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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

Create your free account


Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


Will gladly do.


Should we add our intersectionality score on our profiles? I bet that'll make my opinions matter more due to my relatively high score, lol

The reason why intersectionality can be important is because people from different backgrounds can have different struggles and perspectives. And man is not going to have the same struggles as a woman. A black woman is not going to have the same concerns or face the same obstacles as a white woman. The idea is more that white men already have a significant voice in society and so we need start hearing people from more marginalized communities because they may be suffering issues that we are totally unaware of. Agree or disagree with that statement as much as you like, but it's more than just people saying black womens opinions are more important or more valid for the virtue of them being black and a women. It's not. It's because they, as a community, can give insight into issues that we may not heard about before. I can see that youre joking, but its built off a straw man


Just got on the site. I am excited to see what this is about. I love Jordan , Dave ,Sam, and the Weinsteins etc. I used to be what you would call a sjw and like all of you i woke up and noticed they left me and went crazy. I have 3 kids ,one a 12 year old boy who is being told in school he is bad for being white and male. Canada at least Saskatchewan is really messed up.

Yes, there is a growing trend towards racism/sexism towards white men. Unknown if will get better or worse 😟

It is ludicrous to think all white male are sinners. I've seen so much of the anti-white sentiment in the blue bubble I live in and I'm so fed up. Is Saskatchewan that bad now? I lived in Alberta for many years and people there seemed to be more conservative, kind and sane--just normal good people.

Hey a fellow saskatchewan boy! Fantastic to see others moving from Facebook onto something more pro free speech.

@Naomimi with the Colton Bouchée trial and the way the government portrayed us and the jurors was completely false. The CBC especially was complicit in pushing the false narrative that it was an innocent kid who needed a tire changed when in reality it was a home invasion by armed thieves. The crime rate in Saskatchewans First Nations community’s is so atrocious they don’t publish the numbers. So many of us know people or ourselves work with these communities, we know what’s happening and are blown away. Murder rates, violent crimes, all unreported. My brother went up north to work up there for a bandand lasted less than two months. Too many death threats and violence, he had to leave. He went from thinking " I have to help" to " f*%k them. I’m not dying for this"

@Naomimi well we ALL are sinners...Today's promotion of identity politics and racism has zero to do with actual racism or justice. It is a way to drag others down so the accuser doesn't have to do the work to lift themselves up

Tried and true method. Divide and conquer. Hitler employed this tactic very effectively. He told gemany what the problems were and whose fault it was. We're are being subjected to the same propaganda as the German people. Blame your enemy for the acts you commit. WWII history is very important right now.

What's grinding me is Trudeau pushing Bill C-71 to make it look like he's doing something about gang violence - by targeting legal firearms owners, NOT the thugs. Matter of fact, he's reducing the penalties for many heinous offences.

I also have three kids, one is a 12 year old boy. We pulled the kids out of the public system and found a great Christian school. I have zero complaints about the education they are getting now.

@Lilmisslippy3 that's great!!!!

@yorg you are so right and it should be apparent to anyone with a functioning brain

There is a bell curve to everything. With every action, there is a reaction. So just remember that when you're being bullied for who you are. Tell them, "Sorry... I was born this way." (A popular slogan for the left) And that usually gets them to shut up. Or screech like banshees. Its 50/50, really. Take care, Steph


Anyone who has any common knowledge knows what's happening regardless of what the MSM tries to communicate. They, for some unfathomable reason, think they are fooling people and have influence but are showing how unhinged from reality they are more everyday.

I gave money to Greald's GoFundMe. I believe if the government fails in it's duty to protect then you have the perfect right to protect yourself. All you have to do is look at how Britain is criminalising self defense to see how far the govt will go to take away your basic human rights in a western country.

My children are all grown but if my kids were in school I'd seriuosly consider home schooling if i couldn't stop the bs my kids were being taught. You don't know what might happen if you complain in writing. Could happen that the teacher who said that may be disciplined or could happen that you are harassed and ridiculed or worse. Hard to know what to do and not a decision to be taken lightly.

