnosis or you are just a Commie infiltrator. Or are you just too uninformed to even know what is occurring? Either way, your comments are ignorant and troll- like.

@bastion It's not really about being smug or in your case child-like. It's not really about Trump...but I'm wasting my time with you. Believe what you believe and get what you deserve.


At least Bastion is an actual American, unlike you. You don't get to accuse him of being some sort of infiltrator, when you are an i filtrator youself.


If you want to count election fraud and corruption as close I guess it could be seen as a close election. But if you are looking for honest result without the fraud and corruption nothing about this was close.

True. Still, if we take the numbers as accurate, Trump gained more votes 2020 (11 million I think?) than in 2016, and did significantly better than the majority of the polls. It may not have been close, but it was enough to create significant upset.


Anyone who wants to pretend this was an honest election is a dishonest person. You would be better off staying quiet for a bit instead of exposing yourself as a dishonest fool.

jakuboj Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

All these accusations about dishonest voting with no evidence provided.

@Pand0ro OMG are you trying to be humorous or are you really serious?

@jakuboj I have not seen evidence of massive fraud. There have been instances of fraud on both sides but no where near the amount that would change results. There have been massive accusations of massive fraud but when I ask for evidence, none is given. I am at a loss as to what thought process can conclude the election was stolen. Please be assured that I respect your right to your position but in no way agree with it.

@Pand0ro So how much fraud is okay before it becomes too much. It is like saying a little bit of sexual assault is fine. In my opinion that is a very distorted view on the rule of law. Distorted either by political bias, MSM hypnosis and/ or a lack of ethics.

@jakuboj There is some fraud in every election from both sides. If those few individuals are determined they must be subject to the law. Ballots have been counted and recounted. Multiple claims of fraud have been brought before courts with judges who have been appointed by Trump. Of all those suits none have been found that show fraud. A little bit of sexual assault is a crime against a person, a little bit of voting fraud is a crime against a system. The former is a much more serious crime. It is good to and we should have skepticism. All those impeachment investigations against Trump came to nothing. Do you think it would be right to keep on investigating?

@Pand0ro Crimes against the system? What a stupid comment. Are you really claiming that no individuals are victimized by election fraud? Also the fraud evidence is overwhelming and you know it, if not research my timeline to see it. The Democrats covered everything for the fraud. Mail in ballots, no signature or ID required, observers not permitted to observe, late night ballot suitcases from under a covered table after telling observers to leave, a computer system designed in Venezuela and owned by a CCP company, experts testifying that the vote trend was a statistical impossibility, late night trucks from New York filled with fake ballots for the swing states, experts IT analysis showing a 68% error rate in the software, I could go on, but I won't waste my time. I know your type, you just follow whatever narrative your MSM provides you with.

@Pand0ro [] Another example of many, yet somehow you are not aware of it. hmmm Do you have any ethics?

@jakuboj The case is being built. It is continually being built with never being laid out or presented. The same accusations with no proof, the same call for investigations of things that have already been investigated sometimes multiple times. I know you are sincere in your beliefs but sincerity does not translate to being right. I wish you the best.

@Pand0ro No proof? hundreds of eye witness sworn affidavits, expert IT analysis, video and audio recordings, statistical expert affidavits. Do you even know what qualifies as evidence in an investigation? It appears you are very uneducated in legal matters or very dishonest.

@jakuboj All this has been presented as evidence. When the evidence has been examined by the courts it does not hold up as proof. There is no corroborating evidence to tie to the statements. The courts are saying it does not qualify as evidence. While I am not schooled legal matters, I listen to those who are.

@Pand0ro You are wrong. Be careful who you listen to.


@jakuboj I certainly agree that it looks like there was foreign interference in this election and the election in 2016. I do not think it changed anything in the outcomes of either, but the fact of that interference is worrying. I am careful of who I listen to and parse what is being said for misdirection and inconsistencies.

