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Are white people subject to microaggressions?

Microaggressions are typically defined as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups. White people are regularly accused of inflicting emotional harm on others by saying things like "Where are you from", “I’m not a racist. I have several Black friends.” or even “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.” See more examples.

Do you think white people experience microaggressions? If so, what are some examples? Are most progressive accusations of white oppression a form a microaggression towards whites? Should white people start educating non-whites on how to avoid using microagressions or simply accept them as "social justice"?


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Admin 8 June 20
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Is it possible to be subject to imaginary actions?

What do you mean by imaginary?

I mean micro aggressions is a term invented for the specific purpose of undermining the self confidence and unity inherent in western culture, by post-modern, Neo-marxists, likely in the employ of George Soros or his ilk. Micro aggressions are on par with Sasquatch, except that there is a slight chance that BigFoot exists; whereas, there is no/zero/nada chance that micro aggressions exist. ❄️🤡❄️


White people are subjected to "Systemic Racism" by a government and societal system which systematically excludes them, based on their skin color! Yet all other races have National and local programs designed specifically for their races. Have you ever applied for a small white business loan, celebrated National White Awareness Week, applied for a college scholarship designed specifically for white students, joined a white labor union, etc ad nauseum. And you merely need only to Google "White Only Organizations" to be told you are a "white supremacists" yet googling "All ___ Organizations" will provide you with a myriad of options specific for that race.

Nailed it, sister! Oops, was that cultural appropriation?

Whiteism = any physical assault, coercion, subjugation, accusation of privilege, demand for reparation, demonisation... directed at a white person by black/asian/minorities.


I suffer microagressions all the time. It’s called an occupational hazard when you deal with assholes. I’ve never felt the need to coin a brand new word for it, and I’ve never felt the need to run to a safe space or suck on a pacifier, either.

Frankly, I’m getting pretty damn sick of everyone letting the left frame the terms of the discussion. I have no interest in slicing and dicing the minutia of microaggressions, or systemic racism or white supremacy, or any of the other loaded terms with which the debate is handicapped against you. How about a discussion on how normal people are rolling over and playing dead while our language is corrupted beyond recognition?

That’s a topic I’d be interested in pursuing.

Edgework Level 8 June 20, 2020

Yes, absolutely!!! We are foolishly allowing woke-progressives to coin empty terms, and even more insane, we are all using them. Whenever I speak or post, I do my best to avoid using their jargon. Using these terms is ensuring progressives tighten their stranglehold on the debate.

Whiteism = any physical assault, coercion, subjugation, accusation of privilege, demand for reparation, demonisation... directed at a white person by black/asian/minorities.


Do you mean like the time that 3 men from the middle east called me a whore and spit on the floor because he couldn't spit far enough to spit on me? Or the time that 2 women, also from somewhere across the pond, tried to shove me off of the sidewalk? (didn't work) Or being told there's no reason to apply for a job at a local company when our economy tanked because I was told by the guard at the door that they had "already met their quota for Caucasians." Like that?

My first thought was, Pamela must be from Brooks! I just checked, yup.
I saw the Rebel News report on globalist chief, Jason Kenny’s brilliant plan to flood rural Alberta with Muslim "refugees" because "they will be good for the economy"! 🤡🤡🤡
Some of the interviews with actual Canadian residents were pretty horrifying! Of course, the video was deleted last time I checked...

Disgusting scumbags! My partner and daughters have had the same experience. Makes my blood boil

@WorldSigh Nailed it! The saddest part is, there are so many good people who have come here just wanting a better life. They are hard-working, law-abiding, and do their best to embrace the culture and fit in. But then, there is the scum that wants to mess up this country to match the ones they came from. Kenney is a globalist. The only reason he's the Premier is that the man that ran against him was the MLA for the city in Alberta that boasts the largest mosque in the western hemisphere. That building sits on land that includes plans for a Muslim only university and housing projects. That land was untouched by the fires that devastated that area. You won't find pictures, except a blurred one taken at night of that mosque. And people who have tried to visit have been turned back from the gates by armed guards who stand in front of signs that read "Sovereign Territory of Saudi Arabia." So, Kenney seemed the lesser of the evils. Now? We have a strong separatist movement and who are seeking sovereignty.