You can tell your son that white men built the greatest societies in the world today and that 99% of all the inventions that have today were invented by white men.

Vancouver BC here. I / We feel for you.

It seems that a decade or two ago, our society was more practical in realizing that a person’s skin color was something outside their control, and therefore not a reason to attach judgement. How did we regress so rapidly and so pervasively?

I have a young son as well, and am also a "reformed social justice warrior". I'm far more hopeful seeing that I'm not the only one.. Twitter is deceptive. I tried opening conversations regarding the IDW there, and all hell broke lose. Nearly every IDW tag has something nasty to say about this movement.

I'm sorry your son is facing that kind of persecution. Mine is still an infant, and I'm very worried about what he will face when he's ready for school. I'm considering home schoolling him until we can move out of the city (the area we are in is extremely liberal, which I suppose most metro areas are).

@Louise I hope you're right about the next generation, because I live in the Bible belt, and all of the Zs I used to work with are most certainly hard leftists. But then again, it's very easy to be stuck in an echo chamber, regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum. The only reason my eyes were opened, was because I went looking for a conservative podcast to try and understand why conservatives couldn't see that William Barr successfully pulled a fast one on them. I found Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson, and listened to their interviews with Joe Rogan, and it felt like I slammed back into the earth. Like I had been floating around in a liberal dream, and someone splashed water in my face. I feel almost like I was brainwashed.

Anyway, I'm excited we are here.

Yes Canada is messed up. It is very sad and it makes me angry at times what they try and pull off with young children. Filling their heads with nonsense that they are not good enough or that they are some how less than because of the clan they come from. I hear this more and more as days go by where young white boys and men are concerned. Strange.

@Allhart yes Farrell what you are saying is true here in Australia freedom of speech is being denied the ordinary person and with so many Muslims and Sudanese which are committing most of the crime breaking into shops and doing so with violence and the people when they complain are NOT being heard

@Admin I feel it will only continue to get worse as long as we continue to react to MSM and their delusional followers.. its obviously conversation with them is best we can do is walk away from radical lefts and wait out the storm

@Allhart I have young kids and am considering it now myself

@Naomimi all humans are sinners
not just whitey 😈

@Admin how have you experienced racism and sexism as a white man? Not saying it doesnt happen, just wondering what you interpret as being racist or sexist to you

Yeah fuck the red pill! Fuck the blue one too for that matter. I've got my own psychedelic one over here... but argh... it's melting! Oh no it wasn't. Sorry, my bad. lol

@Lilmisslippy3 no religion is stated in the bible... ALL religions are false doctrine distractions. egyptian [jew/ish] isnt a religion, its a bloodline. masonic order are the "gentile": roman mind slaves to the egyptian [jew/ish] naz👁... fauci and gates are naz👁 "scientists" offering you the gas chamber "vaxxx".

@Lilmisslippy3, @Admin theres no "growing trend towards fake ass racism"... only racists and sheople buy the bs to pick up an easy "cause" to stroke their egoes with minimum effort and zero affect except to stroke short egoes... grab a device and pick a life like... this opinion worship is vile

@Admin Yeah, sexism toward everyone. Ironic since the goal seems to be the goal to be more inclusive. Shows that no matter how righteous we are when we go to extremes it’s almost like flipping round the other side.


As someone who has worked as a journalist and broadcaster for over 20 yrs, I'd like to know of others who have found themselves self-censoring in this new puritanical age

Ive changed lots of words from what would be slang or urban and Ive digressed to childlike terms like Toolbar
Since we all want to be treated like babies might as well talk like them

Good question... how about posting it as question?

It will be nice if you can post this as a question. I bet lots of people have things to say. I'm not even white male but find myself censor my words all the time especially at work. We don't even say white Christmas these days, it's called snowy Christmas!! Obviously, white is sinful color and can only be associated with words like guilt, fragility, privilege, etc...

Never. I express myself however I want.


Hire me 🙂

Sure, you're hired! Double my salary... of $0. 🙂


A downloadable app shortcut would keep me coming back 10 times a day other than having to log in from the web

In development... hopefully out in a week or two.

