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But no mean Tweets
jaymaron comments on Aug 27, 2021:
It's like a turtle on a table. You know it didn't get there by itself. In the history of America there has been only 1 weak Republican: Bush 43. Republicans used to have to apologize for Bush 43. No longer. Biden makes Bush 43 look like Jefferson. After 9/11, Bush 43 gave an epic speech, with legit tough talk. And he meant it. He went on the offensive against terrorists. Bush said: We are going on the offensive. We are going after terrorists. Anyone that harbors terrorists will share in the fate of the terrorists. America back then understood that terrorists are bad. Modern Democrats lost this awareness. Terrorists are killing Americans in Afghanistan and Democrats are still not waking up to the danger. They're still blaming Trump.
Biden is the fall guy here - there is no way he made any decisions about action or policy since he ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Biden is the fall guy here - there is no way he made any decisions about action or policy since he ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 27, 2021:
@iThink @Kheare @REN777 I agree with the hypothesis that the U.S. shadow government wants the U.S. to be humiliated and weakened.
Biden is the fall guy here - there is no way he made any decisions about action or policy since he ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Democrats will try to deflect blame by naming scapegoats. They blame the debacle on Trump. There's so much spin in DC that it started a hurricane. If desperate, Democrats might sacrifice one of their fellow Democrats and make him a scapegoat. The real scapegoat is the entire Democratic party. The Kabul debacle is a result of systemic incompetence in the Democratic party, in all sectors. Office holders, military, etc. Stick the blame on Democrats. Kabul is a Democrat failure. Pin the tail on the donkey. The Democratic ideology is a table with one leg. Everything Democrats do is based on the premise that Democrats are better than Republicans. This relieves Democrats of the responsibility of doing a good job. If as a voter your stance is "I vote Democrat because Democrats are better than Republicans", then the consequence is Democratic party that is corrupt and incompetent. Democrat's hate of Trump is biting them in the ass. Democrat debater: People should vote Democrat because... because I don't like Republicans. Republican rebuttal: You're intolerant. Also, we don't like Democrats. You think Democrat hate is more virtuous than Republican hate? Democrats are hate apartheidists. Democrats think they're entitled to be jerks and that nobody is allowed to hate them for it. If someone is a jerk, I'm going to hate them.
What Can Conservatives Do About Being Banned On Social Media? [youtube.]
jaymaron comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Democrats justify censorship by stating that social media platforms are businesses and that they can do whatever they want. However, facebook etc got big by predatory monopoly tactics, endorsed by the government. Big tech colluded to kill Parler. Big tech tries to kill all competitors. Therefore, the "business" excuse is invalid. Once upon a time, Meebo was a chat client that unified many platforms. Google bought it and killed it.
Good advice!
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021: australian-truckers-planning-major-strike-to-protest-authoritarian-covid-lockdowns-advising-citizens-to-stock-up-in-advance
Stupid Republicans asking for Biden’s resignation?
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
The failures of Chamberlain paved the way for Churchill. Johnson -> Nixon Carter -> Reagan Obama -> Trump The failures of Biden will pave the way for a Great Republican President. It's the cycle of history.
Stupid Republicans asking for Biden’s resignation?
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
It's a powderkeg. Why not light the powderkeg? No battle plan survives contact with the enemy. The best battle plan is to create chaos, so that nobody else's battle plan works. Democrats don't want chaos. Chaos is a ladder.
"Do you see it - yet" []
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
No cuts! One take!
Nobel Peace Prize odds: World Health Organization 2.
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Once upon a time, De Santis was campaigning for Governor of Florida and he asked Trump for help. Trump rallied for De Santis and De Santis won. At subsequent rallies, Trump honored De Santis by telling glorious stories about De Santis. Democrats hate De Santis. In other words, they fear him. Just like they fear Trump. Democrats are jealous of each other. Use it against them. Ted Kennedy was a jerk and he attacked fellow Democrats when he campaigned for the primary. Republicans must avoid jealousy and work together.
Capitol Police Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt to speak out in interview- []
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
He was forced to. Today, Babbitt's attorney formally named Byrd as the killer. ashli-babbitt-shooter-january-6 Byrd left a gun unattended in a public place in the Capitol, and children found it. Live by the protest, die by the protest. How can Republicans capitalize on Byrd's execution of Babbitt?
Nobel Peace Prize odds: World Health Organization 2.
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
We need a Goat of the Year award. So many goats. We also need a Turkey of the Day award. Nominations? Once upon a time, Senator Proxmire handed out Golden Fleece Awards, to people in government who wasted money.
Nobel Peace Prize odds: World Health Organization 2.
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
@Penrodster @iThink The Nobel Committee is overly hasty in handing out Peace Prizes. For example, Obama, and Syu Kyi.
FoxNews: NigelFarage: The UK Parliament will never cooperate with this president again.
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
The U.S. announced that American citizens should not go to the airport.
