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Chinese academic warns Australia is now target for NUCLEAR WAR Levi Parsons For Daily Mail ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 21, 2021:
We need PATO, a Pacific Treaty Organization.
Nadia Returns … and FINALLY a Good Rundown on “Who” Fauci Is (has been) I’ve known this ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Nadia has deep intelligence. Nadia delivers her lectures with long camera takes. Few cuts. That's how professors roll.
Everything in the universe is decided by fundamental physics constants, such as: Planck constant ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Cuba Gooding Jr.: Show me the data! Can someone make the meme?
This, however, makes sense!
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
Leftists take and take and take. Leftists never give. When leftists virtue signal about equity, it's bull. If leftists don't have stuff, they demand stuff from others. If leftists have stuff, they never give it to others. You will never see the NBA change its rules to increase the number of short people in the league. This would be equity., and leftists will never do it.
I should write regular Space articles (and I would love people to read my book "Placing Australian's...
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
Apophis is fake news. It will not hit the Earth. One often sees articles about Apophis, but this topic is dead. Astronomers know it's dead, but that won't stop charlatans from publishing sensationalistic articles about it. This is why the world of pop science is dysfunctional. The charlatans drown out the Galileos. The charlatans don't care that they're publishing bull. All they care about is money. Leftists virtue signal that they follow the science. It's bull, because they always fall for fake science. If leftists try to virtue signal about science, tell them to shove it up their asses.
The Daily Wire: CALIFORNIA EXODUS: Why Everyone Is Leaving California.
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
The conclusion is quantitatively true. The moving van companies did us a favor and published their moving van data. Moving fans flow from Democrat to Republican states. California has the highest state income tax in the nation. Texas governor Abbott loves to boast about the California businesses he steals, such as SpaceX. Ben Shapiro moved his company from LA to Nashville. 80 people. California has a tentacle tax. If you previously lived in California and then move out and make money in another state, California taxes it.
This, however, makes sense!
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
Leftists are like a group of pigeons crowded around a piece of bread on the sidewalk. Leftists don't create wealth. They don't even know how. They're don't even know that wealth needs to be created. Leftists assume that wealth always exists. To be pirated. Leftists are pirates. Wherever there is wealth, leftists try to pirate it. They make lame excuses to pretend that they're not pirates, but they're pirates. One of the colossally dumbass excuses that leftists make for piracy is "reparations". No. it's piracy. Every time a piece of bread falls on the sidewalk, leftists crowd around like pigeons. Like pirates. Leftists are lame.
This, however, makes sense!
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
Love the memes! Why is Norway prosperous? Why is Norway so prosperous that it's too cool to join the EU? Socialists claim it's because of socialism. Bull. Stupid. Reckless oversimplification. Negligent thinking. Norway is prosperous because it has has bigly oil and a small population. This only works if you have control over your borders. Furthermore, Norway does something that few other countries do. Norway ensures that the natural resource wealth goes to the people. Not to oligarchs. In almost all countries the natural resource wealth goes to oligarchs. Socialism is a stupid red herring. What counts is making sure that the natural resource wealth goes to the workers extracting the resources. The government should not give money away. Doing so requires stealing the money from someone. The government should give away opportunity. The government should open up the natural resources to the people. But only to people willing to work to extract the resources. So stupid that socialists failed to see this. So obvious.
This, however, makes sense!
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
The only place socialism worked was in small European countries that had an advanced economy, large natural resources, and a small population. Pretty much any political system works when you have these advantages. No credit to socialism. Scandinavia is the last bastion of socialist apologizers. Their last talking point. This talking point is gone. Sweden is the rape capitol of Europe. Nice job dumbasses.
China is the main game, and removing Xi Jinping is how to play it The only way to avoid a ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
China announced a system of apartheid in Hong Kong. China designated set of voters that are eligible to vote in elections for Hong Kong officers. The list consists of only 6000 people, and they are all members of the Chinese Communist Party. That's apartheid. That's slavery. Democrats whine about slavery, but nobody has been a slave in America for 8 score years. Whiners. China is a slave state, and Democrats kiss its ass. If you're CCP, you're above. If you're not CCP, you're below. China is an apartheid state. Democrats are enslaving Republicans, by canceling them from jobs. It's apartheid. Democrats don't want Republicans to have the good jobs. What's worse than a 2-party state? A 1-party state. China is a 1-party state, and it's a dictatorship. Democrats want a 1-party state, and the inevitable result is a dictatorship. Nice job dumbasses. Democrats are using their power to tilt the playing field so that Republicans can never win again. Democrats institutionalized vote cheating. America is now a 1-party state.
China is the main game, and removing Xi Jinping is how to play it The only way to avoid a ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
The first Chinese emperor, emperor Qin, was an egomaniac and felt that it was his right to be dictator of China for eternity. Qin was obsessed with the elixir of immortality. Qin took mercury, and it killed him. Ha ha. Qin's entourage hid Qin's death for 2 months, and in the meantime, they ran China. Reminiscent with what's going on in America today. Biden lost his marbles long ago and Democrats are hiding it. Wilson was rendered brain dead by a stroke, and Democrats hid it.