@Pand0ro Election fraud is election fraud in all forms. Anyone who supports it supports the evil source of it. Anyone who supports the evil source is the enemy in this war.

@jakuboj I do not support election fraud in any way. Anyone who partakes in it should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is absolutely wrong but it happens and there is nothing either one of us can do to prevent it. There is a cacophony of accusations by persons who said they witnessed voting fraud. Accusations are not evidence. Accusations are the pointers to where investigations should be carried out. The investigations uncover evidence if there is any. So far no U.S. court has found any evidence that is credible. I am sorry you feel the way you do, but I feel there has been many solid investigations by highly qualified individuals and I am confident in their conclusions.

@Pand0ro Sworn affidavits are evidence. That evidence is entered before a court in a formal court hearing of the evidence along with whatever cross examination is required to clarify. That has not happened once. Anyone who supports the corruption of Democrat run states, including their courts is equally corrupt. Knowing how corrupt Democrats are, regardless of what job they hold in society, is the start to winning this battle for freedom.

@jakuboj A sworn affidavit is a form of evidence, but cannot be considered true until after examination for merit. All sworn testimony presented to the courts have been dismissed by the courts. Just because a person is a member of a certain political party does not make them corrupt. There are honest Republicans that have integrity and the courage to call out the corruption of the Trump administration. Most of them are leaving or have left office and are no longer constrained by the faction in charge of the party. If Trump wins this "battle for freedom" we will become a dictatorship. Eventually personal firearms will be confiscated and teams of jackboot thugs will be deployed to take care of dissenters extra-judicially. There is one word for what the Republicans are doing now. Treason.

@Pand0ro you are such a bullshitter. You left wing commies have no morals, ethics or decency. You will lose! []

@jakuboj I am sorry you feel that way. However things turn out how you or I think about it will make no difference. I wish you the best.

@Pand0ro Too many "errors" equates to fraud, unless you support the fraud then you just deny it. []


If Biden/Harris get in, despite the metric ton of evidence of voter fraud - there will never be fair elections ever again. There wouldn't even be a point in holding elections. Giving up now will only signal to the globalists 'we the people' accept becoming modern day serfs in a corporate-feudal system.
Tensions are mounting globally, and the whole world is watching what will happen. This isn't just about whether Trump wins or not, it's about whether we trust and accept the system of governance we currently have. People aren't necessarily fighting for Trump. They're fighting for the ideology he represents. We're not willing to put our freedoms and rights out to pasture.

Tom81 Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

well said ! i agree its not about Trump its about the ideological positioning ..... the selling of this post modern / marxist bs garbage


I hear Americans say Biden is not my communist. Voting was not even close, counting was.


I voted no. He should take the election to its logical conclusion. Besides, conceding/quitting is absolutely anathema to me - an Old Corps Marine. Never Quit!


Notice that the anti-Trumpers are always the minority. Take away the disinformation, the small percentage of thugs running the streets. Consider that Biden Has done nothing in 40 years as a politician. Yet, he “supposedly beat every president in history with the number of votes. Biden is at best a scam artist and at worst A rapist and pedophile. Look at the facts, not the propaganda. I support Trump in martial law and full insurrection as do most veterans in this country. China is in the wire, they are behind our lines. We will see
How tough these SJW warriors really are. If shit kicks off they will melt into the background. Don’t tell me 2+2 is 5. I’m done entertaining anything from the left. SJW word salad and identity politics can kiss my ass.

Tarpon Level 7 Dec 14, 2020



We all know this is the most fake election in America's history and the Democrats had to get votes from dead people to win.

Well ... my only question is;
WAS this the MOST FAKE Election?
I think there have been SEVERAL.
THIS is simply the FIRST TIME the “Loser” stood up and said;
“WAIT A F-CKING MINUTE ... You Ass-oles CHEATED and I’m gonna PROVE IT.”

