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Does it matter that George Floyd contributed to his tragic death?

Back before the Internet, there was a radio show by Paul Harvey called "The Rest of the Story" where they presented an event with little-known or forgotten facts held back until the end. The broadcasts always concluded with a variation on the tag line, "And now you know...the rest of the story." Once again, after polarizing violent protests, mitigating evidence comes out that gives a fuller picture of events.

Video at: []

In the Floyd case, new bodycam video become available that shows him agitated, resisting arrest, and saying "I can't breathe" all before ending up on the ground. While this does not fully exonerate the police officer, it does suggest that he was not exhibiting racist killer behavior at that time. Does this matter now that "Black Lives Matter" has fully leveraged the killing as "proof of police racism" to incite political and social protests?

Related: Do you see the tragic killing of Floyd George more an act of pure evil or pure incompetence?

What will you do now that you've seen this video?

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Admin 8 Aug 4
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Floyd had three times the amount of fentanyl in his system that it would take to kill a normal adult, not to mention methamphetamine and THC. Before he started violently resisting police officers he had been overheard by multiple people saying he couldn’t breathe. His autopsy showed he died from heart failure, not asphyxiation. Heart failure would dovetail with a fentanyl overdose. Floyd was a violent career criminal whose actions alone caused his death and the criminals who operate the propaganda mainstream media should be facing criminal charges.

Andyman Level 8 Aug 4, 2020

Of course it matters. It matters from the aspect of exposing the truth to the whole situation. He didn't just magically end up on the ground with a knee on his neck.

It also matters due to the charges that they are attempting to go after the cops with, like murder. There is legit question whether he was dying before that knee made contact. He was crying about not being able to breath before even touching the ground, which by the way he requested.

I predicted that unless the charges are reduced for Chauvin, he will likely be found not guilty of murder and everyone will lose their shit. This happens every time. People want revenge and they overcharge to make a statement but the law doesn't match their desires.

This video shows George's behavior and him not cooperating with the police and clearly he was high as a fucking kite. They could tell he was fucked up and they were trying to manage him the best they could.

We can definitely question certain aspects of the interaction for sure but the notion that they were some murderous cops waiting to kill a black person is a fucking lie. See the way they treated the passenger? That could have been George but he was too high and too belligerent to even do such a thing.

“See the way they treated the passenger? That could have been George but he was too high and too belligerent to even do such a thing.”


Good view my friend. There's a real chance he was suffering a fatal overdose before he went to the ground. Meanwhile here in Michigan two blacks entered a 66 year old white woman's home and shot her in the head. It barely made the news and race was not mentioned. We all know what would happen if the colors were reversed.

@daroldbanniste We are not held to the same standard because we are pitied by liberals.

Food for thought, George Floyd was that kind of guy...literally. Robbing a pregnant woman and pistol whipping her yet we celebrate his life as a martyr in the black community when he was the exact person that was terrorizing the black community.


Not only does BLM not care about the facts, they don’t care about black lives. If they did they would be going after the street violence, drive-by killings, prostitution and drug dealing that’s killing young black men and innocent bystanders by the thousands.

George Floyd was a convenient pawn for BLM, a tragic scapegoat who’s sad, violent life could be exploited to whip up outrage. BLM is about power. It’s about sapping the strength of police, creating chaos, and overturning the system. It’s never been about real black suffering.

GeeMac Level 8 Aug 4, 2020

Hope they don’t riot faster and harder after this round of facts comes to light, but.. yea, not holding my breath.

Call me cynical... they are timing the “not guilty” verdict to happen two weeks before the election... mass riots and election null and void.

@Hanno certainly a plausible scenario

@Hanno unfortunately, you are probably correct. Phase One is the outrage over the event, Phase Two bigger outrage when a court hears all the facts ignored by the media and delivers a ruling. It’s pure performance art, meant to deliver maximum anger and destruction.

the deep state is the dirtiest


do you see the tragic killing of Floyd George more an act of pure evil or pure incompetence

@admin - did you compose this question? This is the proverbial "when did you stop beating your wife question"

In the first place there is the obvious presupposition that the mans death was "a killing" when the matter is debatable at the very least. Secondly there can be no satisfactory answer to the question itself. It absolutely dismisses out of hand the possibility -probability even that neither "pure evil" nor "pure incompetence" played a role in the death of Floyd George.

I got news for everyone - everyone who argues with: ...he said he coldn't breathe...!

There is NO way - it is physically impossible to vocalize like that if you are not able to breathe! Ask a doctor or a physiologist. "Can a person yell out or even speak coherently while their wind pipe is being forcibly held shut?
The answer is NO. You might make grunting sounds but it is impossible to speak the words "I can't breathe!" even once and Mr George repeated that plea over and over again. "I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe..."
If he's talking - here's the news for ya - He was breathing.

Another point - In order to cut off Mr Georges breathing it would be necessary to put pressure on his windpipe - his THROAT and you can clearly see that the officers knee was NOT on Floyd Georges throat - it was to the back and side - just under the back of his ear.

There is absolutely NO WAY the man died from suffocation. He had a long list of co-morbid conditions and the stress of the situation - which he put himself into by the way - caused his heart to seize. He had cardiac arrest. NOT suffocation.

iThink Level 9 Aug 4, 2020

Yes, I described the death as a "killing" in the June 4th post as it I was trying to be neutral. At that time, there were many protestors who were calling it murder. I try to some extent to be agnostic on posts.

one correction - it is possible that a big man laying on his stomach >could< die from a thing called "positional asphyxia".

the video, however, clearly has GF saying "I can't breathe" while beside the car.


My thoughts on the body cam video reaffirmed my views on the Floyd case.

They approached the vehicle with a strong presence, gun out. I'm unsure why that is necessary in a counterfeit bill charge. I'm thinking they knew who he was (from records)? If not, maybe it's the area? After coaxing him out of his vehicle they put their weapons away. They also frequently assured Floyd they weren't going to shoot him, and they never use excess force to get him into the car. To me, this all seemed pretty routine and handled well.

Watching the exchange between the two people on the side and the police officer seemed very normal. I got the impression cops aren't liked much, but I didn't get the feeling that it was racially driven. Or that they feared for their life. It seemed more like routine paperwork.

Floyd obviously was either on drugs or had a mental imbalance of some kind. The cops even asked if he was drunk. They also said things like they'd roll down the window, and they let him take a minute before getting into the car. Which shows me they wanted to resolve this as peacefully as possible.

It's always easy to say "what they should have done" after the fact. Floyd was complaining frequently before he even was on the ground that he couldn't breath. Even if these claustrophobic symptoms were imagined, they should have been treated as real. Especially with the tweaky way he was behaving. So, they couldn't get him into the police car. As long as he was posing no threat to anyone else then an ambulance should have been called.