China is the main game, and removing Xi Jinping is how to play it The only way to avoid a ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
For the past 4000 years, China has usually been ruled by an egomaniac emperor. On the rare occasion that China is not unified under an emperor, a civil war happens until it is, and 1/4 of the population dies. China has never known democracy. Almost all leaders of a nation develop egomaniac disorder.
From Don Broudreaux: > But I will make one substantive point: It’s illegitimate to infer from ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 19, 2021:
The men's world cup generates 6 billion dollars and the women's world cup generates 100 million dollars. Women's soccer has privilege, because men's soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Women's soccer gets much help from this. All leftist calls for equity are bull. Whenever a leftist is at a disadvantage, he demands a handicap. Whenever a leftist is at an advantage, he refuses to give a handicap. You will never see the NBA change its rules to increase the number of short people in the league. Rapinoe stated that she hates half of America, which is half the fan base. The team lost lots of fans because of Rapinoe. Rapinoe cost the team money.
The other day, a Japanese friend of mine was telling me the following story about wild boars: ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 18, 2021:
In ancient times, it was not known that whale brains are 5 times the size of human brains. Fish brains are 1/100 times the size of human brains. Dolphin brains are larger than human brains. Dolphins spend their time partying. Humans spend their time hating. Obviously, dolphins are smarter than humans. Dogs have smaller brains than humans, but dogs are cooler than humans. I give up on humans. I'm joining the whales, dolphins, and dogs.
Some truths are self-evident.
jaymaron comments on Sep 18, 2021:
This statement is globally true. There are small exceptions, but they don't matter. The statement has global strength. Detail: You can't have zero government. That's anarchy. Hence there is a sweet spot between zero government and total government. Conservatives feel that the sweet spot is more in the direction of no government than total government. Leftists feel that there is no sweet spot at all. Leftists feel that the *only* good government is total totalitarian government. Therefore the goal is to minimize government. Given that we minimize government, the question falls to government style. A government should lean local. If a problem can be solved locally, solve it locally. Federal government is only for problems that can't be solved locally. A federal government should be concerned with foreign affairs, and it should leave domestic affairs to local government. Whenever someone came to Reagan with a domestic matter, Reagan referred him to local government. Reagan said that his focus is on foreign affairs. Specifically, kicking the ass of the Soviets in the cold war. Somebody has to worry about foreign affairs. If a president is too entangled in domestic affairs, he can't properly conduct foreign affairs. Biden is a comprehensive failure in foreign affairs. That's his job. He makes excuses. He deflects. Biden points to domestic affairs. That's not your job! You failed in foreign affairs! That's your job! Answer for your failures! Plus, Biden is failing not only with foreign affairs, Biden is failing with domestic affairs. Biden forbids reporters from covering the domestic border crisis. Trump is the most transparent president of all time. Praise him for this. Trump tweets at 3 AM. If America is attacked at 3 AM, we can be confident that Trump can respond instantly. That's a necessary quality of a president. If America were attacked at 3 PM, Biden would be unable to respond. Once upon a time, America was attacked at 3 AM, and Hillary was in charge. Hillary pressed the snooze button and went back to sleep. While Hillary was asleep, the American embassy in Benghazi was overrun and American ambassadors died. Biden repeated Benghazi with Kabul.
This is the Marxist police state of Victoria under Dictator Daniel Andrews & Victoria Police.
jaymaron comments on Sep 18, 2021:
Brown University locked down the campus. You can't party. Many other universities did the same. The point of college is to party. Students are paying bigly money and being forbidden to party. We might see a college lockdown protest. We may see students ditching college. The colleges will lose.
Biden Administration Droned children to get a headline that they have killed ISIS.
jaymaron comments on Sep 18, 2021:
Biden is desperate for a win. Thus far the Biden administration has no wins. Trump boasted that he would win and he won. Trump crushed ISIS. Trump racked up wins.
RedState: Fox reporter outwits Biden-FAA after they try to stop his drone coverage of huge immigrant...
jaymaron comments on Sep 18, 2021:
During the Trump administration, Democrats showed pictures of kids in cages, and the pictures were from the Obama administration. Today, Democrats will show pictures of the border during the Trump administration and claim it's the present.
More than 10,000 undocumented migrants reach US from Haiti Vid 3:09 mins.
jaymaron comments on Sep 18, 2021:
The Haiti crisis a diversion. Biden transferred the border patrol staff from Laredo to the Haiti crisis, which means that the border is open in Laredo. Nobody is inspecting vehicles that cross the border. Nobody is checking for citizenship. This was all planned.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone.
jaymaron comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Hey leftist teachers! Leave us kids alone!
AUKUS could ‘open the door’ for nuclear energy in Australia As your neighbour from the PH, I...
jaymaron comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Uranium and thorium can be used for nuclear power. India has bigly thorium.
Why Britain imports electricity from France, coal from Russia and gas from America [youtu.
jaymaron comments on Sep 17, 2021:
If the coal come from America, it's virtue coal.
jaymaron comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Paypal froze the money in my account. I am unable to transfer it to a bank.
