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Can feelings of "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative," "enterprise," and "optimism" be realized by someone who feels inferior?

I recently stumbled on Ted Kaczynski's (aka "The Unibomber" ) manifesto and found it prescient of today's social issues. When it was published in 1995, it was described mostly as an anti-technology screed. However, it also contains (paragraph 6-32) a description of the root cause of Leftism - what he calls "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization".

"Oversocialization [the effect of social conditioning] can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc." by making people feel ashamed of themselves. Shaming is done not only by one's inclusion to a group (e.g, being white) but also in thought such as while mentally reconciling observed differences in groups and the "right speak" that everyone has equal abilities. Oversocialized people also tend to feel the "system" has more influence on their security than what their own abilities provide. This compounds their feeling of helplessness and sense that they're oppressed.

Kaczynski said a Leftist is often drawn towards activism, seeking out social problems to champion, as it gives them a feeling of control and purpose, "An individual lacking goals or power joins a movement or an organization, adopts its goals as his own, then works toward those goals". He also predicted a situation like today when major social issues, such as direct bigotry, have been addressed: "If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss." I could be argued that the fight against "Systemic Racism/Sexism/etc" is in this category.

To someone who has low self-esteem and a feeling of hopeless oppression, a Conservative's words of "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative," "enterprise," and "optimism" sounds almost derisive. When a Conservative says "America is a land of opportunity", people who feel its not become outraged. Clearly a different message is needed.

How would you give someone who feels defeated a sense of hope and control over their lives?

Have you read Ted Kaczynski's manifesto?

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Admin 8 Sep 30
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There is great wisdom in better sources than Ted Kaczynski, beginning with the Federalist Papers, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and most of the great philosophers. Almost all of them still accessible, although probably not for long.

And some of the greatest wisdom is on this site. For example, Dr Jordan Peterson. Why look in the wilderness for wisdom that is right in front of you?

Does the messenger matter as much as the message? But yeah, Ted has "issues".

@Admin. I sense some kind of notion that there must be some ultimate truth out there, if only we could find it.

My perspective is that there are many philosophies of great value - none greater than the next by any consistent standard, so that makes the most accessible best. I am not driven to find it in Hitler or Kaczynski, as if they should somehow be more relevant.

I agree with you 100% that there are lots of good sources that might go away - I am afraid books will be attacked next. In fact, I believe that it is already happening. Libraries have done 'purges' even getting rid of fiction books written by white males.... Classic lit.

@RAZE I collect pre-1930 text books... at least they're not woke.

@Admin Try comparing dictionaries from 1900 to those of today. Language changes over time, I realize, but some words are definitely changed to forward political purposes.


I read parts of Kaczynski's Manifesto. He wanted mid-nineteenth century energy footprint with a mid-nineteenth century population. So what happens to the rest of us?

I always say serving in the Corps doesn't make you a man. You are a man when you realize you are responsible for paying your own rent. When you realize you want it that way, you've become an adult.

Some say "The rent is too damn high". Perhaps a mandatory year community service for young adults could help?

@timon_phocas yes! I know so many people who have all the answers on running the country but can’t seem to manage their own households.

Howdy @Admin,

What I saw in the Corps was that you could choose to be a superannuated teenager with a large allowance. Blow a paycheck in a weekend party and you still have three hots and a cot. No one says boo as long as you perform your duties.

I think a national service program would work the same way.

@Admin it seems to work for Israelis. I have been watching a lot of Sadhguru, he is very helpful and he delivers with humor. But for someone like Timon, who has actual experience, his views carry equal weight in my limited experience. Sadhguru gives very pleasing belly laughs too.


Culture mixing was an experiment that failed

This is an important document: []

That’s a good document. Thanks. BUT, why do we absolutely have to “mix”? I just heard of a charter school advertising it was FOR People of Color? Even minorities wanna segregate their children! I don’t think it’s bad to segregate. Is that terrible?

@SocialDarwin It's only terrible if it's mandated by law. The US Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of association. Jim Crow laws were unconstitutional. Groups, racial or religious or academic or social class, will tend to want to associate with others who have common traits or interests.


