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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

Create your free account

1180 comments (251 - 275)

Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.

  1. When creating a new post, the "home" and "end" keys move the cursor to the beginning and end of a paragraph respectively. They should move the cursor to the beginning and end of a line, which is the way they work when composing a reply to an existing post.

  2. A person should be able to delete tags which the commenting software automatically added to his/her own new post or reply. I'm thinking specifically of the "psychic" tag. Here's my post where I got it, but that word is used in a non-paranormal sense in a very old quote. []

[edited to add: I found you can downvote a tag, which I just did on my own post, but that isn't quite the same thing.]

When you down vote a tag on your post, it's the same as you delete them. We probably over designed it and may remove voting later. Cursor movements are typically briar dependent.

So, how do you down vote a post or a tag?


I think the site needs to be accurate as to source, and seek to hold comment to the same.

Lists of sources would be very useful to build integrity of a new movement.

I am an archaeologist disturbed by the invasion of neomarxism into the subject.

Value judgements are being made and those are distorting the conversation

We've a field for links to sources when you make a post and encourage you to add source links.

@Admin I’m not a Reddit user and struggling with the format at the moment. It will take a bit of time


I click on link to confirm email, I check my Inbox and have received no emails. Tried this numerous times. I have checked that the email address I gave was correct.

I'll check your account in the morning.

It may be going to junk . Sorry happened to me.


A pro gun, pro life, nationalist immigrant from Croatia living in Canada. And by nationalist I mean I am a patriot not assuming supremacy over anyone also a huge fan of the free market. I welcome all legal immigrants. Am very happy to be part of a community that can let me vent out my opinions in productive political discourse with others. I am very fed up with Justin Trudeau and his cabinet and the leadership in Canada needs to change.


The big push for illegal voter registration is one of the biggest threats to our country. As Democrats, like Warren, push to abolish the electoral collage, our coast's and southern border are bursting at the seams with untold numbers of illegal, potential voters. You can't help but think this has been a strategic plan, given their stance just a few short years ago was so different. Now they push for open borders and sanctuary cities. Just like the concentrated importation of Somolians to a designated district, to facilitate the election of a treasonous, racist, congresswoman. It's a numbers game. The same number game the radical Muslims play. They feel they will out breed the infidels. Time and numbers are on their side.Time to wake up has past........

The Communist/Democrat party IS our greatest threat as every single problem we face today, was caused by them! They need to be eradicated before we can truly MAGA!!!!


Just joined, so I need to take a gander and find my way around, thanks!


I live currently, in a "free" America. I see my freedom slipping away quite literally every day. I supported President Trump, yet knew I couldn't even put a bumper sticker on my car. I speak and share the truth on Face Book and am given a 3 day "time out", and Threatened that I've posted "hate speech" more than once? Unfounded, and can be given a 30 day FB jail sentence or Throw off of FB?! The Democrats are changing laws faster than I can keep up with and doing so willy nilly. Not one of the blatant Criminals on the left are even being investigated, let alone brought to any kind of justice. Any suggestions or help and guidance as to where to go and what to do, is gratefully appreciated! I feel so helpless and despirate. And I don't like the feeling

It's a very uncertain time, for sure.


My concern for our country is vote suppression by the left; illegals, minors, corruption at the polling locations, and lack of accountability of county and state election departments from respective Secretary’s of States, and US Department of Justice. I work the polls and have witnessed a flood of illegals and unregistered persons attempting to vote! They are given the choice of Provisioal Ballot, this is a test for weakness at each polling location, and the Democrats goal is continue this trend in 2020. Voters must hold their respective polling locations to account! Do not keep quiet when you hear or see corruption of a vote, complain to election judge, call the county party HQ, and your Secretary of State offices and report. Better yet, volunteer to be a Poll Watcher assigned by Republican Party or a candidate. See something say something!


On the pop-up for Follow Post 'yellow star', there is a typo - "thoses".

Thanks! My grammar is my Achilles heel. Fixed.


You do not have sailing on your sports lists?? Unbelievable.

Oh, you're so privileged 😉 How about post about your sailing in your profile?


Just found this place tonight and I love your app. Is there a way to have the images/videos load so you don't have to enter the comment to see the image/video? I understand if there are additional images in the thread of the comment those could be loaded after you are in the comment but have the initial image or video viewable?

Yes, posts with videos will now show them in the post lists on the site and on the app. This is going live in phases all this week.


The spell check functions oddly using Chrome.

Yes, we're trying to update the text fields to support spell checker on more browsers. Hopefully, in the next week or two.


