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300-year-old library tool that enabled a researcher to have seven books open at once, yet ...
jaymaron comments on May 17, 2021:
@Poncho69 @eschatologyguy @HistoryCorner @sqeptiq Jefferson advanced the technology of the polygraph, a device for writing 2 copies of a document simultaneously. Jefferson's polygraph.
The first rocket was invented around 1100 AD in China.
jaymaron comments on May 17, 2021:
Timeline of gun and explosives technology.
American Boy Scouts have gone WOKE: Eagles now required to earn 'diversity and inclusion' badges ...
jaymaron comments on May 17, 2021:
Time for parents to strike back. Schoolteachers and the boy scouts are both in the business of raising kids, and they arrogantly believe that they're entitled to dictate how to raise them. No. Parents get the final say. We have seen glorious instances of parents banding together to kick the ass of the school board, and now they have to kick the ass of the boy scout executives. The job of the boy scouts is to raise kids according to the parent's wishes. When I was a boy scout we shot guns, shot arrows, and rode horses. We regarded the most important merit badge to be the wilderness survival merit badge. The boy scouts turned boys into men. Today the boy scouts turns boys into babies.
Dominion is filing punitive, costly lawsuits against anyone who reveals the truth.
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
This is a cosmic war between left and right. Any time a front emerges in the war, no matter how local, the cosmos pours money into it. In most elections for state offices, out-of-state money outweighs in-state money. The local war is a proxy battle in the cosmic war.
Does anyone have analysis of the Icelandic Age of Sturlungs and the Battle of Haugsnes?
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
According to Wiki, Iceland was once in a feudal state where you could choose your lord. Lords weren't necessarily geographical. That's pretty cool, that lords were subject to market forces. If a lord sucked, nobody would choose him as lord, and then he's not a lord anymore. Call it a form of election. You're fired! For a market to be healthy, both buyers and sellers must have choices. There also has to be both upward and downward mobility. It should be possible for bad lords to be relegated to the Peasant League. It should be possible for a peasant like Trump to gain votes and become promoted to the Lord League. Then lords became geographical. Iceland got Gerrymandered. The Sturlungs allied with Norway and used Norway's power to defeat their foes at the Battle of Haugsnes in 1246. The Sturlungs went on to live luxurious lives as the dominant lords of Iceland, but it came at a price. Iceland fell under the crown of Norway. The Sturlungs sold out to Norway and it worked. This is the usual case. Selling out to an external power usually works. Today, Democrats sell out to China. After the American Revolutionary War, the sellout Americans who were British loyalists were obliged to move to Canada. Lots of loyalists had to sell their homes in Manhattan and it was a good time to buy real estate. Trump would have seized the opportunity to make Manhattan great. The Americans that courageously fought for independence suffered during the war but after the war they prospered. Statues were built of them. Washington got an especially large monument. Paine was a celebrity. People bought him beer and food wherever he went. Today, leftists tear down the statues and they hate Paine. That's a damn shame. Today, those that courageously resisted Democrat tyranny can virtue signal. It's an exclusive club, the Patriot Club. I'd rather be a member of the Patriot Club than the Sellout Club. Trump's speech writer Steve Miller said: Your honor and your integrity are your most valuable possessions. The fact that Canada was stuffed with loyalists to the British crown was one of the causes of the War of 1812. Trump and Giuliani made Manhattan great. Democrats should thank them.
White NFL Draftees Average 16 IQ Points Higher Than Black Draftees []
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
One of the metrics at the NFL draft combine is the Wonderlic intelligence test. Wondering if the NFL will drop it. In the NFL, intelligence matters. Terry Bradshaw called his own plays.
A Spartan specialty was a black soup made from salt, vinegar, and blood.
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
Klingon cuisine. The feast starts at time = 2:20
NPR: Extraordinary discovery.
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
@timon_phocas @sqeptiq @HistoryCorner Zeus, Athena, Ares, etc., were mistakenly classified by anthropologists as gods. They were sports mascots. Each city had its own god mascot. It wasn't worship of a pantheon. It was worship of your city's mascot god. The national sport of Greece was phalanx battles between cities. Battles were held in bowl-shaped canyons and spectators would gather on the slopes to watch. Fans painted their faces with their god's colors and they wore costumes of their mascot god. Centuries from now, anthropologists will excavate Madison and think that the city worshiped the Badger God. The Big Ten Pantheon
The history of organized firefighting began in ancient Rome while under the rule of Augustus.
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
The same will happen in American cities. Police will only respond if bribed.
University of California System Will No Longer Consider SAT and ACT Scores for Admissions
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
California has become the Khmer Rouge. Universities used to select for intelligence and now they select for stupidity. Universities are genetically engineering a race of dummies. They're turning humanity into cows. At Berkeley, a gang of black students blocked the front gate and forbade Asians and Whites from passing. After the age of the Khmer Rouge, there wasn't a single scholarly person left in Cambodia. The same will happen to California. What an opportunity for a badass university. A smart university would use this opportunity to recruit smart students.
