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Is it time to put Trump out to pasture?

Especially in a close election, the apparent losing side has every right to make their best case that they in fact won. Now five weeks post election, Trump's team seem towards the end of their options. Is it time for his supporters to move on and prepare for a Biden/Harris term? Either way, what to do next?

Is it time for Trump to concede?

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Admin 8 Dec 13
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Let history record Trump being to first president forceably removed from office, and let historians confront the evidence of his second term being stolen.

Rather let History Record that President Trump is the First President THEY TRIED to Forcibly Remove from Office.

History is too far away. We are fighting for blood and soil.

i would say 2nd President JFK i believe was the first "forcibly" removed from office

What evidence?


The stage is set, all it takes is an index finger on the button!

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

As already stated by others, there's no need for him to concede. The process will play out, and barring something highly unusual, the electoral college will do their thing, votes will be counted, and Biden will become our next president. I'm not saying he won fair and square...I think there was an unprecedented level of tinkering with this election, but did anyone really expect otherwise? The democrats telegraphed their desire to win by any means necessary. Do I blame them? Not entirely. After all, we the people voted every one of these people, regardless of party, into office. I still stand by my belief that we get exactly what we ask for.

"After all, we the people voted every one of these people, regardless of party, into office."

Why is that even a claim? What basis of fact do you use to make such a claim?

Given the fact that earlier the following was also claimed, how can you then make the above claim?

"I'm not saying he won fair and square...I think there was an unprecedented level of tinkering with this election, but did anyone really expect otherwise? The democrats telegraphed their desire to win by any means necessary. Do I blame them? Not entirely"

"I'm not saying he won fair and square..."

What evidence do you have to cause (probable cause to act in defense) your publication of those words?

"I think there was an unprecedented level of tinkering with this election"

Tinkering? Like a Pedo fiddling?

"Do I blame them? Not entirely"

What does blame have to do with it? Either it is factual that the criminals perpetrated Election Fraud, so-called "tinkering" or they did not, and if there is suspicion, evidence based suspicion, then there is probable cause warranting defensive action. In law the idea is to exhaust all peaceful means before being forced into physical means of defense. The idea is to remedy the situation peacefully, lawfully, which means that the accuser, or accusers, of "fiddling" or Election Fraud, are scheduled to appear before The Jury (The representatives of The People in a Republic - The Public Thing - who adjudicate the matter themselves, unanimously) as is the accused. The facts that matter in the "fiddling" case, or the fact that matter in the Election Fraud case, are found by the representatives of The People, OR NOT.

If not, then when all peaceful means of remedy are exhausted, or there is a BARR on the gate into due process of law (common law criminal trial or "fiddling" trial), physical means of offense and physical means of defense are ENSURED by the FACT that the peaceful means to remedy the conflict fail.

That is basic law 101.

That is not basic FRAUD 101.

"Do I blame them?"

For what; fiddling with the knobs of absolute, arbitrary, power?

What planet am I on?

"I still stand by my belief that we get exactly what we ask for."

Really. So "we" vote and "our" president, judge, senator, congressman, major, governor, is "elected" by "us" because you and no one else 'blames" those who "fiddle" with things?

"Pilate was not innocent because he washed his hands, and said, He would have nothing to do with the blood of that just one. There are faults of omission as well as commission. When you are legally called to try such a cause, if you shall shuffle out yourself, and thereby persons perhaps less conscientious happen to be made use of, and so a villain escapes justice, or an innocent man is ruined, by a prepossessed or negligent verdict; can you think yourself in such a case wholly blameless? Qui non prohibet cum potest, jubet: That man abets an evil, who prevents it not, when it is in his power. Nec caret scrupulo sosietatis occultae qui evidenter facinori definit obviare: nor can he escape the suspicion of being a secret accomplice, who evidently declines the prevention of an atrocious crime."
Englishman’s Right
Printed in the Year MDCCLXIII. (1762)


The faketriots, with all their tough talk, will sit and do nothing, as they always do.

