1180 378

Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

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1180 comments (201 - 225)

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One of the intake questions asks if You are a SJW, and I selected maybe because it depends on the definition used. I believe that a society must be allowed to flourish by means of social blending versus social divisiveness, and doing our best to be inclusive, to a point. A community/country is created by a group of like minded individuals with rules and regulations to provide order and to prevent major changes to the “norm” that the founders created. When points are presented that point out flaws in the system (slavery, voting rights, equality of opportunity) then obviously changes have to be made. But if another group who has their own philosophy and agenda comes forward trying to change the “norm”, with ideas that are not supported by the dictates of the original community, and are not in the best interest of the community as a whole, then in those situations I would consider myself a SJW in that I will endeavor to prevent undo and unjust changes to our society.

I agree that the term "Social Justice Warrior" can denote both good and bad depending on context and timing. Today, we use it as a catch all term for the promotion of a Leftist agenda without the use of facts, reason or civility. "Justice" unfortunately is too often defined in the post modern sense - that is, used as a tool for impact regardless of truth.


What are the ideals of the IDW movement?

Now that the basics of the website are live (e.g., forums, groups, events, profiles, etc), we want to help clarify and educate members on the ideals of the IDW movement. I believe that it's a fight for truth over thought oppression, debate for progress instead of winning without consensus, and civility over hate. We are working now to better organize these thoughts within this community and to produce a clear manifesto for the movement. This will be an ongoing living document as we solicit input from members and other IDW celebrities.


Common sense has long been lost to the political correct SJW's. I have 2 children and frankly I am scared at the direction we are going. Our freedoms are being taken away and people don't even realize it.

The metaphor of a frog in a slowly heating pot is apt here. We are engaged in a battle for freedom in an increasingly divisive and stressed world.


I confirmed by email address and it says can’t confirm your account ??

I checked your account and it looks like you've confirmed ok. Welcome! 🙂


I've just joined this very minute, so I think I'll take a few days to look around, and see/read what's going on, then perhaps leave some comments of my own. I'm looking forward to this new experience.


I just saw this today for the very first time, fantastic!
I am in a couple of conservative groups on Facebook and enjoy them very much, one of the subjects that comes up quite often is how everyone wishes that there was a good alternative to FB. I will be letting the people in those groups know about IDW. I have not checked out everything here yet but if you have it set up to where people can share links,media and pictures, I think that this will be a huge success. The problems with other social media sites were that the setup was cumbersome and difficult to navigate through, so inevitably people that would go to the other sites would only use it a couple days then revert to using FB. I enjoy listening to Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager as well as many of the others listed here. I am looking forward to using this site and hopefully we have all found a new social media home to replace FB.

Our user interface is still version 1.0 and we're working to making it easier to use.


FIrst and foremost, please de-clutter the page. I think there are many design patterns that I think could be incorporated to 'beautify' the page, but the first thing that jumped out to me was how busy my home page was when logging in. This was the first thing that jumped out at me.

Love the idea of the website though, and I am happy that something like this is being made! Looking forward to getting to know the community and site more!


I love the place... the idea... the people are absolutely great.

just one thing .. Let's allow GiF Meme. 🙂 they are fun to make.
That's my suggestion

I'll see what can be done - will probably just limit animated gifs to posts/comments (and not profile photos)

@Admin Of course. We just wanna (or I wanna lol) take something like the invasion of the body snatcher.. or the SNL sketch living in the VAN by the river and put some statement in those... they are hillarious if you get into it LOL.


I just joined, and I’m fiddling around trying to figure things out - very reddit feel as others have described. So far, I like the initial group prompts, but I feel like some of the posts are a few days old, and I feel left behind. I’d like to see newer, or “trending” on the site topics come up first (maybe this will get sorted out as I grow accustomed to the site). I was reading down a thread pretty far and visited someone’s profile; when I hit the back button it took me to the beginning of the thread, so I needed to scroll down for awhile to find where I left off. It’d be nice if that were fixed, but it’s not that big of a deal though. It’d be cool if trending/important Rogan, Peterson, Shapiro et al videos were uploaded daily - like a one stop shop for all your Peterson/Shapiro needs 🙂
I’m thrilled this platform FINALLY exists! Heck yeah, capitalism!

Hahah, too bad we're not for-profit (we're non-profit but yeah, capitalism helps pay the bills). I agree that we can do better in curating content so that there's a "need to know today" section that highlights today's best content. We're looking to hire someone to do this daily in the early morning. Stay tuned!


As a new member, let me ask that things be simple, truthful, and timely.
Is there a feature to notify members of important and significant need to know information.?

We have a news digest that goes out every few days that shows active topics that you've not yet seen. We'll be adding more curated content soon!


We need an app for this .

Our Android app is now live and we're waiting TODAY on Apple to approve the iPhone version (they rejected it 3 times so far!)

