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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

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1180 comments (726 - 750)

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In my view the IDW are all wasting their time. I consider I have already found the answer. I am a human rights author (two books), activist and outsider from Auckland. New Zealand. I began seeking the human rights truth in 1991 and very strongly believe I found it. Ideology is created at the UN and invariably reflected in national constitutions. It is promoted by the left so-called liberals who can be regarded as fake liberals. The latter I now see as a death cult. The UN agenda aims to destroy western civilization and promotes totalitarianism and repressive States. In my view, this means the destruction of civilization itself. It is virtually all in my second book, Ethical human Rights: Freedom's Great Hope (American Academic Press, 2017) which has been met with an overwhelming silence. My book contains all you really need to know so why waste your time trying to find an answer to todays major problems. Good luck and God bless and I do enjoy your discussions - at least there is some sanity in the world.

No one is "wasting their time" in expressing thoughts, questions, ideas. It is how the human mind works best, to discuss and express. Don't put people down for wanting to express their thoughts and feelings. They can read your book if they choose, they can be interested in others opinions as well. Should people abandon watching informative documentaries and just read your book? Sheesh!!!

Yes, I think it is actually me that is wasting my time. Good luck to the IDW with your search for truth although I cannot see the point in reinventing the wheel. It took 2 1/2 yrs but NZ libraries have a copy of my book which could be obtained by interloan.


Wondering why secular, political and religious orientation aren't part of the questions in the proflie, gospel or praise aren't music categories. Political (philosophical) preferences are not part of the questionaire as religious aspiration or affiliation isn't either. Are there reasons for this?


Psychedelics plant medicines mental health , theosophy

Get to level 4 and make your own group for it 🙂


Thank you for the opportunity to be able to support and participate with the people on this site. I have been an avid supporter of Doctor Jordan Peterson here in Canada. His fortitude and patience in dealing with the attacks of the radical left is truly remarkable; he has become an admirable voice of reason and tolerance in a world that has been invaded by an irrational ideology. I also admire Mr Ben Shapiro's intellect and articulate approach to dealing with the issues facing society today. It is a shame we do not have such people in government, we desperately need more running for office.


I’m so happy to see this new site! Wow. I’m going to tell everyone!


Is there an icon to use


Am still new to the site and just haven't been engaged enough yet to comment.


Hey folks, new to the mix here. My only question is how the hell do I get here without seeing the ad on FB. I can’t seem to find a link or app or anything on my phone. Only time I can access the site is when I see the ad come up on FB then I click on it and here I am 🤷🏼♂️

Yes, agreed. And how does find Any answers to your question? Can’t believe I’m the first to reply.


We need a better and encrypted facebook


Problem: Swipe right to go back doesn’t work. iPhone XR
Suggestion: when viewing pics/memes in group it would be nice to roll thru the pics without having to back out and sleet next one in line.


Free speech and free thought are essential to a free nation.

Why limit it to a nation?


So far (1 day) I like it very much .. I'll comment if I have any suggestions


Is there a way of encouraging people to link directly to an article rather than via a social media platform (twitter), its irritating and laziness.


WRT my last post below.

Why not send a weekly updates to mailbox with this and other useful tips?

I think you can choose whatever level of information you like. Go to your account settings. I'm pretty sure I ticked one of the boxes offered to me. Correction, under the gear image, choose settings. It's the first question asked.


Hi, I am new here, even though I joined some time ago. I would love to connect with those who have knowledge of the dark deeds that are being committed by the the 13 families that rule this planet. I can no longer sit back and watch as children are abused, tortured and murdered. This has to STOP. Those who have participated must be punished. God bless our POTUS.

I've been paying attention to the dark psychopaths for a long time. There is a LOT of information available because so many are as angry as you and I are. One suggestion is a site called "top documentary films .com To look on the right side of the screen find two lines of words, topics. Click on conspiracy to see numerous pages of available documentaries. If you get in touch I'll feed you lots.


Very hard to know what anybody is talking about when you read the feed.

Everyone posts about something but to actually know what it is you have to click on it or expand the image. That means to read anything on here you have to click on 100000 things just to open them up to see what's going on..


I just joined. Will give you feedback after I've gotten to know the site.

Thanks for the add!


Will do after I’ve had a chance to browse.


I miss My Space. I would love a homepage I could personalize. And, I'd like to see the personalized pages of other people and friends. ...even if you ripped off the way you had to kinda code to alter your page, that'd be cool too.


I think a darker back screen. Something 'Warm'.


I think the impeachment was a veiled two pronged smear campaign designed to poop up the republicans as much as possible. That Pelosi's real reason for holding back the articles is because she's on the second prong of her attack and is now smearing the senate republicans. The dems already new that Trump's popularity was going to go ballistic so they did what they could to shut it down. And that explain why so little of what the dems are doing makes sense.


Really don’t know what this site is about. random Opinions? Not real clear on why I would use this site. And what does IDW mean?


The best way to improve your site is to delete all of the echo chambers, and make it a place to discuss issues on a level and unbiased playing field. Otherwise it is just another set of insulated pockets of frustrated people amplifying their very similar ideologies.


I've only just joined so I have no input yet on how to improve the site. As to how to best position the site, be vigilant to keep discussions fact/logic based and avoid the nastiness/squabbles into which Internet discussions typically devolve.

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