Nothing Says 'Highly Organized' Like Two Congressmen Visiting Kabul and No One Telling the White ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Pelossi denounced the congressmen and demanded that no further Congressmen go. The duty of Congress is oversight. Congress is covering up. The coverup is worse than the crime.
Democrats Demand Trump Supporter Communications, Info In SHOCKING Move []
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
On Democrat discussion boards, I see Democrats cheering on the subpoenas as a justified move to squash domestic terrorism. This is how people fell for Hitler. Democrats consider Jan 6 to be a talking point in their favor. They feel they have the moral high ground. Republicans should seize the moral high ground and declare that Jan 6 is in Republican's favor. The real issue is that Democrats are using Jan 6 to justify Nazi moves. The real issue is that Democrats are making Nazi moves.
Biden: "Before I update you on the meeting that I had with the leaders of the G-7 earlier today, I ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Trump made friends. Trump golfed with Japanese PM Abe. Israel, Hungary, and Poland love Trump. Trump took a stance against China, which must have earned him cred in the Pacific. Biden has no friends internationally. Biden screwed the G7 and he unleashed a refugee crisis. Lots of Europeans are trapped in Kabul. Biden's pro-China stance is surely costing him cred in the Pacific.
Biden: "Before I update you on the meeting that I had with the leaders of the G-7 earlier today, I ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 26, 2021: pelosi-scolds-deadly-serious-actions-of-congressmen-who-secretly-traveled-to-kabul-will-others-go 2 Congressmen went to Kabul to investigate. A Republican and a Democrat. Pelosi scolded them, and demanded that no further Congressmen go to Kabul. The duty of Congress is to oversee government. Pelosi is covering stuff up. The coverup is worse than the crime.
Biden: "Before I update you on the meeting that I had with the leaders of the G-7 earlier today, I ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Can someone update the meme?
Biden: "Before I update you on the meeting that I had with the leaders of the G-7 earlier today, I ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Haha. Building back the Taliban better. Biden is the leading arms supplier to terrorists, and Biden is a state sponsor of terrorism. Biden is the leading importer of terrorists.
Your Passport is Ready, Jesse Jackson got covid shot now in hospital with Covid!
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Rep Stephanie Murphy (D-Fl) introduced a bill to ban Trump supporters from the military and from federal jobs. This is a Nazi move. Tag Murphy as a Nazi. democrats-move-to-ban-trump-supporters-from-joining-the-military-and-holding-federal-jobs Murphy''s bill says: The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government." Joe McCarthy said: "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party?" Murphy is worse than McCarthy. At least McCarthy was pro-America. Democrats are anti-America.
PJ Media: Joe Biden Is Now the World's Top Arms Supplier to Terrorists By Bryan Preston Aug 25, ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Put Biden on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Sanction him.
The End?
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Wilson suffered a stroke and his staff didn't tell the world. Wilson was incapacitated and America was run by his staff and his wife. It was an egregious violation of democracy. It was the inspiration for the 25th Amendment. Before Hillary ran for president, she had had seizures and she could only function 2 hours a day. It was irresponsible of her to run for president. If you can't do the job, you should resign. To not resign is even worse than incompetence. Trump worked 20 hours a day. President Polk promised that he would serve only one term, and he honored his pledge. He worked hard during the presidency and then retired. A baton can get around a track faster as a relay than if carried by one runner. In 2008, McCain was attacked for being old. McCain got a full brain scan and made it public, proving that he had no immediate problems. McCain got the last laugh. In 2016, McCain was still sharp. Let's see a Biden brain scan. Trump took a cognition test and aced it. Make Biden take the test. In Ancient China, the Qin emperor died and his staff didn't tell China for 2 months. Meanwhile they ran the empire. hourly-assurances-from-white-house-staff-that-biden-isnt-dead-starting-to-have-opposite-effect
No, I didn't!
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
The app reports it to google.
Freshly Supplied…
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
biden-says-not-to-worry-that-the-taliban-has-some-of-our-military-equipment-because-we-also-got-some-of-theirs-such-as-a-stick-with-a-rock-tied-to-it Biden said you need nukes and F-15s to fight the USA. That's not true, because the gameplan of the U.S. Military is to retreat. The billion dollars of weapons that Biden gave to the Taliban could have gone to Taiwanese citizens. If I were President I would arm every Taiwanese citizen. Also every rural American citizen. France once held the title of "most humiliating retreat" and now it's owned by Biden. Before America held Vietnam, France held Vietnam. France ruled Vietnam despotically, and France got its butt kicked by the North Vietnamese. France pulled out and America had to take over. America saved France from a helicopter debacle. After we saved France's ass, France pulled out of NATO. In Apocalypse Now, there is a deleted scene that takes place at a French house in Vietnam. The French living in the house were the only French to not leave. The worst failure of intelligence in American history used to be Pearl Harbor, and now it's Kabul.
Poland wants to erect a 2.
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Someone should make a gallery of walls of the world.