@Admin -- I joined just this morning and installed the Android app. Seems to be working well so far. Only glitch I've noticed so far was someone's post being chopped off on the right side. If I happen to notice another instance of this problem I'll take a screenshot and send it to you.


Keep the conversation open. This will be awesome. Different opinions, open conversations. No snowflakes.


Is there an App?

Yes, we just got word that Apple just approved our iPhone/iPad app but we've not yet seen it in the app store. Once it's there are we've done some more tests on it, we'll start promoting it here. It's very similar to the mobile phone "web" version but easier to get to and has notifications (and a few other features).

I installed from Google play


I worry most of all, about anonymity. I am media and on-line averse. I live a simple life; and, am old (almost 60) but I have a high IQ which makes me feel so enraged these almost everything 😀 I am also, a conservative, and a Classical, my circle of friends is ever smaller with each month. I am very educated, ergo, the only reason I attempt to check this group out, is to see if it holds any value for me - I am happy alone - I am fine with my books, life, woods, animals.

My sentiments, exactly.


Let me get settled. I'm sure I'll have some insight soon.??


Like many others, I am still perusing the site to see what it holds for me. I have noticed most of the comments I am reading are written with some intellect behind them. What a refreshing thing to see. I hope to become an active participant in this experiment.


Having listened, watched, and read hours of Jordan Peterson I can say that, if you think he is a dangerous alt-right zealot, you may need to reexamine your beliefs.


Share ways we can all get involved
Inform of bills they are trying to pass quietly that take away our rights and/or are immoral or against the Constitution, with the WH contact info and ways to fight it. Time to take back America!

This is a good idea to consider. The first people we want to hire are a few writers / journalists and keeping us posted on political issues would make sense.


Hiring moderaters and staff? To lock topics, use banhammer on violators of rules, etc.

I used to be a moderator for a Yu-Gi-Oh forums called "Dueling Network". Other similar forums have admin roles by sections on a fourm(s) with general admin capabilities.

Happy to get your overview of what issues we should prepare for as well as what features could be added here to create a more effective means of idea consolidation. Private message, post, or use contact form is fine.


I really want to get off Facebook. I hope this site can be free of sponsorship and shadow banning.

Yes, we're non-commercial / non-profit and will not have ads (well, maybe we'll put up a promotion for an IDW event or two).


I just signed up a few minutes ago. I opened the email link to verify my account, but the idw page is telling me that it couldn't verify, and to try again.

I had the same problem, but found the email in my spam folder.


Do you have an app yet?

Yes, both Android and iOS/Apple apps have finally been approved. We will start putting up links today or tomorrow!

@Admin thanks admin. I'm really looking forward to it.


I am open minded and believe in individual liberty.


Thanks for creating such a great platform for ideas to be addressed and discussed.


There should be a message and it should read like this.

Welcome to The IDW Community. We humbly ask that you do not engage in trolling or shitposting. We do not threaten to censor you or ban you if you do decide to engage in these activities. We are simply asking that you do not. If (like us) you agree that there is little precious time to fine a solution to the empanding changes that threaten our civilisation (and make no mistake that is what we believe and what we are trying to do) then we are sure you agree the 100% of our energy must be dedicated to this task, this discipline.

Thank you in advance for adding to the discussion in good faith.

I am sure you guys could compose this with more eloquence.

Interesting. We could have that be some sort of pledge taken before allowed to post?

I kinda sorta like the idea, but because so much commentary is miswritten (or misread), one person's attempt at satire or a bad joke will be another person's trolling shitpost, so it's hard to make the distinction sometimes. (And let's face it, general literacy has not gotten much better over the years.)

And we don't want this place to devolve into Facebook's mode of having teams of reviewers to arbitrate complaints (which we know are usually biased and somewhat arbitrary - and besides, FB has the teams of people; this place may never, we hope), so maybe we could have some kind of community policing. We don't necessarily want to throw people off the island (as a general rule, and I don't think it's wise to give people that kind of power, anyway), but perhaps there could be a sort of rating system within groups where group members' ratings are collected through some kind of algorithm that adds or detracts weight to the various comments.

By that I mean that aside from the "like" reactions (which include "angry", but may not necessarily mean "this is a bad comment" ), it would be useful to add "comment ratings" indicators: "this is a helpful comment" vs. "this is not a helpful comment" (or "this is an unhelpful comment", to make it more obvious), and the collection of "helpful" vs. "unhelpful" ratings would elevate a person within that group. (Because participation and commentary may vary between groups, too.)

@Admin I actually do love the idea of a pledge. A very specific pledge. If you violate the terms of that pledge your post can be censored. I think this is a great idea. The key though is that it must be short and simple and that the it must be enforce exactly as intended. LOVE THE IDEA!

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