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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

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1180 comments (651 - 675)

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Not sure yet because of being a new member, but thank you


Community Guidelines "Please note that we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason"

Refine this point or get rid of it. Its to vague and open to abuse by your mods, who i will remind you are just fallible humans. you either want a Free speech platform or you don't. you can't have both.

I get the need to protect against lawsuits but I do tend to agree. Iā€™d like to see a platform where users are instructed to block material they object to. A kind of market-based control of the narrative. Maybe make blocking available per post instead of per person, so users can block within conversations just for that conversation, as well as forever. Monitors should still be employed, of course, not as censors but as agents to identify criminal activity and then report it to police. While it may be a bit simplistic and legally undoable, my view is that either it is criminal or it is free speech.

Valid point. We do show deleted posts for level 7+ members to keep us transparent.


Do you have an app? I confess I havenā€™t looked for it. But if you do, maybe advertise it better on other social media.

At first glance, this site seems awfully big. Not particularly intimate. A little unwieldy ...

A good logo?

Yes weā€™ve an app. Thanks for the feedback.


Let me know if there are people in my region in this group. Always interested in local geographical issues...

Check the member search page.


....just joined, please allow a month or so of reading content !


How about a page that encourages debate on specific controversial subject matter? Could the format be changed from the Post and Comment format to a Debate Question above and Pro, Con, and Alt columns where each Argument (or non-argument in the Alt column) is moved to the top of the list based upon votes. I don't trust voting, but some method of raising to the top the best (adaptation, improvement) would help to judge the relative quality of the answers to the questions proposed.

Is voting in Electoral Politics Democratic?
Pro: It is the only way - Con: It is unfortunately the only way - Alt: One of the first Democracies are on record against Electoral Politics because Electoral Politics lead to Oligarchy

Good idea. For now, just post a question with a pro or con leaving.

Totally agree as the MSM says we are a democracy when we are actually a representative republic.

@Admin I posted an example question. I posted not only a pro, but also a con, and also a Free Market Adaptive Alternative to Divided and Conquer (the default). Now you suggest that I do that again? My response is: Where? Where do you want me to "For now, just post a question with a pro or con leaving." ? Also, what it is meant with the word choice "leaving" in the above quote from Admin? Where am I leaving to or from?

@cisco22 Unfortunately the word republic has also been counterfeited from the original meaning. A republic is one if it is The Public Thing (res-publica), but if it (the government) is for special interests, such as an oligarchy, or corporatocracy, or any segment, division, majority, minority, other than the Public (the whole people as one), then it (the government) is not a republic. Representation in the original respublica (in America before 1789) was ensured through common law trial by jury. That fact is confirmed in the records. The Public Thing (republic) was turned into the Special Interest Thing in 1789.


One feature, as at times it is not feasible to watch or listen to video content, would be a search with none/only video based content. Sometimes your at work on a break, and you forgot your headphones, and still being respectful.

We donā€™t auto play for that reason.

@Admin I get that, but so many have only video link content or nearly. would be good to have a no video content search variant, also for debating points.


I just got here. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Haha not yet? šŸ™‚


I am an active educator and on the ground actionist and content producer in the counter jihad movement. I am a public speaker and movement leader. You can find my articles and videos at



This is a classic site for determined conservatives (and Liberals) who believe in a higher being, our better selves, our better angels, can be found here. Thank You Please continue this monumental effort for us all.

Wow good statement!


I am a conservative in Australia. I have always been accepting, open-minded, optimistic etc etc...I was also uninformed. Of late, the more I see and read, the more I realise how corrupt our msm, politicians have become. I thought the NWO was a conspiracy theory by nut jobs but the more I educate myself, the more I realise what a dangerous situation the western world is in. If we don't start bucking the system, the worse situation we will find ourselves in. I was one that was flabbergasted when Trump was voted in....why would Americans vote for that egotistical, arrogant man? After all, everything is good, isnt it? Its only over the past 2-3 years I have realisied the implications of listening to the msm, with its hidden agendas such as open borders and the cost...countries losing their identity; increased violence and crime; the abolition of free speech; the increase of far leftist groups such as Antifa and now Extinction Rebellion whose actual agenda is the abolition of capitalism to be replaced by socialism/communism; the attempt to dismantle our Christian society ... chaos. The fact people voted for politicians like Trump, Scott Morrison, Boris Johnson shows an attempt by the general populations to fight back and fight we must. My daily listenings now are middle right conservative speakers...Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt, Ben Shappiro, Tommy Robinson, Imam Tawhidi, Boris, Trump, ScoMo, Jordan Peterson etc etc. They are the only ones who make any sense anymore and are our only hope.