All things considered, would you bring Roosevelt back to be the leader of your country (not limited ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Rejoice, that you get 2 posts for the price of 1. Both Teddy and FDR are fun to discuss.
Rebel News: Work from home Alberta Health Services worker facing forced vaccination Alberta Health...
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Joy Reid attacked Miki Minaj, Reid played the race card against Minaj. Minaj played the race card back. That's how poker works. If you raise, you could get raised back, and you could go down quadruple. Democrats are oblivious to this. Democrats recklessly raise and assume they can always squirm out of going down quadruple. Don't let them squirm. Democrat arguments are easy to rebutt. Just hold up the hypocrisy mirror. It's easy. Minaj threw the gauntlet on the ground. It's a gauntlet that's too hot for leftists to pick up. Minaj channeled the spirit of Galileo. She sees the Inquisition. Minaj said: This is what happens that you're so thirsty to down another black woman by the request of the white man that you didn't bother to read all of my tweets. I'm in Twitter jail y'all. They didn't like what I what I was saying over there on that block. Asking questions is okay. I like being bucking dumb. Then boom. Can't tweet. People will turn their back on you, not agreeing. People will isolate you if you simply speak and ask a question. Y'all don't see what the buck is happening? I'm seeing black women on twitter acting like this is funny. Black women, are y'all forgetting there was a time not too long ago where you couldn't even make eye contact with people? And you're okay with what's happening? Whe're no longer even allowed to voice our opinions, to ask questions. Here's what's interesting, So many of your favorite artists feel this way and they're afraid to speak up. ---------------- Twitter banned Minaj. Twitter then issued a public statement stating that they didn't ban Minaj. Twitter lied. Everyone knows they lied. Democrats know Twitter lied and they don't care. Democrats are idiots. Loki: Bow! Is this not simpler? Humanity was made to be ruled. Democrats: We like simple. What are your commands?
My latest from Sky news Australia! On Joe Biden forgetting Australian Prime Minister Scott ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
SNL satirized Ford as clumsy, which is senseless because Ford is the mightiest athlete-President of all time. Starting center on the Michigan national championship football team. SNL rarely satirizes Biden, the most satirizable president in American history. SNL is a political show, not a comedy show. SNL used to be funny and now it's not. The standards of comedy have gone down. Bullschist passes for comedy. Democrats attacked Trump over sanity. Turns out Trump is sane. It's payback time. Zap Democrats over Biden.
Anti-White News: "English Touring Opera (ETO) has dropped half of its orchestral players in a push ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Democrats are apartheidists. Slavers. They enslave white people. White people are denied the good jobs. The musicians that were fired should form their own opera company and kick the ass of the English Touring Opera. Conservatives should cancel the English Touring Opera.
A heads up, I guess.
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Social emotional learning? Is this the new flavor of bull? Back in the day, SEL was the Boy Scouts. We went into the wilderness without food or gear and survived for a week. The wilderness is not pass/fail. The wilderness is life/death. SEL was a sports team. There is plenty of mathematics to learn. If you're learning SEL, you're wasting time that should be spent on mathematics. The left launches flying pigs faster than you can shoot them down. The Supreme Court moved into the White House so that they can shoot down executive orders in real time.
This is the point: > So what Woodward wrote is correct.
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Milley took America's most important weapon offline, and he told China that he took it offline. Maximum treason. Firing squad.
Waking the LIONS!
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Emotional parents at school board meetings. Alexander the Great: I do not fear an army of lions led by a sheep. I fear an army of sheep led by a lion. We need John Galt.
Not just China: Biden connections to MEXICO are ‘troubling’ too [youtu.
jaymaron comments on Sep 16, 2021:
The Stanford faculty is protesting the initiative to root out Chinese spies in academia. We can conclude that the Stanford faculty is full of Chinese spies. Chinese spies are everywhere. Milley is a Chinese spy. Dead dynasties: Kennedy Clinton Bush Cuomo Obama Biden Alive dynasties: Trump
Rebel News: Work from home Alberta Health Services worker facing forced vaccination Alberta Health...
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
New York City requires a vaccine passport to enter a restaurant or bar, and the penalty is $5000. This has caused bouncers to act like Nazis. The U. Cincinnati Claremont basketball team canceled their season, because they are protesting the vaccine requirement. Minaj tweeted against the vaccine, and then Twitter banned Minaj.
The "history of the west" seems to date to prehistoric times, and include cultures from the European...
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Bronze is copper + tin. Bronze is stronger than copper or tin. Copper and tin mines are rare, and they're also never in the same place. Hence making bronze requires a trade network. In the Greek dark age, the trade network collapsed. This was the invasion of the sea people that govols mentioned. The word "barbarian" is Greek. It referred to people who don't speak Greek.
The deserving jerk []
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Turns out the women's team is paid more than the men's team. Rapinoe is a liar and a greedy pig.
The deserving jerk []
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Leftists created a TV show "Activist Idol".