Looking for to reasonable & courteous discussion of ideas & opinions without the crazed trolling so common on other social media sites.


Just checking your site over! It’s looks nice , I don’t understand the level 5 before you can have your own group! I believe you need to have live videos for people! We love to hear a lot of great speakers , that I see on your site . Ty for allowing me to join.

Groups can be started by level 4 members which typically just takes a few days to reach. Yep, we're adding video in the next week or so! Go team IDW 🙂


Just signed up. Like what I have seen so far. Wanted to be able to hear discussions from different viewpoints even though I am conservative, believe
In the constitution, want less government, protect our borders kind of person


Love the posting option, Facebook is getting filled with stuff typically blocked, and I have large active friends base.....hope to see many of them here soon

Wonderful! Can also use the promo links here: []


I have none


How do you edit a post. I can’t stand rereading my typos

For about a day after you post, you can edit it by clicking the "Edit" Button below your post.


Being in US I don’t feel I have access to a more global picture of things going on except through the view of our slanted or biases in the news feed. Would love to be REALLY informed by people without bringing in too many slanted views either way. I love all the YouTube and podcasts from JP and Rogan. Like to hear what all have to say and make up my own mind!


What about a tagable/ searchable meme database where people can post their best stuff that others can use for responses. I know I see memes all the time that I would like to save but having a repository of memes would be great

Check out the memes group. members can tag their memes and search by tags 🙂


If done correctly idw could surpass fb in importance.
Make charter membership that would dispense shares. Make it a publicly owned membership and advertise it as an answer Facebook change name easily remembered name. True patriot

Interesting concept. We're a non-commercial website so it's informally owned by the members.


Free speech and basic liberty are under brutal attack, glad to see this effort to defend our ability to disagree and to persuade neighbors rather than to use force against them. Cheers!

How is your free speech under attack? Not saying it isnt, but I'm seeing a lot of vague language on this website in general and I have a hard time agreeing with people if I don't know what they're referring to

@sjwpigeon thats their strategy... spew out pointless factless opinions for the insane sheople to exchange nice words and butt rubs while accomplishing nuthin as [jew/ish]/masonic naz👁 "scientists" gates/fauci globally cull you with "vaxxx"... the only thing "untested" was if huemans could survive their Jehovah given/woven dna being taken over and cut off from Holy spirit by nano bot "sized "technology"... they aint hueman anymore... they are transhueman automatons

@guardianOfEden More and more people seem to be acting this way. Caught up in echo chambers. New. Is there a lot of that here?


I'm amazed! At first I thought this was just a ploy to cash in on a niche group to draw them to a dating site. I'm so happy to be wrong. This is the coolest social network I've seen in years. It reminds me of when AOL had a member search feature that let you search all the member profiles for the specific key words that you put in and even show ones that were online live at that moment. You could find people knowledgeable in any topic imaginable to engage in chats. Never have I found that great a social network people search and conversation feature again. Not sure how deep this network can get close to that but already it's far more than I imagined.

Wow, thanks for the compliment! This site is a labor of love with a goal to help build friendships between thoughtful people.


I'm a white, Christian, conservative male so I am on here for a safe place to share ideas. As a Canadian I'm afraid for my children and the next generation. The NWO and Left has taken every institution in Canada and is forcing their ideology on everyone. These days to have an opposite opinion to a Liberal or Globalist is to be part of the "fringe right" or "Radical Conservative" . I believe in balance. However balance does not exist in our institutions, neither does common sense or facts. As a Christian I don't have a doom and gloom perspective on what is going on in society today because this was all predicted in the Bible thousands of years ago and its actually quite fascinating to see Bible Prophecy come true. It also reinforces my faith. I have hope because the Bible says that we win in the end. However things will get worse before they get better.

How long will it take to go through the worst and come out the other side?

@Letusdobetter not a time frame we have any chance of predicting. Once it starts and it is, just, it will roll in the creators time frame.


In all sincerity, I would welcome hearing a reasonable argument as to why the porous southern border of the US is NOT creating a crisis and that the overwhelmed Border Patrol Officers do not need emergency relief. With every bit of news I hear/read...other than the far left is confirmed that there is, indeed, an emergency.

Make a post 🙂

I have a fair number of friends holding the blue line. They all agree we have a crisis at the border. I've seen vids of ranchers who live and run their ranches along the border, they all say we have a crisis at the border. I'll take their opinions as 100% valid over any politician from either side being lead like bovine through the safe spaces by armed guards on a mission that has to be done by lunch time so they don't miss their reservations at the Top of the Mark.

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