One of the biggest problems large cultures/societies have is the matter of "what to do with their young men" during peace time.
How to channel their energies, their natural drive for competition and conquering or defeating rivals and achieving personal goals - how to live and feel like a complete man - according to his human mans nature.
Gradually it seems - over the last 5 or 6 decades women have taken it upon themselves to imbue their sons with a paradigm of being a softer, sensitive, non-competitive man as the ideal. This runs counterintuitively to the male genome - in a manner of speaking.
A man without dragons to slay is lost and his youthful exuberance is not lost - it is merely wasted on lesser things. Things like militating for "social justice" rather that militating for justice itself. He is taught to believe in things that are false - in his angst and anger he begins to satisfy his need to fight and conquer by destroying the very social structure that made him what he is. He is rightously frustrated and needs to lash out. Like Ted Kacznski.

iThink Level 9 Sep 30, 2020

Ah, perhaps related to the attack on "husbands"... the ability to gain respect by taking care of ones family? Or the dignity in being an active father?


I’m tired of turning to psychology to try to explain bad behavior. “Awwww, he has low self-esteem. That must be why he wants to take down the country.”

What happened to common sense explanations, like, “He wants to take down the country. We need to shoot the sonofabitch.”

We’re the only species given the gift of higher reasoning, and as a result, we’re the only species who has figured out a way to excuse committing species-wide suicide.

For some reason it took me driving out to Montana to find 9mm ammo. I hope that's unrelated to your comment. 😮


"You say, Clearly a different message is needed." Maybe, for instance, more propaganda in the opposite political direction? Maybe the root of the problem is not in the political realm, but the spiritual. But then, I am just an old Bible thumper and have some another notions, so never mind me.

What part of a spiritual message do you think would be most useful to convey?

@Admin I think humility and service are two principles that seem to have completely disappeared from the political scene. Socialists specifically, are blissfully ignorant of the fact that practicing charity involves using one’s own money, not someone else’s.

@lawrenceblair you are spot on.

@Admin Well, OK, I put myself on the spot but the spot seems to be on the wrong end of the shootin' range. A change of heart is what is needed and there ain't no amount of training, psychology, or modern education is gonna' do that. People need Jesus!!! ("Thump", "thump", thump" on my Bible." )

@lawrenceblair I've gone a bit full circle... grew up Christian, then was atheist, then agnostic, and now secular Christian. I agree that people need Jesus (or even "Jesus" ).


I have read 'Industrial Society and Its Future' several times. Ted warned us about what 'social media' would do before facebook was even a thing. Familiarize yourself with the terms schadenfreude and freudenschade. There is no 'cure' for this as the person FC mentions is afflicted with the psychological condition that seeks to propagate LEFTISM. Basically, the person is a loser and takes pleasure in destroying things that make other people happy and things that are good because they make him feel inferior. They are a strange breed because they will even do things that result in negative consequences for themselves as long as the people they attack also feel negative consequences of their actions.

Right up there with Orwell's '1984,' I suggest everyone get a copy of Industrial Society and Its Future.' Ted has a PhD from Harvard and is no dummy. ' Other than Dennis Prager, I believe Ted is the most widely read authority on the topic of Leftism. To sum up Hitler's manifesto, Mein Kampf, Hitler did what he did to the Jews because he saw that they were propagating Leftism.

RAZE Level 7 Oct 1, 2020

The challenge today is that the Leftists now have the thought-enforcement power that the Nazis had. We have scary days ahead. 😟


I think anyone — from St. Paul to Anwar Sadat — can have a “road to Damascus” moment, but I’m convinced that achieving a real change that brings new hope and a sense of control is an inside job. Many people (with much more patience than I), devote themselves to helping others achieve that type of change; but the task is much more difficult in our postmodern era. How do you reason with someone who rejects the very concepts of reason, rationality and truth? How do you talk to someone who see language itself as a game?