Forbes: The US Navy's solar drone will fly 90-day missions and pre-process data with Palantir ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Solar drones can stay aloft indefinitely. They can be a source of internet and phone service. Solar cells can deliver up to 100 Watts/kg. The minimum power/mass to fly is in the same range. Solar flight is just barely possible.
5 Reasons MEGAN RAPINOE Is an ABSOLUTE JERK [youtube.
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Turns out the women's team makes more than the men's team.
General Milley secretly worked with the enemy, promising to notify them of any upcoming attack.
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Milley ordered his generals to not obey Trump if Trump used nukes. Milley disabled America's most important weapon. Maximum treason. Firing squad.
19FortyFive: This Could Be The U.S. Air Force’s Skyborg Unmanned Airplane. []
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021: australia-goes-nuclear-axes-90b-french-submarine-contract-in-favor-of-uk-u-s-boats Australia is negotiating a military alliance with Japan.
General Milley secretly worked with the enemy, promising to notify them of any upcoming attack.
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
A military coup by Democrats.
Tribute to Norm Macdonald, Last TRUE Hero in the War on Comedy & Free Speech | Louder with Crowder -...
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Comedians that defy conformity: Chris Rock Dave Chappelle Norm McDonald George Carlin David Spade Bill Maher Sarah Silverman Rob Shapiro
General Milley secretly worked with the enemy, promising to notify them of any upcoming attack.
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
It's likely that there are many in the military that are secretly working with China, and we need to smoke them out. We need congressional hearings and subpoenas. We need an independent council. In the hierarchy war secrets, an attack is in the highest tier of secrecy. By warning China of an attack, the consequence is that American soldiers will die. Their deaths is Milley's responsibility. We have a smoking gun!
jaymaron comments on Sep 15, 2021:
GDP = National power consuption Equivalently, Energy = Money The way to increase wealth is to tap natural resources, especially energy. Biden opposes this. Biden opposes wealth. I'm disappointed that the world doesn't look like The Jetsons. The patent system is dysfunctional and should be destroyed. Patents hold back technology. Modern oligarchs make money not by making a good product, but by controlling the market.
jaymaron comments on Sep 14, 2021:
Nutrient masculinity. Nutrient femininity. Toxic feminism.
Music to my ears []
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Rednecks Dress Up As Taliban So Biden Will Give Them Billions Of Dollars In Firearms supreme-court-moves-to-white-house-so-they-can-strike-down-unconstitutional-mandates-in-real-time nations-nerds-wake-up-in-utopia-where-everyone-stays-inside-sports-canceled-social-interaction-forbidden
Entrepreneur: Strange science.
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Mammoths and mastadons went extinct because of overhunting by Indians. In the article, the plan is to introduce mammoths and have them stomp down trees, to make the Earth colder. Kill trees??????? And if the plan is to kill trees, why do we need mammoths to do it?
I did not know Thomas Jefferson was so prophetic.
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Throughout history, most rebellions were crushed. The few that succeeded turned into tyranical dictatorships. America is a rare rebellion that ended as a republic. The French rebellion didn't go as well.
Federalist: How parents in a rural Colorado town created a 'No Politics' school in just one year.
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
These people know how to nation build. This is the protestant revolution. The reformation.
Is citizen oversight and paper ballots the only way to know an election is demonstrably decided ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
If the election is national, and if one district cheats, it can swing the national election. There are districts where more people voted for Biden than live in the district. The way out is republican style. Grassroots style. Elect local officials, who elect state representatives, who elect national representatives, who elect a president. This way, each district's vote matters. Government should be built bottom up, not top down. Local votes matter!
Speechless. []
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
@A1fredo @pbuck0145 That's the same as a city admitting defeat, that it failed to solve the homeless problem. A great city has nice benches. Democrats don't want us to have nice things. Nice things don't happen in Democrat territory. Democrats underestimate the ability of a street man to find a way to get comfortable. Given some cardboard, a street man can turn this into a bed. Using science to improve life for the homeless.
nothing to see here folks
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Democrats aren't hiding their corruption anymore. They must feel they have all the cards. People don't worry about optics anymore. Democrat voters are idiots.
Is this proof that income inequality doesn't appear to be cause of white-black SAT/IQ gap?
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
The IQ gap is biological. The data is decisive. Average IQ correlates strongly with brain size, and different races have different brain sizes. Neanderthals had bigger brains than Homo Sapiens. Neanderthals occupied Siberia and merged genetically with East Asians. East Asians have 4% Neanderthal DNA and whites have 2%. Africans have none. Archaeologists found that Neanderthals possessed advanced toolmaking. The definition of the word Neanderthal should change. Neanderthal should connotate intelligence.
Is Joe Biden actually the Manchurian candidate?
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Most American oligarchs are Manchurian, and they installed a Manchurian president. China has surely been planning this for a long time.
Voter Fraud already in progress!
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Republican voters are finding that someone already cast a ballot in their name. Since California Democrats control the voting system, it's a given that they will wantonly cheat. They will also decline to prosecute anyone caught cheating.
[] It won't stop. It just won't. Fuck you.
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Rural America is more civilized than cities. Instead of fighting, rural Americans wrestle. With rules. Nobody gets hurt. The more rural, the better the wrestlers. Most UFC champions are wrestlers. Mongolians having a wrestling party.
