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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

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Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

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1180 comments (1026 - 1050)

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My only idea is an app on the various app stores.


The dems. Are going to steal this election and when our republic falls so does the rest of the world sad day

Not going to happen, turn off CNN.

@Maryken hind sight is 20/20


Queensland, Australia Elections. The new campaign for left leaning politicians is FEAR.
Queensland Labor party had zero policy for the future, just we closed the boarders to keep you from dying, we saved you from that wicked Covid1984 disease, you will have no jobs or economy, but we saved your lives, vote for us. Sadly the Queensland people thought about today with NO concerns about the next four years...Queensland people have been dumbed down by the lying elite left wing main stream media, political motivated lies from our Chief health officer...four years you silly people, not just the rest of this year, how sad you forget what Labor did the last four years 100billion DEBT...Your BAD people.


On the signup page (Brave browser) where you select the contributors you want to follow, the submit button was half hidden off the bottom of the page. Scrolling down did not change that. There was enough of the button visible to click it, though.


Im a web developer and would be happy to work on the site for free. You can check out my profile on LnkedIn at []


It'd be awesome if we could post videos!


What I most want to see is the REAL freedom to post my thoughts without having to worry about being sensored or blocked.


Freedom of Speech!!...And not being CENSORED!!...FB is a LIBERAL CORRUPT EVIL MESS!!...😡


I would like to see a media platform reporting unbiased happenings around our country and the world. Everyone should be able to express their opinions in a respectful way without trying to intimidating someone else. If you disagree that's fine, everyone has a right to their own beliefs. Friendly bantering is how you might be able persuades someone to your point of view or not.


Please make an Android app. I know iOS may need to go through leftist hoops to happen but Android should be easier


How about a Bitchute and YouTube video sharing ? A music with YouTube, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Bandcamp, and reverbnation.?


Admin, I am just trying to find my way around here. Thanks for your welcome. I am English. I read Alternet for a year, before I once posted there in 2005. I like your blog. I am in no position to know how to improve this new site. I only registered a few hours ago. I particularly liked the video the Canadian Kid did at The HQ of the voting machine company. Is it O.K., if I post it on blogs in England. I had to give up Facebook. because everyone thought I was Mad, when I tried to tell them the truth using Ofiicial COVID Figures from The UK Government. This is not a Pandemic. Less people are dying of COVID this year, than they normally Die of The Flu nearly every year, as provided by Official UK Government Statistics. This is Something Else, far more Dangerous.


I am an engineer by profession . I see a lot of degradation of social values happening with new twisted meaning given to normal words used in my childhood that was not considered to be offensive and is now treated as racist / racism . I am a proud Indian Hindu.


The free speech goal is admirable but talk outside of politics needs more promotion for a forum like this to grow.


I'd like a way to turn this bright background, to a dark themed background. Any chance of that?


I just joined Slug this morning . I am a conservative Christian, mom, wife, former demorat and Tump supporter.

Sounds like you're in the right place. Not that we right wingers can't take a little political/religious debate and healthy banter. Let me help you with followers 😉


Is am new to the site , but so far so good


"I have found little that is good about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical dcotrine or to none at all" Sigmund Freud.
As the western democratic states slide into totalitarianism under the auspice of the NWO, I am depressed under the apparant vacuum left by narcissitic self righteous zombie morons paving the way for the global elite to drain the masses of their freedoms and identity. The US elections are but a cartoon of the global decline being suffered by all western sovereignties in the shadows of corporate and technocratis oligarchs.


Heyo! Brand spanking new to this platform. First thing I noticed was the list of categories had just about everything EXCEPT one dedicated to Art and such. It's cute to lump that into whatever else is there, but I feel a category for the Arts would be something I would be totally down for. A very broad topic, though all the better to devote an entire discussion topic category for, I do believe.


Well as a writer and artist I would suggest adding a category for creations. I think you could draw in a larger audience if it had a place for that. I myself love looking at others art and stories and crafts. You can learn a lot about a person that way. Just a thought.


I just joined from listening to Daisy Cousen's recent video. So happy to see so many commenators active on the site (e.g. Sydney Watson, Ben Shapiro, Jorden Peterson...) I have no complications so far 🙂


Is there an App or an icon for Slug? I couldn’t find one in Apple Apps


Just FYI, I heard about this site while watching a YouTube video by Daisy Couzens on SkyNews Australia. She mentioned that her video was sponsored by you and that you are a conservative site that promotes free speech. I just signed up.


I just heard about Slug from Sydney Watson and signed up. So far I've enjoyed the structure of this website. Navigation is easy. Don't have to jump through a million buttons to change a setting. Really straightforward and easy, which is rare these days.


LOVE the name. That's a winner.

Don't employ politically bias people regardless of their minority 'privileges'. They will drown free speech with righteous opinion.

Monitor and be strict on; 'calls to commit bodily harm' 3 strikes rule may work.

Don't sell out. Be bigger than that. There's enough money to be had with the direction you're headed.

Give surprise awards (coins) to RAMDOM users. It helps to promote a gaming mentality.

Don't employ shadow banning techniques. You'll get found out and break trust.

Be transparent

Offer advertising early as people are ok with it in moderation.

Never forget where you came from and who your audience is.

That's it for now. Good luck and look forward to the journey with you. The best is yet to come.

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