Kaczynski nails the defeatist, pessimistic left as a cohort so indoctrinated to obey the rules and claim the moral high ground, that they are consumed with guilt and shame over being fallible humans. They are compelled to virtue-signal. They appropriate moral principles as their own, then attack others for failing to live up to them. Kaczynski identifies the worst of the lot as intellectuals and upper middle class whites who don’t even belong to an “oppressed” group.

Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving black people into high-prestige jobs, for improved education in black schools and more money for such schools; the way of life of the black “underclass” they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just like upper-middle-class white people. The leftists will reply that the last thing they want is to make the black man into a copy of the white man; instead, they want to preserve African American culture. But... in all ESSENTIAL respects most leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the black man conform to white, middle-class ideals.
The oversocialized leftist wants to integrate the black man into the system and make him adopt its values.

GeeMac Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

The basic problem as I see it is the whole notion of equality. When you raise a word like 'equality' up and wave it on a banner and gather the greatest revolutionary forces of the last thousand years under it, depose kings and institute representative governments in its name, you have to make it real. Equality is not real and can't be made real. It is an ideal that has no basis in living nature. The only thing that makes us truly equal is death. The cruelty of the left is not their violence and hatred; the right has plenty of that for its own. The real cruelty of the left is to raise children in a system that tells them they are equal and then lets them grow to adulthood without ever being allowed to see the truth that no one is equal to anyone else. When it finally breaks through their conditioning that true equality is only found in math... and death THIS leads to feelings of inferiority, unfairness, oppression etc. But far from blaming the guilty, too often the outraged children of leftism blame those who never fell in the trap and didn't poison their young with the same lies. When a word like "equality" goes unparsed it goes from meaning that everybody gets to participate in the system to meaning everybody has a right to everything the system provides, regardless of their ability. Equality destroys hierarchy and hierarchy allows everyone to find their place of true ability which does lend itself to self-confidence, self-reliance, initiative, enterprise and optimism.

You mean that we probably shouldn't have given everyone a participation trophy when a kid? 😉

Totally agree @Geofrank, although sometimes I question whether woke progressives even believe their own nonsense on equity, or whether they simply play the victim card to whip up outrage and further their real agenda: power.

@GeeMac, @Admin I have no problem with participation trophies. But without honest, significant- and yes, admittedly abusable -recognition of excellence there is no reason for participation. It is just social masturbation.

@Admin, @GeeMac, @TheMiddleWay Not being very bright at even arithmetic, I must plead for a life vest as I am in over my head when discussing mathematical structures and theories. But from my own limited experience, social interactions are seldom as logically based, and much more biological in nature, fomented by hunger, thirst, lust, greed, comfort and pleasure. Then somewhere along the way Love managed to clamber its way on stage.

@TheMiddleWay Thank you. I must study on this but it sound promising as you present it.

@TheMiddleWay Can you explain to me the mathematical nature of such human instincts- for lack of a better word- as fear, lust, hope and gratitude? How does one grasp manners and behavior mathematically? My apologies for being a dim bulb here.

@TheMiddleWay Well, I'm forever going on about how people should engage life from a logical intellect- based approach because the "real world" doesn't really care how you feel.... about anything. Feelings change, sometimes from minute to minute, and knowledge based on fact not so rapidly. Yet as untrustworthy as feelings and instincts may be, they exist and must be acknowledged and dealt with. Some people try to approach life emotionally and feel that people who don't are cruel and un-feeling. Some people try to approach life logically and feel that people who don't are naive. I see these as sets subject to membership, inclusion etc.What is their relationship as defined by category theory?


Man, MiddleWay knocked it out of the park again with his response, so I will just add the following:

I wouldn't put much credence in the manifesto of a raving paranoid domestic terrorist.

The recently declared "domestic terrorist" group ANTIFA members have killed more than Kaczynski's 3. Should we take much credence in their beliefs?

@TheMiddleWay does bring up a point that each side has some hypocrisy when saying the other side has faults.

@Admin I will not budge from my opinion (even though it is more of a fact) that ANTIFA is an idea - as Biden said - not an organized group. If you want to label individuals who have caused harm & destruction as domestic terrorists, then go ahead. But there is no ANTIFA organization, unlike say Proud Boys or BLM. The attempt to label a concept like ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist group is an attempt to throw the "ANTIFA" label on any left-leaning protest against oppressive authority, allowing said oppressive authority to detain actually peaceful protesters without cause and strip away civil rights.