Again, it's super easy to say "they should have" after the fact. But, I definitly can comment on the kneeing. Floyd said numerous times that he couldn't breath. Almost 9 minutes on a man repeatedly saying he can't breath. Sorry, but even with the body cam video, it still looks bad. Again, even if the officers thought his claustrophobic symptoms were imagined. They should not have used that method of restraint.

My views on the case remain the same as before. I don't believe this was an act of murder by cop. I don't think it was racially motivated. I do, however, question their restraint method on a man who's repeatedly saying he can't breath.

Also, I support our men and women in blue. I have a strong military lineage in my family. All branches. Even have some NYPD in my family. It's not a service I envy. It is a service I respect. I may view Floyd's case as questionable or wrongly handled, but that is in no way my view of all cops and service members. The amount of hate, demoralization, and disrespect for our officers right now is disgusting.

That's a sober assessment, very much in line w/ my own sentiments.


Yes this newly released bodycam video matters because it proves this whole “movement” that has cost cities across the nation billions of dollars and is responsible for over thirty people being killed is entirely based on a lie.

Do you think people in the "Black Lives Matter" movement care about facts? They don't seem to care that there is no evidence that unarmed black men are disproportionately being killed by police. Related: Are black or white ally BLM supporters more inclined to recalibrate their outrage?

@Admin no, I think they are repulsed by facts and are driven purely by emotion.


The disconnect between the BLM narrative and the facts in the case are intentional. What they hate is civilization itself. It is cognitive terrorism of a sort designed to confuse and alienate. The people behind BLM are spiteful mutants.

@Admin I completely agree with your comment here. BLM/antifa/CPUSA/Democrats are absolutely dis-interested in FACTS. Facts about everything - crime, race, economics, culture. The entirety of their narrative is founded upon irrational and illogical emotion.
The truth of the matter as shown in this latest video release will do nothing to change the minds of the people who are the great "mob". If they were able to be swayed by facts they would not be part of the violent movement in the first place.
The only way I can see to deal with people like that is to:
A) stand back and let them rant and chant and march until they get tired and go back to their homes
B) the moment one or all begins to break the law step in with stern determination to arrest, charge and convict penalty for bad behavior is implicit approval of said behavior. No?

@Andyman I think they are driven by hate and jealousy as well.


The choices given do not, in my opinion, offer enough options. All the protests over this guy Floyd are stupid, and detract from real problems because a false narrative is being pushed. I do not believe law enforcement is "racist". I do believe they have been allowed so much leeway in violating the law, and people's rights, all people not just black or non white people. I feel there is very just cause to demand a restructuring of law enforcment, and the way accusations of corruption, and abuse of authority are handled, as well as the way the individual officers, and even departments as whole are then dealt with when the complaints are valid.

Over the past ten years I have read so many stories of law enforcement vilating laws, and rights it truly makes me sick. Many of these have shown cops actually getting away with out right murder because they simply said, "I felt afraid for my life". Some instances include a 12 year old child being shot three times in the chest because he was doing EXACTLY what the police officer told him to. A deaf man walking down the street whittling on a piece of wood with a pen knife was told to stop be a cop standing behind him because this cop looked at the knife as a deadly weapon. People on the street yelled at the cop that the man was deaf and that was why he did not stop, but the cop shot and killed him any way. An 80 year old Grandmother watching the late news and flipping through channels with her remote had a no knock raid carried out. Seeing the remote the cops shot her up numerous times from several different weapons even though she had no time to react to any orders. They did not do any investigative work before executing the warrant and had the wrong address on the warrant. I have seen stories of cops making up laws on the spot to throw around their authority and make people do what they want, and cops planting evidence is not really that uncommon.

Something most definitely nees to be done but the knee jerk reactions to some career criminal like this FLoyd mutt being used as an excuse for the idiocy we have witnessed only serves to bury the real problems under a flood of knee jerk reactionary attitudes defending police as a whole.


The revealed events are as we suspected. My husband is a retired Canadian cop. Death from drugs and the stress of an arrest is not uncommon. After subduing an out of control suspect, with knee on shoulder, not neck, Toronto cops are trained to then flip the suspect into recovery position.
The cop is guilty of excessive force or negligence in this death, and Floyd obviously had a part to play. Both can be true at the same time.


I think this is where we get 'resisting arrest' as a factor at play. IN every case that I have ever seen which is many - if the suspect did what the police told him to do he would still be alive.

@RAZE So true. I'd like to know what percentage of compliant people end up dead from an encounter with police. Has to be very, very small.

@coalburned It is insanely small and I do not remember the number - It was a lot lower than it should be based on how people act.

Well said! I have the same opinion, but you said it better than I did!


Just to be clear about one point.
George says he is claustraphobic as an excuse not to get into the police car.
But he just got out of a car, one he was driving, and showed no signs of it... no wonder they doubted him.

True. From the beginning of the whole incident, Floyd pulled a series of stunts to avoid being taken into custody.


Police being racist thugs is part of the catechism of the Left. I don't believe it will convince any true believer. Just like OJ Simpson's trial, some basic axioms are beyond rational discussion.

For everybody to the right of the dyed-in-the-wool Leftists, however, it's going to cause at least some doubt. On the Right, it will firm up our support of law enforcement.


I don't need to feel vindicated for supporting the police officers who do their job the right way.

I still have no respect for officers who are corrupt or are careless in dealing with human lives.

BLM is irrelevant in this discussion. Just because they siezed the opportunity to stir up trouble means nothing because, let's be honest, they don't truly give a flip about black lives.

The video simply confirms what I believed all along. George Floyd was not a martyr. He was a disturbed criminal who, through a series of dumb moves, put himself in a bad situation. He didn't deserve to die, and Derek Chauvin still has to answer for what he did. But cops aren't bad people by default. We need them. Floyd's death was unfortunate, but in no way would I label it "tragic". And in no way should he be lifted up by the black community as a good person done wrong by the police.

"Saint George" was a Violent Druggie Felony that held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman, so his "Buddies" could rob her house!!!!
Does someone capable of that, really deserve to live, no matter his color????

@Serg97 Yeah, I read about his criminal background, which explains why I didn't feel his death was in a tragedy. It's not that he didn't deserve to die (I believe we all do, but that's another discussion). It's the way it happened that bothers me.

@coalburned There are "Human Animals" in this world, they come in all colors and from every county in the world!!!! If we do not deal with them, we and our loved ones will all pay the price!!!!


Why was this video suppressed so long and why even now is it not mainstream media covered?

Hanno Level 8 Aug 4, 2020

I guarantee he's an IV meth user. Doesn't take excessive use or multiple uses for people to get weird like that. Looks like he had a bad case of excited delirium or psychosis symptoms.


I feel sorry for the “useful idiots” who actually buy the bullshit and think it’s about whatever ideals are touted as the latest cause du jour. They’re the ones who can be counted on to hit the streets and pack the rallies and carry signs. It never takes long before they’re over run by the heavy hitters with fire bombs, though.