The election will be stolen, and the armchair flag wavers won't do diddly. They are too frightened of AntiFa coming to their house to risk being doxxed. Our founding fathers were actual patriots, and they put their names, faces, and their fortunes to their actions.

Actual patriots do real world things.
At least AntiFa is organized, and they WILL make your life miserable if you get in their way. They do more than just talk.

Biden will win.
Faketriots will post angry memes.

No-action faktriots disgust me almost as much as AntiFa.

We have become the proverbial frog in the slowly boiling pot of water. We’re so comfortable with our Netflix and our Walmart and we allow ourselves to believe the narrative of so called “conservative” channels like Fox News that there’s somehow hope with Georgia runoffs and alleged Biden investigations. People can say what they want about BLM and ANTIFA but there are no more statues around and Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project are creeping into workplaces and classrooms across the country.

I think faketriots is a bit of a misnomer if you are referencing what you think are do nothing patriots. I'll refer to them as individuals. Antifa is a collective mob that riots, harasses and bullies. As individuals they are cowards and will abandon any principles if treated as they treat others or they will hang themselves. Let's call them "faketifa".

Logical and rational individuals will seek any legal or lawful avenue to justice before they will consider acting collectively. Some, those adversely affected the most, will start a rallying cry and if injustices are not addressed and conditions worsen more will join. Most nations are cowed by their governments and have ceded rights they should have like the right of self-defense. America and Americans have tolerated attempts to weaken those rights but have a better sense of government tyranny than the rest of the world. It may take awhile for some individuals to feel the pot boiling but because of the root sense of liberty and freedom most of them have they will act together as a collective if, and only if, necessary to usurp from government the use of force to oppose those forces government has failed to use force against to maintain a civil and just society.

Some patriots may not even act if Biden is inaugurated in January and the election is successfully stolen. C'mon, man! No one believes Biden/Harris is the preferred choice to form government. Trump's opponents, as vociferous, loud, obnoxious and mobish as they are, still stand in the minority. The MSM, social media, Hollywood and the Democrats may be envious of his position and despise him but the majority of the people of America are not that hateful. Getting back to the point here though Americans may tolerate the inauguration of Biden before they act and may want to see what they will do but selling US sovereignty to global interests is going to be about the limit.


Face it... he may never concede... and after this election many people may never trust in US elections or those supposed to ensure their integrity ever again.

yes. trump and the right will ruin democracy in America forever lol.

banana republic.

Whether he concedes or not doesn't matter, but trust in our electoral process is a big deal, and this election is a nightmare in that context. It will be interesting to see what systems and security measures emerge before 2022 mid-terms.

@bastion A stolen election is not democracy.

@Afterthought it wasn't stolen.

this is all just weird coping mechanisms from the right.

participation trophy stuff. sad.

@bastion If its ruined it wasn't Trump that ruined it...

@TheMiddleWay Whether or not this was the most secure in history is irrelevant. The question is, was there tampering, and if so what would be done about it in future elections? Many think there was little or no tampering, but for others the jury is still out. Time will tell.

@coalburned the electoral college have said biden won.

get over it.

@Lightman he lost. he's the loser, it's over.

@bastion you need to get over yourself and stop repeating crap all the time, I think everyone knows the situation without a ratbag spouting biased crap all over the place.
Litigation continues apparently. Something you are in complete denial about.

@bastion The electoral college only just voted you were wrong making the claims earlier... liar liar pants on fire.

@Afterthought A less gullible population might be the answer.

@coalburned It's all based on Trump pushing a conspiracy theory. No evidence at all of massive voter fraud.

@maxmaccc just thousands of fake affidavits eh?

@maxmaccc a more secure electoral system might be better

@bastion Get over what? You think I'm a conspiracy theorist? I'm not suggesting anything other than any evidence of tampering be investigated properly. If there was none, let it be known. If Biden gets his electoral votes, fine. All I ever ask of an election is that every legitimate voter get out and vote, and that those votes and only those votes be counted fairly.

@coalburned exactly... wackos just don't get it...