@JacksonNought Does a group need to be organized for it to be a threat? Are the people who come to a protest/event and call themselves "Antifa" part of a group or just a group of people who share an idea? Is this just semantics? Biden's statement was the first time I heard ANTIFA described that way. PM me a related "topic of the day" with text and I'll post it here.

@Admin, @TheMiddleWay

MiddleWay stated it very well. You can definitely identify as ANTIFA and be a threat, but that doesn't make the ideology a threat or the ideology an actual organization. There can definitely be groups of people who organize to meet or protest, and label themselves as ANTIFA, but that doesn't make it an actual group which you can then throw labels on. It's like the people who protested the virus lockdowns - I am sure plenty of them got on Facebook and planned protests, but that doesn't make "anti-lockdown" an actual organization.

I said this on a different thread, but I believe ANTIFA can be likened to Pro-Life. It is an idea / movement. Sure, there are actual organizations that push the Pro-Life agenda, and groups which do organize and plan protests, but there isn't a singular solitary Pro-Life organization that coordinates everything and has members and a unified structure. Pro-Life people have murdered doctors, bombed clinics, kidnapped and intimidated women, etc - things you could definitely consider a textbook definition of domestic terrorism. Yet I don't think "Pro-Life" should be labeled a domestic terrorist group. That is how I also see ANTIFA.

@JacksonNought I do think you're right. However, no "idea" ever burned a building to the ground or killed a human being without its being held by another human being or group of human beings, organized or not.


Humans are tribal. Every movement in history was based on tribalism(religious, cultural, etc

Humans have evolved to work in small groups working as a pack. My guess is that there is always strong and weak members but they typically augment each other as each knows the others personally. In groups of millions, the weaker members are isolated, become their own tribe, and conflict with the strong. (just a thesis as I've not studied this)


Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.


Yes. He is right. I try to keep telling people about the emotional component in all of this, but I keep getting nothing but skepticism back. Does it really matter trying to give an actual answer for this? (And this is a great example of this very issue.) I could try to give my very best opinion about how things could be improved, but that would take emotional effort the same way it would take cognitive effort to process some physics problem or something. It ain't for free. An emotion-conscious person needs to go back into the emotions trough empathy in order to get the information needed for the mental processes involved upstairs. My point being, let's say I do it. So what? Nobody will care, nobody will engage, nobody will nothing. Then here comes Hillarack Trumadonna with his/her perceived social authority, says the complete opposite, and everybody goes crazy regardless it makes sense or not.

But yeah, I'll give my opinion anyway because I'm a sucker for punishment.


Where to start? You don't "give somebody a feeling." That's nonsense. A feeling is something that erupts from within after certain outside factors provoke it. So if you want to help them feel "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative," "enterprise," and "optimism;" what you need to do is to make it happen for them.

Self-confidence: how do you expect them to be confident in themselves when you have set the goddamn standards so high that you need to go set-up a colony in Mars in order to be considered successful? Ever considered that the bar is a tiny isty little bit too high? Boomers could easily get the social pedigree by simply getting a university degree. But we're too well-off now, and not only that; but we live in a society that pretty much demonizes emotions and the arts, so there goes one third of the populations which would be naturally inclined to see life through their limbic systems. Look, here's one right now-->me. I would never be repeating "limbic system" like a parrot in any other type of situation, but you people would never listen to somebody talking about emotions themselves as they are crazy-people talk, but "the limbic system" sounds so sciency and smart, and shit. So that third would need to work even harder in a field they aren't really talented in to get that social recognition. Wouldn't it be easier to burn it all down? Because confronting this truth yourself as a loser ain't easy? Ever read how I talk shit about myself in my posts? Well, it's taken a long, looong time to get rid of my ego, and I've had no choice being a poor loser. Now, imagine how impossible it must be for a wealthy American (Oh, stop it. Every American is wealthy.) If you go riot, you are a revolutionary super heroe. If you don't, you are the nobody who will never accomplish anything because standards are way too high. Hmmm... Which should I choose?