I woke up to this SHIT! I CANNOT believe it!! It´s like a FUCKING CLASS OF EVIL!!! No wonder people...
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
Benjamin Franklin didn't need a word processor. He could compose a document in his head and then write it down with a quill pen. Millennials can't write without the help of Grammarly. Not only does Grammarly coach the writing, it coaches content for political correctness. Next we will see Speakerly and Thinkerly. Millenials don't value original thought, and their communication is mediated by technology tools. Millennials are no longer sentient. They couldn't pass a Turing test.
I’m So Glad The Mean Tweets Are Gone []
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
I miss Trump Tweets. I want to see diplomacy out in the open.
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
The Aliens are trolling us, and humans are acting like a cat chasing a laser beam. I refuse to believe any Alien story unless something game changing happens, such as: We find a stargate that actually takes you somewhere. We find a stone tablet with a proof of the Riemann hypothesis written on it. We find a hyperadvanced gamestation. We find a streaming device that's hooked into the Galactic Movie Streaming Network. Jupiter gets turned into a star. Actual aliens invade Earth.
So ... A QUESTION ... Does this Whole Mask Wearing Thing Bother You?
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
Fauci created a world of mask Nazis. There are people who feel entitled to harass people not wearing masks. When I tell them "you're being a Nazi", they emotionally melt down. If I politely refuse to put a mask on, they go nuts with rage. Robespierre created a world of guillotines, and that world guillotined Robespierre.
Guy Collapses Building []
jaymaron comments on May 15, 2021:
Darwin awards are for knuckleheads that died. Is there an award for knuckleheads that should have died but escaped by luck? Is there an award for "death by selfie"?
The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED!
jaymaron comments on May 15, 2021:
Whoever destroyed the evidence is a domestic terrorist and an insurrectionist.
AmGreatness: Evidence of testicles! House Republicans defy Democrats' Jam 6 narrative.
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
@timon_phocas @sqeptiq Democrats refuse to release video footage of the execution of Babbit. Bite into this like a pit bull, they way the press bit into the missing Nixon tape. Democrats put their thumbs on the scales of the Chauvin trial. They're putting their thumbs on the Capitol trial by not releasing the footage to Babbit's attorneys. Mistrial!
Israeli Troops ENTER Gaza, This Looks A Lot Like WAR And Israel Wants It To Be FINAL []
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
The Fabian Strategy from Ancient Rome is to avoid direct battle and instead outfarm the foe. In war, you want to devise a strategy so that time is on your side. If you can't, then the war must be won fast. In the Middle East, it's hard to devise a strategy that puts time on your side. Most wars are energy wars. Whoever has the most energy wins. In ancient times this meant food. This is the essence of the Fabian Strategy. Be acquiring energy faster than the foe.
Rand Paul isn't letting up on Fauci.
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
We are experiencing an epidemic of leftism and an epidemic of big government.
done a little better than bam bam and biden combined
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
Trump Triumphs. Comprehensive lists are great. Democrats generate scandals faster than you can write them down, and Trump generates Triumphs faster than you can write them down. Trump: We're going to win. We're going to win bigly. Kirk: I don't like to lose.
The Darwin Awards about about to get MANY new entrants.
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
@Hamulus @sqeptiq @HistoryCorner Can anyone think of people from history that deserve a Darwin award? I nominate General Custer.
Colonial pipeline pays millions in ransom: report []
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
@eschatologyguy @angelo @Poncho69 The NSA is mighty. It has many Princeton mathematics professors on its payroll. At Caltech, Professor Preskill runs the mighty quantum computing center. If America gets hacked, it's the government's fault. The government set up a vulnerable system. In spite of the mightiness of the NSA, the Democratic party gets hacked often, and it gets penetrated by Chinese spies. Congressman Swalwell was penetrated by Agent Bang Bang. Democrats are sloppy. The Democratic party is a national security risk. Not only are Democrats easily penetrated, Democrats leak.
In peacetime, there are many factions.
jaymaron comments on May 13, 2021:
@eschatologyguy @HistoryCorner @adriaan23 @Mechanic Andrew Yang took a stand on Twitter in support of Israel and then was attacked by Democrats. Yang was accused of being a white supremacist. Yang backed down. Democrats hate everyone. Whites, Asians, Jews, Christians, rurals, blue collar workers, and men. I see a grand alliance forming against Democrats, because Democrats are jerks. Democrats are imperialistic. They try to conquer anything they can. They won't leave anyone be. They're even trying to bully states like South Dakota with their transgender bull. They want to flood Montana with illegal immigrants. They bully Wyoming with bullschist water laws. Democrats are installing sleeper agents in rural territory in the form of pro-crime DAs and sheriffs. Jerks. Democrats are like Spanish conquistadors. When they conquer, they insist that the vanquished have to convert to the Democrat way. There is no flexibility in the Democrat way. It's as rigid as the Spanish Inquisition. They're like the Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. And the Democrat way is dumb. Republicans will never want to live this way. The territory that Democrats conquered is seething with rage. When empires like this emerge, people tend to form a coalition to oppose the empire, like what happened in WW2. Excommunication is a powerful weapon, up until the point where the excommunicated form their own protestant church, and then it's game over. Excommunication only works if used sparingly. Democrats are trigger-happy with excommunication and they way overdid it. They excommunicated most of the world.