I made a public timeline where you can add government impositions and restrictions, thought it would...
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Gutfeld pointed out that prohibition of alcohol led to deaths, because people homebrewed alcohol and it was often imperfect. Today, the fact that drugs are illegal leads to deaths, because the drugs are not standardized.
I made a public timeline where you can add government impositions and restrictions, thought it would...
jaymaron comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Yes, the government is chipping away at our rights. The Bill of rights covers: Free speech Bear arms Own land Freedom of association (and freedom of disassociation from jerks) The Founding Fathers should also have included in the Bill of Rights: Gasoline Satellite phone and a satellite communications network Own currency that is not controlled by the government Access to common carriers Meat Private school Nuclear power Windows Incandescent light bulbs Statues High-pressure shower heads Plastic straws Parties (now outlawed as superspreaders) Church (Government is harassing pastors for holding church gatherings) Medical care (denied to the unvaxxed) Who knew that an American government would emerge that doesn't want us to have gasoline? In 1950, that platform would have gotten 0 votes. America is a gasoline country. It's our culture. It's our way. Patton: Tanks don't win wars. Tanks with gasoline win wars.
HATS off to all the HEROES of 09-11-2001!!! May GOD save the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!! May she ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 12, 2021:
jaymaron comments on Sep 12, 2021:
Biden was a lame duck the moment he was sworn in.
I made a public timeline where you can add government impositions and restrictions, thought it would...
jaymaron comments on Sep 12, 2021:
We need timelines and lists. Then we need a list of lists. Timelines:
Biden, Dems want to monitor American's bank accounts, blasted as violating 4th Amendment- ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Biden wants to stop people from converting cryptocurrency to dollars or vice versa.
Why does the worldwide IQ distribution appear to match racial IQ differences seen in multi-racial ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 10, 2021:
@Alysandir Leftists want to pretend that intelligence is a product of social environment and education. It is only partly so. In addition, size matters. Brain size matters. Different races have vastly different brain sizes and vastly different IQs. IQ correlates strongly with brain size. The data is overwhelming. It's an untouchable sound bite. Intelligence is biological. Intelligence is racial. Height is racial. The data is overwhelming. You will never ever ever ever see the NBA change its rules to increase the number of short people in the league. The NBA is undiverse. Almost everyone is tall. Short people are excluded. It's apartheid. The NBA is guilty of systemic heightism. Bigots. Leftists are hypocrites. Whenever leftists are at a disadvantage, they demand a handicap. Whenever leftists have the advantage, they refuse to give a handicap. This is why leftists are assholes. All their demands for equity are hypocritical bull. Wrestling is civilized. Wrestling has weight classes. The NBA should institute height classes. Small people have been discriminated against throughout history, so small people should get reparations. In South Park, Kyle tries out for the basketball team and fails. Then he gets a negroplasty and transitions from white to black, from short to tall, and he makes the basketball team. What do you call a fast man that can't catch? A cornerback. What do you call a fast man that can't tackle? A wide receiver. What do you call a fast man that can't tackle or catch? A sprinter. What do you call a fast man that can tackle and catch? A rugby player. What do you call a slow man man that can't tackle or catch, but is badass in intangible ways? A rugby player. A team needs players with diverse skills. Rugby teams tend to be diverse. On a rugby team there is room for people that are big and slow, and for people that are small and fast. Cancel basketball. Watch rugby.
Axios: Taliban detain, beat journalists covering Kabul protests. []
jaymaron comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Democrats are harassing Republican journalists.
WashTimes: James O'Keefe (Project Veritas) says his 'army' of undercover reporters is swelling as ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I love videos of kids chewing out the school board.
Whether it's racism or mental illness, progressive's silence on the Larry Elder attack is deafening-...
jaymaron comments on Sep 10, 2021:
The Democrat headline is: White woman throws egg at black man. The Republican headline is: Bigot throws egg at patriot. Larry Elder appeared on the Carlson show on Sep 9. He is intelligent, articulate, and funny.
Bet you didn't know that most Americans are just fine with CancelCulture.
jaymaron comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Ben & Jerry canceled Israel, and Arizona retaliated by canceling Ben & Jerry. Cancel war!
Where have they all gone?
jaymaron comments on Sep 9, 2021:
The Indians weren't producing food, and they were losing people to wars. The Indians had no way to build up their population. By 1890 there weren't many Indians left. Meanwhile Europeans were arriving by the trainload. There was no way the Indians could win, and they came to realize it. The Sioux war ended when Crazy Horse courageously walked into a U.S. Army base alone and negotiated a treaty. In Florida, the Creek war ended when Weatherford (Creek leader) did the same. At this time the Creek tribe had only a few hundred people left. Before the Creek war started, the Creek tribe was divided into people who favored war and those who opposed it. Those in favor of war conducted a massacre and killed those that opposed war. Then the Creek went on a rampage, massacring American settlers. There are Indians that assimilated and prospered, and there are Indians that didn't assimilate and fought wars. One usually hears about the warlike Indians and one rarely hears about the ones that assimilated. Many Indians joined the American army. Custer's army had 50 Sioux scouts. Bill O'Reilly's book "Killing Crazy Horse" is great.