Self-reliance: isn't it the case that the house market makes it impossible for a huge amount of millennials to buy a house? I know I will never own one. I can't say much about this point as I don't live in the US, but like with every feeling, they're like inertia. You will feel good once you've made good stuff happen, by inertia. You maje them feel self-reliant once they've managed to be so for a while (it takes a little time, once is not enough for a maintained feeling of anything.) Perhaps the US is not the land of opportunities anymore? I don't really know, it's an honest question. Have you considered it though?

Initiative: It's much easier than you think. It's about support. How supportive would you be of some 23yo who says he's about to start a Lemonade business on the street? Well, if you go and ask questions, and offer your help, and look excited about it (even if you don't actually help, it's not about that,) then the project will come to fruition. However, if you give that condescending smile that says "I will hide what I really think of your shitty, shitty idea that will get nowhere," well... I think you get it. But I would probably feel embarrassed to start a lemonade stand when I'm expected to be the father of quantum computing. Perhaps a little humility, more love and empathy, and to stop judging everybody by global standards. Judging Karen by her accomplishments compared to that one person who's younger and better than her in Malaysia is not going to help anyone. Go local in regards with your expectations. Stop thinking of Elon Musk as the Tech God, and give a chance for a local Tech God to arise in your area. Money is not the only incentive, especially emotionally. People would have initiative if they thought they could become Springfield's Tech God. But no. Elon Musk get the titlel for every city all around the world.

Enterprise: the fuck would I know. I started this 10-episode series about the Culture Wars to promote awareness about it to Spanish-speaking audiences, that you can find here youtube .com/channel/UCIaFAtM703suflsGQqQ16Aw but I'm am working on episode five still struggling to get by food as I starve to death as I can't get any support. I could rant and bitch about the reasons I think this is, or how the left seem to have no problem funding a Shit-a-lot Event or something, but one has to spend their lifetime working non-stop to get nothing if it's not under an actual employer. But I better just leave my Patreon here hoping somebody actually remembers that capitalism is not meant to be money slavery, but the exchange of value for value and that maybe he has enjoyed what I do. Or something. I don't know, I'm an artist, and evidently a failure about it. Whatever. Forget it, fuck it. (What? Constant failures make you bitter by inertia, remember?)

Oh, fuck dammit. Here it is. []

Optimism: well, I must certainly be a pro after being so naïve by placing my Patreon here. Sigh, yeah, yeah, I'm bitter. Yara-yara, optimism: ... Fuck, I don't know, I'm tired. This is all I got for now. I can't really remember what optimism feels like. I move out of necessity and commitment to my artistic values. I have no optimism about anything anymore, so I rather not lie about something I don't know...

Thanks for reading and sorry for wasting your time. Whatever. Fuck you.

A1fredo Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

Kaczynski core message is that people today are basically doing surrogate activities to give them a sense of purpose. I really agree with you that as we are now in the late stages of capitalism where profits are no longer high enough or distributed enough to give security to a large percentage of people (e.g, the middle class). I share a bit of your frustration in getting a message out to people... we've been banned from advertising on Facebook/Twitter/Reddit. Hopefully, you can find both support and traffic. I'll send a message to some people.

@TheMiddleWay Conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, flat-earthers, you name it. They are people too. They are people isolated by society. Te internet used to be the refuge few those kind of people. It's not appropriate to come to geekland and impose societal rules, leaving the kind of people who built all of this for us without their basic human rights. It's not "giving a platform." If everybody as a platform, then they are at the same level now, aren't they?" So what you do when you deny access to a "soapbox" to an outcast, you are causing further troubles to somebody already isolated by everyone. We live in a world where we are meant to be responsible for our actions. We are not responsible for the weak minded listening to us if we are wrong. The weak minded are responsible for their actions, not us. We shouldn't be punished for being wrong, because it's not our fault nobody as cared to explained how we are wrong. We certainly are not wrong on purpose. We shouldn't be punished for expressing ourselves because it's the only way we could possibly vent out the hate without resorting to violence. You don't want violence. And hateful people should not be punished for the way their body respond to the provocations of people have done us wrong, a.k.a. hate. Hate is a natural responsive bodily function that happens when some other actor around you commits and unfair act against you. It's the way our bodies let us know we should defend ourselves. Hate hurts. We don't want to feel hate. Want to punish somebody for causing hate? Go after those who did us wrong. Hateful people are mistreated people and you won't get anything pretty by isolating us further. You forget about us once we're out of sight, but we do not just dissapear. We live hurting unjustly until we can't take it no more, and withouth free speech.... there's only one outlet there. It is simply not fair to expect us to just swallow it by ourselves our whole lives.

