1180 378

Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

Create your free account

1180 comments (501 - 525)

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Has any thought been given to adding Russell Brand to this site/collection? While I am pretty moderate with conservative leanings, I find his mind quite refreshing and borderline revolutionary... like most of the IDW "founding fathers."

He's written some insightful books. You can create a group for him at level 4.


So happy to find this group. I have been starving for some like minded conversation. So much to learn and so many new ideas to consider and cultivate.


I agree, and very happy to have found this platform..


I would like to be able to arrange posts in the groups according the most recent comment..

Ok, we just added it for you today.


The site needs more definition for each section. Try using some panels or containers to hold make the sections more bold a separated. Also try more contrasting colors

We recently removed a full page container as it made the site feel more busy and complicated. We'll take another look at it in a few weeks.


I was drawn to this site as it was said to be a place to debate policy. I’m somewhat disheartened to find what appears to be a reddit clone with “groups” instead of “subreddits”, “fans” instead of “subscribers”, and “likes” instead of “upvotes”. How is this different? I was sort of envisioning a site where policy ideas are submitted and debated upon, with some sort of structure (such as classical logic with premises and clauses) enforced by AI or some neat new code. Is that a pipe dream? This doesn’t seem to be structured to align with the stated goals around sound policy decisions. I am sort of all over the place with my political and philosophical ideologies, but from what I can tel this is a right wing reddit. Please prove me wrong.

We consider the first version of this community a bit of a test bed as we sort out what works and what doesn't - hence the work-in-progress state. Last week we moved to a full group-only model as it took too much oversight to sort out the incoming queue of posts. We are now looking to for a way to highlight themes better across the groups.


Many thanks for creating the joint, Code Monkey, so far I'm digging it. I learned about it from an off-hand comment by a guest on The Rubin Report and immediately saw its potential. The only suggestions I'd make so early in my membership is maybe tweak the text selection highlight so it is visible when users deploy the Firefox plug-in Dark Background Light Text (I have bad eyes). The two spaces after the period is a dead giveaway to my decrepitnous, no? 😉 I always hated the MS unilateral removal of it by fiat. And is there a way to donate? I haven't stumbled on to a tip jar yet. Anything not Paypal or Patreon -- both of which are rabid 2A haters -- I will happily contribute, as I did for GAB. Thanks again, I'm so glad I picked up on the "IDW" and got curious. Slainte.

Thanks, we hope to have dark mode ready very soon. We're thinking of setting up a tip jar for the website but that has pros/cons. Thanks!


New group suggestion: "How To Make A Difference"

Create a group where people can post proposals for projects that will make the right kind of difference in the world. An OP's purpose in posting might be just to get feedback, or to get others to contribute intellectually, financially, developmentally, etc. Or most importantly, to give those in a position to do so the opportunity to fund what may be the most awesome new development projects today.
If someone's going to do this, let me know and I'll post the first one to set the bar really, really high.
I can post a first draft anytime to give you an example of the sort of thing I'm thinking.

That sounds like a great topic for a group - level 4 members can create them.


Hello. I just joined and so far had not had time to really check out the page. Or pages!! but I hope to soon. I like the idea of a free and open social media site where people can discuss, debate, and generally boot around ideas in the hopes that every one can and will benefit from it. With out being blocked, censored of banned.
I have practically Stopped going to That place FB Because of the stupidity there. I learned a long time ago that most people there are not interested in discussion but just spouting their opinion. Most are not interested in facts. And now it is controlled but one party who have all the answers to all the problems in the world and if you disagree they cut you out. So shut up and get in line for they are the Ministry of Truth!!

We are trying to raise the honesty bar relative to FB/etc. It really requires the teamwork of members to use reason and facts. Thanks!

@Admin Hello! Did I say something wrong? What did I miss in my opener post?

@Admin I do find the site a bit confusing. I have not spent a lot of time on these places so I really don't know what it is all about. I suppose I should go and read the newbie info.!!


Time to start advertising and trying to grow, don't be PC don't even fake it. Put the truth in the faces of the teens and young adults and lets get more conversations. I see some good ones here, and alot of strange ones, we need more input from the broader spectrum.

Agreed that schools are widely only teaching anti-conservative views.


The page seems rather convoluted and difficult to navigate thus far, but TBH I’ve only checked it out a couple time. I think you’d be better off following as much of the Facebook model as possible without violating copyright laws, and of course leave out all the assaults on free speech. When I’d read a comment I’d like to know exactly who made the comment before I even read another word. I also noticed that most everything I read on the newsfeed is just random comments and no articles, videos, podcasts seem to come across my feed.

The main feed has posts that are made in the groups in which you are a member. If you find that some are not what you wanted, you can leave the group and not see other posts.


Why am I no longer able to make pa post on this site?

There is a "Post" button at the top of every page if you are a member of at least 1 group. We'll update it now to always be there.

@Admin Thanks for the reply.

@Admin It is working for me now. Thank you kindly.


Get Alex Jones, Paul Josef Watson and other deplatformed entities so their fanbase has a voice.

Yes, we are trying to setup a fan group for them here. See the groups section.


Shouldn’t need to close the app to see what time it is and every comment should have a time stamp, not just date.

We'll put the time once we figure out how to get time zones working properly.


My very first thought after joining here: Is it necessary that we are referred to as "fans"? I really don't feel like a fan only for liking what someone has to say. I sounds like we are but devote sheep who follow with the big brains, it divides into them and us.
Maybe I'm oversensitive, but for me there's a really negative connotation... Idk

Sure, what would you suggest we call them?