@coalburned biden did get the electoral votes though.

what now?

@bastion what now? he's now president elect... now we watch and see what happens next.

@bastion Why do you ask me "What now"? Do you presume me to be clairvoyant? As @Lightman aptly stated, we see what happens next. As things stand at this moment, Biden will assume office in January, and Trump will pack his bags. Barring something unprecedented, why would I think otherwise?


Even if this farce of an election stands, Trump will not be "put out to pasture".

ktpinto Level 7 Dec 14, 2020

This isn’t about Donald Trump, this is about the globalist left hijacking an American presidential election and the plandemic was a crucial part of that act of war. If this “election” is allowed to stand the country is lost.

Andyman Level 8 Dec 13, 2020


@TheMiddleWay a country with an untouchable ruling class that stays in power using fear and division complete with a state run propaganda mainstream media. Elections are nothing but rigged and controlled theatre, as was the last one, to placate the masses by creating the illusion of choice.

@TheMiddleWay It looks like you, probably working for mossad, or some other eastern block country. Trying to create a false narrative. Just like in Yugoslavia....Communism without a shot fired. Fuck that.

America has already been the laughing stock of the international community for the past four years. Hopefully the damage to America's reputation can be repaired.

Trump is by no means perfect but for some reason the globalist left is terrified of him and that’s enough for me to support him.


It looks like Marxism.


Trump lost because he didn’t address healthcare at all, in any significant stand at all. Also - the USA has did shitty with covid, and he had to look bad because of this train wreck.

You ain't seen nothin' yet!

@Rick-A "We're going to REPEAL AND REPLACE Obamacare!"

@WilyRickWiles You're going to use a certain lap top because it’s got the blueprints interlaced with porn and China? You just said “we’re” does that mean your hammer and sickle” icon teams you up with Cuba and Old USSR? Maybe even Raphael Warnock dark secrets?

@Rick-A Try and separate the message from the messenger. You did not address the message in @WilyRickWiles post at all. Is it uncomfortable to think about?


No; It's time to SECEDE; not concede!


No never surrender


Interesting way to phrase the question.😂

Honestly, I have no idea. No matter how I look at the situation, I can't see a scenario where Trump was not going to be made out as the "bad guy" by the majority of MSM in regards to election results. They already had their narrative set that they are on a mission to overthrow an evil dictator, and they've floated the "coup" idea repeatedly for months now.

Of course there's also the matter on who to believe in regards to election results:
-----> RIGHT MEDIA: Trump can still win
-----> LEFT MEDIA: Trump lost, it's over
MSM has been the worst in their coverage of the election.

Even if Trump had conceded, I have a feeling his more staunch supporters would not have gone quietly. The "not my president" protests happened despite Hillary conceding, afterall. Also, both Hillary 2016 and Trump 2020 kind of egged the extremism on imo, and both have made claims they are the legitimate president.

So, "moving on" I don't think was ever an option for many. It certainly wasn't for the progressives, and with the growing patriotic/ Trumpist movement, it's not likely an option either. Additionally, I'm not entirely certain Trump supporters should move on. On the one hand, I'm concerned about the inevitable violence that goes hand in hand with prolonged protests, on the other hand, protesting is a powerful visual of just how many people currently feel their voices aren't being heard. The progressive protesters managed to get more long term Democratic politicians support, so it's possible this MAGA movement could get more long term Republican politicians support.

I voted for Trump. I'm concerned about the progressive direction the Democratic party is going. I'm even more concerned with the extremism on both sides.

I'm amazed how anyone can believe a word that comes out of the mouth of the worlds most famous liar.

@maxmaccc I try not to just take whatever anyone says as truth, whether it be Trump, Biden, or anyone else. I follow Daniel Dale, (a CNN dedicated Trump fact checker), and I find a lot of the lies he has documented on Trump to be more an issue of partisan opinion vs facts.

Still, I don't see Trumps "lies" to be any more egregious than Bidens lies. The real issue is the fact I've come to expect any given president and presidential candidate comes with a baggage of questionable dealings as well as lies, and depending on political affiliation, media will either play up or down play any dirt.




