23 9

Is it time to rebrand this site away from the "Intellectual Dark Web" and into something more general about cognitive liberty, freedom of speech and Enlightenment values? Our guiding goal is to elevate truth and undermining the false narratives that cause needless polarization and threaten modernity. What do you think? We are thinking about using the domain ...


Admin 8 Dec 24
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The IDW association is useful. It provides an umbrella context for intelligent, reasoned discourse and an exchange of ideas.


I think that it doesn’t matter a whole lot what you call it ... once the people who are truly interested find it.
Intellectual Dark Web is intriguingly anonymous and yet descriptive ... enough to get a person of a certain mindset to look but not a beacon to morons and idiots.

I like IDW just fine.
If you try to incorporate your “guiding goal” into the name, it will attract every nutjob out there that’s bored with Facebook and other forums that they’ve overwhelmed and wrecked.


Is your goal to grow quickly at all costs? Then change the name.
Is your goal to grow at a reasonable rate by attracting thoughtful, inquisitive, free thinkers? Then keep the IDW moniker. I urge you to shun the soul devouring path of twitter, facebook, and youtube.

IDW is a fantastic name! It intrigues some enough to investigate, while others are put off and refuse to see past their preconceptions. The quality of members determines the spirit of this place. Choose quality, not quantity!

Your comment relieved me of the need to post mine! Well written.


I think you should keep the name as it is. The intellectual dark web has become associated with the idea that free speech exists for all, regardless of political beliefs, religion, and other such differences. People who are willing to have open conversations with other people will be drawn to this. The name is what got me interested enough to install the app.


I say leave it. As others have said, it's the right kind of name for what the goal is. This isn't Facebook, where any moron who thinks they have an opinion is going to find an audience. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!


I’m new to IDW and initially the concept of using the term “dark” to illuminate and encourage openness, freedom of speech and liberty was strange.
I do agree though, FB is hardly any of the things being achieved here,

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 24, 2019

Stay strong to the original mission. Don't change a thing. The community will iron out the wrinkles.

Facci Level 7 Dec 25, 2019

Well, I don’t like slug. It’s either a garden pest or a stray fist. It might even conjure images of 30 year old, unemployed gamers. What about leanings or learnings or gleanings or meanings. I just think you can do better than slug.


I put out an invitation on my FB and have mentioned it to other friends. Even though I try to explain what it is, I've gotten no bites from FB friends and those I speak with always give me a doubtful and concerned look - like what am I into on the internet?

Clarken Level 7 Dec 24, 2019

It’s the word “dark” that gets them. They seem to think it’s the shady side of the internet.

Yup, like DEEP STATE. it has a morbid tone with the word DARK. However, maybe we should give the SJW something to FEAR?


I agree with most comments. It has a sense of openness. It may attract trolls, but generally I thin the ordinary troll might find the discussion to difficult to contribute anything meaningful to it, and if you cannot contribute you either leave or it may start you thinking. Maybe even revisit your own thinking, or change your presuppositions.

As a seasoned troll, I find it offensive that you would consider that, just because I am a troll, I would find the discussion too difficult.

You just don't understand what I had to go through in my life just for being a troll. All the days of living under a bridge, being shunned and discriminated against because of green skin colour, being laughed at.

You just don't understand.


On a serious note, it is much more challenging to participate in the discussion while caring to consider what the "other" side is actually saying, then how it is often done in online communities and social media sites.

It is very difficult not being a muppet in this day and age when people communicating online are nothing but the worst possible versions of themselves, except when driving in heavy traffic perhaps.


I think the site itself is fine like it is. Maybe some of the groups on here could use rebranding, as groups are one of the first features new members check out.


Definitely not


I think IDW is a keeper.

Yes, the current URL/name will still work... just an idea to use a second name for marketing.


So Google ... GOOGLE of all “arbiters” ... who has probably been deliberately smothering IDW as a searchable item ... shows a downward trending line.
Are you really going to use a source as biased as Google to make decisions?
I still see new people popping up pretty regularly ... that seems to negate that trend line.

I HAVE seen some idjits and non-thinkers stumble in here and, after floundering around for a bit and not finding THEIR flavor of Cheerleaders ... not finding THEIR preferred type of creatures (sheep) they seem to stumble back out.
OR I get bored with their mindless crap and simply “Block” them permanently (to my mind, they have simply “gone away” ... so far my count is 3 ... which, overall, is a pretty good comment on the value of the minds found here.

Agreed... we will make sure the current URL (and brand) still works.


I like the current name.

Xtra Level 8 Jan 20, 2020

If you want to have civil and intellectually honest discussions you need an option for mandatory verification among those groups of users.

  1. Photo required
  2. ID verification

This is the only social media site that I have ever put my picture on because I expect more from this site.

RAZE Level 7 Jan 6, 2020

Me too... I mean as in I put the photo "me too", not I got molested "me too".