The rest of the story? The “story” never means anything, except as a lever to trigger the real agenda. The “causes” get swapped out like titles on a movie marquee and they’re all just as expendable. George Floyd was useful only because he died. Before that moment, he didn’t exist. After, he became part of the myth. Nothing else mattered.


I've seen it and my mind is not changed. For me it is about the Force Continuum in general, not those specific cops. Unless you are an idiot you know that putting your knee on someone's NECK for 8 minutes is not going to end well but they don't care about it ending well.

I've been told "We don't need to put ourselves at risk". I disagree with this. In Iraq and Afghanistan --two war zones with trained terrorists-- you could not fire on someone who had a gun until they pointed it at you. As a result the citizenry began to trust them to police the areas. If they can do that there, we can do that here.

My general response is that police signed up for a job that is dangerous. If they have a problem with that then become an attorney or something else. My issue is that we've allowed them to use force every time they are put in danger. If our troops used their force continuum as ROIs we would have killed everyone in the local militias.

Part of the old logo was "To Protect and to Serve" now it seems its just "To Enforce".

I’m always concerned about the decline of our society when enforcing the laws of the land includes as part of the job description even the slightest hint of a patronizing “oh, but you should have known it was a dangerous job when you applied for it”.

No. Violence of any sort is not acceptable. You make a false analogy comparing it to the military. It is a different job in so many ways that it should be obvious, first is that a military patrol, even a military police patrol, is a team heading out to do the assigned task. Street cops? Most often one person.

Let us know when any part of your job requires you accept being mistreated simply because of what you represent, not what you’re doing or who you are.

Let us know when hundreds of your colleagues are injured or killed simply by virtue of wearing a different set of clothes.

Let us know when wanting to do your job means forgoing your own personal safety to ensure the safety of others - sometimes of those who hate you for doing your job.

Let us know when every act, right or wrong, that you might do at your place of employment is subject to the most intense scrutiny by a scornful and ignorant cadre intent on ruining your career and your life because only you responded as a human being rather than an automaton.

Let us know how it’s supposed to work.

@parsifal After reading the biographies of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin I think the idea that we must accept the enforcers of laws that encroach on our liberty with some sort of reverence is the decline of US society.

In the past 20 years the 4th Amendment has been abused like a dockside whore. We are supposed to hand over our papers, according to conservatives, when asked and just "work it out at the station".

It's a felony in Maine to catch and keep a lobster under a pound. It is a Class B misdemeanor in 30+ states to not have an up to date dog license. It's a Class B in the NW to not have a license for your rainwater barrel. It's a felony if you forget to show up for jury duty and a felony if your license expired and they catch you driving. Even if its 4 days and you just forgot. It's a misdemeanor not to wear a life vest.

Cops agree to enforce all laws against their neighbors no matter how much those laws encroach on your rights. When guns are about to be confiscated the majority of cops will come for yours. They've proven it by enforcing the dumbest of laws.

When you sign up for that, you are signing up to do whatever the state tells you is "right". Arrest abortion protesters? Sure. Arrest people protesting gun control? Sure. Arrest people protesting masks? FELONY. That is what they agree to.

You are right. It is NOT like the military. US citizens are not enemy combatants and shouldn't be treated like it just because someone suspects they might be about to commit a crime. Police should be held to a higher standard because we once upon a time decided that we would be a nation of laws, courts, and the presumption of innocence. Any banana republic can give us the type of policing you seem to want.

@ThomasinaPaine The complaints you have listed have to do with law-MAKERS not law-ENFORCERS. discretion is a limited commodity in policework...

I missed your responses to the point say I raised in my message. Please answer.

@parsifal In the Nuremberg trials the world agreed that the people who enforced the laws were just as guilty as those that made them.

Did that attitude change? Are Israelis wrong for hunting down old men who were "just doing their job"?

@ThomasinaPaine No. Were that the case there would be more than a scant twelve sentenced to death.

I missed what you do for a living...

The Nuremberg trials were wrong and much study has been done since then on the liability of guards following orders etc. No court today will follow the Nuremberg processes.
The Stanford experiments for example are very interesting.

Police has to enforce the law or resign. They do not and cannot choose which laws to enforce and which ones not.

The issues you have is with the law makers and society who votes in these lawmakers.
All the stupid laws you mention were made by the very politicians you and I voted for.

Police being held to a higher standard is another issue... and you have to ask when do we start keeping our society to a higher standard?
Why is it only the people willing to do the hard work that must have higher standards, however those that just take and abuse gets to enjoy a lower standard?

The Israelis did not hunt down the prison guards or police officers or soldiers.
They hunted down the architects, the decision makers, those that gave the orders.

@parsifal I don't believe "following orders" justifies cops breaking faith with the Bill of Rights or their own morals.

There is a case of an elderly lady arrested--handcuffs and the works for not putting her old dog to sleep. They tried to give her a felony animal abuse because she couldn't put him down after her husband died. It was his dog. A human being would never have arrested her.

We have a HUGE problem on our hands because we have over 150 thousand criminal violations at the federal level and as many in most states and militarized a police force and to top off that sundae with a cherry we told them that their force continuum should be loosened.

That is a recipe for disaster and good cops would speak out--in fact, many are and some have quit for these exact reasons.

@parsifal, @Hanno Begin allowed no papers about B-4 to be printed.They wrote the names on 2 sheets of paper and had everyone memorize them.

@ThomasinaPaine oh, cite one case and all are guilty? Kewl.

I’m not familiar with the old lady case - can you provide a reference?

There are a million cops in the US wh do their jobs well and with honour every single day. What about them?

@ThomasinaPaine I missed your do have one, don’t you?

@parsifal what does occupation have to do with anything here? U going for a fallacy of argument from authority or something? People's thoughts, ideas, and beliefs stand on their own merit no matter what occupation a person works. If an expert due to occupational experience can refute an argument with logic and reason then it is valid but dismissing a position because of someones occupation is simply admitting a defeat on the argument and trying to dismiss it because there is no good rebuttal.

@george go back up and read the comments.

@parsifal No. It's not just one case. Its a pattern. Let's take police brutality --there is an entire database of wrongful homicide, police misconduct (to include selling drugs themselves), and the fact that they are human beings rather than saints.

Police should not be militarized because it sets a psychological tone that they are at war. Police should not have less restrictions on violence or discharging their weapons than our military does in a war zone.

As for my occupation this is just a ridiculous debate tactic of "if you're not a cop, hair dresser, etc" you shouldn't have an opinion on it. I am someone that pays their salary, which means I get an opinion on it.

@parsifal, @george Yeh, what George said. 🙂

@parsifal ok, I reread all the comments and still occupation has no effect on the merit of an argument. Even folks who work in field can be ignorant of certain things. Perfect example is the military. I could be a 20 yr veteran but that don't mean I know about too secret programs that I wasnt part of.

@george You mention fallacy of authority and then create your fantasy about not knowing about too (sic) programs... re GF the issue is about a fundamental control technique - basic stuff EVERY cop would know about! There is no fallacy of authority to be found. The relevance of a critic’s comment loses traction when they don’t know what they’re talking about. Like hers. And yours.