An author of a post should not be able to 'Like' their own post.
Kinda of assumed already, having taken the time to post it, isn't it?

Theyā€™re not counted for likes.


The biggest threat is the Left and Deep State/Bilderbergers/New World Order. It is they who are promoting Islam which of course is also a threat, but one that could be dealt with if we had control. Especially of the media.

Lots of dangers once free speech is restricted.


I have been a follower of the Weinstein brothers, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Dave Rubin, long before the IDW was collaborated. It is a real honor to finally be a part of the IDW Community. Really looking forward to this...

  1. Delete off topic posts. Most of the replies to this post are irrelevant to improving the site.
  2. Provide a facility for reporting functional problems (bugs) in site function.
  3. I'd be interested in an "About" page which reveals the funding sources that support the IDW community.

Use contact form for bug reports. Working on bio for the non profit behind this site. Me.

@Admin Maybe add the bug report process to the welcome pages?


First time looking at your site. Love the premise. If you have questions I can assist with, my background is IT security/ CounterTerrorism/ WMD. ( retired from a fortune 5 company) , cissp, IEM, Iam, PRC Intelligence and counter Intelligence , ETC. My work was Multinational Vulnerability assessments of commercial, military and government operations. My first suggestion would be hosting on an EU platform, encrypted under EU privacy law. ( OPT In vs OPT OUT) (PROTON?)

I know of a whistleblower that has their server stored in Iceland for this very reason. Excellent point!!

For now, we hope to keep in the US but consider elsewhere in worse case. We fight to keep the constitution.


I have to admit, I'm confused here. Where exactly is this thread going? And is it strictly related to my posting the URL to my website, The Conservative Historical Review?

I'm very confused here.

It's just a welcome post for new members.


There now are three examples of important questions seeking accurate answers that die off as if neither question nor answer were important, which adds yet two more questions.

  1. Would it be a good idea to improve this site with a competitive question/answer page that tends to rise the most important questions and the most accurate answers to the top of the page, while encouraging useful, adaptive, creative, powerful debate on the most important questions that concern our temporal salvation?

  2. Is the above or are the questions below important for any reason including our temporal salvation?

  3. What is a democracy? A. Rule by the people themselves; the people are the government, one is the same as the other thing, the people are not divided into subjects of the government (one group) and the government group, B. So-called Majority Rule (see A), C. Just another Legal Fiction or Con Game used by powerful people in the effort to consume less powerful people.

  4. What is a Republic? A. An imperialistic group of people seeking to build Empires by any means necessary. B. The Public Thing, of, for, and by the people themselves. C. Just another Legal Fiction.

Good idea for posts... please do! And try the polling options.


Let's say I ask the group a question. Let me be the one who allows it to post. Gives me a chance to eliminate or reduce nonsense or those being uncooperative (trolls) AND would likely improve the overall content of the site.

Yes, when you're level 4, you can create your own group.


Hi I just joined this group,so I have no idea how to improve something I haven't looked at yet.


Make the IDW app available on more phones

We've an app on iOS and Android.

@Admin I understand that but I see a message over where the download button that says this version of the app is incompatible with my device. This is the issue I was referring to, I probably should have been clearer.


I have not been engaged long enough to presume to know enough to critique the site, or recommend changes. You will know when I do.


I`m a newbe. Is there a tutorial on best ways to utilize your new site?

Yes, here: []


Oh, will do


I just got here, I have no idea what you can do. THe only thing I could suggest in total ignorance would be to have the respective groups' namesakes participate in the discussions or at least speak for themselves rather then let others unofficially interpret.

If they do this already please disregard my note.

Thank you.

It's a start - yes!

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