1180 378

Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

Create your free account

1180 comments (376 - 400)

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I just signed up so no real feedback to give. Give it a couple of weeks and ask again....


So glad I can express my myself virbaly without being called hate speech. By small minded people like Zuckerberg.

Well said ?

Totally agree


Everything good so far. You let me know that my abilities/privileges increase with positive activity. Actually, been trying to get away from staring at this damn phone, so will be using the laptop. I will have to see how that goes with apps on laptops, etc as I get frustrated with a difficult interface. All's fine.

its taking me some time to sort out as well. keeps me off facebook so that in itself is a good thing!!!!


How do I add it to my homescreen?

If you're looking for the app, we have one listed for iPhone and Android. Links are on main page.


Limited free speech, being called racist, religions of hate using young girls for there sex gangs and slaughtering christians......this boils my piss. I'm 58 years old and seen the decline in tolerance over the years. Reality is not racist and the young should realise shit happens get over it, safe places your a joke.


Get rid of the 'social credit' wizard points system.

We have some new things coming that will rely on it. But yeah, it's totally optional.


Only just joined so can’t really comment yet, glad to be onboard though ??


It's already impressive, but I'll make a suggestion when I'm immersed in here after some time. If I have any!


I believe The Museum Of Communist Terror needs to be recognised in an age where conformity has become a fusion of Fascist & Totalitarian idéologies that are indistinguishable in their aim to force people to submit both within a religious & political setting. Any form of extremism & contributes to Mental Health problems & victim cultures make it easier to control a population & inculcate irrational fears & phobias

Yes, these are very important issues!


I just stumbled onto this site. I'm excited to see how it all works. I'm active on Twitter but often feel frustrated that my comments are being supressed.
No suggestions yet as I haven't gotten to use the app yet.

I'm in the same boat as you ... just joined... tired of being banned by FB... thought I would give this a try !


Is there a forum here where we can share our personal philosophies?

Yes, that's what the whole site is about. There are also some specialize groups.


Living in New Zealand, we've just had that guy waste 50 Muslims down in Christchurch a fortnight ago. Now the government here is cracking down on a whole lot of things, free speech is about to become more and more difficult and the situation is only going to get worse from now on. Guns are going to be taken away from people and the Government wants to ensure that it still has a monopoly of force. The next election is going to be November 2020. I can't wait to see this government sent into the wilderness. They are turning into a bunch of fascists.

Yes, the shooting was absolutely terrible. I'll let the community weigh in as to New Zealand's political response.

Seems to be first response of govt after these events. Old adage of Switzerland and their attitude on citizens being armed, but that doesn't seem to come up. Plus, we hear so much that isnt true. Many here in USA have built-in mistrust of govt.

The killing of any innocents is horrible, but it dishonors the innocent victims when the government uses it to advance their agenda. My prayers are for those killed and their loved ones left behind in sorrow.

I am not surprised. Though saddened to hear it.


I thought i had joined. Wrote a detailed question and can't retrieve it using scroll. User unfriendly.

Can you tell me more? "retrieve it"? Meaning you can't find the post now?


Sorry. I did look fairly carefully and had concluded that this group was intended for thinkers of all stripes. From the comments and admin responses below, I now realise that as a self-avowed leftie, I am almost certainy in the wromg place. I must have missed some kind of signpost. I am from the UK so not familiar with many of the names associated with the fan groups - which might have helped to warn me in advance. Perhaps you could make it clearer that the starting point for the IDW is right wing? I do applaud the creation of a reflective, intellectually robust right wing movement. An actual left wing movement in the States and Canada, and then an IDW equivalent for that movement would mean a platform for real change. I sincerely hope that thinker in the IDW will recognise that there is nothing at all left wing, and certainly nothing democratic about the Democrats - nor about the policital systems in the Americas or Europe. while those of the fake left continue to pretend to represent it, and are allowed to do so by the media and the public, those of us whose values and socio-economic preferences are based far more on the gospels than on Das Kapital are effectively extinguished as a presence in the debate. Meanwhile, please unsubscribe me! I wish you well.

This is for people of all stripes. Just because other ideas are allowdd doesn't mean that your's are disallowed. I.m a dedicated free thinker. I am disallwed often times on Facebook. Disagreement is not hate. Welcome.

Hi Sara! We really do want Left-leaning members to join and contribute. I realize that you might feel a bit out numbered here but your voice, especially if it's as reasoned as your comment here, is very important to the conversation. Please consider staying and please feel free to message me directly. I respond well to feedback. Thanks!