@Bay0Wulf i always have said they have killed a President to continue a foreign policy venture why would anything else surprise you

Ummm ...
I’m not sure I’ve expressed “surprise” anywhere.
I’m more than a little Pissed Off by their Brazen, “In Your Face” Attitude and the way it seems like its going to be “Permitted” to Stand by the Power Structure.

We all know? No, just the people that refuse to accept the reality of the situation. Lots of claims of massive voter fraud but also a lack of evidence. If it was massive voter fraud, there would be evidence. Claims are not evidence.


After the four years of hate and BS he has had to put up with ! No F 'em !
Keep at it Orange Man .... make their lives hell ... they deserve it

If He JUSTLY Refuses to Step Down,
It will be time to enact MANY Changes to Strengthen the US Constitution and ...
THEN Go After Every Single Person REGARDLESS of Party, Affiliation or Corporate or Media Standing and CRUSH THEM PUBLICLY ...
Reduce THEM to Paupers

@Bay0Wulf That's the America we all know and love. Lock her up. No need for a trial cause we all know what she has done. All liberals should be rounded up, thrown in the gas chamber, have the gold removed from their teeth and bulldozed into a trench. Then America will be great like it never has been before.


Very fascist! (In a good way) you should check out my group.


This is way more complicated than just the election, and in NZ we have the same, Our government in NZ is Legit, but like the US, the laws around voting and even our lockdowns have been deemed by NZ courts as illegal, but due to coronavirus, its ok to break the law... And that should never be ok. Lots of laws here were broken and the government is off scott-free. In the US you have a constitution, and once its ok to violate it for any reason, then you it becomes meaningless, and you can violate it with impunity, and this was the basis behind many legal challenges, but law requires proof, Whats needed is to collect the proof, which is being destroyed/hidden.

It's obvious something was wrong to anyone who looks, but due to a virus, its ok to turn away ... The unique situation means we don't question. This allows algorithms and social media to control your information, and news ... for the greater good. The election is lost, but I have to admire the fight.

The world is changing in dangerous ways, and just as in Germany 1939, the greater good now is being enjoyed, Where the future takes us is up to how much real information do we get - propaganda? Fake News? biased news? ... editorials passed as news. The future blongs to those who learn from history and set a path in which truth is values ... But you may find swimming against such a tidal surge, not only difficult, but dangerous.

Jackboots and pride can be a dangerous combination ... in any group. and radical liberalism is no better than radical religion, or radical conservatism, or radical globalism or radial nationalism. Its the radicalism in the world that worries me ... and its increasing on all sides. - add a global financial crises, and we could see some really bad stuff in the near future..

So Its complicated. But its about the slope, and we seem to be accelerating towards one law for all, Except the Elites - Scary times ahead if the rule of law is lost

The_Q Level 7 Dec 13, 2020

"...laws around voting and even our lockdowns have been deemed by NZ courts as illegal, but due to coronavirus, its ok to break the law..." We need to reward proper humility and dispose of the proud. They are unfounding the support of their own existence.


I think Trump should fight till the end. This fraud and corruption should not be tolerated! It wouldn't be only the United States that would pay the price!


What to do next?

It does not matter who claims to be the President of a Foreign Corporation.

What matters is the individual response to that claim.

Will people continue to prostrate themselves before a Foreign Corporate Overlord?

What is next?

The momentum, as far as I've measured since Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, 911, Aggressive War in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. (too many to count), has been in favor of the defenders whose goal has been, is, and will continue to be the discovery and acknowledgment (officially or not) of the facts that matter in the cases at hand.

Current cases at hand:

Global Treasonous Subsidized Central Banking Fraud

National Treasonous Subsidized Central Banking Fraud

Global Treasonous Subsidized Institutionalized Industrial Slavery (so-called "human trafficking" )

Global Treasonous Subsidized Pandemic Fraud

National Treasonous Subsidized Riots

National Treasonous Subsidized Election Fraud

and currently playing out in specific cases before God and everyone:

National Treasonous Subsidized Kangaroo Court Proceedings.