Wexit would be good for Alberta, but not with Kenny in charge!


This should be an answer on your poll

"I don't believe in microaggressions "

Fact is you could take offense to almost anything anyone says at any given moment

It is foolish not to mention unconstitutional create speech codes.
When such a policy is left to the interpretations of the "offended " and it becomes actionable based upon arbitrary interpretation you will have opened a pandoras box.

iThink Level 9 June 20, 2020

I thought anyone could add to that poll...I'll check. Thanks!


Traditionally people who saw everything as threatening or insulting were understood to be mentally ill. For example they might have borderline personality disorder or they might just have very low self-esteem.

Precisrly. I cannot acknowledge the term "microaggression" except to say it is one of the popular extreme left terms, like "Islamaphobia," to throw at anyone not falling in line with the whacko narrative that aims to silence challenge of any kind.


I don’t believe in micro aggressions and unconscious bias. I don’t care what you’re thinking or asking where I’m from or what I do, I care about actions. If you think less of me because I’m white, I don’t care, if you treat me worse because I’m white, I don’t care about that either because I won’t let someone else’s actions towards me define me. But when you start demanding the system treat me worse, or you better, because of our respective races, I will treat you as a racist. And in that instance, you are no better than those who enacted and enforced Jim Crow laws. I sincerely feel if people dropped this need to be a victim, we could make serious progress as a species.

ZyThum Level 4 June 20, 2020

I think the thrust of "micro-aggressions" is to make Whites feel uncomfortable, self-conscious, and intimidated every where they go and with whoever they interact. Claiming "micro-aggressions" is a form of bullying. And it's a justification for every petty envy and bigotry on the "victim's" part.

Tycho Level 7 June 20, 2020

Claims of microaggressions, subconscious racism, cultural bias, and unconscious agression are examples of gaslighting at it's finest.

GuyB Level 6 June 20, 2020

Absolutely correct.


Are ridiculous. People get offended too easily by real or imagined slights. Thicker skin and more common sense is needed. And logic should be taught in schools.

Whiteism = any physical assault, coercion, subjugation, accusation of privilege, demand for reparation, demonisation... directed at a white person by black/asian/minorities.


I voted for "affect all people." I'm not sure that I really buy into "microaggressions," but I can consider the theory.

I feel like if this theory/concept exists, it has to work in all directions. Like racism, if a white person can be racist against a black person, then a black person can be racist against a white person.

I have looked at the list of microaggression examples. Some potential examples of microaggressions towards whites:

  1. "All whites are racist"
  2. "Check your white privilege"
  3. "That's how white people are"
  4. Assumptions about lack of "culture" of white people
  5. Assumptions about white people having more money
  6. The concept that white people can't dance
  7. The concept that white music is lame
  8. "I'm tired of seeing white people on TV"
  9. Assumptions that all white cops will harm/kill black people

Just some possible ideas. I'm not confident in this argument, just brainstorming a bit here.

Replying to myself here to add that I spoke to a friend about the topic and she informed me that the things I listed are not "microaggressions," but simply "aggressions." The difference to her being that a microaggression can be disguised as a compliment (e.g. "you'd be pretty if you smiled more" ).

I can tell that the others on Slug won't like this POV, but I was informed that the "microaggression" depends on 1. "micro" (not outward/open aggression) 2. the giver of the microaggression to have power or majority over the receiver 3. the receiver of the microaggression feeling disempowered. Therefore, my friend says a minority (black person) cannot give a microaggression to a majority ( person). It would just be an open aggression in that case.

This is a lot to wrap my head around. If someone reading this is of this POV, please leave me a response to explain to me if I understand.

@RavenMStark you identified the problem by noting the receiver feels “disempowered”.

Progressives feel individuals are responsible for how they make others “feel”, and the state should fix those feelings. In life, others will always put individuals down, at work, at home and socially.

The remedy was provided almost a century ago by Eleanor Roosevelt, who I quoted above: “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”

@GeeMac Thank you for your response and your opinion. Also, props for quoting Eleanor Roosevelt! Great quote.