Newt Gingrich: Pipeline cyber attackers should be 'subject to death penalty' []
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Michigan governor Whitmer shut down the Great Lakes pipeline, screwing things up for everyone on the pipeline. The damage extends far beyond Michigan. Whitmer is demanding that the pipeline give Michigan its profits if it keeps operating. In other words, Whitmer is shaking down businesses for money. She's demanding bribes. This is like a state declaring war on another state. Michigan declared war on Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio.
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
From the article, Davidson unveiled the Fauci Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal (FIRED) Act, which would set a 12-year term limit for appointees for the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The bill would also apply retroactively to directors that served before the bill was enacted, such as Fauci, thereby firing Fauci. Fauci has been director since 1984. Dr. Fauci represents everything that President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address: the scientific-technical elite steering the country toward their own ends. Americans have had decades of Dr. Fauci’s leadership, and he publicly failed to respond appropriately to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is time for him to step aside so that new leadership can ‘follow the science’ and start reopening America.
US Coast Guard ship fires 30 warning shots after encounter with Iranian vessels []
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Vulcans don't fire warning shots.
In the Viking age the most spectacular way of cursing an enemy was by the Niding Pole (Scorn-Post).
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Not really a joke, but I laughed anyway.
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Democrats, oligarchs, and Hollywood are as arrogant and bourgeois as the French aristocracy of 1789.
You can't stump the Trump—but you can whiz on Liz!
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Wyoming discussion forums are great. The people of Wyoming are full of patriotic energy.
Science denier Biden plans to deny American access to energy via pipelines ...
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
It's the job of an American president to maximize oil production and minimize the price of gasoline. Biden decreased gasoline production and increased its price. This is shameful, given America's rich hydrocarbon reserves and America's mighty drilling technology. That's as bad as a coach of the Notre Dame football team turning in a losing season. At Notre Dame a coach has all the advantages. History, tradition, fame, yuge TV contracts, and recruiting. If Notre Dame loses, it's the coach's fault. You're fired! Trump spiked America's hydrocarbon production. Trump is the energy president!
Yes, anything past 4 is a dessert. 😆
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
@Naomi @HistoryCorner @sobieskirocks @TheMiddleWay @govols @sqeptiq I agree with govols about drinking stuff straight. I make a dry Martini by: I hold a bottle of vermouth next to the Martini and I shine a flashlight through the vermouth, so that the light falls upon the Martini. Laphroaig cask strength, 60% alcohol.
In the Viking age the most spectacular way of cursing an enemy was by the Niding Pole (Scorn-Post).
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Yes, anything past 4 is a dessert. 😆
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
I don't pour milk into my coffee, I pour coffee into my milk. Milk spiked with coffee is great. I refuse to drink milk that doesn't have coffee in it. I spike orange juice with Mountain Dew. Do the Dew!
Exclusive! Apple business model leaked!!!
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
If you buy an iPhone, Apple and the telephone carriers cease supporting it 2 years later. It become useless. It's straight up theft. Apple was busted for using updates to slow down the phone, to trick people into buying a new phone. That's evil. iPhones have a fragile charging port that breaks easily. It was obviously designed to break.
"We must end Marxist BLM's illegal roadblocks that illegally detain our citizens & violate the civil...
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Hoping states pass laws, for example: If a gang of people surround your car and prevent it from moving, when it otherwise could, you get to drive forward, even if there are people in front of your car. This is serious. A driver could magnanimously not drive, and then get surrounded, have his car broken into, and be killed by the mob. A gang surrounding someone's car and not letting them move is equivalent to a gang surrounding a person (without a car) and not letting him move. It's physical harassment, and kidnapping.
sound like same treasonous thing happening around the world
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Democrats bullied Republicans with the charge that Trump was a Russian agent, and they had no proof. After a yuge investigation, no proof was found. Trump is cleared. This means that Democrats are on the hook for being wrong, and being bullies about it. Don't let them off the hook. Biden is obviously an agent of China. Be relentless in trolling Democrats with this. It's fair game. Make Democrat bullying bite them in the ass.
[] Is this the end of America?
jaymaron comments on May 12, 2021:
Democrats proved that they have no respect for courts. I doubt that they will respect military courts. They will find ways to convict innocent people, and they will use coercion, like they did in the Chauvin trial. Even if they can't zap someone in court, Democrats will find other ways to hurt people, such as with cancellation.
Startling NEW COVID Revelations with Tucker So .