Furious Jen Psaki Claims Americans Are Not Stranded in Afghanistan in HEATED Clash with Fox Reporter...
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Biden gave a billion dollars of weapons to the Taliban. He could have instead given the weapons to the Americans that are stranded in Afghanistan. Biden wants to take away the guns of Americans, and he wants to stuff America with terrorists. Biden hates Americans.
Funny how every time there are "refugees" from Africa or Middle East, there are almost no women and ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
In the Titanic disaster, most of the deaths were men.
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
I love how Hyde is running for office. It would be hilarious if a parent at a school board meeting used his time to declare his candidacy for the school board, and to give a campaign speech. During Hyde's talk, the school board tried to limit what he could say. This is evil, because the purpose of a school board meeting is for the board to hear what parent have to say. The board is declaring that they don't care how parents feel. There was another school board meeting where 450 parents signed up to speak, and the board shut down the meeting after only 50 had spoke. Then the board re-convened elsewhere, without the parents. During Hyde's talk, he declares that the school board will be voted out of office. School boards are acting like they don't need the approval of parents. School board people are as arrogant as the French aristocracy of 1789. SOCIALISM & CAPITALISM – ARE TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MIND-SETS?
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
In ancient times, shipping was expensive, so arid land had few people. Today, we've mastered shipping. The right thing to do is to grow water-hungry food on water-rich land, and then ship the food to arid land. Lots of people can live on arid land this way. Furthermore, we could use nuclear power to pipeline water to arid land. England is mostly crops. Scotland is mostly unsuitable for crops, and so they use livestock (sheep). Crops can support 3 times as many people/km^2 as livestock, and you can see this in the plot. You can see a spike in population in the medieval warming period, around 1150 AD. SOCIALISM & CAPITALISM – ARE TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MIND-SETS?
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
If you have abundant water, you should use it. It would be stupid to raise a dry-weather crop in a wet-weather area. There's no shame in being a water-hungry food. Cattle are profitable, but only if you have lots of land. If you do have the land, then by all means raise cattle.
Good advice!
jaymaron comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Calories/$ and protein/$. The best foods in this regard are milk powder and wheat flour. How to live on the street with minimum money:
It's time to face the truth: if you want to retain your liberty, you must relocate.
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I'm in NYC and I would like to move to a place that is maximum rural. Even better if it's cold, to keep leftists away. Maps of rural America.
What will Bidet do if the Taliban hold Americans hostage post Aug 31st?
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Young Democrats are likely unaware of the Carter history, and it should be brought to their attention. Young Democrats don't know the Cold War.
TownHall: SalenaZito: In South Dakota all road signs lead to the Wall.
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Yes, it has cool stuff. In case cities collapse and we need to go rural, Wall Drug has the gear we'll need.
This was brought to you by.....Charlie []
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I put sunflower seed on the window sill and I have a crowd of regular pigeons.
America and China both have a bigass rare-Earth mine.
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I am disappointed in Republican investigative journalists. The story of the California rare-Earth mine is a bigly story, and they whiffed. The story is still live. The California mine is still sitting there, not being mined. Meanwhile Biden buys rare-Earths from China, and buys oil from OPEC. Infinite oil underneath American soil, not being mined. Obviously, Biden is a foreign agent. Drill baby drill! We once had the Tea Party. Let's have a Drill Party.
Where is John Galt?
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Ben Shapiro has seized the Galt Glory. Gina Carano was canceled by Democrats because they feel she's a Nazi. Carano is a pioneer of women's sports. Once upon a time, MMA was a little-known sport. It was little-known for men, and even less known for women. Carano brought glory to women's MMA by kicking epic ass in Strikeforce and EliteXC. That's objective. Sports are objective. We need more objectivity. More reality. There is no safe space from reality. There is no safe space in The Cage. Once upon a time, the UFC excluded women, and UFC leader Dana White declared that women would not fight in UFC. Carano brought such glory to women's MMA that White was force to cave. UFC embraced women in MMA, and Carano and Cyborg became the first women to ever headline a UFC event. Yay Carano! Trailblazer for women, and more importantly, trailblazer for MMA. Carano's MMA success opened doors to movie roles, and... Carano was great! The same skills that make Carano a great fighter make her a great actress. Total body control. Total face control. It's entrancing watching Shaolin movies, and Carano has Shaolin body control. Carano brought glory to MMA, and to women's sports, and to acting. Then she brought glory to The Mandelorian. After bringing all this glory to the world, Democrats canceled Carano. Democrats are ungrateful asses. To Democrats your politics are more important than any other skills you might have. Reagan brought glory to the show "General Electric Theatre". Ted Kennedy hated Reagan because he's a Republican, and Kennedy ordered GE to fire Reagan. Kennedy didn't care about Reagan's mighty hosting skills. Kennedy didn't care about the viewers that loved Reagan. All Kennedy cared about was politics. Kennedy was an asshole. Democrats don't care about viewers. Democrats don't care about voters. It will bite them in the ass. Reagan got the last laugh. Reagan became president and Kennedy didn't. Ben Shapiro announced that he is dropping the bomb! Shapiro is dropping the warchest! Shapiro put down money to produce a film, and Shapiro declared that Carano will be the star. > Carano tweet: "I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them." Thrilled about this upcoming film! Democrats rely on excommunication. Excommunication is a powerful weapon, but only if used sparingly. If you overdo it, the people you excommunicated will form a protestant church and say "Screw You"! Democrats overdid it. Shapiro gets Galt points.