What could be next include:

Military Tribunals

INDEPENDENT common law grand jury indictments.

Court dates for cases proceeding according to the common law, in Courts of law, where independent grand juries issue subpoenas, decide the merits of each case, issue presentments with named defendants and Court Dates, and independent trial jurors adjudicate both law and fact, decide unanimously on sentence, remedy, restitution, or punishment, and then executors of the will of The People execute sentence accordingly.

time to move to Blockchain for anonymity


It's not over till It's over.

Lt-JW Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

He doesn't EVER have to concede. He didn't lose. But, come Jan 20th, he has to leave the White House (as it stand right now).

Well said. Unfortunately.


It’s time conservatives stop cowtowing to the democrats and their underhanded dealings. Stand up for the constitution and stand up for America. We don’t have to accept Biden’s “win” because We are the People, and the People run this country.

Makes sense to carry on the fight... but then what? I'll make a post in a few weeks about "now what" either way...

@Admin Either way the left will put there boot down on us more

@Admin the 'what's next' is something most don't look at. We've got a fight now but for 2024 the fight will be major torment for rights of freedom.

@MilesPurdue Looks like demographics are heading towards a one-party system ala California...

@Admin If that happens, let's hope that the Democratic Party absorbs the right (or better yet they are left marginalized) and a leftist party splits off.


Voter fraud has always been a problem. At times completely out of control, for example the Chicago Daley political machine, Tammany Hall in New York and Prendergast in Kansas City. Then there are all the less well organized examples everywhere. While we will apparently never know if Trump would have won in the absence of fraud there has never been a better time to clean it up a bit. Just as with all crime you will never stop voter fraud but you can reduce it.

Just as with voter fraud we have always had a biased press. A few outsiders sneak in to office, Lincoln, Truman and Trump being examples but the Washington establishment and their compliant press are to some extent king makers. An example is Obama of whom most Americans who voted for him knew nothing except he was half black. Considering his one accomplishment of note was as a community organizer for ACORN, an organization in which 18 former workers have admitted guilt or been convicted on varying charges of election fraud, you would have expected the press to have been a little curious. Trump's fight against the fake news, of which I would include the social media publishers Twitter, Facebook and Google, continues to serve the public interest.

wolfhnd Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

You raise some good points, two of which I think are critical and can only be resolved by the people. We, as a country, absolutely must insist on higher standards for the media, which is so horribly biased it's beyond dispute. And we need to return Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms back to their original purpose. None of this can be done through legislation... It has to be done by a citizenry that wants something better for itself.


Trump must use his emergency declaration of 2018. There is foreign intervention and this election result is the result of crimes against the USA.

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

Nah. No chance. That’ll never happen.

He just replaced the top echelon of the Defense Department with special forces guys loyal to him because he had nothing better to do and he was bored. And it’s purely a coincidence that the special forces units of all four departments of the armed forces have been given their own separate place in the hierarchy and are now answerable directly to the Secretary of Defense. No more Obama generals to get in the way. But that’s just a coincidence.

Just like the raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt, carried out by those special forces. Just coincidence.

And I’m sure it was a total coincidence that Sydney Powell took up Michael Flynn’s case. And then took up Trump’s case, all on her own, with no pay. Sure. Coincidence.

And now with his fresh pardon, Michael Flynn is back in the thick of it, security clearance restored. Just a happy coincidence.

No way Trump could have expected this and been prepared for it, even set the treason trap. Nah. He’s a buffoon. Just ask CNN.

By the way, did you know Sydney Powell is certified to prosecute military tribunals? But that’s just a coincidence

@Edgework It’s a very long shot, and it is certainly wishful but let’s see if Trump has the stuff!

@Rick-A That's the funniest comment I've seen in a long time 🙂

@torontogal4388, @Edgework Worth watching!

@Rick-A Excellent. So how did he know as early as 2018 what was being perpetrated on the US electorate?

@Rick-A And yes Rick, I laughed because I think we all know he has "the stuff".