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
@BayOWulf @toronto_georgia @JennaGardner This is important. When I was a physics duckling, the adult ducks pounded a message into me. There are many discoveries but most are unimportant. Most discoveries, if the discoverer hadn't made it, someone else would have made it shortly after. We have no respect for these discoveries.. Don't waste your time on these lesser discoveries. Don't fall for red herrings. Stay on target. Don't be a scavenger. Be a predator. Don't ski on packed ice. Ski on fresh powder. Don't hunt fish in a barrel. Hunt big game. Snub low-hanging fruit and dine on high-hanging fruit. Be the flame, not the moth. The important discoveries are the ones for which: If you hadn't made the discovery, nobody else would have discovered it for at least a decade. Those are the discoveries we respect. Leftists are incapable of understanding this.
OMG, I just posted about her, but this is extremely amazing.
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
Logic is hot.
PJMedia: Contrary to revisionists claim, there was no all-black regiment in Santa Anna's army.
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @sqeptiq Santa Anna's army slaughtered everyone at the Alamo and at the Goliad, and then they tried to slaughter the remaining Texans at the Battle of San Jacinto. Had Santa Anna's army won, they would have slaughtered the remaining Texans. That's not something you want to be associated with. As it happened, the Texans won at San Jacinto, and then they erected a yuge obelisk. The San Jacinto obelisk is taller than the Washington obelisk, and the star at the top has a mass of 200 tons. Don't mess with Texas. Gallery of stone cathedrals and stone obelisks: Remember the Alamo! Remember the Goliad! Remember the 2020 election steal! The reason for the construction of the Washington Monument was: A:To glorify Washington B: Stonemasons showing off C: To erect the biggest phallic symbol in the world D: All of the above Washington was the leader of the D.C. Freemasons. Just across the river from D.C. there is a yuge freemason temple with a yuge statue of Washington.
Startling NEW COVID Revelations with Tucker So .
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
In science, it's important to be able to predict the future evolution of the field, because that tells you how you should spend your energy now. People who have a proven record of being ahead of their time, of being right when others were wrong, need to be recognized and praised. Follow their advice. Those with a record of being wrong need to be shamed. They are no longer worthy of attention. Which commentators have a record of being right, and way ahead of everyone else?
“AFTER THE ORGY” "I have a vision for the future where all the necessary sex education will ...
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
It's well known that it's a good meditation goal to gain control over your breathing and your thoracic diaphragm. Singers especially value diaphragm control. The thoracic diaphragm is on top of your gut and the pelvic diaphragm is on the bottom of your gut. They contain the gut. As you breathe, the thoracic and pelvic diaphragms both move up and down in balance, to minimize stress in the gut. It takes much meditation to gain control over your thoracic diaphragm and even more to gain control over the pelvic diaphragm. The pelvic diaphragm is more fundamental. The more control you have over the pelvic diaphragm, the more freely your thoracic diaphragm can move. The pelvic diaphragm separates the gut from the perineum. The perineum is where sex organs reside. Because the pelvic diaphragm is connected to the perineum, this makes the goal of tantric sex specific. The goal is to gain control over the pelvic diaphragm and the thoracic diaphragm. The more relaxed these muscles are, the better the sex organs function. If your diaphragms are stressed, your sex organs can't function. It's mechanical. Love is chemistry. Sex is physics. Sex is good for you because it improves your breathing mechanics. Visuals for the breathing cycle:
Diana Davison: Feminists Make Bad Relationships a Crime Bad relationships are now becoming a ...
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
Nutrient masculinity and nutrient femininity. Toxic feminism. Toxic leftism. Feminists are women who lost the high art of femininity, and hate masculinity. Leftists want to make it a crime to hurt their feelings. Babies! Leftists want to legislate everything, even relationships and sex. Leftists are as uptight as the 15th Century Catholic Church. They're re-enacting the Spanish Inquisition. Leftists used to be socially liberal and now they're socially conservative.
China is classified as a "developing nation" by the UN, therefore exempt from the Paris Accord.
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
China deserves no subsidies because they're already fully developed. They got that way by stealing the world's technology.
The path to inner peace begins with just 3 words Not my problem.
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
Earth. Not my problem.
Daily Anti-White News: Having returned from being off the grid for a while, I see that anti-white ...
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
@Miner India had a massive farmer's protest, with 300000 farmers protesting in the Capitol. What Biden is doing is as evil as what's happening in South Africa, where Whites are being attacked and driven from their farms, often with the help of the government.
Is Biden federalizing police? []
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
Hilariously, defunding the police is conservative ideology. It means that people will hire private security, and they will have control over the mandate of the security. It's a victory for local power over federal power. Moving the police from local to federal is heinous because it puts federal control over local policing. The feds can turn local police into an enemy of the community. Democrats will attempt to ban private security. They're already doing it by trying to ban guns. If Democrats ban guns and private security, and federalize local police, then it's certain civil war. Democrats are installing sleeper agents in rural police forces and rural DAs. Smoke them out. Don't let Boss Hogg take control of your county. Once upon a time in Athens, Tennessee, the Sheriff and the police were corrupt and they abused the community. The community tried to defeat the corrupt Sheriff in an election, but the Sheriff sequestered the ballot box in the police station and threw out election observers, so he could stuff the box. The community attacked the police station. There was a battle, and the community defeated the police and seized the ballot box. The corrupt sheriff lost the election and the entire corrupt police force was fired and replaced with a new police force. The film "Walking Tall" has a similar plot as the Battle of Athens.