Found this investigative reporter and she does some great work! Start with part 1 on why you need ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I love the term "investigative reporter". The classic journalist virtue. Today's Democrat reporters have no interest in investigation, unless it's investigating Republicans. If there's a Democrat scandal, Democrat reporters anti-investigate. They cover up. They censor. They attack Trump to deflect attention from Democrat scandals. Reporters love to virtue signal that they're reporters, and that this give them extra virtue. Then they use this to justify acting like jerks. Democrat reporters are petty jerks.
America and China both have a bigass rare-Earth mine.
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
General Mark Milley didn’t see it coming.
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
One can suppose that American soldiers are unhappy to be led by incompetent generals. There may be revolt. 98% of Afghanistan combat deaths are men, and 85% are white. In the military, if you fail, you're expected to own up to it. Failing to own up to failure is worse than failure. Milley failed to own up to his failure. He squirmed. This should be a court Martial. If heads don't roll, then you know the Democratic party and the military are corrupt. american-sports-coaches-held-to-higher-standard-than-generals/
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
The Roman Empire was dominated by oligarchs. The only thing that could bring the oligarchs down was the destruction of the Empire.
Furious Jen Psaki Claims Americans Are Not Stranded in Afghanistan in HEATED Clash with Fox Reporter...
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
The true shame is that Democrat voters let her get away with it. I love out this anecdote to Democrats and daring them to accept that Psaki fibbed.
Naming the Capitol Cop Who Killed Unarmed Jan.
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
u-s-capitol-police-internal-investigation-clears-officer-who-killed-ashli-babbitt Bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The internal investigation cleared Byrd of wrongdoing, and also refused to name Byrd. A Capitol police officer executed an unarmed citizen in cold blood and was cleared. Meanwhile, the peaceful protesters of the Capitol Tea Party are treated like domestic terrorists and put in solitary confinement. Democrats work hard to label Republicans as Nazis. Bull.
Seriously Williams?
jaymaron comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Psaki: "There are no Americans stranded in Afghanistan". Democrat voters are gullible. They let their leaders get away with ludicrous lies.
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Republican politicians should get emotional.
Just saying.
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Biden does not have a functioning sense of chronological order.
Know the feeling? One last problem to solve: How will I get rid of that drone? 🤣
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Daisy, I think everyone should be preparing for a major shake up in America which may lead the US ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
There are many neighborhoods that want to secede from their city and form an independent city. Democrats are pirates. They will try to take your guns and your land. Rural Republican land must be defended.
BusinessInsider: Blue Origin lost at least 17 top staffers weeks after SpaceX was awarded the $2.
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
SpaceX launches stuff into space and Blue Origin doesn't.
Poor Trump.
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
On the Wiki page for president rankings, there is no ranking for Biden. It was censored. Immediately after Trump became president, Wiki president rankings issued Trump a last place ranking. There is no such thing as a universal president ranking. It matters if Democrats or Republicans are doing the rankings. European leaders are roasting Biden. Biden didn't talk to any world leaders during the pullout.
I would note this: People claim that the Earth is uniquely formed to support human life (as is ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
The "anthropic principle" generates rich debate. Astrobiology: A human brain uses 20 Watts, and providing this power requires an oxygen atmosphere. You need a planet with lots of water and a good climate, so that there can be large-scale photosynthesis, which is required to generate an oxygen atmosphere.
Social Justice has come to the @Apple store in downtown Portland! MacLivesMatter []
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Turns out it's possible to build an impassable wall. Get that wall to the border.
Crom! I have never prayed to you before.
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Daisy, I think everyone should be preparing for a major shake up in America which may lead the US ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Game of Counties. Cities suck. They're black holes of leftism. You don't want the cities. Most states are handicapped by a black hole leftist cities. Even if such a state were to secede, it would be of no help. The city would drag the state down. The only states that are not handicapped by a black hole city are Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. This will be the core of a new nation. Every county that is rural and conservative should declare independence. Both American and Canadian counties. Then they should form a League of Conservative Counties. Call it Camerica. Once upon a time there was an apocalypse of college conference re-alignment. Let's have county re-alignment. College conference re-alignment:
PJMedia: British Parliament holds Biden in contempt. []
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
England has higher standards than America. In England, the PM is obliged to appear in Parliament and answer questions from the opposition. At the center of Parliament Hall, for all to see. In the UK, the PM is appointed by Parliament, and therefore must answer to Parliament. If the PM blows off Parliament, the PM will find himself no longer PM. Not so in America. Thatcher had the Right Stuff. Biden has the Wrong Stuff. Democrats have a mental disorder. Once the voters give them power, they consider this power to be permanent. They feel that they are not obliged to care about the voters that gave them power. If a Democrat loses power, he breaks down emotionally. Like a baby. Like King Richard II in the Shakespeare play. Take away the power of Democrats! Then have the pleasure of watching them cry like babies.