@admin How about 'group' if 'subscriber is too long?

@paltmaie Ah, you're referring to the groups we setup for people who enjoy hearing the opinions of active IDW public figures, right? I agree that "Fan" might sound a little groupie-esque. "Followers" sound a bit cult-esque. "Group" isn't bad but will have to let it settle in unless can think of something better. e.g., "Jordan Peterson Group".

@admin - Yes, I meant instead of 'fans' so yes, "jordan peterson group" is what I had in mind. If you think of something better, great, but please get rid of 'fans' asap!

@paltmaie Made the change and will see what the feedback is. As a compromised, I left "Fans" in the description. One can be a fan of someone without agreeing 100% of what they say. In general, we admire public figures who use reason and civility to advance their positions.

@Admin Ah, great! Thank you, feels much better now! 😀

@admin I like it the way it is now! 'Jordan Peterson Group' etc - works great! Thank you!


IMPORTANT AND URGENT - Today we saw a number of high-profile people de-platformed by facebook and instagram. It is clear that we cannot rely on the old social media outlets to be neutral any longer - they are stifling all speech they disagree with. We need an alternative - it should be right here
The IDW community site needs to add a profile feature, similar to fb and twitter, which would allow people to post to their timelines, and others to "follow" them, and comment. And people need to be searchable by their real name - the member browsing feature, where you enter username, is not helpful (for instance, is Jordan Peterson on this site? I can't find anyone with that name, and I get a bunch of useless results when I do that search.)
Incorporating this well-understood social media feature would start to grow the alternative forum we need to fb and twitter. Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, etc could all have their own pages that we could follow, and so could any of us. That would allow new voices to be heard as well, over time.
On the other hand, I don't find this reddit-style platform does the job. It is too random for me to find useful. We urgently need the feature outlined here.
(And, for heaven's sake, please get rid of the 'fans' designation already! A bunch of us have complained - we are NOT "fans", which is such a superficial and almost insulting designation! "Subscribers", as someone else suggested, is WAY better.)

Wonderful feedback! We do have profile pages and the ability to follow members (via alerts). I'll see about getting posts by followed members to show up in the main feed in addition to alerts (good idea!). We can add "real name" search along with the member search too. "Subscribers" is a bit long... will think more on this. Thanks!


How do we make a regular TIMELINE post. i.e. NOT in a group? thx

Ah, I see the confusion/issue. You want to be able to post directly on your profile and have it show up to people who are following you... instead of only in groups. Will think of a solution for that asap. Thanks!

@Admin Aye, think you pretty much answered things; understanding the situation a little more clearly. Similarly, how do we RE-POST "others" content such as e.g. what appears here via this thread, NOT only to other popular SM platforms, but simply over onto our #IDW timeline? Are we missing something here, or is more a question of having to wait for the code to be written? btw, is this an OPEN SOURCED, or Proprietary based platform? thx!

@WPRPN Look at the bottom of any post to see: You can include a link to this post in your posts and comments by including the text q:ID. This site is 100% custom code. We might decide to open source it at some point but, as custom, it isn't built turn-key.


Just kudos!! Nothing succeeds like success. Found others VERY knowledgeable, so I'm learning a lot. High skills in 'the art of disagreement ', for it is an art. So, thanks.


Editing a post seems to be impossible, Help!?

Locate your comment, then tap or click the hamburger icon (the three horizontal lines). The option to "edit" is nested there 🙂


@Admin thank you so much for setting up this community! I'm glad I stumbled upon it. I had been worried that the IDW movement was drying up (just in time for me to open my eyes to it). Twitter is extremely deceptive. Nearly every IDW tag has something nasty to say.

Anyway! In terms of feedback, it would be great to have the option of collapsing and expanding comment threads. I am accessing this site through a mobile device, and when trying to read each reply, having the ability to collapse particularly long threads would be great.

Thank you for all of your hard work!

Thanks for the feedback! We're thinking of making the replies to comments to only show 3-4 and the rest hidden until you press "view more".


I am a Lutheran Pastor in NC. I am truly concern about such issues as Free Speech , Freedom of Religion and the list is endless. It can be summarized in the word FREEDOM!!!


I am an American - old fashioned patriot with Founding Fathers values. I am deeply concerned how current movements are undermining our basic foundation. I am concerned for my grandkids’ futures. My granddaughters are too pretty to be wearing burkas and my grandson too handsome to have a Taliban-like beard. Seriously, I am genuinely concerned about the Liberal Left, and the freedoms it’s trying to obliterate.


On the iphone how the heck do you “go back”?

Ok so you have to swipe all the way from left to right, edge to edge and it will go back !

@hotshotharry Yes, it's built into iPhones (not our code).


Divide the topics in different categories in order to make easy to learn new subjects of different areas. And you could create topics about the areas that still have few subjects in the site.

We currently use groups and tags to organize topics.


My top concern is freedom. I call myself a libertarian (small L) but not a Libertarian (capital L) because I hate being put in a box and being expected to defend everything that someone else with the same label might do.
My second concern is civility. I'm sick of the name-calling, the "clever" put-downs, and the insults. I'm hoping to find that in IDW.

There are few political ideologies where one can agree 100% with all of their policies. That's the weakness of labels as an adversary will attack the weakest policy. We try to enforce civility here.

So far so good.


I will check this out thoroughly when I have more time. I would like to have videos posted of the person whose group,we are supporting, otherwise so far just seems like a space to chat.

We currently let people post Youtube videos. We have code to support video upload but not the time to review the content.

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