Caspian Report: China aims for naval supremacy by 2050 []
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
@sqeptiq We need PATO, a Pacific Treaty Organization. An attack on one is an attack on all.
May 9 2021 stats
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
That's dangerous. If you had the flu and the doctor tells you you had Covid, you now mistakenly believe you're now immune to Covid and you're not.
The sick woke communists infect everything like a plague and destroy.
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
You can't teach history without also teaching history of science. They're deeply connected. History of sicience: As it happens, almost all scientific discoveries in history occurred in Europe. To leave out European scientific history is negligent.
Up until the First World War, military uniforms tended to be brightly colored.
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
@KeVince @Tom81 @forra888 @eschatologyguy Not only did Europeans need to learn Colonial military tactics, the Colonials needed to learn European tactics. Franklin sent Barron von Steuben from Prussia to the Colonies to teach them military tactics. There is an episode of Liberty's Kids starring von Steuben, who is voiced by Schwarzenegger. von Steuben is featured in an article on
DeSantis Scores MAJOR Victory As FL Senate Passes Anti Censorship Bill NUKING Big Tech From Orbit - ...
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
States control their own sales tax. It's one of the few things left that states still control. They should use this power to the max. Republican states should tariff Democrat states with sales tax.
The Russian Civil War was a multi-party war that occurred within the former Russian Empire after the...
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
Leftists are unified in their hate of Republicans. Leftists are not unified internally. It's a snake pit of different identity tribes, and they're all greedy. It's a powderkeg that will explode analogous to the Russian Revolution. Leftists have established that they consider Republicans to be subhuman. They have committed social and economic genocide on Republicans with excommunication and cancellation. They're not far from physical genocide.
EXCLUSIVE: Jailhouse interview with Pastor Artur Pawlowski - YouTube
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
When the cops invaded Pawlowski's church the first time, they didn't have a warrant. The church is private property, hence Pawlowski is entitled to throw the cops out. They didn't leave when asked politely. The cops were breaking the law by trespassing, and they were also exercising police intimidation. They didn't leave until Pawlowski yelled at them at length, with cameras recording. The cops should have left without Pawlowski having to yell. Their arrest of Pawlowski is petty retaliation. The cops want to intimidate the population into accepting their trespassing and intimidation. This powderkeg will explode, because the cops are escalating to the max.
This meme was shared to me [] []
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
The left has established that it is unrigorous in its conspiracies. Most of their conspiracy theories prove wrong. This has consequences. It means they don't deserve to launch new theories. They're the boy who called wolf. Leftists launch new conspiracies to deflect attention from their past failed conspiracies. Don't let them get away with it. Keep attention focused on their failures. Given that leftists wantonly launch unrigorous conspiracy theories, Republicans are entitled to retaliate. Putting aside the question of if the above document is true or not, it's fair game now for Republicans to launch an avalanche of conspiracy theories. It's fair game. Also, it doesn't matter if the above document is true or not. What matters is that leftists are censoring. Whoever is doing the censoring is the evil one. Shell leftists for censoring.
John Quincy Adams is the only president to have lost both the popular vote and electoral vote and ...
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
Most presidential elections were: New England and its allies vs. Everyone else Historical election maps: Adams and Quincy Adams were New England. Their opponents, Jefferson and Jackson, were non New England. New England tended to be pro-federal and pro big government. Parties have continuously re-aligned and evolved, however the cosmic battle between New England and everyone else is a constant in American politics.
China is classified as a "developing nation" by the UN, therefore exempt from the Paris Accord.
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
Who is China developing? Most of their wealth comes from mining (coal-assisted), and that wealth goes to oligarchs. China is not developing its lower class. China is an apartheid state, with CCP members having privilege. China's wealth goes to CCP members only. Leftists are gullible knuckleheads for letting China get away with this.
The Russian Civil War was a multi-party war that occurred within the former Russian Empire after the...
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
Shostakovich Symphony #11 is a depiction of the Russian Revolution. The symphony has much violence, and the ending is not triumphant. The ending suggests that things have not improved. War deaths: There is a Wikipedia page that lists war deaths as a fraction of the population. By this measure, Chinese wars dominate. China is usually in a state of empire, but occasionally the empire collapses and a war occurs where 1/3 of the population dies. The war doesn't end until a new empire emerges. China has never been like the American colonies, where there were 13 independent states that coexisted synergistically. China has always been dominated by a central power. Russia has also always been dominated by a central power.
PODCAST: Austin City Reaches Its Limit.