PJMedia: British Parliament holds Biden in contempt. []
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Ho ho ho not unprecedented. For most of America's history, it was ruled by the King of England. It's only recently that America has tread into the waters of independence. Quite a few countries are members of an exclusive club, the "British Commonwealth". These countries tend to be prosperous. Game of Colonies. The colonial powers were: England, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Italy. They all lost their colonies. What counts is who's colonies prospered? English colonies prospered beyond the colonies of the other colonial powers. The dominant language of world cinema is English. Therefore, the dominant language of the world is English. The ultimate goal of colonialism is to get colonies to speak your language, and to watch your movies, and by this measure, England won. Most of the great pop bands are American or British. Few colonies speak French. France is a loser in the game of colonies.
Ok, here are the countries that recognize Taiwan as independent country.
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Vulcan proverb: "Only Nixon could go to China" Klingon Proverb: "Only Trump could vanquish China" "Only Reagan and Bush could vanquish the Soviet Union" Gingrich wrote a book titled "China: Trump's Greatest Challenge". Democrats were oblivious to the dangers of Kabul, and they're oblivious to the dangers of China. In general, Democrats are oblivious. Not even just oblivious. Criminally negligent.
Ok, here are the countries that recognize Taiwan as independent country.
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
It's worth noting that China is one of the few countries *capable* of hosting an Olympics. There have been poorly-hosted Olympics, such as Brazil and Athens, where they failed to get the stadiums up in time. China spent bigly money on stadiums in the Beijing Olympics. China built a super-deep pool.
Ok, here are the countries that recognize Taiwan as independent country.
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Taiwan should stage a rogue Olympics in 2022 and nations should send their athletes to the Taiwan Olympics. The Taiwanese mountain Yu Shan is 3952 meters tall. Taiwan can handle a winter Olympics. Form PATO, a Pacific Treaty Organization. Put the headquarters in Taiwan. Los Angeles is scheduled to host the Olympics in 2028. No way that the city still exists by then. Los Angeles is a traffic debacle. The trans-continental railroad was completed in 1869. There is still no commuter railroad linking LA and SF. Anyone willing to take me up on a bet that in 2028, that that commuter rail link will still not be built?
"Biden ran on competence and empathy." Afghanistan has put lie to both.
jaymaron comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Leaked Memo Shows Why So Many European Allies Are Pissed At Biden Over Afghanistan - Posted: Aug 20,...
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Tbe failures of Chamberlain paved the way for Churchill. The failures of Johnson paved the way for Nixon. The failures of Carter paved the way for Reagan. The failures of Obama paved the way for Trump. Trump is still president. The 2020 election was stolen. The failures of Biden will pave the way for a Great Republican President. It's the cycle of history.
Covert Cabal: Nuclear Strategy []
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
In general, you want hypersonic defensive missiles, the more the better. The only defense against a hypersonic missile is a faster hypersonic missile.
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Some states ban foreign ownershiip of land and some don't. This will be important in the future.
I am a retired criminal investigator with 30 years of training and experience.
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Physics. The shows "Lucifer" and "Blacklist" are rich in investigation scenes.
Leaked Memo Shows Why So Many European Allies Are Pissed At Biden Over Afghanistan - Posted: Aug 20,...
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Good point. Not just USA, but other countries have citizens trapped in Afghanistan. Not only did Biden give away 1 billion dollars of guns, he didn't burn the records at the embassy. The Taliban now have the names, addresses, phone numbers, and payroll stats for every Afghani that worked for USA. Epic fail.
Ancient Indian technology and infrastructure - 2500 BCE! Hindu practice also began, well before ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
The Ganges is colossal. China is likely siphoning from the Brahmaputra.
Ancient Indian technology and infrastructure - 2500 BCE! Hindu practice also began, well before ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Indus Valley Civilization.
I'm putting out a hit.
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Books I've read: O'Reilly Killing England O'Reilly Killing the Rising Sun O'Reilly Killing Reagan O'Reilly Killing Crazy Horse O'Reilly Killing The Mob Clancy Threat Vector Clancy Executive Orders Clancy Hunt for Red October Clancy Clear and Present Danger Clancy Sum of all Fears Clancy Command Authority Gingrich To Try Men's Souls Gingrich Valley Forge Gingrich Victory at Yorktown Gingrich Duplicity Gingrich Treason Gingrich Vengeance Gingrich Collusion Gingrich Shakedown Gingrich Understanding Trump Liberty's Kids: American Revolution Gorka Defeating Jihad. The Winnable War5 Coulter Adios America Gingrich's modern fiction novels are in the style of Clancy. O'Reilly used his wealth to amass a colossal stockpile of original sources. Any suggestions for books to read?