@torontogal4388 Based on what took place in the 2018 election midterms, Trump expected this.
The video above explains exactly what he knew in 2018.

@Edgework Oh Edgework, you have my undivided attention. You speak the truth and I love it.

@Edgework I might not agree with you.
Threat has been made:

@Rick-A Cool. sounds promising. here is the order from white house: []

@Krunoslav Could be the last line or resistance.

@Rick-A Possibly: More info here: []

@Krunoslav, @Rick-A, @torontogsl4488, @Asharwood
I can’t quite wrap my head around where she’s coming from. She starts out like a “human rights” attorney with her panties in a wad, over “scary passages” in Trump’s EO. She acts offended that he actually anticipated what would transpire. Which it did. All of it.

But by the end, she’s sounding all the right notes.

I disagree that Trump saw this coming in 2018. Reports I’ve read from multiple sources suggest that, after years of him threatening to run, a coalition of loyal generals and colonels, as well as white hat operatives in the intelligence community, finally convinced him to take the plunge.

He told us in his inaugural address what he saw as his mission: drain the swamp and cut China down to size. He told them he was coming for them and they’ve been fighting back as hard as they can. And failing.

He himself has admitted that he underestimated how deep the swamp really was. And how entrenched China has become in all aspects of society.

But yes, he’s planned ahead. On election night, he and his people watched it all unfold, not in the White House, but in a secure facility across the street, where IT specialists captured the steal as it unfolded in real time.

Why not invoke the EO the next day? Because if Trump had been naive about the scope of the treason, imagine how disbelieving the people in the country would have been. Even his most fervent supporters would have pulled back from military intervention.

We had to see it, to believe it. What has been going on since the election is the most masterful of Trump’s branding campaigns. While he let them think he was losing, and weak, they walked confidently into his treason trap. They’ve gone all in by now. None of them can plausibly claim to have been unaware. Only the criminally stupid actually still think Biden won fair and square.

Once DNI Ratcliffe’s report is released, it won’t be about ballots, it will be about tribunals. It won’t matter what the media tries to cover up. Such efforts will be, by definition, aiding and abetting treason.

In another post, @Admin asked if it was time for Trump to give it up. My response was, it’s time for Biden to seriously consider pardons in return for his concession. But the window of opportunity is closing and the flights to Gitmo are already boarding.

@Edgework I think you missed her tone, I got it.
How's this for tonight!
"IT'S HAPPENING: President Trump Issues Warning - Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which ..."

You’re right. I did mistake her at first. But her message was clear.

I saw that article in Gateway Pundit. They’re becoming my go to site for honest news. I also hit, a Drudgelike aggregator, which links to them a lot


The facts of the matter:

Never Trumpers, Democrats, etc decided a few years back that no matter what, Trump would not win reelection.

Their method: Negative Press Coverage, Race Riots, crashing the economy, fomenting a Panic, Big Tech Censorship, rigged elections.

Despite all of this, Trump reached 292 Electoral Votes late Nov 3rd because the voters rejected all of that.

Right before your eyes, they stopped the count, and magically Biden's numbers in the swing states magically shot up.

It was obvious fraud. In the subsequent weeks it has been proven both in terms of material evidence and statistical evidence.The Establishment reckons that Trump will not use force, so they just run out the clock.

There are a few tricks left to get to a Contingent Election, where all bets are off.

Not only should Trump never concede, he should Cross the Rubicon.

It is obvious fraud with crazy accusations and no evidence.


By stuffing ballot boxes and the courts colluding to allow it, the left has suspended our Christian moral tradition of equal protections and equal enforcements of laws. They have suspended the country's honor for Truth with their gaslighting. Therefore with the recent elimination of national morality, Trump is free to also stuff ballot boxes. He is free to declare martial law and to have people arrested and convicted without trials or even without stating what they are being arrested for. He is free to control the media and use it as a channel to spread any lies he wants to dump into people's heads.

lol at fascist conspiracies

he lost, you just want an excuse.