If you open this in a browser, then just add the link to your homepage on your phone as a shortcut...Voila!


Are the groups going to get the chatroom option?

Yes, once we get to 30-50k members.

I was going to suggest that haha.


I decided to make a jokes and memes group but the formatting isn’t very picture friendly. I also experienced that as an issue when trying to share a picture of my cat. I think we can all agree growth will be difficult on any social media platform that doesn’t cater to cat sharing.. oh, yea, form of question... umm... what gives?

I’m also lvl 3 now and can’t find where to up my strength and dex... so that could be helpful 🙂


I would be interested to know if there is any formal association between this forum and the IDW proper. If it were the case there is a formal association I would like to make sure there is opportunity for group members to create local “real world” meetings for the purpose of sharing ideas and having discourse with one another in a fraternal nature. Such a forum is not available to me at present and I would appreciate the opportunity to have one.

Also a clearer “jump page” would be useful. I see there is a philosophy page in the tags of some posts but can’t seem to find where it is in the overall structure of the site. Which makes me think I’m missing other such pages.

Good comments. I'll try to make the links more clear. We're currently a fan site but we have some growing connections with major players in the movement. One of our goals is to facilitate real world events. We're in build and growth mode now.


Make an app maybe

Working on it now 🙂


Keep it simple.
Use a point based system for desired participation.
The participation from the real guys is expected.

Yes, thanks. We have a point system to track all the activity 🙂


The following people imo should be added to fan groups: Dinesh D’Souza, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham.

Yep, we'll need to come up with clear policies as to who should be a candidate for inclusion in thought leaders of the IDW. I think one of the core principles must be that they engage in open, frank discussions of issues without strawman-ing the opposition, ad hominem/personal attacks, or using misleading or false arguments. We should, however, be open to member-driven groups that discuss individuals regardless of inclusion in IDW thought leadership. Rush Limbaugh would be an example of a person who would more likely fit in a member group. Thoughts?


Will you be silencing the alt right on your platform?

We will work on a statement on what hard limits this site should have soon - and get feedback from members about it. The Alt-Right's most controversial opinions center around race and racism so we need to first define racism clearly. The general thought is that describing racial group differences is ok it is done in the same sense as describing differences between "Surfer Culture" and "Biker Culture" and "Rap Culture" (no, not "rape culture" ). We will draw a hard line on advocating dehumanization anyone for any reason. Thoughts?

@Admin Sounds like a solid plan. Free speech should reign supreme so long as no one is harassing or degrading fellow members, but then again the block function could come in handy in such situations. As with most social media sites there will predictably be some who join just to troll or scam, but I know you'll deal with them if and when they show up.


I am a UX designer. I know nothing as a rule but I am more than willing to help

Thanks! Happy to get your suggestions. You can send me a message on my profile page or use the contact form.


I've had trouble twice now logging in. Both times it says username and password don't match, even after I reset a password. This time I logged in with Facebook and it worked. Any ideas?

Thanks for the heads up. Did you sign up originally from Facebook? It'll help us debug.

@Admin I found you through Facebook and signed up from there. I set up username and password but could not get in using those. I then reset my password but could not get in later that day . This is by using your web address. Finally, I just logged in with Facebook. I did same to post this so probably not a big deal.


I just got on here, so I haven’t had time to see everything, but I am a cloud engineer with extensive experience with JavaScript framworks and would love to contribute if at all possible!

Thanks! Happy to get your suggestions. You can send me a message on my profile page or use the contact form.


Make it an app

Yes, apps are being tested this week and hopefully live in the next 7 days.

Great idea! Would love to see an icon on my home page instead of having to search everytime I want to check it out.


Out of Curiousity, this IDW page, does Sam, Jordan, Joe, Ben, or either of the Weinstiens use this? Or is this a place to discuss what they speak about?

Yes, one of the top 5 IDW members is a member here under a pseudonym and is giving feedback as we just launched (quietly) 3 days ago. For now, this site is mostly to help coordinate the movement and help spread the message. We are working on a "Patreon" like funding system which is to be live in early March. Our goal now is to get members in the database for when we launch. Thanks!