Why does the worldwide IQ distribution appear to match racial IQ differences seen in multi-racial ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 21, 2021:
The standard deviation of the IQ distribution is 15 points. IQ is only useful up to an IQ of 130. Above that, you need a harder test to discriminate intelligence. For hard tests, the gap between races is even more stark than IQ suggests. Physics U.S. Math Putnam math Science Science talent Siemens Olympiad Olympiad winners Olympiad search finalists Competition winners (%) team (%) (%) winners Asian 81 72 50 50 64 61 White 19 28 50 50 36 39 Other <1 <1 <1 0 0 0 The demographics of Caltech, in %, are: Asian 44 White 28 Hispanic 6 Black 1 International 9
Controversial chart! How would you all analyze this chart? Show off your knowledge of history.
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
History of Science
Controversial chart! How would you all analyze this chart? Show off your knowledge of history.
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
@Josf-Kelley World population density is determined by Agricultural technology War Plagues Volcanoes The plots show decisively that Chinese wars are far more deadly than other wars. It numerically establishes the "1/4" rule. Hi-Rez:
Is this now happening???
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
A large number of people donated a colossal amount of money to Hillary, and they want to see their bribes pay off. There are lots of bitter Hillary cronies out there. Biden spend 4 decades trying to be president, and now that he has the job, he has no interesting in the job.
Ancient Indian technology and infrastructure - 2500 BCE! Hindu practice also began, well before ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Tyrion Lannister: The strength of a city rests upon its sewage system. In Stephenson's historical novels "Baroque Cycle", set in 1700, he describes at length the London sewage system. It's like reading a history textbook. And the sewage system mattered for the plot. There were many rivers in 1500 London that ceased to exist by the 20th century. America deserves to boast of greatness. There are American cities with a million people that don't have access to a river, and they can handle the sewage. Today, London's sewage system does not pollute the Thames. Furthermore, the sewage is converted into fertilizer and sold to farmers. That's civilization. There are many countries that don't try to handle sewage, and their rivers are unusable for irrigation. This is a prime problem for civilization to fix. In particular, we need to improve sewage treatment in India.
When will it be enough
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
What counts is the crime that's taking place today. Whenever a Democrat mentions Tulsa, his true motive is to deflect attention from Democrat violence against Republicans, and it's happening today.
just remember that
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Now that the NFL has gone woke, it's a good time to form a competing football league. Fill it with teams from rural America and rural Canada, in the style of the Green Bay Packers. Trump once owned the New Jersey Generals, a team in the United States Football League. Trump sued the NFL for salary collusion and won. Hoping that Trump forms a football team. The Trumps! There is a soccer team in Israel named The Trumps.
This isn’t just the Fall of Kabul.
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Carlson covered Afghanistan last night. What did Biden know, and when did he know it? Biden can't answer this question, so.... let's subpoena the tapes! Subpoena baby subpoena! Let's have Congressman Jim Jordan grill Biden and his administration in a formal congressional hearing. Republicans will never gain control the presidency or congress, but there can be nuisance value. Congressional hearings! Special council! Jim Jordan is a monster interrogator, and also a college national champion wrestler. For the Badgers! Milley was asked if he should have known that the pullout would be a debacle, and Milley said that intelligence gave no indication that the pullout would be a debacle. Milley is the coach, and he got outcoached. Milley is failing to own up to the fact that he got out-coached. If you are the leader and you know you are unfit, it is your duty to resign. If you don't, you hurt the team. Give credit to Chamberlain for resigning and paving the way for Churchill. Milley should resign and pave the way for Patton. Milley failed as a team player. Those under him suffered. America suffered. The world is laughing at Milley and America. Milley is on record for advocating a woke military. This is prime time to attack him over this. The entire military and intelligence communities should be subjected to full autopsy over the Afghanistan failure.
This isn’t just the Fall of Kabul.
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021: former-afghan-womens-national-soccer-team-capt-warns-players-to-delete-pics-destroy-uniforms
Have you kept your 'eye on' lithium? - YouTube
jaymaron comments on Aug 20, 2021:
For the cathode you have options: nickel, cobalt, titanium, and manganese. For the anode there is only one option: lithium. Biden's lithium loss will be seen by history as cataclysmic. This failure should be pinned on greens. This was a green fail, and the greens were in power.
The Surprising and Forgotten History of Helium | The History Guy It's not just for making voices...