@george, @ThomasinaPaine Your argument falls apart when you look at the statistics. Police shouldn’t “be militarized”? You mean shouldn’t have access to the tools to protect themselves is what you’re saying. In 2019, 48 were killed on duty as a result of felonies committed against them. I say 48 too many. You might say not enough.

@ThomasinaPaine Don’t be shy. Bring out your statistics that show how bad things are...

@parsifal cops sign up for public service and know the risks. If they are gonna shoot first they shouldn't be cops. U can defend them all u want but if a coward signs up for it and then kills someone who don't deserve to die they deserve full prosecution. The power hungry type that just want a badge for protection are scum and the ones who defend and protect them are no better. The Portland mom's protected violent rioters thus making them violent rioters as well and there is no good cops as long as they allow the POS cops to get away with crimes. I'm not an abolish the police type but I'm not a bootlicker either.

@george easy for you to say. And tell me the last time some cop who killed someone who a) wasn’t investigated, or b) wasn’t prosecuted... I’ll wait.

What I find are the armchair quarterbacks whose biggest risk in their line of work is a paper cut seem to consider themselves experts on what a cop should or shouldn’t do when having zero insight beyond binge watching csi...

Colour me unimpressed.

@parsifal You've sent so many demands of me to provide you with what you want that I have to wonder if you're a cop because you seem accustomed to ordering people around.

I will put it to you this way: I don't have to know how to make pizza to know as a customer that I don't want mine served raw. I don't have to know how to build a car to know that I need one with wheels.

I know how I want the public servants who are paid from my tax dollars to serve--and that is NOT with less restrictions than those in combat zones.

Is it really too much to ask a public servant in the US to treat me with as much respect and decency as we treat ISIS?

@parsifal so my biggest risk is a paper cut, huh? lmao I guess your biggest risk is dementia since u are a psychic, right?

I guess since u are a man and can't get pregnant u have no position on abortion. Or u arent an accountant so u have no ideas or position when it comes to taxes. Or u don't own a gun manufacturing company so u have no position on what guns should or shouldn't be allowed. Armchair quarterback u say? Cool, I'll be am armchair quarterback as long as u want to call me that but u are totally oblivious to your own inconsistencies when u have an idea that is part of a topic that u aren't an experienced worker from that field.

U don't have to be a parent to know beating kids is wrong and u don't have to be a cop to see the problems in the police force.

@parsifal @george "Easy for you to say" doesn't disqualify the remark. My good friend is in special forces and he always tells people to shut the fuck up when they bitch about the dangers of their job. "Nobody drafted you" is his response.

We make choices in life. We need to live with the consequences both good and bad of them AND the commitments they entail us to.

My job took me to war zones. I had a gun in my face and I didn't have body armor. I don't complain to anyone because I chose that job.

Maybe I just have more balls than the cops bitching about theirs.

@ThomasinaPaine "Maybe I just have more balls than the cops bitching about theirs."

So much truth in that statement that it boggles the mind. Most of the cops ive known since childhood were the kids who got picked on or were socially backward and didn't have many friends. All I can guess is that by becoming a cop it allowed their balls to drop some but as soon as a situation gets a little outside of a textbook exchange between citizen and cop they show us just what cowards they truly are. If u don't understand that being a cop means u accept the risk of your own safety being in jeopardy to serve and protect others, then u shouldn't be a cop to begin with. The standard required to become an officer should be much higher than it is now. The low IQ "I just follow orders" types are the most prevalent types of people I see wearing a badge now days.

I've also noticed a few similarities in the people who are die hard cop supporters who will defend any cop no matter the circumstances. They seem to be just as cowardly as the cops who shoot first and just talk the talk thinking it will intimidate others and at the same time they will have protection from someone with a badge to keep them safe. I know we need a police force but at the same time I know the job of police is to SERVE and PROTECT and not this modern day version of extort and bully the citizens to turn a profit for courts and private owned prisons.

@ThomasinaPaine. I’ve found people get treated as they treat does that saying go, “my personality depends on me, my attitude depends on you”?

Be nice, you get nice. Be an asshole, you get what you deserve.

@ThomasinaPaine, @george since when was I talking about you? Newsflash, you’re not that important.

Now perhaps you can quote back to me where I’ve even come close to making excuses for any dirty cop, since that is what you’re hinting at. I’ll wait. Again.

@george, @ThomasinaPaine re dangers - you brought it up. I guess you’re friends suggestion needed repeating?

@george Yep. And "Cops shouldn't have to put their lives in danger"--then go be a computer programmer.

@parsifal I believe you posted on a public forum rather than pulling him aside in direct messages. As far as treating people how they treat you, how would you treat someone who is infringing upon your liberties guaranteed in the Constitution? How would you treat someone who accused you of something you don't believe you did?

Human interaction doesn't magically change when you wear a costume.

How about if they start friendly and see where that gets them instead of treating people like criminals automatically?

Again, not talking about a dirty cop. I'm discussing the force continuum which is akin to the military's rules of engagement. I want our police to use the same escalation procedures as our military in a combat zone.

There is no WAY you can tell me that the average person in the US should be treated worse than ISIS.

@ThomasinaPaine there are a gazillion cameras in buildings, cars, and worn to monitor behaviours and the interactions between police and the public. Invariably things DO begin “friendly” as you put it. And more often than not the cop bends over backwards to avoid problems - but guess what? There’s two people involved! Surprise surprise surprise! If someone acts like an asshole and decides that he/she is not going to do as they are instructed what options are left to the cop? “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to bother you about that arrest warrant! You did say olley olley oxen free though so I guess I’ll let you go”...

And again - you haven’t been there? You don’t know. Period.

@parsifal Again, and I'll say this until you understand me: IT IS ABOUT PROCEDURES. The PROCEDURES are the problem.

If our local police have looser criteria for force escalation than Marines that is a problem. In fact, given the number of files in the ACLU and CopWatch database cops could do themselves a favor by using those same rules of engagement and escalation.

And before I hear "muh danger" construction workers are several times more likely to be injured or killed on a job and if "muh danger" is all we need to stop doing our job then what do we tell fire fighters?

You want to make this about anything other than procedures so you can cherry pick to make yourself happy. I'm saying that the American people should be given the same respect we show Iraqi's and Afghans.

EDIT: and quite frankly I don't give a fuck if a cop hands me flowers if he's asking me for my papers without any evidence of me committing a crime. I don't care if he's friendly. I care about my rights and dignity.

@parsifal I'm not hinting at anything and wasn't even responding to u. Dont get defensive due to your twists and context that u want to be here. Sorry but just as u assumed the paper cut thing u are assuming things again. Assumption type folks are not folks I conversate with. Once u are a psychic then u already know all my thoughts so why should I bother telling u what u already know. When u want a two way discussion I might reconsider.