Sara, free speach is for all, left, right and centre

I am new here so cannot speak for others, but speaking for myself I hope you will stay. I think the alleged point and goal of this site is to gather free-thinking, respectful people in one place so they can get together to listen to each other and reflect on potentially different world views.That's what needs to happen somewhere on this screwed-up planet. I think maybe it's simply that the so-called "right-wingers" / "alt-right" or what have you, have simply gotten here a little ahead of you. From what I've seen and read so far, the place seems to be open to anyone with a brain and some ability to use it.

I, whether directly or via one of my 'alter egos' have been regularly booted from other sites for having opinions and values that seem to run counter to the present-day norm. Meaning that I enjoy talking to people and listening to what they have to say, and thinking through EACH ISSUE for myself instead of kow-towing to some sanctimoniously proscribed socio-political objectives.


Free speech clearly under threat , I’m worried for the future


I live in Lincolnshire England, I am in my seventies, obviously retired and living with my wife of 53years, and our two dogs CAZ, a gsd and Amber a working cocker spaniel.
I should be content, but I am appalled by the insidious creeping of the suppression of free speech in my country.
It would seem that any one who had an opinion is racist, islamaphobic, hard right, or plain ignorant.
I posted on Facebook a few days ago and called the IRA terrorists scum, for which I was called out for hate speech. Just one small example of not being allowed to speak my mind.
I will not be silenced, gagged or put down. I have a right to my opinion, and I have the right to make my opinion heard.

Yes, free speech is being threatened and that may cause a bigger problem than the things that are being censored. People have a right to their opinions. The challenge is how to balance that right and civility. The rules for online discussion need to have civility baked in. We're just starting the community here and are working it out with our members. Thanks!

Honored to meet you. Rare now a days to see a marriage last over 50 yrs. You two are doing something right. Glad to see you fighting for free speach.

IMO, I would no longer characterize it as 'creeping', but rather 'galloping steadily onward at an alarming pace!'


I must admit it's a wonderful feeling to be on a site that respects one's opinions instead of stepping all over them with censorship. There was a book published a few years ago about the 80 years cycle of history repeating itself (the Strauss/Howe generational theory) and frankly it seems to be spot on with the timing: because 80 years after the beginning of World War 2 it seems that we're spirally down into another period of chaos.

Maybe we need a dozen or two rules...

@Admin If your goal is truly to appreciate 'free speech' and the 'marketplace of ideas' then why not simply take a hands-off approach (apart from actual illegal speech or content) and provide controls for the user communities themselves to deal with whatever issues arise?

Adding the ability to upvote / downvote in the form of a drop-down button that if simply clicked provides a sort of 'likes/dislikes' counter but if one of the drop-down items were clicked it could begin to gently invoke some shielding to the message in order to give someone an idea of what they were about to encounter before they click to read it.

So on the upside you might have items such as 'thought-provoking', 'insightful', 'funny' and other things that could help people spot the "better" messages without entirely censoring out the others.

On the flip side, people could click on drop-down items from the 'downvote' side such as 'vulgar', 'trolling', nsfw', and the like-- perhaps permit the site members to suggest new ones as they become necessary. Downvotes such as this would NOT remove or censor the item, but simply put a notice over it detailing the various item(s) that have been noted for the post or comment, along with a shield to obscure it from view until a prospective reader chooses for themselves whether to click again to see it or else keep scrolling to avoid it.

For groups or posts that are known / recognized to have potentially sensitive content and/or else judged by the community over time to have sensitive content-- such measures could be put in place more 'globally' to shield an entire post and it's responses, or even an entire group. But at all times, a reader MAY CHOOSE to click and read/view the sensitive content for themselves, or not--as THEY ELECT. NO CENSORSHIP.

In this way you could support REAL free speech AND recognize that there is a general consensus among the users regarding what is / isn't appropriate without actually censoring anybody at all-- ever. And even better, the social consensus can change over time.

Today the users are more sensitive to this particular set of issues, tomorrow they could be sensitive to some other set of issues. In both cases-- and in all cases, the users themselves, as a community, would be able to decide and GENTLY add some additional measures to avoid exposure to things that-- as a community-- they really don't want to be exposed to-- without censorship. Simply warning and shading, and then allowing a prospective reader to make up their minds about how to proceed accordingly.


I've just written my first post, thank you for starting the site and I think it will be a fresh new way of sharing ideas.