@CelticRing... equal protections and equal enforcements is a Christian moral tradition? You might want to pick up a history book.

@bastion Facts please

@Tarpon lol he lost, just accept it.

watching the denial is just weird. Biden is your president.

@bastion Feed the trolls.

@TheMiddleWay It has been proven and our institutions are choosing to side with money and corruption.

@JacksonNought Saul Alinsky said "Break all the rules and then hold the republicans to the highest moral standards" (watergate comes to mind).
The Bolsheviks suspended truth and morality upon taking over Russia and Hungary and then the German state of Bavaria for about a year in 1919 (Kurt Eisner's putsch). Germany reacted by suspending morality as well after Hitler took over.
If you allow ballot stuffing, then the republicans will bring in moving vans full of forged ballots too, and then each side will start shooting each other's tires out to prevent the other side from bringing in more trucks full of fake ballots. And it will be all out war.

@CelticRing Hitler was a Christian, so he was exhibiting Christian morality.

No one is allowing ballot stuffing. The Dems didn't do it. End of story.

So I take it you think it was wrong for Republicans to block Obama's SCOTUS nominee in his last year, yet rush through Trump's in his last year? Because now the Dems can just do that, and it will be all out war?

@JacksonNought "Hitler was a Christian, so he was exhibiting Christian morality."
So by your convoluted reasoning, Jeffrey Epstein was Jewish so he was exhibiting Jewish morality in his human sex trafficking.
It doesn't work that way. First, you read the religion's guiding books and then you compare those recommended behaviors to those of the person in question to see if he is following the tenets of those books. If a Muslim doesn't strap on a suicide vest and blow up infidels, then he is not a real muslim (like most so called "muslims" ), or at least he is not a very devout muslim.

@CelticRing well was Epstein committing his atrocities in the name of Judaism?

I was responding to your claim that Germany suspended Christian morality during Hitler, despite the fact that he claimed to be doing it in the name of Christ, and the Catholic Church turned a blind eye in return for privileges and the sovereignty of The Vatican.

I don't care what Hitler said (if indeed he said what you claim).

@JacksonNought "well was Epstein committing his atrocities in the name of Judaism?"
Whether or not Epstein or you claim he was committing his atrocities in the name of Judaism doesn't matter.
It only matters what the guiding text of the Talmud says. If it tells him to do the atrocities. (which it may well do in the case of the Talmud).

@TheMiddleWay This isn't even an argument. There is massive evidence of fraud and our checks and balance system of government isn't working. The deep state is dirty, most of our politicians are dirty and the American people have been asleep at the wheel. I'm not going to get into an argument over which facts are better. IF there is even a question of fraud at the levels that we are seeing then courts should at the very least look at the evidence. Period. Full Stop.

@CelticRing but the Talmud is a very specific text only followed by specific sects of Judaism, so you cannot attribute it to all Jews. Just as you can't blame all Christians for what the Westboro Baptist Church does.

The main point is there is not over-arching "Christian Morality", as every denomination will have its own interpretation, and plenty of people commit atrocities in the name of religion, including Christianity.

@Tarpon we have yet to actually see this "massive evidence". Is this like the "massive evidence" of Hillary running a child trafficking ring?

@TheMiddleWay Swing States win the Presidential Election, They tried cheating in Florida and got caught. The fraud is in swing states but you know that.

@JacksonNought Do you ever have anything to say other than what I can watch on CNN? Just curious.


Enjoy your Capitalism!

@Tarpon do you have anything to say other than what is parroted by Trump and Rudy?

@TheMiddleWay Sidney Powell is just one person and doesn't have the time to look at all 50 states. She is busy enough looking into the fraud in just the swing state.
And, while cheating seems to be easy enough, it still requires some risk and some time and effort, so if it is not a swing state or if it is too big of a margin of victory for one side or the other, the cheaters will not bother to cheat there.

