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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

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1180 comments (851 - 875)

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Hey! It would be neat if you could develop an app! Also it feels like there’s no way to categorize groups for level 1 users when browsing which could be a helpful thing! app is in the stores now 🙂 We have groups categorized... check the "+ More" button.


Why doesn't the activation link work??

What happens when you click it?


Ask me later when I feel like I know something.


Kk i will i just joined so


How about an mobile App?

Yes, the app in the app stores now


I think the position for this forum is as a refuge for Reddit, which has become a propaganda wing of the CCP. I would welcome subs from Reddit to find refuge here.

I’d like to see unbiased, healthy discussion of alternative medicine and questioning of the medical Bureaucracy . I’d be interested in unfiltered discussion of psychedelics.

I’d be interested in a safe place to talk openly about ways we support Trump, without getting shouted down by “opposition”, while still allowing criticism of the administration without experiencing the same from the right.

Also some discussion of morality and religion that isn’t tied to Christ being a deity.

Perhaps also a safe place to criticize Islam and the catholic leadership as well..

Also an app would be nice.

Man, a “non-Abrahamic “! How refreshing

Piece of cake. Just start a group. The popularity will become evident. You can also promote your page. []

@RyanLSumner app is live now


If you are of European ancestry and are Christian, then you are totally confused. Europeans were earth loving pagans until the control freak Romans forcibly converted them. Just be educated for real. No respect in just following the herd.



Good topic for a post or group 🙂

  1. References/links to publications and institutes that deserve mention, or even a "group" is recommended. For eg, The Claremont Institute, The New Criterion, City Journal, etc.

I second this

Good idea and easy too. Copy and Paste []
or add the URL as a link in a new post.

We will add citation tags for posts.


I'm a leftist shock horror who is interested in actually bridgebuilding, talking and listening to people. If this is truly a place for free speech and discussion think it'd be nice to have some leftist groups on here, either full of left people or more AMAs and more controlled forums. (Although I will give credit one thing I like is the editing options and maybe expanding those in a clear way that users can take advantage of would be a great advancement 😀)



You have to allow ALL points of view. Even if it seems non PC. The only free discussion is where intelligent people can hear Everything. Violence is the only taboo. People can say they don’t like my point or even that they don’t like ME! I am educated enough to hear everything and decide for MYSELF.

Does this site truly welcome even “HEATED Debate “. Or is it the same old right/left, Christian/Atheist, Prolife/pro choice rhetoric . Yaawwwn

LOL, a heated debate on FB would be turned to flames, tears, banning. Here, as you say, we respect each other's views even if they are. . .

Yes, civility is stressed heavily here so that we can keep discussions constructive. "Heated debate" is encouraged if both parties are interested in the greater good. We try to discourage one-sided stick bashing / trolls.


Just here to help Smash censorship and poke the bear

Which bear? The Russian Bear or the California Bear? lol Please don't tell me there the same bear. I understand, I lived in California for forty years. Now I live in Tennessee, way better.


Make it QUICK to 'Tweet' out wihtout selecting a category.


Video uploads?

Perhaps we could default the category to "General" but it can get more views if in a specific category.

We have video uploads working on desktop and are fixing a few bugs on mobile video uploads. For now, they're limited to 2 minutes but we hope to extend once we cleanup the mobile issues. Thanks!


OK, I'm a technology challenged individual so could be its all here and I just don't find it intuitive. Keep that in mind with this suggestion. I don't come here for all the public but for the heavyweights. And I spend a lot of time in a cabin with no internet. So what I'd like to do is find a way to download podcasts from the heavyweights for future viewing and/or listening - sometimes at the cabin and sometimes at the house where I DO have internet. Therefore, seems to me like a main selection at the homepage ought to be a podcast library for each of the heavyweights... Peterson, Shapiro, Harris, the Weinsteins, etc. Specifically up in the top banner with "POST", "Browse", "Groups" and "Learn" might it be a good idea to have "Podcast Library" indexed by the names that 'should' be the main attraction for this site for downloading purposes? If they are available and I just don't realize, please open my eyes. Thnx John

Welcome John - for many of the IDW types, we exist as an adjunct fan community so can discuss things independent of those creators. Many fans curate content and post links to videos/etc. We are also supporting community building for anyone in our groups.


I discovered this site through youtuber arielle scarcella (about 10 minutes ago). With more and more people turning to sites such as youtube to get information, instead of mainstream media , it's useful to have em give you guys a quick plug 😁
I'm here because I want to have interesting discussions. I got kicked off twitter for winning arguments against social justice warriors at which point they report you for hate speech.😢😂Very glad to be here.

happy you are here ! I'm rooting for you !