Where have they all gone?
jaymaron comments on Sep 9, 2021:
I would like to see a reality show where city Democrats are dumped in the wilderness and forced to farm. The wilderness is not pass/fail. The wilderness is life/death. Cities will collapse and we will see city refugees seeking asylum on rural land. Build a wall and keep them out.
Where have they all gone?
jaymaron comments on Sep 9, 2021:
A smart Indian tribe in 1850 sees Europeans not as invaders, but as tourists. Form a tourism industry. Saloons and hotels for travelers. Build a gambling casino in South Dakota for the gold miners. Build a church and invite a Christian priest to preach there. You won't have trouble finding a priest. Priests love to go on missions. Offer a priest a congregation and he'll show up. Priests are great schoolteachers. Getting a divinity degree requires serious study. Many Indians resisted having a railroad built across their land. Railroads are a good thing for the tourism industry, and it connects you to the world market. The frontier has natural resources and you have to get them to civilization. The frontier has trees and pelts. A smart tribe would amass firewood and sell it to trains. Invite a blacksmith to set up shop and teach the Indians blacksmithing. Supply the blacksmith's iron smelter with firewood. A blacksmith is nothing without firewood. Blacksmiths should rush to the frontier for firewood. It's the wood rush.
This carrousel created a centrifugal force that made people stick to the wall and the floor ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 9, 2021:
3 Gs. It's like trying to stand up with 2 people on top of you. If you're in a sitting position, blackout is 7 G and redout is -5 G.
Where have they all gone?
jaymaron comments on Sep 9, 2021:
The government will steal your guns and land. The government will tax you off your land. Once the government starts harassing land owners, the most valuable land in America will be Indian reservations. Before Europeans arrived, Indians ate buffalo. Because there was no such thing as land ownership, the strategic thing to do was to eat as many buffalo as possible, because otherwise enemy tribes would take them. This thinned out the buffalo population. If there is secure land ownership, then you can mass produce buffalo. Indians failed to harness this. The reason that mastodons and mammoths are extinct is because of overhunting by Indians. The Indians didn't have an Environmental Protection Agency.
Where have they all gone?
jaymaron comments on Sep 9, 2021:
The war ended with the Oklahoma land rush. Everyone got 160 acres, both whites and Indians. Everyone got busy farming. Indians owned their own land. European farmers could support 100 times as many people per km^2 than Indian hunter-gatherers. A solution was possible. There weren't many Indians, because they were hunter-gatherers. Had Indians embraced farming, there would have been plenty of land and food for everyone. They duty of the government is to open up natural resources for the people. America used to do that. Frontiersman got 160 acres. Today, the government cripples America's natural resources. In pre-Columbian times, South America had copper smelting. In spite of this, American Indians never acquired this technology. Given that there were both peaceful tribes and warlike tribes, a wise president would have allied with the peaceful tribes.
From Neo: > I think that in the last few weeks, distraction has become even more enticing than ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
The Afghanistan crisis is so severe that people forgot about the border crisis. The border crisis gets worse and worse. 5000 children disappeared.
ANOTHER JUSSIE SMOLLETT HOAX! Man says Tesla hit him, but car's cameras caught him staging accident
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Once upon a time a dumbass rear-ended a Tesla. The dumbass blamed the Tesla. Teslas have sensors that monitor neighboring cars, and the censors showed that the dumbass never braked.
This is a job for....The Shadow []
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
We need for Musk to make Iron Man suits for himself and Trump.
College students chant "F--- Joe Biden" at several school football games | John Bachman Now - ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
House Republicans demanded an investigation into the Afghanistan weapon debacle. All House Democrats voted against an investigation. The duty of the House is to oversee, and the House declines to oversee. The House is like Sergeant Schultz. I see nothing! I hear nothing! I know nothing! I did not even get out of bed this morning! The government has gone full corrupt. When the corruption is blatant, the government simply ignores it, and gets away with it. There's no stopping the government now. Every day the debacle gets worse. four-of-obamas-taliban-five-take-top-leadership-posts-in-afghan-government. Bigly hostage debacle coming. Not only did Biden leave Americans behind, Biden blocks independent rescuers from operating. We need independent investigations and we need subpoenas.
Futurism: SpaceX first all-tourist orbital rocket rolls to the launch pad. []
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Musk has discussed how he safeguards his secrets. SpaceX employs only Americans. Launch is 2300 $/kg. Assuming 500 kg launched per human, that's 1.2 million dollars.
Megyn Kelly says she yanked her kids out of a top all-boys school after teachers asked them WEEKLY ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
When Kelly was at Fox, she did a segment praising the rigor of U. Chicago. I created the Old School Homeschool. Any opinions about how to structure a homeschool?