The font size of Posts feels too big. Clunky. The layout feels pinched and too 'busy'. It is not very attractive to me. But having said that, of course I appreciate that you have made this great effort to support freedom of thought, and to enable interaction between people. Thank you!

I love the feedback! We've focused on basic functionality first and design second. We are bringing on board full-time design people now to help improve the look. The main page is the most busy and we are thinking on ways to streamline it. Are you on desktop or mobile/app?

IMO, the font size (at least on the desktop browser) is perfect! My 56 yo eyes don't see as well as they used to! 😉


Navigation is a little confusing - maybe some way one can personalize their feed. Not a fan of some of the stuff I see but that’s okay.

Thanks! You can do some personalization of the feed... click the "gear" icon. I'm thinking about how to combine the "my groups" feed and the general feed.


It would be really nice to see the date at which the post was created without having to press on the "action" button on phones.

It would also be nice to have a place where all of discussions/questions/ideas/poll started by one of main character of IDW could be seen.
Following them is a thing and its nice but giving them the opportunity to reach out to everyone with a post would be great.
Pinning post might get tedious if there are many things going at the same time.

Your wish is my command... added the "Date" to posts. I was on the fence for a long time on it.

For the other... did you see the Tags? []

Are you on mobile or desktop? They're easier to find in desktop for now

@Admin hahaha thanks for the quick update. I'm on mobile and i did see the tags. But one of the first things I wanted to know was where i could find those people that behind IDW and see what message they might have wrote to IDW users.

Maybe the main issue with my idea is that IDW isnt the location where they (peterson, rogan, shapiro etc...) reach people. They simply let people know there is a place to have decent discussions.
If they don't spark discussions here then theres no reason to pool their discussion in one place ( to avoid looking through each one individually.

Btw good job and thank you


Explain!!! I came here to getaway from this?

Haahahah probably because things arent tuned properly yet. That is funny though

Uploading a photo of two (yes, beautiful) nude women engaged in sex, while enjoyable to review, isn't the point of this website. Fortunately, the Internet doesn't have a shortage of such photos.

@Admin the whole point i posted it was to see what would happen. It is a group that it for US Marines all who would have seen it will likely have served and are at least 18 years of age. The whole point of the IDW is to be able to discuss things in the open without censorship. I'm sure Professor Peterson would agree that it's the speech that we don't agree with (that is not criminal in behavior i.e. does not violate the 1st amendment as deemed by the supreme court of the United states) that needs to be protected. Obviously people are going to post provocative pictures, statements and comments to elicit a response and start a discussion. Then why have a group of "just meme's" doesn't that go against your standards. Is this the home of the IDW or is this just a faux representation of it trying to capitalize on the concept. Expression comes in all forms, some of which are extremely foul and course in nature. Don't do this, don't be mean, and that's bullying WTF. if this is how it's going to be then what's the point of even joining this site, If your just going to do the same thing as Twitter and facebook. If you do this, this site will fail.

With My warmest regards Mike-ner

@Mike-ner, well all very wonderful for y'all Marines to look at "nude women having sex with each other", not ALL of us want that in OUR faces. Some things just DON'T NEED to be 'shared' publicly. AND, I'm no prude, if that's what you'll come back with...I grew up in the '60's. The BEGINNING of the moral breakdown of our Society.

@christiad1 are you a Marine and are you a member of my group and you totally miss the point.

I agree, and while I don't know what the content of your post was, on the surface it seems like it's pretty much exactly as I predicted from my initial read of the rules, levels and such and of the general "vibe" and "tone" I perceived as I was reading through it-- a bunch of pretentious crap.


Thanks for the add...I am a libertarian with conservative leanings..hoping to see justice served to those who have perpetrated a lie and a hoax on the American people for the last 2 years for sure...and more !

What do you mean by "the hoax that has been perpetrated by those in government the last two years"? Curious.


Thank you for the welcome!It takes me a while to navigate my way through new opportunities soooo,please be patient.I’m a BIG Jordan Peterson fan and always open to new ways to hear what he and like minded others have to say.


How about a search feature and a back button?

We have a search feature for all the different content and members (see a magnifying glass icon?). On iPhone, you can go back with "swipe right". We are working on a floating back button as well but have not yet put it live.

I would vote for the back button. It's disconcerting to have to continually re-find the spot I left off to follow up on a post. Yes, I can always open the post in another tab, but it would be a lot easier to simply have a 'back' button that would re-locate me at the proper spot. This is probably a bigger deal than I'm making it sound. In other words, I would assign it a higher priority to resolve if you were asking my opinion.

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