@ThomasinaPaine procedures are NOT the problem. the procedures WORK a hundred thousand times a day. and guess what - asking for your papers is part of the job, to ensure that someone is licensed to drive to begin with, has insurance if the law requires it, and on and on. just because you consider yourself a hothouse orchid who has done nothing wrong, maybe - just maybe, the cop sees something different.

@ThomasinaPaine, @george this isn't you then?

george 7 replied Aug 10, 2020 edited 0
@parsifal so my biggest risk is a paper cut, huh? lmao I guess your biggest risk is dementia since u are a psychic, right?

I guess since u are a man and can't get pregnant u have no position on abortion. Or u arent an accountant so u have no ideas or position when it comes to taxes. Or u don't own a gun manufacturing company so u have no position on what guns should or shouldn't be allowed. Armchair quarterback u say? Cool, I'll be am armchair quarterback as long as u want to call me that but u are totally oblivious to your own inconsistencies when u have an idea that is part of a topic that u aren't an experienced worker from that field.

U don't have to be a parent to know beating kids is wrong and u don't have to be a cop to see the problems in the police force.

@parsifal Define "work"? Seriously. Just because I can use a credit card to unlock a door doesn't mean that a key isn't better. Americans have been so trained to accept any loss of liberty and amount of disrespect heaped upon them from the government that they will say things like "it works" to describe a situation that is intolerable to the Founder's principles of presumption of innocence and the right to be secure in your property and person.

To you "it works" because you appear to place conformity, obedience, and order above individualism, liberty, and freedom. To that I say, any nation on earth can provide you a police force that knows how to shoot someone whose hands move below their ribcage or place their knee upon someone's neck. You can go to Cuba and get that.

Forgive me if I would prefer to be policed AT LEAST in the manner the Marines used to win "hearts and minds" in a war zone -- and its sad that I would settle for that. I should want to be policed in the respectful but somewhat less secure way that the Founders intended for America.

--And don't say society was more peaceful then. There were public lynchings and tar and feathering in those days.

@ThomasinaPaine what tv program are you watching that gives you your understanding of police work? I don’t believe there is a police officer alive that goes to work hoping to be part of some crisis. In fact, I challenge you to show me, tell me, draw for me anything other than men and women doing their best to avoid a situation that will place them, their brother and sister officers, the public, and the offender at risk.

How friggin naive you are to believe differently.

@parsifal I will remark that of the two of us I have remained polite, respectful, and without insulting you. It is possible to not insult people, to listen to them, and not act aggressively. You've attempted to bait me into the same style of discussion you are using and I have managed not to respond in kind.

It is possible for a police officer to be calm, act maturely, and not be aggressive with someone who is troublesome. If they cannot there are better lines of work for their temperament. I don't think everyone is cut out to be a teacher, either.

I never said police officers go to work "hoping to be a part of some crisis". I've said that if a Marine in a combat zone can manage to not shoot people who are not shooting at them or kick the shit out of people who resist then it is possible for you to not do it. Yes, people acting like a fool will make someone who is exhausted want to kick the shit out of them. Yes, someone who asks "Why do you need to see my ID?" will irritate someone who wants to see that ID. Doesn't mean that they have to respond aggressively.

I almost fell into the trap of explaining my experience with ROEs and war zones but its unnecessary. I am telling you that 1) no one is drafted into the police force 2) we all want to protect our loved ones 3) dealing with ignorants is something we all do 4) some of us are held to a higher standard of behavior due to our level of responsibility and 5) I don't want America's police acting like 3rd world police.


I know people who left the military and went into the police force (I will try to invite one to posts on here) and he agrees with me that cops would do themselves a favor if they changed their force continuum. However, his is an opinion just like yours.

That Marines have stricter ROEs than the deputies in my county is not an opinion it is a fact. I want the same rights and respect given to terror suspects in a war zone, not less. That should be the bare minimum as the police force is not at war with America.

@ThomasinaPaine you’re not discussing anything. You’re stating an opinion hoping that somehow I will parrot the same nonsense. But around we go again - a platoon of marines on patrol in a war zone is NOT the same as a cop alone is a black and white. What part of that is beyond you? Cops do it ALONE.

@ThomasinaPaine there is no need to keep trying. Things like "How friggin naive you are to believe differently." and assumptions about people show that it's a waste of time. Anyone who can't discuss things without assumptions and personal insults like that are just snowflake who have to control the conversation because their programmed scripts don't account for everything real people actually encounter in conversations. They assert a stance then rudeness and arrogance takes over from there and no matter what u say they will divert, assume, put words in your mouth or anything at all possible to keep the conversation limited to the scope of what their script accounts for. I admire your persistence to keep trying but it is futile because all that they will allow to be discussed is the limited areas that their talking points are targeted at.

@parsifal I am stating 1 fact and 1 opinion.

Fact one, Marines have stricter rules of engagement in a conflict zone than our cops have here before they are allowed to use violence on US citizens. This is a FACT. From that FACT we can derive also that they are in an active combat zone with trained enemy combatants that are heavily armed and capable of crafting improvised explosive devices out of the bare minimum.

You are only willing to compare apples to oranges when it suits you. Be consistent. You said cops don't have a platoon's worth of Marines to drive around with. That is true. 99% of all cops also don't have to deal with trained insurgents willing to blow themselves up when God says so on the daily. A platoon of Marines are used when a situation is hot so let's do the apples to apples, please. When policing its a small fire team.

Cops do not have to deal with the normalcy of IEDs or trained insurgents. BUT let's pretend they do.

Then you still haven't explained why they need looser restrictions on violence than Marines.

Is it because Marines are better trained? And if that's the case why don't we have younger cops with stricter physical fitness standards? Why don't they have Marine Corps training if that's what is needed not to freak out on kids like Tamir Rice?

After Haditha the military tightened up its ROEs so that there wasn't a non-stop shooting match. Their willingness to put themselves at risk engendered the type of trust that allowed citizens to come to them with problems or information.

Opinion one, when you have a public relations issue you cannot ignore it by doubling down on what you did before. Public servants are supposed to SERVE. When you lose public trust to the point where people are afraid to call you when a loved one is suicidal then that is an issue that needs to be addressed.

@parsifal, @george You're right. This is old already.

@ThomasinaPaine really? What are the “rules of engagement” for the marines and how does that differ from police? State the facts.

Also fact, police deal with people who are neither identified nor identifiable as “the bad guy”. It could be the kid up the street or a grandmother who will kill them - Americans killing Americans.

Also fact, police do not have “looser” rules of engagement than marines, but YOU are going to cover that above in rules of engagement, aren’t you?

Public servants are supposed to serve? Police DO. And it costs them their lives 89 times last year. You might not appreciate that but I do - the difference between us.

, @george then plz join in stating the facts to be addressed in my message above. Instead of deflecting and skating around the issues, have a go at it...

@george Here, this is what you claim has been avoided.