@TheMiddleWay "It's a bunch of unrelated anomalies that are "spun" by the losers..."
If the government stopped prosecuting stalking and rapes, then all over the country there would be a massive increase in "unrelated anomalies" in every last town and village, which would coincidentally be very similar crimes.

@JacksonNought Read

@TheMiddleWay Shaking my head.

@TheMiddleWay Trump doesn't care about contesting the sates that he won, he only cares to contest the states that he "lost". If he were to contest the states that he won, they would probably find plenty of Democrat cheating there as well.

@TheMiddleWay Allowing unsupervised drop-boxes and unsupervised chain-of-command mail-in ballots are analogous to legalizing rape. It is like telling everyone "Go for it, cheat to your heart's content". Thus the elder-care facilities being harvested by nurses for absentee ballots, and homeless shelters and cemeteries and your cat Fluffy voting and stacks of ballots with identical signatures.

@TheMiddleWay If any ballots were "counted" during times when official outside observers were barred from watching over the process, then those ballots must be discarded.

@TheMiddleWay You are trying to gaslight me. This conversation is over.

Trump would never do that though, he has morals.

@TheMiddleWay Anyone who can't or won't see the obvious election fraud is automatically discredited as a MSM disciple and they will be held accountable for their choice to support such evil.

@TheMiddleWay Stop watching your MSM and think for yourself. Here is the truth if you care to know it. Not one court has formally heard the evidence. All cases have been refused based on legal technicalities. It has nothing to do with all of the evidence, they have refused to allow the evidence to be presented in court. Now you know the truth, so quit with the false narrative.

@TheMiddleWay I'm talking about Federal courts. The corrupt Democrat state judges are irrelevant.

@TheMiddleWay State judges from Democrat controlled states. Where were the court hearings? Where was the witness testimony? Show me one court that has formally heard the evidence.

@TheMiddleWay All on procedural matters. There was no sworn testimony at a formal hearing.

@JacksonNought that Hitler Christian crap is rubbish sunshine... and if you don't know it or why then you need to seek he

@TheMiddleWay Now you are just lying. SHow me one court hearing where evidence was presented under oath. Stop with your false MSM narrative.

@Lightman Hitler was a Christian. He may not have been a traditional Christian, or a mainstream one, or what many Christians interpret as the "right way" - but he was most certainly a Christian.

@TheMiddleWay Where do you get your information from. Evidence is only presented under oath in a hearing before the courts, not in an application for a hearing. You people just lie with no conscience, evil!

@JacksonNought In calling Hitler a Christian, you are conflating religion with race the way that people conflate Jewish religion with the "Jewish race". If a Bishop advocates for abortion he is not really a Catholic. If a Jew believes in Jesus the Messiah, he is not really a Jew. If a Muslim doesn't believe in killing infidels, he is not a true Muslim. If Hitler doesn't believe in turning the other cheek, he is not a follower of Jesus.

@CelticRing you might want to look up "No True Scotsman". The Bible advocates for stoning adulterers to death - are you not a real Christian if you aren't murdering sinners? The Bible says women should not speak out or "lead men" - does that mean prominent Christian talking heads like Laura Ingraham, Kaitlin Bennett, Kelly Loeffler, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, etc, are not real Christians because they are speaking out and giving their opinions? In fact, Donald Trump is very much the antithesis of what Christians claim to be - so does that mean anyone who supports him is not really a Christian? Are capitalists not really Christian?

@TheMiddleWay Sure tell yourself whatever makes you happy, you traitors will be losing in the end anyways. Watching the left wing heads explode is always fun when Trump proves you idiots wrong again and again.

@TheMiddleWay []

@JacksonNought "The Bible advocates for stoning adulterers to death"
Unless you live under a rock, you must have heard of the story of the woman at the well.
Jesus said "Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone". The Jews and the Pharisees rejected Jesus and stuck with the Stoning of Adulterers narrative. Those who rejected the old ways turned to Jesus and the New Testament.