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
States tend to have a flagship public university that is leftist, and it sucks up the resources of the state. Even Republican states are handicapped by leftist flagship universities. Republican states should defund their flagship leftist universities and create new universities in rural territory. Make Institutes of Technology and ditch deadweight humanities departments. Humanities attracts leftists. Berkeley is the flagship university of California and it is a powderkeg. Recently, a gang of black people blocked the front gate and blocked whites and Asians from passing.
John Quincy Adams is the only president to have lost both the popular vote and electoral vote and ...
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
Biden also lost the popular and electoral vote and became President. Both JQA and Biden did it by cheating.
Coldest start to May since 1659 in England. Is this solar minimum?
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
@HistoryCorner The reason it was cold in 17th Century England was because the sunspots shut off, decreasing solar brightness. It's known as the "Maunder minimum". Historical climate data:
Coldest start to May since 1659 in England. Is this solar minimum?
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
We are at a minimum of the sunspot cycle. Furthermore, the long-term average of sunspot number is decreasing. Solar brightness scales with sunspot number, and so this means the sun is dimming. Solar dimming. Let's make it a catch phrase. Furthermore, the Earth's magnetic field is decreasing, which lets in more cosmic rays, which increases cloud formation and cools the Earth. Global cooling! It's real!
When the anti-fascists become a version of the very thing they claim to be fighting against...
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
80% of donations to the Proud Boys come from Asians, and this is driven by opposition to Antifa.
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
Bidan or Hillary couldn't pass a doping test. Hillary's guards were carrying syringes and her campaign van was a fully-operational ambulance. We should know what meds Biden is on.
Although CHINA has entered into the Global Change Treaty (but hasn’t actually agreed to change ...
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
Not only does China emit the most CO2, they have a poor value for Energy/CO2. The value is poor because they get their energy from coal. China uses coal to kick the world's ass in mining. That's how you win wars.
When the anti-fascists become a version of the very thing they claim to be fighting against...
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
There are 2 types of fascists: Fascists and anti-fascists. Let's refer to Antifa as "Fa". Antifa is a mere gang.Same for most leftist identity tribes.
Criminalising Australian citizens returning to their own country is a 'step too far' This is how...
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
There is a Tucker Carlson clip where Canadians wishing to return to Canada must spend days in quarantine, they're required to pay $1000 for it, and the quarantine hotel sucks. It's straight up theft. The Canadian government is stealing from its citizens. In a corrupt country you have to pay bribes for everything, and Canada requires a $1000 bribe for its Citizens to cross the border. It's a bribe.
Happy 'Birthing People's' Day? Dems Try To Cancel The Word 'Mother' []
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
It's bull. They claim gender neutrality, yet Psaki virtue signals loudly every time Biden names a female appointee. When Trump names a female employee, Democrats give no credit to Trump and they smear the appointee. They smeared Barrett. Democrats claim religious neutrality, yet they smeared Barrett for her religion.
Canada - focusing on trivial issues that achieve NOTHING!
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
China produces more CO2 than any other nation. China has a poor value for Energy/CO2, because they use coal. China is the biggest coal burner. China dominates world metal mining, and they do it with coal. In general, Democrats are magnitude-blind. They are innumerate. You cannot tackle a problem without having a sense of magnitude.
Scotland's independence?
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
@CookieMonster In general, oligarchies merge to make bigger oligarchies. Companies merge to form bigger companies. Nations merge to become supernations like the EU. Leftists politicians are obsessed with fusion, with merging political entities to make bigger entities. Conservatives favor fission. Separate powers, don't merge them. Emphasize state power over national power. Minimize government so that the whole damn issue of power becomes moot. If there is federal power, it should be used for foreign affairs instead of domestic affairs. Let domestic affairs be taken care of by states. In general, favor fission. States should secede from the union. Counties should secede from the states. Let the counties reform themselves into new leagues according to their best interests. Keep it as leagues, in the Ancient Greek style, instead of making it federal. Does anyone rule the Big Ten football conference? No, and and there's no need for a ruler. They have a healthy synergistic relationship as a league. The Continental Congress was a league of states without a federal structure, and they successfully kicked England's ass. They got it done without a federal structure. Leftists are obsessed with wealth redistribution. How about power redistribution? Fissioning political power is power redistribution. Fusing political power is the opposite. Yet leftists want fusion. They want to consolidate all the political power into one entity. Power = Wealth. For example, the Clinton Foundation. Leftist virtue signaling about wealth distribution is bull, given that they favor power consolidation.
jaymaron comments on May 9, 2021:
Does Psaki allow Republican reporters with attitude to ask questions? Failure to face the devil's advocate should be called out. Republicans should make a list of reporters that they want to see called on by Psaki, dare her to do it, and shame her if she doesn't. Sean Hannity stationed a camera 24/7 outside Biden's fortress, daring Biden to come out and answer questions live on the show. Biden never appeared.
Build a book?
jaymaron comments on May 8, 2021:
Back in the day, books were expensive. The chief asset of a college was its library. Today, colleges digitize theb ooks and convert the library to office space. Jefferson had the most badass book stockpile in the land, 6487 books, and he donated them to the U.S. Government to create the Library of Congress. What a hero. A champion of education. Yet leftists hate him.
