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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

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1180 comments (626 - 650)

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Well, here's my first post. Let's see how this progresses. Hopefully, no plants who are hardcore free speech will appear here. This should, if it works out, be a true (and truly rare) lyceum online.


Hello, business owner from Ariz.
My goal is to bring forth solutions to stop the mindset, that Socialism is acceptable, to create a voice that resonates the spirit of succeeding to young minds. Addressing the cost of higher Education and end the ridiculous and life sucking debt of student loans WITHOUT creating free tax funded education system. This one is my biggest pet peeve. I think I have the solution but bringing it to fruitation is another story. My second peeve will be a bigger issue. Affordable housing absolutely no excuse that this is not available, and the senseless homelessness. I heard today that they are creating a loan system that, I believe, will re-create what happened in 2008. The land grab that followed just showed me that this might of been orchestrated? But regardless, this will involve tackling City ordinances. I have a big list of possible solutions, to many of the issues that are directly related to the reasoning, socialism is on the rise. Just need some direction on getting my voice heard. Thanks for reading.


On the group selection boxes it would be helpful if you could give a shot biog of the group leader and their interests


My website, for anyone interested.

I know all that though, it's time for focusing on the solution. Focusing on the negative causes the human brain to return to fight or flight mode. Higher brain functions are suspended.


You could make it easier to browse through memes, zoomed in and one at a time by swiping on mobile.


The screen is way to cluttered. Remove at least 1/2 of the shown items and let individuals select what they see and want to review.


I believe in personal integrity, accountability and individual responsibility.


A section of advice for defending your human rights.


I don't think my Shares on facebook or other places are being properly recorded.

They are not being shared correctly and it amounts to censorship.

@drptree Why do you say that?


So far so good! I would like it to be an anti-facebook group. I'm so paranoid about posting online and would like to think that data isn't being collected to use against us.


There is so much chaos and conflict in the world today. This is a direct result of the UN globalists trying to force the New World Order communism on the entire world. The most prosperous and peaceful countries are ones whose laws and constitutions are based in Judeo Christian values. Yet these values and our democratic processes are being purposefully weaponized and used against us to force massive taxation/theft of wealth for ‘redistribution’, open borders, to import criminality and allow doctrines that practice misogyny, child abuse, human trafficking and other very evil things. We need to stop identity politics, victim groups, political correctness, in all its forms. Because Trudeau, Notley, Singh and May are UN globalists seeking to end fossil fuel use in 10 years, Canada is now on the verge of separation by the west, specifically Alberta and Saskatchewan.
I support this and would like to see discussions on the American Constitution and Amendments. If we’re going to leave, we must have much stronger foundational laws and a constitution based on those laws. In particular I’d like to see discussions on the Electoral College which corrects elections and prevents the kind of power imbalance Canada now has. As well, the ‘natural born citizen’ law that prevents anyone not born on American soil from a paternal lineage of at least 2 consecutive generations. We could use some intelligent discussions and understandings of these kinds of things if we plan to avoid making the same mistakes that got us where we are today. Indeed, I believe this may well be the last chance we get to get this done. Observing our young people today, they are quite uneducated, unmotivated and too entitled as they buy the lies of cultural Marxism being pushed on them in colleges and universities everywhere. Thanks for your consideration.

Well I thought the same thing until recently. There is a video on YouTube that is almost 3 hours long and wow. Start researching Jesuits. If you search YouTube you can hopefully still find the extremely detailed documentary. It appears that the pope is behind it all. It sounds crazy. Watch the documentary and get back to me.

@drptree hello...I’ll see if I can find that video. Not surprised at all about Jesuits, the Vatican and such.
I’ve become aware over the last 18 months of an evil cabal headed by some 13 families that has running the entire world for centuries. I’m new to this platform but excited to be here. I have great respect for Jordan Peterson and many of his colleagues who put this together. Hoping it can stay open, respectful and free.