It isn’t mandatory for any President to make a concession speech, although I wish Donald Trump had been more gracious in defeat.

The Democrats pushed the idea of mail-in voting because they knew that was key to their chance of victory; but they were also boosted by the pandemic and the collapse of the economy. Remember that Bill Maher, like many liberals and leftists, publicly wished for a devastating economic crisis, knowing it would help topple the President. They got their wish, and their victory. I guarantee everything that goes wrong over the next four years will be blamed on Trump, giving Joe Biden a free pass to fail spectacularly without being held accountable.

Hanging on to the notion that the results will change is reckless. It’s tragic to see so many right of centre patriots unwittingly doing the job of Marxists and progressives by declaring the system “rigged”. This has to stop.

In spite of overwhelming bad luck and bad timing, conservatism didnt lose by much. It’s time to find new conservative leaders who can deliver a message that resonates with young American voters. Mover on and organize for the midterms. It’s much easier to play the victim than to do the real work of getting active in each of the 50 states to tighten up election rules. The left has seized power locally, and that power must be taken back, district by district. Clinging to the past isn’t going to change the future.

GeeMac Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

Sorry, that’s Bullshit.

The mail in ballots were not scrutinized. That is odd considering that the central claim of fraud relates to the signatures of those votes.


Trump and his supporters will never concede no matter the reality of the vote count. If the vote had been reversed and the Democrats had refused to accept the results, Trump and supporters would want the legislators that denied they lost tried for treason. We are in a post-reality time. We will have violent demonstrations and probably insurrection when Biden is sworn in. I have no great love for Biden but as the only candidate I prefer him over Trump. Decades of grooming of citizens has led us to the ruination of the American experiment. Politicians on the right have been telling constituents they are free while doing big money's bidding. If they succede the "free" people will pay the price.

Pand0ro Level 7 Dec 13, 2020

SECESSION ??...A parallel GOVT in exile...CONTEST the legitimacy of BIDEN and therefore ALL his decrees, acts, laws, are INCONSTITUTIONAL...any and every govt offical that OBEYS Biden are all guilty of TREASON...IF MAGA NATIONALISTS DONT organize beyond TRUMP/ light of the FRAUD elecion of 2020...then they will be searched, targeted and anhililated...killed?...and your children also...its going to be a long dark winter for MAGA forces.ORGANIZE ORGANIZE AND RESIST...

Yes ...
Its Interesting how the DemLeft is SAYING THIS OUT LOUD ... OUTRIGHT and Many People seem to think they’re “Just Talking”

What gives you the idea that this election was carried out with massive fraud. Every attempt to have votes dismissed, every suit that claims fraud has been rejected, often by Trump selected judges. I have no wish that Trump supporters be punished or looked down upon in any way. The only thing they have done wrong is to believe a pathological liar that tells them what they want to hear and has nor regard for them other than their vote.


Trump still has options even after the probable inauguration of Biden. If he pushes forward with exposing the election fraud until nobody can deny it, he will gain leverage over the fraudsters. He can only push on if he refuses to ever concede.

Corjova Level 6 Dec 13, 2020

Wish we could see how many liberals voted vs conservatives. I heard someone say today that even some liberals are upset about the vote debacle.

I observed that 50%, a very high number of Americans, from all walks of life think the election was rigged.


If I were Trump I would retire.
He should have won by such a margin that cheating would not have helped. He did not. American people still hate him.
At some point they need to see the repercussions of their actions.
Pity it is going to ruin the states and hurt the rest of the west in the process.

Hanno Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

I agree that Trump ALSO has himself to blame. So many lost opportunities.

Not only the west.

Only part of America hates him. An other part loves him. And still a third part couldn't give a shit, I'm sure.