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
The molecule that was used at the Temple of Delphi was ethylene. Xenon makes you sound like Darth Vader and it's also narcotic. Xenon is a great anaesthetic. Narcotic power Mass (AMU) He Helium .32 4.00 Ne Neon .42 20.18 Ar Argon 1.62 39.79 Kr Krypton 2.37 83.80 Xe Xenon 5.46 131.29 N2 Nitrogen 1.00 28.02 O2 Oxygen 1.49 32.00 N2O Nitrous oxide 7.64 44.01 Laughing gas H2 Hydrogen 8.34 2.02 CO2 Carbon dioxide 13 44.01 CF4 Perfluoromethane .25 88.00 C2F6 Perfluoroethane .47 138.01 C3F8 Perfluoropropane .45 188.02 C4F10 Perfluorobutane .71 238.03 SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride .77 146.06 CCl2F2 DiCldiFlmethane 2.0 120.91 C2H4 Ethylene 10 28.05 C3H2ClF5O Enfluorane 28 184.49 C3H2F6O Desfluorane 76 168.04 C3H6 Cyclopropane 220 42.08 (C2H5)2O Diethyl ether 350 74.12 C4H5F3O Fluoroxene 350 126.08 C3H2ClF5O Isofluorane 390 184.5 CF3CHClBr Halothane 570 197.38 CHCl3 Chloroform 1400 119.37 C4H3F7O Sevofluorane 2300 200.06 C3H4Cl2F2O Methoxyfluorane 3200 164.97
In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had many occasions to access highly ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
It's time to revive Galileo-style secret societies.
In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had many occasions to access highly ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
For fun, put Republican bumper stickers on Democrat cars.
This isn’t just the Fall of Kabul.
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
A CNN reporter was harassed by the Taliban, and had the courage to talk about it. The CNN reporter had a "reality moment".
Did anybody else hear about this?
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Rugby, hockey, and MMA are great sports. Play them in the bar. Basketball is a boring sport. It requires heinously artificial rules to make it interesting, such as the paint rule and the 3 point shot. Take these dumbass rules away and basketball becomes a boring jump shot contest. Smashing a tennis ball with a monster forehand looks cool. Shooting a basketball does not look cool. Wrestling and MMA are great because they have weight classes. Basketball teams should catch up and get more progressive and institute height classes. Tall people should check their privilege, and pay reparations to short people.
from Gina Carano on GETTR
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Yes, it's general. Democrats want to control all channel of communication between people. If they succeed, civilization ends. This must be fought to the max.
BabylonBee: Giant Hurricane Forms Over Washington From White House Spinning Afghanistan Story.
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
DC has gone from swamp to septic tank.
experimental school
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Democrats want to drive Republicans out of public schools, and Democrats want to use Republican tax money to fund public schools. It's worse than taxation without representation. It's using Republican tax dollars against them. Democrat schools are anti-education, not pro-education. They do not have the "education moral high ground". Defund all public schools. Let there be only private schools.
This isn’t just the Fall of Kabul.
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Tom Cotten rescues Americans in Afghanistan.
This isn’t just the Fall of Kabul.
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
trump-because-of-me-afghanistan-was-safer-for-americans-than-chicago-or-new-york bidens-state-dept-halted-trump-era-crisis-response-plan
So… what’s your zodiac sign?
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
I should have gone into astrology instead of astronomy. Astrology makes more money.
Boris Johnson accused of complacency over Afghanistan retreat in UK parliamentary debate In a ...
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Johnson showed up to Parliament to answer questions. Biden runs away and doesn't answer questions. A reporter asked Biden what he's going to do about Americans trapped in Afghanistan and he ran away without answering. Someone should write down the questions being asked of Johnson and ask them of Biden.
General Mark Milley didn’t see it coming.
jaymaron comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Trump: Milley is a loser.
Where is John Galt?
jaymaron comments on Aug 18, 2021:
The Ayn Rand Foundation is not making an impact. There exist foundations that are making an impact, such as Charlie Kirk, Dennis Prager, Pillow Man, etc. Where the hell is the Ayn Rand Foundation? When I was an undergrad at U. Wisconsin, there was an evil villain, President Donna Shalala. She instituted an "ethnic studies" requirement for graduation. This was one of the early precursors to CRT. I was with the Anti-Shalala rebels. The rebels were the Objectivist Club. We staged events to oppose Shalala, and we encountered hostility from leftists. It was as glorious as a Yiannopoulos talk. It was glorious being a rebel. It united free thinkers, like the American Revolutionary War. Alas, we lost. We had to take the ethnic studies class up the ass. I found a way to squirm out of it. I took the Jewish studies class, which was part taught by Professor Beck of the mathematics department. Professor Beck is my mathematics guru. The more Beck, the better! The Ayn Rand Institute at the time rolled like pimps. They sent us speakers for the events of the Objectivist Club, and the Institute paid for the speakers. And the speakers were badass! It was like Rent-A-Trump. It was like calling in an air strike. One of the speakers was George Riesman, and he was awesome! Delivered a stirring rally. Riesman was a cool dude at the afterparty. The Ayn Rand Institute is headed by Leonard Piekoff. Ayn Rand designated Piekoff as her intellectual heir, and she willed her assets to Piekoff. The Ayn Rand Foundation seems to have fallen afoul of a civil war, between Piekoff and Riesman. The civil war seems to have weakened the foundation. I hung out with Riesman, and I think he's a cool dude. I haven't hung out with Piekoff, but I listened to his tapes. The Ayn Rand Foundation sent us a package full of Piekoff tapes, an we listened to them, and we thought they were great. Piekoff understands Ayn Rand. I'm baffled. I think both Riesman and Piekoff are great. I don't see the need for a civil war. The head professor of the Jewish studies class was great! On the first day of class he wrote a word on the chalkboard, in giant letters, so that the word occupied the entire chalkboard. First day of class. The word was Rapport The professor told us that if you want people to tell you stuff, you have to first earn their respect. If people don't respect you, they will lie to you. The professor told us that the source of power of an anthropologist is the ability to gain respect. To gain rapport. Then people tell you things. The professor told us that steak houses are a big thing for New York Jews. The professor made a point to dine frequently in Jewish steak houses, so often that the Jews saw that he was sincere. The professor told us...