Build a book?
jaymaron comments on May 8, 2021:
We should revive IDW Topic of the Day. Any proposals for topics?
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
The French Aristocracy in 1789 imagined that they were safe from the rabble in their Palace of Versailles. What will be the modern Storming of the Bastille? Gates spent 1 billion dollars to buy 500 km^2 of farmland. Let's occupy it. Bring cows.
Vikings lived in a long, narrow building called a longhouse.
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
Before the discovery of geological oil, the best source of oil was whales, and the North Atlantic has bigly whales.
Vikings lived in a long, narrow building called a longhouse.
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
Lots of European birds fly to Iceland for the summer, and they can be used for food and insulation. Iceland can skim Europe's biomass wealth. It's an import where the birds do the import for you. European birds also fly north or east in the summer, to Norway or Russia. In Europe, it gets colder the farther east you go, and so migration is east-west as well as north-south. Call it Napoleonic migration. Can't resist repeating two of guru's posts: You can't lose a homing pigeon. If a homing pigeon doesn't come back, then what you lost was a pigeon. Homing pigeons are the most profitable item that I sell in my store. This week, I sold the same homing pigeon 9 times.
Vikings lived in a long, narrow building called a longhouse.
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
All of Iceland is a volcano. It's one of the few places where geothermal energy works.
Vikings lived in a long, narrow building called a longhouse.
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
Fascinating, that Iceland was hard up for lumber. Energy is the most important natural resource, and lumber is energy. The ability of a nation to wage war hinges on its trees for smelting iron and building warships. If the Icelanders didn't have lumber for building and heating, we can suppose that they had advanced insulation techniques. Goose and duck down far outperforms the best human-engineered materials for coat insulation. Insulation quality is inversely proportional to density, and bird down has a ludicrously low density. Iceland is full of ducks and geese.
Build a book?
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
Thomas Paine's Common Sense pamphlet went viral, which wasn't easy to do back then because there was more to it than typing into a keyboard. You had to set physical type and print the pamphlet with an expensive printing press, and paper and ink cost money. Back in the printing press age, if your pamphlet didn't go viral and sell well then you lost money. Quality control.
OpenDemocracy, a left-wing magazine funded by organizations linked to George Soros, called for ...
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
Let's give the wealthy refugees from Hong Kong a piece of land and admit it as a state, which improves the economy and also trolls China. Also make a state with refugees from Tibet. Let's divide Texas in to five states, which Texas has the constitutional right to do.
Indiana Jones asks a good question.
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
Imagine an archaeologist in the distant future excavating a 21st century trans. Among the bones there is a vast quantity of metal body piercings, enough to fill a fishing tackle box, and the archaeologist is faced with the challenging of using this evidence to classify the gender.
How do WE Allow this type of Thing to Occur WITHOUT Retaliating?
jaymaron comments on May 7, 2021:
In general, the left launches accusations faster than they can be struck down. Even if they're struck down, leftists ignore the news and go on believing that the accusations are true. The left operates by "guilty until proven innocent". If the left can't prove someone is guilty and the accused can't prove he's innocent, the left sees this as guilty. Even if the accused proves innocence, the left censors the news and goes on believing he's guilty. The left is on record for attacking innocent people, such as the musician Ariel Pink. They destroyed his career on the charge that he was at the Capitol Tea Party, and he wasn't. They still destroyed his career. This proves that leftists are witch hunters. They don't care about innocence or guilt. They're in it for the hunt, and they see the hunted as subhuman.
In previous posts I have discussed the missed opportunity by conservatives to take the lead in ...
jaymaron comments on May 6, 2021:
Reset the government. Dissolve the federal government and go back to independent states.
Physics matters...
jaymaron comments on May 6, 2021:
The heaviest element known to science is administratium. It has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons and 111 assistant vice neutrons, which gives it an atomic mass of 312. Since it has no electrons, administratium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. The presence of administratium causes a reaction that ordinarily takes seconds to take days. Administratium has a negative half life. It grows more massive with time.
During the John Quincy and Andrew Jackson election year, American politics sounds more like bathroom...
jaymaron comments on May 6, 2021:
When Obama was giving his speech at the White House Correpondent's dinner, he spent most of it attacking Trump. This doubtlessly motivated Trump to kick Obama's ass in 2016. The 2021 Correspondents dinner has been canceled, probably because Biden is incapable of giving the required speech.
Indiana Jones asks a good question.
jaymaron comments on May 6, 2021:
If it's a transgender, you might find things like noserings among the bones.
MINNEAPOLIS: Police Refuse To Enter George Floyd Autonomous Zone, Force Bleeding Woman To Go To Them...
jaymaron comments on May 6, 2021:
Defunding the police is conservative ideology. It's making government smaller and taxes smaller, and shifting duty from the government to private citizens. Nice job leftist knuckleheads. The result of defunding the police is that communities will hire private security. This could be an improvement, especially since the community will have direct control over the construction of the security force. They may be able to do a better job than the police.