It credible that you’re of that thought process.


in past i would say yes... a time when the democracy and integrity appeared to have meant something

in this covid era i say fight to the end.... the Democrats are exemplifying that the ends justify the means..... dangerous game

Emotionally and with a hint of rational thinking, one could argue that it would be nice to see the supporters of anti Marxism/ anti Freedoms revolt against the 'established' left

chaos breeds oppurtunity and human interaction historically it takes a great deal of chaos to re establish balance

jpnese Level 6 Dec 13, 2020

If this is the sort of garbage you are actually going to put up on IDW, I wonder if you are, in fact, a troll? This goes against everything we are fighting for.

Never give up. Never surrender. I sincerely fear a Harris administration 😟

@Admin that is my #1 fear. And the more I see Biden trotted out, the bigger a concern it becomes. Conservatives need to move on, regroup, and find some fresh, savvy leadership.

@GeeMac That is exactly my point. This poll flies in the face of reasonable options. It puts Biden first by even questioning whether Trump should step down.


I can think a few other important things that need to be put out to pasture,,, but you do know what time it is when you see the cows laying down out int he field..... It's pasture bedtime! hahaha


So the electoral college has said Biden is the president-elect.

This won't matter at all, as t he MAGA guys on here are totally divorced from reality, and want to be told they are winners when they are losers.

hilarious cult.

bastion Level 7 Dec 15, 2020

You will feel very stupid, very soon.


Trust the plan. Its 4D chess!!

@Archangelwoghd We will see won't we. I love it when left wing lunatics underestimate President Trump. How's your win- loss record. Trump is undefeated and he will continue to be!

@jakuboj deluded


Are you even an American? You don't come off like an American. You come off like another Euro or Israeli trying to stick your nose into American politics. If thats you, stop reading now, and fuck off back to your own country.

If youre an American, my sincere apologies, I must have mistead a vibe. I don't care to discuss politics with outsiders.

What "left wing lunatics" are you referring to? You mean me?

It is the depth of delusion to assume that anyone not sharing your views is a "left wing lunatic". I am doxxed. My politics are public.

I attended 5 trump events, including his inaugeration, and paid for my friends, family, and neighbors as well, at a considerable expense in Airfare, bus rental, meals and lodging. I hosted a conservative talk show on KLAV Las Vegas. (A real radio show, not a podcast)

Unlike most of the online armchair "patriots" tossing memes around, I actually placed my body in harm's way, and put my life on the line for this country. Three times. And I bear the scars, and wear the medals proudly, to prove it.

Can we agree that I'm not a leftie or Democrat?

Good then.

@Archangelwoghd Attack the messenger, nice left wing tactic. Your actions speak louder than your virtue signalling and your stupid meme shows your ignorance on what is occurring. Who are you fighting for in your childish rant against my support of Trump's Patriot Alliance? If you have given up on Trump then you are now one of the enemy and if you think this is only a US issue you are very narrow minded. What is going on impacts on the entire free world. So either support the fight or STFU!

It is as if you did not even read my response. That, or you completely ignored it. Wow.

Why am I talking to you? You aren't even an American. Amazing how I called that one. Go deal with your own politics.

@Archangelwoghd You have nothing of value to add to the discussion, so just crawl back under your rock you Commie infiltrator.


Too funny, coming from a foreigner sticking his nose into American politics, lol. I bet you took the poll too, shitstain. America doesn't belong to everyone on the whole damn planet, alien, you arent included.

We patriotic Americans are trying to have a conversation about our President. Fuck off back to your own country.

@Archangelwoghd You are a real class act aren't you? By the way. There are Patriots all over the world who know that President Trump is our only hope for freedom. For you to be so fortunate to have such a great leader and then turn on him like a the swamp creature you are is disgusting. You will someday have to answer for your actions and your ignorance.


You arent an American, so you don't even know what a patriot is. You are a foreigner. If you were a patriot, you would be concerned with your own country's politics, not ours. I haven't abandoned my President...again my president, not yours; I havent abandoned him. I have supported him more than you can or ever will. I am an American, you are not. You are an interloper.

You don't get to claim the title "patriot" just by being a Trump supporter. You have to earn it, and you haven't, infiltrator.