Violence of any sort is not acceptable. You make a false analogy comparing it to the military. It is a different job in so many ways that it should be obvious, first is that a military patrol, even a military police patrol, is a team heading out to do the assigned task. Street cops? Most often one person.

Let us know when any part of your job requires you accept being mistreated simply because of what you represent, not what you’re doing or who you are.

Let us know when hundreds of your colleagues are injured or killed simply by virtue of wearing a different set of clothes.

Let us know when wanting to do your job means forgoing your own personal safety to ensure the safety of others - sometimes of those who hate you for doing your job.

Let us know when every act, right or wrong, that you might do at your place of employment is subject to the most intense scrutiny by a scornful and ignorant cadre intent on ruining your career and your life because only you responded as a human being rather than an automaton.

Let us know how it’s supposed to work.

Your up.

@parsifal I did not say that violence in any form is unacceptable. If someone is running at you with explosives strapped to his chest screaming GOD IS GREAT then shoot him. If someone is trying to rape you, defend yourself.

What I said and I'll repeat for the (what is it the 10th time now?) USE THE ROEs what work successfully in a combat zone to deal with both terrorists and innocent civilians. Treat us as the Marine would treat ISIS.

If you cannot even do that, treat us the way our troops treat a terrorist, then something is extremely fucked up.


Separating the one that I think is important in this list and why

ROEs for policing in Iraq

-Understand that not everyone acting in a strange way is a terrorist. Some may be confused.
-If you cannot PID someone as a combatant defer to your Senior


-Do not shoot someone who is running away that did not previously discharge their weapon or act in a threatening manner
-Do not fire in civilian areas when civilians are on the street unless hostiles are actively firing upon you
-Warn first those who are holding a weapon at you or detonation device with: Ermy se' Alak if amick (drop your weapon or I will shoot) with time to complete the action
-Treat all civilians with respect in regards to their property
-Fire when be fired upon
-Fire when civilians are fired upon
-Treat everyone with dignity, honor, and respect

IF our police emphasized this Down's Syndrome man Robert Ethan Taylor would still be alive. The two off duty cops were told by his caretaker who arrived to pick him up to not put their hands on him or he would freak out and asked to be the one to take him out of the theater. The theater manager agreed. The off duty cops did not and ended up killing him.

If our police emphasized this Brian Claunch would be alive. The manager of the Elder Care Center did not want him harmed. Two cops went into the room to confront a man missing both an arm and a leg on the same side, who could not walk, and weight less than 150 lbs. They shot him in the back of the head when he raised his pen from the wheelchair. They did not believe it was a gun.

Charles Kinsey was the caregiver of an autistic man, shot in the leg for attempting to get his charge out of the street. His hands were up and he was explaining what he was doing when they shot him.

I know that as a cop you will give me a thousand reasons starting with how each of those people could have used mad ninja skills to kill the officers and I will tell you that I do not care. They should have protected all three of those people instead of killing them.

@ThomasinaPaine try to might be suffering ptsd. Seek help, please. America is not Afghanistan.

@ThomasinaPaine rules of engagement? In America? You don’t know what you’re talking about trying to compare the two. I feel sorry for you. Get help.

@parsifal I am not the one acting aggressively or insulting you over an Internet conversation. One might want to consider relaxation techniques and stepping away from the computer if you are at the point where you think insulting someone is debate. It's not. It's just being rude.

I do have PTSD. Most of my friends have been diagnosed with it, as well. What they don't have on their conscience is choking a Down's Syndrome man to death because they disregarded direction that errs on the side of life. The one person I know who did become part of the "22 a day" statistic is someone who shot a child in the first Fallujah.

The ROEs are meant to protect civilians but also the health of the Marine or soldier...and their analysts.

@parsifal You asked what the "Rules of Engagement" were. The police call it a force continuum. Again, I can see that you don't feel the need to show people who disagree with you any modicum of respect not even when they give it to you.

This is not a problem that I have. But I do have limitations. If you want to engage in debate be polite and honest. If you cannot do at least one of those then I will stop talking to you.

You see, I can control my temper and not take it out on people. I also know as an adult that the better part of valor at times is simply walking away.

@ThomasinaPaine oh, but you are. I wouldn’t say you’re psychotic, but you’re obviously an anarchist which is about the same thing... get help

@parsifal And you continue to be insulting so we are done.

@ThomasinaPaine oh so now you have an answer? Lol so how does it work - does antifa seek you out or do you have to do the legwork?

What you're suggesting is a dismantling of the US - you know, the REPUBLIC? It is a government based on the law, and so long as there’s are anarchists, fascists like antifa and blm, and left wing lunatics <ahem> law-biding citizens will need to protect themselves AND that includes having a group of trained and dedicated people protecting them. From people like you.

Get help, please.

@ThomasinaPaine hardly. being accurate in assessing you from what you've written is not being insulting. but get help. please.


The truth matters. The lies matter. What matters most is which one prevails. The earthquake came from built up pressure on tectonic plates of decadence. The after shocks are not over: September? November. A tidal wave is coming. Brace yourself.


@Admin, your just-so presentation of this story has me asking more questions about you than George Floyd. This may be off-topic, but have you ever worn blackface before?

Howdy @WilyRickWiles,

I know I'm not @Admin, but your off topic question does elicit an off topic rejoinder.

No I've never dressed in blackface, but I did dress in drag and sing, "I Enjoy Being A Girl" (Rogers & Hammerstein, Flower Drum Song). Does that count?

Eh, voice majors do strange things...

I wore blackface in the army, it was/is called cam cream, hope this is OK?

I try really hard to NOT attack individuals, rather preferring to engage on the ideas. But, your comment shows a much deeper filth than what you seem to accuse others of.

@tracycoyle I must be one of those "real racists."

@WilyRickWiles No, I think you are just skewed in your perceptions of reality.

I played Glinda in an all white production of "The Wiz". (No blackface though)

How would you have made the post differently? I try to avoid emotion in my posts to keep them short/etc. I have a more caring personality than what some of my posts suggest. My heart does feel for the tragic death of George as human being. Watching the bodycam footage is even more heart-wrenching as it is clear that he (and his friends) are struggling in life. I am also aware that his death is a symbol.

@Admin For one, I'd ask you to think about why you selected that particular frame from the video, the one that probably best represents racist tropes about Black people. Second, the language you use to describe protesters and their positions is aggressive, unconventional, vague, and often debatable, as with "contributed to his tragic death," "polarizing violent protests," "racist killer behavior," "resisting arrest," "does this matter," and "leveraging 'proof of police racism' to incite." It betrays an anger, perhaps unconscious, at protesters. Moreover, your use of emotionally charged content devoid of an argument suggests you're looking to elicit a racist pile-on from the white nationalists you know are a large part of your community.

@WilyRickWiles I got the screen shot from the linked article. Could you rewrite it in a way you’d prefer as an example?

@Admin "I got the screen shot from the linked article." Careless and irresponsible at best.

