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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

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1180 comments (351 - 375)

Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


The email link has not sent me a link to confirm. Have tried several times, different days.

We've about 1% of members reporting this which could mean 5% total. Have you checked your email spam folder?


I would like to interact with like minded people wbo are concerned with the Leftist media reporting on MSM to aligne with the ideals of the NWO.


I have just found and joined this group. I am here because I am tired of all the bs msm and she posts on the other sm sites. I hope this site stand up to all the other socialist fake ass sites out there trying to subvert our founding documents!


I was unable to like a post

Yes, there's a bug... will try to get it fixed soon.


For some reason I can't like anything today. Is there a reason why.

Yes, there's a bug... will try to get it fixed soon.


I've been banned from Twitter x 4 for being a Christian Trump conservative. I am sick to death of censorship. We may really have to unite if anything happens to Pres. Trump or the D'Rats steal the election via true Russian collusion. I was told this is the place for me.


Google Play store is telling me my device isn't compatible with the app I have a hipstreet Phoenix tablet, I'd like to have the app. I guess for the time being I'll plug in through the message in my email

Hmmm... sorry.


I have run the gamut. I have gone from hippie to conservative to libertarian. I am Christian but feel that the churches aren't really entirely sold on Christianity. While I see some think of it as mythological I look at the Bible as historical as well as prophetic. Getting hooked to a label such as scientific or religious I think is as counterproductive as liberal or conservative. Historically there has been a war between science and religion. Whenever one holds dominance over the other darkness ensues. Science for millennia has involved itself with what can be seen in the visible light spectrum. Religion has been involved itself in the invisible. Science has in the last couple of hundred years stumbled it's way into the fact that there is light that our sensors can't detect. Bible says God resides in unapproachable light. I have found this to be curious since it was written around 1900 years ago. Even in so called science concepts like nature and nurture have been battled over and cheated at until the truth seekers noticed one day that they're both right. Ditto science and religion. Both have honest brokers seeking truth. Both have ideologues trying to prove the other wrong. Both do that by trying to silence uncomfortable facts. Right now science has gained dominance. The Bible actually predicted this time. They will put themselves in the place of God and everything called God. As it turns out the scientist are every bit as dictatorial as the religionists. I would also note that we really are the victims of a technological tower of Babel. I was browsing here and someone said basically that we don't need God to be ethical. I would argue that we have a helluva time being ethical even with God. All this to say that I look forward to leaving dogma and searching for truth with my fellow seekers.


With the Alert emails, is it possible for the links in the email to go directly to the actual item instead of all of them going to the My Alerts page?

If I've already cleared the alert and then see the alert email, I click the link in the email and am like, WTH? Just a minor annoyance thing... 😉

Hmmm... it was going there before. I'll put it on the list to check.


Thanks for the opportunity. I’ll keep you posted as I’m not sure what we need. I’m not in favor of FB stuff that is annoying or instagram. I like simple


Implement downvoting, but keep comments ordered by upvote count, and make visible both counts. For comments which have the same upvote count, order by downvote count (from high to low).

And as I just tried searching for "downvot" using ctrl+F could you implement a search function for comments on a post?

We've a "dislike" option but it's rarely used. We've search for posts and comments (look for magnifying glass)


Not sure what I am doing, but will navigate the site and let you know, interesting so far.


I was wondering if we could have a fund for Dr.Bill Warner. thank you

Perhaps Sam Harris will want to put his proceeds to Dr. Warner. We picked groups to have funds for now based on their sizes.

@Admin Yes Thank he is not getting any younger (80). I would like to see him receive the support our community has to offer. I thank you for your response Admin 🙂


We need to stand together against the tyranny of the nw o of soro s and his cronies for the sake of our children's and grandchildren's future . I do not want my granddaughter to ask me one day why she has to wear a burkah, and why we have to say the 'right' things to get food to eat

Nobody survives Islam, ask the women.


we have to do what we CAN! Welcome to the tribe!!


Hi, my name is Robb, and I like to Party.

In all seriousness, I am anti PC/SJW. I am pro western culture and traditions. I consider myself a centrist that leans right politically. I used to lean left.. but PC culture, entitledness, racial lies, and SJW agendas, made me turn my back on the left.

You're not alone!


Just joined. I have tried to access "terms of use" but the link on sign up page did not work.
Do you have any "terms"?

Yes, at []


I am really new to this site I can't give any good feedback at this time, because I'm still window shopping right now.

You can try before you buy, no money down, layaway accepted. 🙂


Just got here, but, man, I'm lovin it! This is like an oasis in a sea of sewage.

A bit dramatic, but I get your point 🙂

@Admin Frankly, I think she understated it a bit...


Mis spelled words. When i click on words I have mis spelled. your site gives me no options for correction is that normal for your site ?

Yes, it's my peeve too. We need to update the form for new comments asap!

Install Grammarly!!! It's a free program and works GREAT on this site!!


Honoured to be a part of a community with a heart for social justice and freedom of expression. Hopefully this will be the seed of a movement that can affect change that is beneficial to society.



I do not receive the confirmation email. Will this affect whether the person who referred me gets points or not?

It should not. Please check your spam folder too.


So happy to be here. I've been looking for other online platforms that speak to me. I'm completely exhausted listening to all the msm and profound biases against Trump. It's time to expose the swamp.

Or find a better way to govern.

hear hear!!!! The Trump bashing here in Canada seems like a distraction from our own hideous leadership!!!! It's like a contagious disease! I am so sick of it!!

@Admin Yes ... copy Switzerland and install Citizen Initiated Referenda in the Federal sphere ... Direct Democracy ... be careful though ... Sonny Bono almost got it done but then he too ran into unfortunately ... likewise those at Ruby Ridge ...'they' don't like like any hint of losing control of the money supply and kill all who try ... Trump must know but he keeps threatening them at the Fed ... wonder if they'll get him too ... hear they're changing to yen though ... or trying

@Admin Or both


Thanks. Everything is great


Free beer with every comment with 100 likes or shares or pluses. Oh, thumbs ups.. upses... up's.... what's the plural form of up?? Wait.. free beer instead of coins!!!

Mine will be a peroni

I'm on a skip full of medication, my doctor would do his tootie fruit. Thanks for the offer though ?

virtual beer?? I'm in

I'll drink to that!


Promote this site as " the alternative to facebook & twitter censorship .."...

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