This "microaggression" stuff reminds me of a book I read some time ago by Deborah Tannen about "metamessages." Metamessages are communications that happens "between the lines." An example I recall was if a host asks "can I get you a drink" and you say "no," they might think that is rude because you didn't accept their offer, so you are rejecting their generosity. Whereas maybe you didn't intend any rudeness at all and you simply didn't want a drink. (I can't imagine how rude I must appear to practically everyone I ever talk to!)

I am wondering if the "microaggression" may be similar or related to "metamessages," as it seems like the giver of a "microaggression" does not have to intend any aggression or rudeness at all. The perception of the recipient determines if it was a "microaggression" or not... and the "microaggression" is happening "between the lines."

Whiteism = any physical assault, coercion, subjugation, accusation of privilege, demand for reparation, demonisation... directed at a white person by black/asian/minorities.

@RavenMStark yes, it’s all about interpreting or speculating as to the “real” meaning of someone’s words. Worse still is the cunning idea of the dog whistle, where I make myself the authority on someone’s thoughts and intentions based on a set of often specious assumptions. I might as well be reading Tarot cards.

No doubt metamessages are valuable and necessary in some situations. Humans are wired to fill in the blanks. For me personally, it’s more effective to make decisions based on someone’s behaviour, not on their words.

Living my life trying to find hidden meanings and intentions in the words of others is a quick route to a very unhappy life. As Freud said, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”

@Lt-JW Thank you for your comment. That is very succinct and clear.

But would those be "microaggressions" or simply "aggressions?" They seem to be outwardly aggressive and not disguisable as a "compliment." That was how my friend explained it to me. (e.g. "You'd be so pretty if you smiled more." ) Also, a "microaggression" can be done on accident, I was told, and an "aggression" is never an accident.

So even if it's true that a "microaggression" can't happen towards a white person from a minority (I'm still not positive about this claim), it seems like there are plenty of "aggressions" that are out there from minorities towards white people.

Going one step further, it seems to me that sometimes a completely accidental "microaggression" is being responded to with outward "aggression."

I'm still thinking this through and forming my opinions about this topic.

@GeeMac Well said. I agree with you!

I am typically a very blunt speaker and a literal listener, so when I read about "metamessages," I had to put a lot of thought into it to try to comprehend it. (I'm still pretty sure I only have a shallow grasp of the idea.)

It seems to me that that microaggressions could be another "communication style" problem. Group A communicates one way and Group B communicates a different way, so the "metamessages" intended by Group A are being read differently by Group B, resulting in conflict.

If this is the case, the solution, according to Tannen, is for both groups to be aware of the concept of different communication styles, to try to learn the communication style of the other, and to also give each other the benefit of the doubt. -- Somehow, I can't envision this happening on a large scale.

@RavenMStark Micro-aggression vs aggression? I reject the progressive view that equates words with violence. Raising rudeness to the level of aggression trivializes cases of real aggression, which involve hostility and violence.

Academics sometimes like to overthink mundane, if unpleasant human behaviours like rudeness, put downs, and cutting humour. You’ll find these at wedding receptions, Thanksgiving dinners, and among friends. It’s not new. Over three centuries ago Alexander Pope coined the term “damning with faint praise.”

Encouraging people to take offence at everything, to speculate about malevolent intent, and layer on racism, it’s a recipe for chaos, not equity.

@GeeMac Again, you make some very good points. I also reject the idea that words = violence. So, maybe we could assume "aggression" to mean specifically "verbal aggression" in my above comments and that would be a bit more accurate? We're terming "micro-aggression" to mean verbal aggression that occurs "between the lines," so I only meant "aggression" to mean verbal aggression that occurs openly, opposed to "between the lines."

I would consider myself to be an academic, though only an amateur one! So, I very well might be overthinking it. But that's the method I use to test and question an idea. Any good concept will stand up to overthinking. And a bad concept will fall apart under testing.

@RavenMStark OK, so
Micro aggression - implied
Verbal aggression - openly insulting
So if I have that straight, what was the question again?

@GeeMac Yes, you have that straight!