@WilyRickWiles More just due to time. I'm juggling lots of projects including this website. Is the screenshot careless and irresponsible on the website that I link? He does look humanized in anguish to me. I guess how people respond to the image is in part related to their political views.

Dude. Seriously. Asking questions does not make you a racist.

We are supposed to ask these questions. Ask and discuss like adults. If we are going to fucking censor everything that someone might get upset about then just throw up a swastika now and put all the conservatives on trains for work camps.

Arbeit Macht Frei

@ThomasinaPaine You're canceled!

@Admin You shouldn't have to apologize for the question or the source and especially not to a guy who only drops Jacobin magazine links at me.

He's an adult. If he cannot take a question without throwing a tantrum like a baby then he needs to just haul his ass off to the Twitter echo chamber.

@Admin, @WilyRickWiles

  1. The protests have BEEN polarizing. I know blacks who refuse to go to them because "those crazy white kids will get us all arrested"
  2. resisting arrest is the RIGHT TERM. He was resisting arrest. Does that mean he should die for it? NO THE FUCK NO but what else do you call resisting being arrested but resisting arrest?

There are people I know who didn't resist arrest, didn't hear the cops, and got the shit beat out of them by cops. I wouldn't call that resisting arrest. George Floyd resisted arrest.

I am the first person to say cops are out of line. I am even anti-cop. I never said they shouldn't defund police. Look through all my posts. I've been on the side of the people getting abused but calling him out for those things is just being a brat. It is. It really fucking is and if you cannot see that you are being nitpicky and accusatory--if you think that's how you should talk to people then you need to reevaluate. It seems all you see are demons and angels. No people.

@WilyRickWiles You're being mean and you know it. You are better than this. I actually believe that.

Be kind. You never know if the last thing you say to someone is the last thing they hear.

@ThomasinaPaine Professional culture warriors are not acting in good faith. That's where I draw the line on being charitable.

@ThomasinaPaine Not a Jacobin-chauvinist kind of leftist btw. I think I linked to two articles of theirs, among many others. I link to them when they're good and insightful, e.g. on history, which happens occasionally.

@WilyRickWiles I don't see ADMIN as a culture warrior or a racist. Mr. "Feral Blacks" up there, yes.

@ThomasinaPaine Say what you will about "Mr. 'Feral Blacks'," and there is plenty to say, but he is operating in good faith!

@WilyRickWiles I believe that of ADMIN. I see nothing inflammatory in the question. It ought to be asked. It ought to spark discussion--something I'm trying to have. I've said this to conservatives and to liberals--when you use a particular case to start a much-needed dialogue it ought to be clean and clear either way so that the goal is not obfuscated. Michael Brown, for example, as not as clear cut as the Tamir Rice case or John Crawford the III OR better yet the Saylor case.

Two cops choking a Downs Syndrome man to death WOULD have gotten national attention on police brutality and then to follow that up with John Crawford would have made a better example for white America to then understand.

BTW, Mr Feral Black is operating, not sure if its in good faith tho.

@ThomasinaPaine I'm not about that respectability politics or trying to police movements. Human rights are fundamental.

I disagree that the question was "clean and clear." It certainly was not objective. It uncritically reused a racist photo from a "blue lives matter" website and included implicit negative judgments about the victim and BLM and positive judgments about the officers. Yes, one sometimes needs to be controversial to get people's attention and prompt a debate, but they should understand and be honest about their own point of view.

@WilyRickWiles Human rights are non existent where governments are involved. Any government will restrict your natural rights because their only tool is force.

@ThomasinaPaine Of course in a nation of laws with elections, that force is abstracted and democratized, albeit imperfectly. Which is more than you can say would be the case if the state's monopoly of force were formally split among the powerful interests of the status quo.

@ThomasinaPaine i'm seeing a pattern have great difficulty with anyone who disagrees with you. it's THEM, not YOU.

get help.

@parsifal I'm not the one who decided to proudly proclaim "Mr Feral Black". He named himself, not me. If you proudly espouse that Jews are conspiring against humanity and blacks have gone wild like cats don't be surprised when people think you have a race problem.

If you are proud of your words don't be less than proud and deny them.

@ThomasinaPaine uh... mr feral black? Jews are conspiring? Blacks gone wild?

Either 1) you’re replying to the wrong person, or 2) you’re insane.

I choose the former and accept your apology

@parsifal The post you tagged me into between Wiley and I was a discussion of conservatives where he said that a self-appointed "Race Realist" was more honest than other conservatives. It had started with him berating ADMIN but those don't seem to still be visible.

But I find it interesting that after being so rude and aggressive over someone disagreeing you have to feel better by trying to find an instance of me being unprovokedly aggressive or belligerent.

A rational approach to debate is not to insult but persuade and when you create a challenge of someone to provide ROEs and that challenge is met then show them the respect of an honest reply.

You ought to have just had a discussion based upon the challenge you created. Instead you chose to act like you didn't ask for that try to deflect from your earlier question by once again being aggressive and name calling.

Maybe try not insulting people, asking questions from a genuine sense of curiosity rather than asking them to perform like a circus poodle and then pretending you didn't want that information anyway.

Maybe you ought to answer why you think cops couldn't use at least one of the military's advisories and not choke out people who have a physical and mental handicap and not shoot double amputees in the back of the head for holding an ink pen.

@ThomasinaPaine you addressed a message directly to me that had nothing whatsoever to do with anything I had written.

Maybe you should learn to differentiate between one person’s statements and those of another before setting off on your tirade?

Otherwise you only look foolish.



i feel it was a false flag incident to get the BLM to ramp up!

it does seem such a coincidence, doesn't it?


“Quietly” my Ass ...
I’ve been outright and forthright and NOT AT ALL Quiet about telling people they have/had NOT the Slightest Idea what they were talking about.

I haven’t looked at THIS Video yet.
BUT ...
There were SEVERAL Videos (5?) that pieced together most of the situation from Start to Finish Quite Well.
There were Several Instances where he said Loudly and Plainly that He “Can’t Breathe” BEFORE He was restrained on the Ground in the Final Scene.
There was the Full Autopsy which Clearly DID NOT Display ANY Sign Whatsoever of Asphyxiation or problems concerning Air or Air Passage to the Lungs or Brain although there was LOTS of Evidence of Drug Related Problems.
There was a Very Good Description of GFloyd’s Physical Size and Condition.
AND ...
There was a Very Good Rundown on how he was an Upstanding Citizen (NOT!!!)

The Last Piece LOOKED Horrendous but there was NEVER Any Description as to Why the Officers Felt Required to Restrain Him in that Fashion. (Actually, there WAS but it was simply a short couple sentences)


Okay ... I watched the video and actually it simply firmed up the bit of missing information left out from those previously available. Actually the other previously available videos explain what happened better.


It does matter, but only to a certain extent. I work in a law-enforcement related career (not a sworn officer, but I work with them daily) and I have nothing but respect and support for our police. We should NOT be defunding them! If anything, the police need MORE funding for better programs and resources!