Welcome! Getting kicked off Twitter is evil. 😟

@Admin That be Twitter's loss, and maybe more will make their way over to here.


We know Mark Z of facebook. Can we know who you are? I see a green thumb and I’m thinking it’s awful close to fb... are you connected to fb?

I've been running online community sites for 25 years. I have been trying to be anonymous here but it's probably time that I go public.

@Admin thank you for your response👌🏼


Don't sort posts by day for feeds. Sort by days, and then randomly sort posts for that day. By doing this, you give people who aren't the loudest, and aren't posting a million replies, a better chance of being heard.

We've several feed sorts available with time by default as anything else gets complaints. You might like "trending"

@Admin Oh, no, time is all well and good. But don't do it by timestamp. Do it by day and then sort randomly. That will change the character of the conversation. Everyone does it by timestamp and it's one of the causes of the problems with social media sites. It lets bored people drown out everyone else.

@Admin Trending is actually worse. Derivatives introduce tons of noise. It's why many control systems leave derivative out, or filter it heavily...


I am very new to on line interaction beyond email. I didn't begin texting until just last year so I really don't know enough to even suggest. What I have seen so far I find compelling and feel remarkably at ease with. I have been an internet user since Windows 98 but have avoided social media like plague. An acquaintance suggested your site because of its promise of "free speechiness." Thus far I am pleased and also heartened to know that we, as users, are encouraged to offer our ideas. Thanks.


Just got here. Let me take a test drive first.


I'm a young Canadian entering the field of custom PC building. I am seeking a place to be among like minded individuals (Conservatives and Centre Right) while also being able to ask technical questions as well.

I hope we can be friends I am a Christian Conservative Libertarian. Living in Middle Tennessee USA. I would like to know about the single payer Healthcare, in Canada. I am a disable Veteran an the Veteran Administration is close to being Single payer healthcare in the US.



I just started hope Sydney was right about your free speech policy. I will let you know if I have any ideas.
Also Freedom is never free.

We are really appreciative of Sydney's promotion. We are a non-profit site so we don't have to worry about advertisers canceling us if someone gets controversial. However, to provide a constructive experience, we do want members to follow the civility guidelines. With freedom, comes responsibility.


Please help keep the freedom of speech here I'll let you know I am a pagan truck driver from the United States I have been persecuted for my religion throughout my life and for the color of my skin because I'm white I haven't pestered that I'm only allowed to be a Christian because some people think that's the only thing you're allowed to be in this country and now the Christians are complaining that they're the ones being persecuted by then they should just be happy they're part of our club now now they know how we feel but certainly I don't think Christians are going to care about what happens to anyone else but themselves history shows that's usually the case

thats a lot of assumptions about Christians as a whole when the actual thing you are experiencing is people suck. life is hard on everyone. hang in there !

Feel free to make a post about this.


I'm Swiss/French man, leaving in France at the Swiss/French border and working in Switzerland. I'm 52 and I was far away from politic. As good swiss citizen I try to interested myself to every vote subject that are purpose 3 or 4 times a year but I never vote to elect politics peoples because I was not enough involved to know them good and feel able to judge and vote for one more then another. But I always felt that voting is a citizen right and a duty that if you don't use it you loose it. As French I start to see coming in France what I saw happening in US, Canada or England with the "monobrain" thinking mind, when people become to lazy to think by themselves and repeat "pre-eat" words or ideas without even thinking of the real meaning or consequences of what there saying or doing... Sorry if my English is not really good... People banned from nationals medias not because they acted badly but just because they ask questions that are not in the same way of the official talk. People that as been put out of work (as a comedian) that was not playing on TV Shows, but in a small theater where no one was forced to come and was able to leave the room if they didn't like it, just because some peoples in power wanted to. Free speech is dead in France and now with Covid19, freedom itself is under attack with a new freedom-destroying law that as being voted in France against all common sense, all human right groups recommendations (even UN human right ) that put the power of police, judge and executioner in the hands of private big datas industries like Youtube, Facebook etc... to delete all video or message of hate, with repercussion if they don't do it, but none if they delete something they shouldn't. But what is hate? It's a feeling and it change depending of who get the message . We're getting more and more in the Orwell world and it's really sad. I'm happy to finally find a real new freedom space without censure and where everyone is free to express themselves even if it against what I think as long as we keep talking and not trolling others.


The system said that my email address was already in use. Can I sign up twice? I have other user names that are available. Please advise.

Perhaps you are already on Both that and point to the same website as we're transitioning to


Change the name to Teatime

Sure, if you bring the biscuits 🙂


I’m sure it’s probably being worked on, but an app would be nice!

I didn’t see one in the App Store for iPhone.

You got it - check the app store 🙂

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