The question, I think, is whether a "microaggression" can be given to a white person, about whiteness. In the examples I gave, my friend said that those were not "microaggressions" because they were outward, not implied. I was trying to think of if there are any examples that are "micro."

If I can't think of any real examples of "microaggression" aimed at whiteness, I will have to change my vote to "it can only affect non-whites."

@RavenMStark gotcha! Thanks. There are plenty of examples, like “Stuff White People Like” 2008 a satire listing 150 things “uniquely white”. These are, in fact, all “micro aggressions” against that community. But who cares? That community deserves it, say progressives.

But let’s be real, it’s not just white people who love Volvo’s, Whole Foods and Indie movies.

The mistake is redefining human behaviour — put-downs, rudeness, cutting humour — in terms of identity groups. This stuff is universal.

@GeeMac AH! Thank you! Yes, I think those are great examples. I was struggling to think of anything other than what I had already listed.

That reminds me - When I had asked my friend yesterday about my "white people can't dance" example, she said that was different than a microaggression because it's a "joke" instead of a "microaggression." -- But I think that's where I have to stop listening to that rhetoric. Why would it be a "joke" from non-white people to white people, but if I said "black people dance funny," it's no longer a joke, but a microaggression?

Yes, thank you for getting my thoughts back on track here! So, after scrutinizing, it looks like my original theory is holding up. I can solidly leave my vote at "affects all people" and I can defend that opinion now. Nice. Thank you very much.

Also, I agree with that last statement you made about "redefining human behavior." Well said.

@RavenMStark Thanks for the insights. I really enjoyed hearing your point of view, and your patience in sticking with the thread! 👍

@GeeMac Likewise!


Promoting Hyper-sensitivity is never a good idea, quicker path to conflict. Wont give them the time of day.


Microagressions are post modern claptrap. However, I do get ticked at idiots that say I am a danger to public health because I do not wear a mask. But no, I am not offended when they do so, just a little ticked and confused as to how people can let themselves get so brainwashed that they become brain dead. LOL


Why I had to book out of the progressive movement is the focus on over-complicating things and elevating victimhood. There are victims in this world. Every second of every day someone is physically harmed by someone else. There are also no limit to assholes in this world. I just deny the fact that impersonal generic insults hurt worse than personal, go-for-the-jugular ones nor do I believe that we should waste any more times on generic prejudices. They won't be solved by agitating them only by people experiencing life individually and differently. At a certain point it makes far more sense to start focusing on forgiveness than to punish people en masse for what you either perceive that they did or what a generation prior to them did.

Dr King discussed this as a wrestling match where no one gets off the floor. You're stuck until you decide to actually stop fighting.

I don't want to go too much into my ethnicity but I have had insults because of it and historical abuse was done to that ethnicity. When people tell jokes or make comments about that ethnicity it has never ever bothered me as much as when kids made fun of my pre-braces teeth. It was all so impersonal whereas my overlapping teeth was something that only I had to face.


Nobody suffers from "microaggression". Not whites, blacks, or anyone else. This is a made up problem from people who are doing their best to be professional victims.


I am sure there has for a long time been an orchestrated campaign to undermine Western democracy. Using the education system and the media, left wing views have been presented as the norm and anything else described as far right with the latter being the bogeyman. When appropriate, invoking Hitler and fascism as an image of a typical right wing ideology. It’s no coincidence that Europe is being flooded with immigrants most of which are not from countries affected by war. The Black Lives Matter campaign is likely to be part of the process of stirring up discontent putting forward left wing ideology under the guise of human rights with accusations of fascism and racism being thrown at anyone who doesn’t openly support it. The Left wing supporters don’t need to sell their ideology they just focus on discrediting and destroying all other views and by using the fascist and racist cards at every opportunity, try to take the moral high ground. As usual moderate people have stood and watched, most not aware enough to see what’s happening. Politicians in the main have seen a trend to the left and made left wing noises to get votes and the right wing parties have been demonised.
Clear evidence of all this is the worldwide reaction to Trump being elected. Politicians who welcome murderous dictators and leaders of anti democratic regimes criticise Trump. The media describe him as the devil and he is painted as some sort of right wing warmonger. This is all part of the anti Western campaign that if not arrested will destroy or devalue democracy and hand the west over to the extreme left wing lunatics who are the real danger to what have been Western values.