I already knew about Floyd resisting arrest and being on drugs. Of course, that matters because it isn't as though the police just found an innocent black man and killed him in the street. There was a reason for police contact and for the suspect being restrained.

However, no amount of violence from a suspect makes it okay to rest your knee on his neck for minutes on end, and several minutes past the point of unconsciousness! Gross negligence caused or contributed to Floyd's death.


Kneeling on a person's neck is dangerous and the police should never have used that technique !

That doesn't make him a racist though.


There are many things that I still want to know. I doubt that I'll ever get all of that information, but I still want that information.

First, I'd like to know what the clerk heard and saw in his encounter with Floyd. I've always thought that two cars and four officers was an overreaction to a sane man passing a counterfeit bill. I still have a hard time believing that Floyd went from sane and sober to what we see in the video in the moment that the officer came to his car. That kind of insanity usually takes time to build. Maybe a good actor can turn on that kind of act at will, but if Floyd was just acting, then he was particularly evil. The woman with him made a gesture that suggested that Floyd was often a bit crazy. I suspect that there was much more threat in Floyd's initial encounter in the store, and we need to know that for a fuller picture of what happened. If Floyd acted anywhere near that crazy in the store, he shouldn't have been allowed to walk the streets no matter what.

Secondly, Floyd's quick protest of "I didn't know" before the police even explained things suggests to me that he knew very well that he was passing bad money. That reduces the credibility of everything he said.

Thirdly, I think Floyd was severely impaired in his thought processes, but I don't blame that on the police. The world is too crowded a place for people to be wandering free in this state of psychosis. For them to be doing that while driving a large vehicle is even less tolerable. If Floyd's mind has long been that impacted, his family should have had him committed long ago. If Floyd did that to himself, then he is to blame for putting himself in a state where he was a danger to himself and everyone else. The old asylums were terrible places, but allowing that madness to walk our streets just means forcing everyone to live in an open-air asylum. People don't owe it to the insane to turn all of society into an asylum.

Finally, I have much more sympathy for the police. After this and the coroner's report, I have begun to believe that Floyd just lost his mind and ran his heart so hard that his heart couldn't continue to function with his arteries badly clogged. There shouldn't have been a knee on his neck, but I doubt anything could have stopped him from dying once he went that crazy with his other health issues.

Our society has been destroyed by one man's complete irresponsibility.


This situation reminds me of the biblical proverb: "The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him" (Prov. 18:17 ESV).


Floyd was dying of a drug overdose. The cops should have called the medics alot earlier, but the lead cop completely misjudged the situaton and went way too long. In so doing, he is a mini Gavrilo Princip, who pulled the trigger on the Grand duke, and precipitated WWI. Chauvin, who shouldnt have been a cop to start with, tossed the match that triggered BLM and ANTIFA to their depredations of all these democrat controlled cities.

They would have found some other excuse.

@wolfhnd Sure but it would have been another cop, another day. Giving them military surplus, loosening the force continuum, and expanding their powers is the powder keg.


"Close to two-thirds, 61 percent, of black Americans said they want the police presence in their area to remain the same, while 20 percent said they would like to see police spend more time in their neighborhood, according to a new Gallup poll. Another 19 percent said they would like to see the police presence in their area decrease."


If you want social workers instead of exmilitary as police officers you are going to have to pay them a lot more, even then they will probably quit after a couple years of exposure to the tragedy that is the welfare state.

@wolfhnd This is a fallacious argument trying to force me into some binary dichotomy of jackboot or social worker.

I am saying make our police use the Marines ROIs in a combat zone for how they deal with Americans rather than the current force continuum. You would see a drastic decrease in violence on both sides.


The violence is primarily criminals killing criminals. Don't see that it makes much difference how the police behave unless they go back to something like "broken windows" which of course is questionably constitutional.

I'm not trying to force you in to any position. All I'm saying is if the police do the parenting (social work) that people are unwilling or unable to provide for their own children that may help a bit. The problem is that that kind of system is going to be extremely expensive if you hire the right kind of people.

@wolfhnd I'm not asking police to parent anyone. I am asking that they use Marine ROIs. Does no one on the right see a problem that We the People aren't even given the respect that our military gives to the Afghans and ISIS?


I'm not on the right and where were liberals when mostly people on the right objected to the patriot act, Obama weaponizing the IRS and intelligence services, when Trump lowered minority unemployment, when Trump tried to fix the broken educational system.

I have my own problems with the "right but at the moment the failure of the left to acknowledge that crime has been driven by the welfare state's women marrying the government, policies that destroyed job opportunities, a disastrous educational system, etc. is a larger problem.

@wolfhnd I don't disagree. Anyone who believes that Johnson--a man known for his liberal use of the N-word was trying to HELP blacks with the welfare program is a fucking idiot. He wanted them segregated and kept on the teat so he had a legacy of Democratic voters.

It's obvious in how welfare was not given to those who had 2 parents in the household. They wanted to create a permanent lower class of blacks AND whites so that they could keep themselves in office. It was a small price to pay for them. A drop in the bucket.

I don't believe in Santa or good politicians. Republican. Democrat. They all go to the same parties on weekends. It's the idiots who don't live in DC that believe these people actually give a shit.

@wolfhnd the Patriot Act was bipartisan and continues to be bipartisan every time funding is voted on to keep it going. Both parties have worked together to make this mess of a society we live in now. From trade deals to tax breaks to government bailouts, both parties have done nothing but look out for the donor class since citizens united was written in to law. Both parties act out their characters for the camera then go behind the public eye and make sure certain interests always get taken care of no matter how the votes of the politicians have to be manipulated for each politicians best interests at the time. For example, democrats and repubs that are in the ballot get to vote for what voters will want while the ones not up for reelection vote for the donor class thus always making sure the donors are happy and the incumbent can act like they were trying to help while the others are the problem.

@ThomasinaPaine always the victim....when will you stop playing that card and actually concern yourself with what happened?



Now... the Left (and 'they' are anyone from Antifa to Soros to the Young Turks, etc.) were waiting for an opportunity. None of this was spontaneous beyond the first 2 days. Bringing the cop in on a murder charge would, in saner times, have ameliorated concerns about justice.

The Left were praying for an opportunity, a match to light in the time of Covid---40 million jobs lost. It was a golden moment for them and they've managed to play it well, regardless of what I think November will bring.

Having said all of that, you wouldn't put a dog down the way George Floyd was.

So, having watched the full video, here's an addendum.

Keith Ellison, if there's a Hell, has a room reserved. He hid the full video. Watching it, it becomes obvious that this death was as a result of escalation. What do I think the charge of the officer should be? I have no idea. But I do know what I saw at the END of the video. Shouldn't have happened.

Beyond which, it's fair to say that no matter how obvious something looks (and I have to say, when a guy is telling you he can't breathe before you put your knee on his neck, that's not a smart move) it's a imprudent to believe anything you see in "real time" outside of your proximate life.

In every day and every way, you are being played.

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