I wish I were molested; there could be some money in it... Alas, I was an ugly child, it seems; or, never had an opportunity to suck some Hollywood producer off to get a role in a movie despite my palpable lack of acting qualities and make millions of dollars...

Back to the photo, yes, this is the only social media site which I put my photo on. Although, not quite sure if that's a good idea.

When I am standing there fired from work because I offended someone, on here, I might be reconsidering the decision.


Edgy is definitely better. There is nothing but diplomacy on the Right and people are getting tired of that. It is difficult to attract a lot of people to take intelligent discussions to the next level while maintaining (boring) civility.

RAZE Level 7 Jan 5, 2020

The lack of moderation seems to encourage trolls. Trolls discourage true open dialog. Open dialog discourages moderation. If you want to have a site that grows, get rid of the trolls.

Yes, the trolls are always an issue but I think we've addressed some of it by requiring new accounts to have content reviewed.

I think there's value in guarding the free speech aspect. Keeping an eye on trolls with a clear definition of what their violation is: the troll is a problem because he interferes with the speech and conversation of others. His rights stop where another speaker/writer's begin.

guys yall are talking trolls, but from what i can see on my newsfeed. there are about four or five trollers spoonfeeding this site most of this year, and the few that actually stand out as honest efforts.

i thought the discussion was much more lively before the 4 or 5 trollers turned their selected targets into bulletin boards instead of discussion forums.

@Admin there really is a need to start segrigating bulletin posts from actual attempts at dialogue. unfortunately the baby got thrown out with the bathwater on that one.

it was really interesting to witness, though, in hindsight.

Define "TROLLS".
If this site is about "Free Speech", then let the "TROLLS" have their says!
I'm a big boy and can handle them!
Maybe, with God's help, we can help the "TROLLS" become real thinking people!!
I believe that a "TROLL'S" comment to me this morning was Blocked by Admin.
From the dialog up to that point, I believe his reply was to vulgar to print!!! I have heard worst!!!!

Trolls seem to be ignored and even eliminated from your personal newsfeed with a simple click. No more HighQ. But, sure, you can inadvertently encourage them by responding.


So that is where the "SLUG" came from!!!!!!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Apr 9, 2020



I'm a little disappointed by the number of political extremists, conspiracy theorists, and such on the site already. The "IDW" name at least ties the site to exemplary commentators who are "intellectual" but have been pushed somewhat out of the mainstream.

If you rename it along the lines of "liberty" "values" and "freedom" you may (unfortunately) attract an alt-right cesspool instead of a community grounded in the original values. We already have 4chan, so no need to compete there.

Perhaps go for civility, productivity, fact-based, or similar if you want to up the level of discourse.

damo9f Level 5 Jan 19, 2020

Your against people with a set ideology?
You want to exclude a certain sect for excluding certain sects?
Your worried there ideas will influence you?
Your worried dicks taste delicious?
You only want 1 sided discussions?

How are you now any different from the light you shadow these "dissapointments" in?

Just relax dude it might spread some insight and logic there way. And ooh no.. maaaaaybe Vice versa?

If it doesn't fit them they won't stick around long. Either way I'm sure this platform is for intelligent 2 way discussions and learning exactly..
where the truth 'lies' <- (gotta love english) usally it sits somewhere in the middle of 2 opinions.
not just a direct opposition to anything particular.

Or.. just fuck em they can suck a fat cock

Whatever works, I'm easy..

0 is good.

RAZE Level 7 Jan 5, 2020

The very use of intellectual in the title is an arrogance. Why should we assume that this site is purely for intellectuals or that intellectuals are the only people with interesting or useful views? So yes let's change the name to include all people irrespective of their perceived intelligence or education who wish to see free speech and independent thinking unfettered from a supposedly liberal establishment. I thoroughly agree with the dark web part because the views espoused here do not fit with the common unthought views expressed widely nor do they follow, lemming-like, whatever the current fashionable crowd-think is today.

Fargle Level 3 Dec 27, 2019

A person may speak intelligibly, intellectually and with forethought without being branded an intellectual. The snobbery associated with those who wish to be labeled intellectuals should not taint the thoughts of having a scintillating intellectual discussion.

i joined to find out what intellectuals ate like, since i don't really know any. mostly all i know are reactionaries and emotional debates with reactionaries just usually turn into mudslinging fingerpointing misdefining namecalling veiled fights. emotional debates with people that will lift one eyebrow before responding to a self perceived emotional trigger is nice rather than getting white eyed rage faces in response to a contraposto


How about COGNITIVE LIBERTY THINKTANK? We invite thinkers who do not wish to be bullied by superficial moral codes based upon anti-scientific snowflake demands. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought with very few (and very sensible) limitations to encourage conversations about polarising topics.

As opposed to shaming and excommunicating conservative viewpoints.

As a gift, I’ll volunteer a demo logo...

@DomNodarelli Pretty jazzy 🙂

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