This isn’t just the Fall of Kabul.
jaymaron comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Thousand of American citizens are trapped in Afghanistan and the Taliban control the roads. Biden pledged to give priority to non-Americans in the evacuation. This debacle will get worse.
Taliban now control one of the world’s largest lithium deposits Taliban fighters not only took...
jaymaron comments on Aug 18, 2021:
There is no question that China is trying to corner the market for all elements. China dominates world production for half the elements. How do they do it? They do it with coal. The loss of Afghanistan mining is a colossal Biden fail. The natural resources could have been used to modernize the country.
CNBC: Lawrence-Livermore Lab announces a 'Wright Brothers Moment' in fusion. []
jaymaron comments on Aug 18, 2021:
This article is bull. LLNL hasn't done anything new. They've been firing lasers for decades. It has already been established that 1-stage laser compression can't achieve break-even fusion. There is hope for 2-stage laser fusion. The first laser zap compresses and heats the material, and then a second laser zap further heats the material. This is where the attention should be. There are a mountain of technical challenges for the 2nd zap. Even if laser fusion achieves break even, it will be difficult to scale up to GigaWatt power. This is easy for fission reactors. Even if laser fusion achieves break even, it generates bigly neutrons, and these neutrons make the laboratory radioactive. Both fission and fusion produce neutrons, however fission reactors can be made out of materials that don't capture neutrons, and fusion reactors can't. Fusion reactors need fancy materials. To summarize: Fusion power will not be practical for many decades, and fission power is practical now.
"This is why the comparison with Saigon is an illegitimate one.
jaymaron comments on Aug 17, 2021:
In the Clancy novel "Command Authority", the U.S. helps its allies militarily as a force multiplier. America sold cheap missiles to its allies. Dumb missiles. Not laser guided. When a battle happened, a high-tech American helicopter loitered 5 km from the battle and used a high-tech laser system to paint targets so that dumb missiles could find them, and then the allies launched the dumb missiles at the targets. Sell to the allies an overwhelming amount of dumb military equipment. Cheap fighter aircraft, cheap bombers, cheap subs, cheap ships, cheap missiles. It's America's most profitable export. American wealth hinges on exports. Combine the vast arsenal of cheap weapons with fancy American satellites and fancy American laser targeting systems. It's like Luke Skywalker turning the Ewok army into a force capable of taking down a Death Star. Lots of good military tips from Clancy. It's as though Democrats never read Clancy. Are there any Clancy fans out there? Clancy novels show you how dangerous the world is. Democrats are oblivious to this danger. Gingrich's fiction novels are in the style of Clancy. They're great! Clancy: "Gun control is using both hands".
Show this to every Democrat you know.
jaymaron comments on Aug 17, 2021:
While Kabul falls, and while the Southern border falls, the U.S. has thousands of troops guarding the Capitol. Democrats are on record for stating that the Capitol Tea Partiers are domestic terrorists, and worse than the Taliban. Make them eat it.
This isn’t just the Fall of Kabul.
jaymaron comments on Aug 17, 2021:
While Kabul fall, and while the southern border falls, the U.S. has thousands of troops guarding the Capitol. Democrats are on record for stating that the Capitol Tea Partiers are domestic terrorists, and worse than the Taliban. Make them eat it.
Democrats: We have to get rid of him.
jaymaron comments on Aug 17, 2021:
@Edgework Fine piece of logic. I hypothesize that Democrats want to use the Senate to determine future presidents, so they can bypass the electorate. Too bad they came up short by 1 vote. Ha ha! If Republicans own the House Speakership in 2022, Democrats are checkmated. It's reminiscent of the War of the Spanish Succession, where King Charles was demented but kept alive because the consequence of his death was certain civil war. After Charles' death, all of Europe fought for control of Spain. It was a world war. Many European wars have the word "succession" in the title. We will see the War of the American Succession.


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