One of the oldest manufactured foods, so old the it's beginnings is lost to history, but so valued ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Nice infographic. Once upon a time at the World Cheese Championships, a Wisconsin farmer won the Parmesan category. Europe responded by forbidding Wisconsin farmers from calling their cheese "Parmesan". Poor sportsmanship! When Democrats win an election, they feel they're entitled to hold the office permanently. They can't let go. They're like Gollum and his ring. It's like a sports team that wins a championship and declines to play the next season, and expects to stay champion. Wisconsin kicks France's ass at the World Cheese Championships. Gallery of curry ingredients.
This is what communists do.
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Cuba jams radio signals, preventing independent communication. We need satellite phones that are based on either lasers or dish antennas.
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Features of scientism: The scientific consensus is whatever the oligarchs say it is. The oligarchs can change the consensus as they please. Everyone must accept the "consensus". Those that don't get canceled. All questions are binary. True or false. It's not allowed to consider the continuum in between. Professional scientists do not give seminars. They do not prove their conclusions. They do not expose the technical details. Rogue citizen scientists are discouraged, because the professional scientists don't make the data available, or if they do, they lie. Scientism works because Democrat voters are so dumb that they fall for it. In a scientism world, scientists are offered money to sell out, and most do. Why bother with legit science when there is no respect for objective reality? Oligarchs are giving the orders. You can't trust scientists. ... The mighty physicist Doctor Koonin published a book on climate science with a 1 word title: Unsettled Democrats can't handle this word. When the boggart appears, say the word "unsettled" to scare it away.
The Lost Greek Cities of Central Asia | Told In Stone Vid 14:36 mins. []
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Greeks occupied Anatolia until only a century ago. A swap was done. Greeks in Anatolia moved to Greece, and Arabs in Greece moved to Anatolia. In 600 BCE there were Greek cities on the west coast of Italy, such as Croton and Sybaris. Pythagoras was in Croton. After 1800, Greece made many big gains in territory. The Greeks didn't know how to hold together an empire. In the time of Alexander the Great, Greece was new to the empire game. They lost the empire. Rome knew how to manage an empire. Rome conquered Turkey and Iraq.
The pain is real … have mercy!
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
you are very welcome....
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
The plants will be eaten either by cows or by insects or bacteria. Better that it's cows. Plants need cows. Plants need cows to defecate on the field to fertilize next year's plants. It's an ecosystem.
Amazon Pushes More All Female Reboot Films & Gets Demolished []
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Cultural appropriation.
i wish there was a pill for this!
jaymaron comments on Sep 8, 2021:
There have not been many American presidential elections where both candidates were good. The few examples are: (numbers are president ranking on Wikipedia) AdamsJ (12) def. Jefferson (4) AdamsJQ (21) def Jackson (8) Jackson (8) def AdamsJQ (21) Wilson (7) def RooseveltT (5) Kennedy (11) def Nixon (33) I consider Nixon to be way better than #33. Nixon won an election by landslide (520-17), which is not easy to do. Nixon must have been doing something right. American presidential election history. It contains electoral maps for every election.
I’ll Give Beto Credit For Having The Guts To Go On Tucker But He’s Still An Idiot ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Tucker Carlson episode September 6. Carlson interviews Voigt, Nugent, and Logan. Carlson doesn't go in to interviews with a gameplan. Carlson lets the guest get carried away, and it yields great soliloquys. O'Reilly does not spin. O'Reilly also lets the guest speak. O'Reilly's goal is to give the guest a chance to articulate himself. Earlier, Rose McGowan was a guest on Carlson and she didn't say in advance what she was going to say. Turns out she had a bombshell. McGowan exposed the Spears scandal. It was thrilling! Carlson and McGowan found common ground. The mighty physicist Doctor Koonin appeared on the Carlson show to discuss his book "Unsettled". Doctor Koonin declared that the climate question is unsettled, and that there is no evidence for an increase in extreme weather events. Listen to the scientist! We need more drama in news broadcasts.
NFL's demise by social "crusadism" | Bartleby TDV
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
I’ll Give Beto Credit For Having The Guts To Go On Tucker But He’s Still An Idiot ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Carlson is willing to duel anyone. Few dare to take the challenge.
Now, more than ever
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Biden's beacon.
Now, more than ever
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
We need for Elon Musk to make Iron Man suits for himself and Trump.
New FOIA Reveals Fauci Agency Funded Pathogen Enhancement at Wuhan Lab []
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Fauci should have disclosed this immediately after the virus was discovered. He should be punished for not doing so.
BREAKING NEWS: Maricopa County Democrats DESTROYED Evidence! Answer Being Demanded by AZ Senate ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
What a talking point! I feel that this proves that Democrats cheated. It's going to be fun using this talking point. Smoking gun! Deleting voting data should come with the death penalty.