@TheMiddleWay Alright. There's no infusing empathy towards the cruel. You understand that allowing somebody to do the same that everybody else does is not promoting, be it mere usage of a platform, or the now privilege to pay for some ad space apparently. I hope you find yourself not being part of the majority someday. You will not like it. The majority has been the real guilty parties in everything throughout history, the ones who will never accept it and keep using Hitler, Mao, Staling, etc. as scapegoats for what they did. And because of their refusal of being responsible, we can't get rid of governments. You as a part of the majority, should have no say in nothing ethically. There's more than one perspective in everything you see. One on one, you wouldn't be so eager to be so cruel towards another. And you wouldn't be telling me any of this in my face. And monochromatic characters on a screen are not as threatening as living within a cruel society who despise you. You sicken me.

@TheMiddleWay I'm not any of those things. I just care about them too.

@TheMiddleWay as an outcast

@TheMiddleWay It's not about a person, it's about fairness towards people you will never know. It's love to humanity through taking others into consideration. How could you expect outcast to care about society's norm if society doesn't care about the outcast. That's why we get school shooters, rapists, murderers, etc...

@TheMiddleWay ?? It's not about me, I mean the ones who ave done it and the ones who will. You must be one of those people who think that everybody can only think selfishly and vote in their self interest. We are not all like that. Some of us can and do reñize it's not all about us. We are only one in a sea of people.
You can keep thinking it's me who wants to do that if you want, I don't mind. But the point is that those people see no other way out (as they are not shamelessly outspoken like I am.) That's why freedom of speech is so important. If I were, I would definitely feel with the right to do any of that to society. And they are out there. They won't be like me demanding respect. They are hurting quietly. That's why I bring it up for them. Nobody else will. I've overcomes my issues even though I pay the price of isolation for it. But imagine being a pedophile for example. I can argue for them because I got daddy issues and like older, have no interest whatsoever in anybody younger than myself. So I try to help as I can even though it's not about me. Others are as important as myself, and as you. You should try it sometime.

@TheMiddleWay Sorry for the type-os. Crappy cell phone * Impatience on my part

@TheMiddleWay Yeah, but you asking sites to prohibit people from saying stuff is not you just not listening.

@TheMiddleWay Besides, you already got Facebook for your censorship pleasure. Why do you want to impose that to us here? Why? Like it clean? Facebook, right there. Why?

@TheMiddleWay Fine, I'll shut up....

@TheMiddleWay I know... This is not worth it, we're not going to get nowhere... I give up.


I have the opportunity to deal with a couple of people with zero self respect, zero esteem. I have used the same approach each time: No matter how you feel, you MUST each morning for 30 days, stand in front of your bathroom mirror and look into your own eyes and say OUTLOUD: "you are a good person, worthy of love. I love you"

No matter how you feel, no matter how foolish you think it is. People's self/internal dialog is the destructive force in their lives they first must address. In one case, it helped move them from suicidal to willing to 'try'.

I don't think the above replaces therapy - but in the end, I think it reflects the goal of therapy: get the person to recognize their own self worth as a positive value.

As to the Manifesto - people that isolate themselves, no matter how good the outcome, generally fail to note humans are at their core, social animals and lack of social interaction is ultimately destructive.