Micro aggressions are a false construct employed to racialize what used to be viewed as unremarkable human behaviour styles.

Insensitivity, ignorance and rudeness are universal. To assume that these come from, or are only directed toward, any specific identity group, is in itself, prejudiced and biased.

A young Mexican woman I know was accusing Canadians of being racist this week because a few friends asked her if she’s a soccer fan. I suggested this question is no different from people who assume I like hockey because I’m Canadian. She unfortunately also interpreted my comment, as being racist.

When people are trained to believe everyone holds malevolent intentions, that’s exactly what they will find. And we have trained at least three generations that the world is out to get them.

GeeMac Level 8 June 20, 2020

Young trend conscious people are subject to micro aggressions, the rest of us who grew up without a cotton wool cloud surrounded by bubble wrap think its a load of Bollocks! What's needed is a course of strong calcium treatment and an environment designed to encourage the growth of a fuckin BACKBONE

@BikerPetehall70 you nailed it mate! 👍🤣


I refuse to acknowledge any word such as microaggression or hate speech.......I am astounded by the fragility and hypersensitivity displayed by some, as well as the covert use of bullying tactics to undermine, control and belittle,................I believe the perpetrators trap people by concentrating on the minutiae, and basically confound with over complication. To combat such distortion, use facts, knowledge is power, but I believe in maintaining integrity, dignity and above all speaking truth..........from the images I've seen, a person who is able to articulate with both objectivity and dignity, that's usually enough to trigger hysterical behaviour and the irrationality............I do worry about what's to come, I hope we will all stand together for what is right and what is free!

NGriff Level 3 June 21, 2020

You’re kidding ... Right?
EVERYBODY has “micro aggressions” or NOBODY has them.
If the Left, Blacks or ANY Other group tries holding micro aggression against another ..
We’re all pretty much SCREWED


Microaggressions is a Cultural Marxist evil spirit. It does not exist. White people are, however, affected by Blacks murdering, raping, assaulting, and robbing them. Those things are real.
White people are also affected by anti-White Cultural Marxist propaganda.

Bias is a Cultural Marxist sin that does not exist. Everyone is biased. If you are not you are either a hermit or a fool. Solidarity with ones own people is a positive trait, not a sin. Learning to recognize patterns from experience and discriminate good from bad, better from worse, danger from safety, is a mark of intelligence, not a sin.The Cultural Marxists want to take away your people, your culture, and your very mind.

Whites should not be educating non-Whites on any subject. Whites should be standing up for themselves and fighting for the future of their civilization.


It's either aggression or it's not.

Xtra Level 8 June 20, 2020

Micro aggressions are not real. They’re something made up by perpetually offended people who live in a society with out real day to day problems.


Sure, when you forced to tolerate an obnoxious, barbaric behavior of your neighbors, shoppers, colleagues, peers only because they belong to a different ethnic group, and you are forced to remain silent, this is not a microagression, but a constant atmosphere of stress and oppression.

On the flipside I have a black friend whos kids call me uncle! His family call me Mr Peter, and this afternoon he rang me to wish Me happy fathers day

@BikerPetehall70 what you say highlights the main problem to come out of this. There must be large numbers of black people who are integrated into society and who have white friends and relatives. The orchestrated resurgence of what is in effect the Black Power movement can only be to the detriment of black people that don’t want to be associated with it. If anyone thinks that the Twin Towers massacre furthered the cause of Muslims they are deluded and in the same way these riots, the destruction of statues etc and the ridiculous knee bending police in the UK will set race relations back rather than improve matters.

And if the only answer offered is to become a barbarian yourself, lower your standards, take a knee, break the statues, - - - well, God help us all.


My final thought on micro-aggressions is from former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt:
“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”

GeeMac Level 8 June 21, 2020

I think it's a ridiculous term (along with dozens of others that have been coined in the past few years, sadly). As such, I don't give it a second thought, and if I did, I'd probably ignore virtually anything some would consider to be micro-aggressions. Frankly, I'm more concerned about macro-aggressions. Is that a word? Anyway, y'all know what I mean.

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