GatewayPundit: AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers sends out a tweet about the Maricopa Audit.
jaymaron comments on Sep 7, 2021:
Texas put the boot down on big tech censorship. When the Texas Democratic congressmen fled Texas, this is the bill they were trying to stop. It wasn's about abortion. It was about smashing censorship. Democrats side with big tech. I'm identifying as a Texan and getting an account on a social media platform in Texas.
jaymaron comments on Sep 6, 2021:
The world leaders in soy exports are America and Brazil. The world leader for soy imports is China. Soy is the ultimate animal feedstock because it is the vegetable that is heaviest in protein. That's why Iowa cranks out soy. China is totally dependent on American soy for their meat production. America has China by the balls with soy. Without American soy, all Chinese restaurants collapse. Trump used this power and Biden declines to use this power. By the way, Iowa leads the world in farm output per square kilometer. Iowa is the farm king. Iowa is also the wrestling king. Not a coincidence. Wrestlers grow up throwing bales of hay around. If I were president I would say: Drill baby drill! Farm baby farm! The soy must flow! The moonshine must flow!
jaymaron comments on Sep 6, 2021:
The American Constitution was written by oligarchs. The oligarchs had no power. The states had the power. It was up to the states to ratify the constitution. The states could have said bugger off. There was incentive to write a wise constitution. Market forces were in force. The states were free to reject the constitution. The constitution must have been okay, because the states ratified it. Not only were the writers of the constitution oligarchs, they were also farmers. Unsurprisingly, the constitution enshrines individual rights and land ownership. Call them the Founding Farmers. Farming is sacred. The president's *job* is to open up natural resources for his citizens.
Twitchy: "Why Satanists may be the last, best hope to save abortion rights in Texas” has been ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 6, 2021:
NOBODY owns Lucifer. People forget that. Think you can own Lucifer? Lucifer is laughing at you. Lucifer is the flame. Lucifer gives us the flame. What matters is what you do with the flame. There are vessels and there are pirates. Vessels can carry flame, and they can turbocharge the flame. They can help the flame fulfil its destiny. Pirates leach from flame. They do nothing with the flame but use it for despotism, and their leaching destroys the flame. Pirates don't care about the flame. Republicans are flame carriers and Democrats are flame extinguishers. Republicans have the spirit of Prometheus. Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to the plebes. Democrats hate plebes. Democrats won't let plebes have the flame. Democrats won't let plebes drill. There is an epic graphic novel titled "Lucifer", written by Michael Carey. FOX picked up the ball and produced the fabulous show "Lucifer", which is inspired by the Carey graphic novel. In the Carey graphic novel, and in the FOX show, Lucifer is the good guy. Those with sharp eyes see potential in Lucifer. In the Carey graphic novel, Lucifer saves the universe. Often a Christian Priest will say: Many pretend to speak for God, and they use the name of god to advance their own personal power. One must never forget: Nobody speaks for God. God speaks for himself. Nobody speaks for a conservative. A conservative speaks for himself.
RT News: Elite army unit claims coup in Guinea [youtu.
jaymaron comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Fresh news! No mention on CNN. Whiff! It's as though CNN doesn't want us to know. Why don't they want us to know? Dominos coming. Once upon a time, if a petty military general tried to seize a country, Reagan would smack them down. Deterrent. That's why it rarely happened. People forget the Reagan Effect. When Carter was president, Iran held American hostages. When Reagan became president, Iran released the hostages. The Reagan Effect. Today, Biden does not possess the Reagan Effect. Therefore, military dictatorships will sprout worldwide. Trump possesses the Reagan Effect. Bush 43 possessed the Reagan Effect. His speech after 9/11 was epic. Biden cannot carry this flame. Bush 43 can. After 9/11, Bush stepped up and was The Man! Bush addressed congress. Bush dropped the bomb. Bush delivered a heavy speech. "We will go after terrorists. Those that harbor terrorists will share their fate" Bush should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame for this Tough Talk. Trump is *in* the WWE Hall of Fame. Yes, it's true. Reagan should be in the WWE Hall of Fame for his badass speech after bombing Libya. When times are tough, America needs a tough president. The American president must address the nation. Biden does not address the nation.
NFL's demise by social "crusadism" | Bartleby TDV
jaymaron comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Most major league sports teams are in big cities. It's urban apartheid over rurals. Rurals should form pro sports teams, like the Green Bay Packers. Rural America is capable of sustaining a pro sports team. Ditch football. Rugby is better than football. Also, it's easier to form a rugby team than a football team. Why rugby is better than football:
GatewayPundit: AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers sends out a tweet about the Maricopa Audit.
jaymaron comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Maricopa County declared war on the State of Arizona. This will backfire. Make this bite Democrats in the ass. It is now logically justified for Republican counties in Democrat states to declare war on the state. Fair game! War of counties. Rural vs. Urban. We will see an avalanche of Republican counties seceding from Democrat states. For good measure, Republican states should bully Democrat counties within the Republican state. In other words, bully the dumbass big leftist city. Rural Oregon counties should bully Portland, not the other way around. 1/3 of Maricopa's budget comes from state tax. 700 million dollars. The Arizona governor dropped the nuke. The governor threatened to withhold the 700 million dollars unless Maricopa surrenders the voting data. Either: Maricopa will cave. 700 milliondollars is a lot of money. or Oligarchs will step in and pay for Maricopa's budget. Use Maricopa to bleed Democrat oligarchs. The Battle of Mericopa county is a decisive battle in American Civil War 2. Republicans must win. This is a hill worth dying on. Today is a good day to die.


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