[] — NEWS — Donald Trump Launches New Communications Platform
jaymaron comments on May 5, 2021:
What a missed opportunity for Trump. IDW has many people sympathetic to Trump, yet Trump has not sent an ambassador to engage IDW in discussion. How do we entice Trump to send an ambassador? How do we entice more celebrities engage with IDW?
I am sure they are much better at predicting 2050 and 2100...
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
Fauci's simulations produced bad predictions, and even worse, he had no control over the error bars. Fauci's simulations should get scrutiny.
[] — NEWS — Donald Trump Launches New Communications Platform
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
It's not a forum. I wish Trump would launch a forum.
Germany will not support NATO in any future wars with Russia []
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
France also tried to pull out of NATO. Ungrateful for the help they got in WW2. The French demanded that American troops exit France. A sarcastic American general said: Does that include the WW2 soldiers that are buried in France?
I am sure they are much better at predicting 2050 and 2100...
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
In computational fluid dynamics, it's difficult to calculate weather more than 3 days in advance, and impossible to calculate it more than 7 days in advance. This is because of chaos and the butterfly effect. However, there exist long-term statistical quantities that can be calculated accurately, with a large ensemble of simulations. Long-term averaged weather can be tackled with supercomputer simulations. For example, isotropic turbulence is chaotic but it always has a well-behaved energy spectrum that scales as k^{-5/3}. The "5/3" is precise. The problem is the IPCC models, which are incomplete. They don't include many effects, such as solar evolution and cosmic rays, and they were busted for it by the mighty physicist Nir Shaviv. Computational fluid dynamics is my profession.
Germany will not support NATO in any future wars with Russia []
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
That also means that NATO won't support Germany in a future war with Russia. Nice job knuckleheads. Germany has forgotten the meaning of "an attack on one is an attack on all".
Former "deplorable" Professor creates 'anti-indoctrination mill' to counter critical race theory- ...
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
Great idea, equipping parents with education tools.
Up until the First World War, military uniforms tended to be brightly colored.
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
In O'Reilly's book "Killing England", about the Revolutionary War, he describes how the English were used to fighting European style and had to adapt to American military strategy. Americans used asymmetric warfare and used the back woods to hide. American general Marion was famous for using swamps for defense, and he was known as the Swamp Fox. New Hampshire had a rural fighting force known as the Green Mountain Men. The Brits wore red uniforms and the Americans wore blue. Camouflage hadn't happened yet. The Civil War featured many innovations, and Europeans sent observers. The war introduced fast reloading rifles, rifled bullets, trains, telegraphs, and iron warships. Shortly after the first iron naval battle in the Civil War, England and France ceased the construction of wooden warships.
WATCH) Massive, anti-Covid-19 lockdown rally in Montreal, Canada []
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
Glorious! What are the most ludicrous lockdown orders? I nominate DC mayor Bowser's ban on dancing. What will they ban next? Nothing seems out of bounds.
[] Is this the end of America?
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
Great point, about unlawful orders. It seems that this point warrants deep study. If I were a rural community, I would encourage Republican members of the military to become policemen in the community after they retire from the military. I would especially welcome Republicans that were purged from the military. Republican territory will need as much of the military as possible on their side when Civil War II breaks out.
I guess I can’t say, “ Liberal white women are insane.
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
Even liberals are being censored, and hilariously, they don't see how dangerous it is. Once facebook started censoring liberals, you would think there would have been an outcry, but no. Liberals are like boiling frogs. Once facebook started censoring, the only alternative is a different platform, and people moved to Parler. Then facebook and the tech monopoly killed Parler. Liberals cheered this on, not realizing that this symbolizes the final death of free speech. They think the killing of Parler was about silencing Nazis, but it was really about silencing free speech, and silencing competition by a predatory monopoly. Liberals cheered on the predatory monopoly of facebook and now it's censoring them. Nice job knuckleheads.
'Anti-woke' candidate speaks out after winning Texas school board race | Fox News []
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
To finish the job, fire a bunch of teachers. Most schools are crony networks that don't care about education and they hired many bad teachers. Glorious that there is a network of concerned parents. Parents are like the Ewoks, a hidden army with the power to take down a Death Star. In the film "Walking Tall", the sheriff and police are corrupt and they harass The Rock. It was like The Dukes of Hazzard, with The Rock as Uncle Jesse. The Rock ran for sheriff, won, fired the entire police force, and hired a new police force. South Lake Texas is a great talking point. Hannah Smith said that the nation smears South Lake as racist, but the people of South Lake feel that they're virtuous human beings. And they are, which invalidates the foundation of the leftist argument. Any time a leftist accuses someone of being racist, I'll say that you called South Lake racist and they're not.
History Debunked: BBC propaganda aimed at children.
jaymaron comments on May 4, 2021:
We need conservative propaganda for children. A fine example is "Liberty's Kids: American Revolution", on youtube.


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