You have no fucking clue what the heart and soul of this country is about. You don't sing the Star-Spangled-Banner, you were never an eagle scout, and you didn't serve three tours in our military, and you certainly never spilled your own blood doing so.

I have done all those things.
You are just a foreign, non-American, voice telling everyone what an American patriot you are.

I attended 5 trump events, including his inaugeration, and paid for my friends, family, and neighbors as well, at a considerable expense in Airfare, bus rental, meals and lodging. I hosted a conservative talk show on KLAV Las Vegas. (A real radio show, not a podcast)

Unlike most of the online armchair "patriots" like yourself tossing memes around, I actually placed my body in harm's way, and put my life on the line for this country. Three times. And I bear the scars, and wear the medals proudly, to prove it.

Patriots are loyal to their own countries, go be loyal to yours. If you want to be an American, take the test and become a citizen. Or STFU. We American patriots do not need your foreign infiltration.

@Archangelwoghd All your soapbox virtue signalling doesn't change the fact that you have been attacking me for supporting Trump 100% as the winner of the election. Your actions speak way louder than your bullshit. Live with the fact that you are a traitor.


As a Canadian, you have no say in who is an American traitor and who isn't. Go tend to your own country. America doesn't belong to you.

I'll live with the fact that I am an American patriot, a real one (see above). It makes no difference if you support Trump or not. You are a Canadian. Live with THAT, faketriot.

Stop infiltrating American politics.

@Archangelwoghd Too many "errors" equates to fraud, unless you support the fraud then you just deny it and expose yourself as a traitor to Patriots around the world. [] []


There are no American Patriots around the world, unless they are Americans. If you want to be a "Patriot", go be a Canadian patriot. I am sick of foreigners who think America belings to them.

Now I am done talking to you. You are taking my time away from talking to other AMERICANS.


I am done here.

@Archangelwoghd Must see information! []


Unless they can get the SCOTUS to take up the matter, which they appear reluctant to do, I see no way for the Republicans to offer enough evidence to overturn the current status of the election.


Yes, but Trump said it so...

The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee will be issuing subpoenas to perform an audit of the Dominion “software, machines, and ballots.”Leftists want nothing more than for this to go away. Like all crooks, they rather run and hide as opposed to helping solve the problem. No thug ever provides evidence against himself. I rest my case.

[] Leftist want nothing more than


Where dat fat lady at?


Long past due. When you lose 55 of 56 lawsuits, most of which received scathing rebuttals from the judges, at some point enough is enough and the effort becomes merely a dangerous narcissistic attack on the democratic foundations this country was built upon. I know some people on this site will view the judges' decisions as a result of socialist indoctrination, but I'm sure they would tell you they were simply following the rule of law and some would say they were protecting the country from an authoritarian takeover. Choosing a president should not be determined in the courts or by State legislatures, but by the vote of the people. Moreover, this election was not particularly close. In the last 100 years, the average margin of victory has been about 6.8M votes. Biden won by more than 7M. Trump won 306 electoral votes in 2016, but lost the popular vote by about 3M votes. He claimed he won by a landslide. Biden will also receive 306 electoral votes and won the popular vote by about 7M votes. How can you call that close?

TyKC Level 7 Dec 13, 2020

You are like a pickled onion, you are saturated in vinegar and MSM piss. You need a reset so I even provide it for you.

Scathing rebuttals from bought and paid for judges mean nothing. When all of the unjust judges are through with their strutting about and preening the people will decide this one. It may end up being long and bloody but the people will be done. Then the evil cretins can commence taking it all away from the people again. It is history, the merry-go-round goes round and round.

Which best describes you?

A. Ideologically blind
B. Criminally stupid
C. Ignorant at a level approaching the miraculous
D. Useful idiot
E. All the above

@Edgework Didn't know that you had trolling skills. Lol

Honestly, I'm glad to read something from the left that has some intelligent articulation. I don't agree but, I don't have to. It's refreshing none the less.

@MichelleDI must have missed that one.

Troll? Me? Never. Just trying to distinguish between the available options.

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