@CelticRing you know I keep hearing excuses that this and that from Leviticus and Deuteronomy no longer apply because Jesus excused it or something. But of course it only seems to apply to the things that are inconvenient to Christians, like mixing fibers or eating cloven animals or working on the sabbath. But if you bring up homosexuality, suddenly that one still applies and we must still follow the OT rules. So I guess the NT shows that God might not be as perfect and unwavering as previously indicated, and he can change his mind and evolve, and new tenets can be set based on changes in society.

Also, to use your quote of "if Hitler doesn't believe in turning the other cheek, he is not a follower of Jesus" - so we can all agree that Trump isn't a follower of Jesus then? And anyone who likes to "own the libs" isn't a follower of Jesus? And the many "Christians" on this site who insult and attack people are not followers of Jesus?

@TheMiddleWay We will see won't we. Be prepared to have one of your little hissy fit left wing meltdowns very soon.

@JacksonNought LOL twisting and squirming his way to the truth... keep going you'll get there eventually.

@TheMiddleWay []


They are using communist tactics, not fascist tactics. Stop misusing the word. Stop sticking fascism next to everything you don't like.


Does anyone remember Trump just before the 2016 election when he tried to say the voting was rigged?
He won't concede, his ego won't allow it.
The Right will only trust the elections that their side wins(as happened in 2016), such is the Right Wing logic.

4 years of Democrat lies denial and collusion...
In the words of Bart Simpson.... DON'T HAVE A COW MAN!

And in 2020 when he said he would win in a landslide, the only possible way he'd lose is if it was rigged. He cannot accept defeat.

I love how you SJWs spout CNN or is it CPP headlines

@Tarpon Trump literally said it. On Twitter. On live TV, including the debates. On Fox News, on OANN, on NewsMax...

@Lightman Lies bother you?
Who is the worlds most famous liar?

@Tarpon Did Trump say the election was rigged in 2016? I remember he did. I love how the Right always try to dismiss reality with generic labels uttered by their dear leader.

just Right wing ?......pity

@maxmaccc Pinnochio

@Lightman It's a testable question. Do a poll on Twitter/Facebook. Guess who comes out top?

@maxmaccc LOL facebook twitter..... ROTFLMAO

@Lightman Still not addressing the question. At least you're consistent.

@maxmaccc I always address the question... what don't you think I addressed?
Maybe it was just too subtle a reply for you?

@Lightman Does "Guess who comes out on top?" ring a bell. The " ? " is right there in my original post.
Your reply was "LOL facebook twitter..... ROTFLMAO". Does that make sense to you?

@maxmaccc Try reading my answer again... you may eventually understand it...

@Lightman Re-read mine

@maxmaccc hmmm my reply disappeared... short version then, checked my answers... all are there suggest you try again and stop repeating things I say.

@Lightman This was your original reply"I always address the question... what don't you think I addressed?
Maybe it was just too subtle a reply for you?"
It's right there.
I only posted that you re-read mine because i edited my reply and you answered the unedited version.

@maxmaccc Oh so you changed you so called question.... why?

This one you have so many...It's a testable question. Do a poll on Twitter/Facebook. Guess who comes out top?
My answer to that was Pinnochio... factual and true.

Do I accept lies? no... not from anyone... never been a Trump fan btw.
His lies or fabrications only serve to damage his credibility and confuse issues. Do I like his Twitter habit.... not one little bit.
Is he the worlds biggest liar... nope... most politicians lie... Biden lies, Harris lies, AOC lies, etc, etc, etc.... the whole Democrat collusion gambit was a lie etc, etc, etc... probably the biggest lie in the last 4 years actually.
Is that what you were talking about... Was it about polling on the 2 most left leaning dishonest websites? Twitter and Facebook lie by omission and censorship if not by posting fake news... all forms of lying.
So I have already answered in a less fulsome way those questions before. surely you could have worked that out from what I wrote.



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