Putting dates on posts would be a start.


Will BC join in with Wexit?


The Moderator of the economics forum is called Leninsghost. You have someone identifying as a communist in charge of a market economics group on a free speech website.
This is like having a neo-nazi moderate a race relations forum.
This in the very least is very bad PR, worse in my experiance people like that don't understand the topic and continually fuck up. Now I don't want to be to hard on the guy but modding a more suitable group may be his forte? Maybe how to feed hosepipes from the exaust into the back of the van while taking people to the Gulags?

Seriously though, debating extremists is fine but do you want them running stuff?

Yes. Very true. Didnt check out Admin but very uncomfortable with a Communist being involved.

Firstly, that guy isn't very active on here anymore. Second, screen names can be quite deceiving. During my time on here I've had quite a few decent conversations with LeninsGhost, and while I didn't always agree with him he never struck me as a communist. Actually get to know someone first before you judge them based on an online pseudonym.

@nessrobbo Online pseudonyms can be deceiving... did you even bother to make contact with LeninsGhost before passing judgment on him? He never struck me as a communist.

@SpikeTalon Lenins ghost does not leave much to the imagination and you are right i haven't spoken to him but bare in mind a few things.
1 there is a theory that most organisations go from right or centre to left as they get run by those sort of agents and a lot of people are ignorant of how it corrupts.

2 Far left has a history of infiltrating groups to take them over.

  1. I thought posting openly would avoid any sneakiness, running to a mod for example, I should of tagged him with hindsight.


@CookieMonster Based on my past convos with him, I think he's pretty conservative. You are right about the infiltration part, and this site has already had its share of far leftists.


This isn’t a suggestion or critique, only I haven’t received a confirmation email although I have asked to have one resent 3 times. Not sure what the problem is. Email address is correct. Not in my junk folder.


How do I log in to this site if I leave it? Download the app?

The mobile app is helpful.


Did I see that an app is available?

Yes both app stores.


Looking for a brexit page? Can anyone point me in right direction please?


We have the situation in South Africa, where minorities are persecuted by the Marxist ANC regime, with 115 race based laws, including the affirmative actions and the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment, excluding White people and the Khoisan people from able to get jobs or to open up businesses, as well as trying to close down Afrikaans speaking Schools, not allowing charity organizations to help White South Africans or Khoisan, but only Blacks. Yet the Left are silence on it. In America the Leftists are trying to silence Conservatives here too. Will be good if we can shed light also on what is going on in South Africa, and also the uncontrolled migration of none-Westerners into Europe

It's awful that nearly 30 years after the end of Apartheid, the script has been flipped. It's obvious that the ability to forgive past sins in South Africa by its black population is even more impossible there than here, given the black majority in power - far worse, for now, than in America, given white people will remain in the majority since because Latinos aren't actually a race, most marry white people, hence why the white population is still nearly 79%.

We're dealing with a hostile left-wing black nationalist push that wishes to tax us for 'slavery reparations'. In that sense, they will likely not succeed any time soon, until of course the time comes again when the Democrats take both the White House and Congress. And the next time that happens, America may finally meet its destruction, given the open plans by the Democrats to completely open up the southern border with Mexico.


When I'm looking at a thread I can't find a back button to go back to the list of posts or threads.


For some reason pictures are not uploading except for the primary picture. I'm using a cell phone as I have not a computer at this time.

Will check. Could have been a temporary issue.


I seen Dr. Peterson here in Phx . Az. and I hold that as special as seeing Led Zepplin's last concert in germany


I'm new here, and just opening the site is too cluttered. First impression is that the entire feed is one big, long story. The separation between topics needs to be more pronounced.

Agreed. We’re simplifying it soon.


Brand new here just learning to navigate it.


Place a next item option after each comment. That will enable quickly moving to the next post without going through all comments.

I think there is a next at the top and bottom. I’ll check. Thanks!

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