I have a feeling, that the isolation caused by the current plandemic , was designed to further divide and conquer Americans.
As if the lethal cocktail of biased media and partisan politics, wasn’t enough 😷

@David42 I certainly has been used that way. It has been VERY destructive. I am naturally VERY outgoing and I have worked hard to not let it affect me, but I feel the effects and I am VERY attuned to my own self - others not so self aware are being seriously damaged by the isolation (I live in a senior complex and see the effects every day).

Of course, isolated, what do people do but get MORE of that biased media and partisanship...

Self-criticism is extremely hard to let go. I don't know if there is some sort of reward system in the brain for flagellation but it can really feel that way. Like many people, it took me years to forgive myself for things of regret that an external critic would easily do. "I forgive myself" worked eventually as I believe your suggested affirmation could work for those will self-esteem issues (regardless of political affiliation).


Motivation: well my view is: Humans are “pack/tribe” animals. They work best when they have a group to belong/believe. What we need now (since race’s are not gonna segregate) is some other common “identity “ or common religion (sorry, Christians, you’re not gaining). Maybe somebody like Hitler without the master race part. But, in order to be a tight tribe - you do have to have some social responsibility (at least internally). We can’t keep financially fucking our tribe members. We need a few common contributions to our fellows.

I'll listen closely to what Kamala Harris says...



But have heard read versions of his story, I should. Some might class as conspiracy even though support of story is available to anyone who can perform a web search, it is not about truth, it is about what your life story guides you to believe what is so. Luckily, it is not too bleak a place when you find kindred spirits with which to mingle?

It is not a story - the manifesto


I think why Jorden Peterson speaks of necessary hierarchy is because everyone cannot be full of self-esteem and positive traits. This just leads into the false hope of communism, world peace and other leftist fantasy bedtime story books. Everyone is not going to feel good about themselves, especially socialist college professors. lol As I have said on this site a # of times, the onus of the low self esteem is unattractiveness. You don't want to believe it but it is true. Some philosopher said that "self-consciousness" is the greatest disease of mankind". The left operates out of the scenario that because I am not where I want to be in the world and may never get there, I must dream up all of the other "left behinds", race, sex and all other complaints to make myself feel better and that I am not such a loser after all. No matter how out of it you may be, the clever person can "scandalize reason" and find a way out of it and/or an alternative that is not deviant, debauched, destructive, debased and sad.

You mean it's good to have someone to look up to?

@Admin I think there always is someone to look up to provided we have the ability to recognize them and the instinct/will to look up beyond our own station.


The real truth is that the only thing that will change our circumstances is not an end to foreign wars, but a large war coming (with China) as per history of most large civilizations of the past. Increase penalties for crime and drugs. Get back to the garden! Protect our children.


When you decide the most noble thing you can do requires you to kill people (who aren't trying to kill you) you have missed a critical turn on the highway to Truth and Reason.

You mean like the former Twitter CEO suggesting business leaders who are not woke should be shot? []

Yes. That’s reckless and irresponsible.

The USA should end it's constant foreign wars. Bring troops home.
Also they should stop the drug wars and mass incarceration.
TK was peaceful by comparison.

Yeah but they own him now. He didn’t do himself or anyone any favors. He only destroyed.


Leftism 101: Net Worth Equalization – H2E2 Matrix


RAZE Level 7 Oct 1, 2020

LEFTISM: Leftist Former CEO of Twitter Dick Costolo Wants to Watch His Political Opponents Get Lined Up Against a Wall and Shot in the “Revolution”


example of Leftism

RAZE Level 7 Oct 1, 2020

I'm reading "Atlas Shrugged" now for the first time and it sounds almost quaint.


I did this video recently on this topic with selected passages from Industrial Society and Its Future -


RAZE Level 7 Oct 1, 2020

Eerily spot on for something written about 30 years ago.

Good video! We should have made the obvious connection of over SOCIALization and SOCIAL media. Social media controls the thoughts of so many people.


Incremental successes, and positive feedback for same, gradually change inferiority feelings to feelings of self worth and confidence.

We need boxes of chocolates...

@Admin LMFAO 😂😂😂
I should have watched this before I commented above. So what if postmodernists don’t believe in reason or language. We can still get through to them with chocolate 🍫

@GeeMac Or maybe a spray bottle!

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