@Admin Bet I know what pseudonym you referred to, but won't mention it here though.

@SpikeTalon That’s right. It’s me. I’m Ben Shapiro

@ClassicalKev98 okthisisepic


I'm just getting on here feels very much like Reddit. That isn't necessarily a bad thing I think Reddit is a good platform, but when I started watching Sam Harris and Jordan Person, and many others in the IDW the primary mode of listening was YouTube. With that in mind, I feel that this platform is missing a big advantage that they had when they were funding their videos with Patreon and posting them to Youtube. I believe there needs to be some kind of stream, or headline page video page where your one-click away from videos and new videos from the IDW 'Superstars'. This means you won't have to search to hard for fun things to watch when you're in a hurry, and you can still access threads when you have the time to go to the forum pages and see how deep this rabbit hole goes lol. Combining the best of both worlds may leave you with a stronger site than both, and obviously developing a strong app, but that is a more obvious suggestion.

Great feedback - totally agree! We will start today by consolidating every IDW feed (e.g., youtube/podcast/etc) and put a link to the content to view in their groups. If you follow the groups, then you'll have a dashboard of new content to consider. Next, we'll use a voting system to highlight the "what to watch today" content. You'll see these links in the "Groups" section.

reddit banned me before my 4 pictures of the arch angel, later named as Abbadon, casting his mark on earth were approved.


I found out this was here from a youtube ad. Most interested. Also, nothing showed up when I typed "idw" or 'idw community" into Google. Just in case you were unawares

Type in a web search, that should bring you to the main page.

Good catch... Will investigate.


The color scheme is proffessional af, but its a bit dry maybe some red (not blue) outlines on the post and comments, the color scheme could be a big win

@Admin Are you going to have color schemes for this site? I'm all for a dark/black color option for night reading on this site.

@SpikeTalon yes it's on the list!

@Admin Talkin to your self here or what? Spike don't have a comment that I can see....hmm???

@george No, it said my name yesterday, not sure why it's reading that way now?

@Admin Must be a glitch there, as the reply above that says to Admin from Admin was my comment.


Will there be a general feed / advertisement system? im afriad that if theres not enough money for proffessional, mature moderation through a regular income then this site could be targeted to trolling of the worst sort

We'll make sure posts are sufficiently moderated. Thanks for the feedback!


It would be great if we had a reddit-style system for down-voting commends and whole threads, something so we can use the will of the crowd to pick the best articles, comments, and to hide the trolls and malcontents organically. It might not seem all that important now, but if this site succeeds, it will be. SOme reasonable ratio of more dislikes than likes, or maybe twice as many dislikes as likes, will hide a comment, which can be unhidden.

This also takes a huge load off the moderators. The site will police itself, with the best comments articles rising, and the troll posts getting buried.

@Griggori yes good ideas! We have a bunch of "likes" categories but could include a down vote... Also we would need to make such voting easier to do. Thanks!

@Admin yeah, let’s get some good friendly competition to kick in #freemarket

@Admin The down vote is a good/bad idea. It promotes the mob rule mentality, which never works out. Ideas hold their own merit. If it comes down to an irrational person, no down votes will be needed. People will pick up on it and disregard the individual. My 2 cp.


Make it easy to upvote (ie with one click... not by clicking on the button and then having a reactions popup open) not sure if the reactions popup is useful or not but you could set up a like and a react button both. or do it like fb where you have to perform a special action (holding the button) to see reactions

Good idea. Yeah it's a bit cumbersome as is.

I would like a button for agree and disagree.

what i find very ignorant is placing a thumbs up sign and not letting an opposite be present.. its this type of safety measure to make the left happy that makes me second guess the true nature of this site.. some shit needs a thumbs down..and a weight system to reveal the balance of like or dislike.. lets not be snowflakes in a safe place here......

Just put the icons on the bottom of the post. There's only like 5 isn't there?


I'm no computer whizz but a friendlier smoother interface easier to navigate

Happy to get your feedback. Is there a particular page or feature we should focus on? Thanks!

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