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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

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1180 comments (676 - 700)

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I would like to see some good debates or articles on climate change ( both sides at the same time ). Or maybe a whole section on this. From the ones I have seen one side says one think and the other says the total opposite. Both sides have there own facts and I come out of it with nothing. If some one like JRE would have someone from both sides in a sensible debate or several debates. I think that would be great. I think a lot of people out there are like me and that the facts are presented in such a ( poor ) way that people can’t tell what is what. We need the facts presented to us in a manner that we can make up our own minds. Speech’s that are full of statements like, all scientists agree, is a leading cattle to slaughter mentality statement ( Both sides do it ) We need good provable facts presented to us in a sensible way from both sides. So we can understand it not just blindly following or not following.

lol. I just said the same thing. I didn't scroll down to see comments first lol


I don't see a "Climate Change / Pollution / Environment" group. I'm not an expert on the topic and I am very interested in getting educated on this issue in depth particularly the financial angle. Looking deeply at the "who benefits financially" from this angle. Should I jjust make a group or is there one out there I can't find?

Try the group "Climate Crisis or No Climate Crisis."

Can search for the group here.

JoNova is a good Anti-Climate change webpage. Australian lady.. has many well informed posts on there.. Recommend it for you.

@Admin Check out JoNova.


Make the group search better. Tried to find some people. Thought their groups didnt exist. Then i came accross one of them after the search failed me. Although its possible you all don't want to return jared taylor, stefan molyneux, or nick fuentes.

All civil views are welcome. Send me a PM about which search queries you tried/failed.

Was trying to find jared taylor, stefan molyneux, and nick fuentes. I later came accross stefan but still can't find the other two.

Also i couldnt find how to create groups so i thought it was an admin function. Eventually i came accross the info that i can do it at a higher level.


I’m now and excited about this site. No improvement ideas yet.


I think you guys should require all members to apply for membership here. Make us take some kind of scientific literacy evaluation. I suggest this because I really want this place to be a good hangout with real information instead of some conspiracy nut house where Gaia and flat Earthers battle it out with people who think a biological male should be able to participate in women's ufc.

So far, we've not had that problem. Round earthers here.

@Admin You built it. You know what they say about building things....


Nice to be around people with true American values.

Hey im a Canadian. Lol.

and I'm Australian


This looks very, very promising already.

Regards, and Thank You (just for being you...) T


Your password field on Registration is not encrypted

Yes, all fields are encrypted now. Send a PM if you want more info. Thanks!

@Admin No it's not

Nice pickup


I think it would be great to see footnote references for verification purposes.

Good idea... but do you think it would make the site more complete? We've a "source" link on some posts.


I like the jokes and memes of course but on the serious side ld like to know or be confident that the info l share from your page is true. Do you do fact checking? If not no biggie l can but it would be handy if the basic facts were already checked.

Only links to source you trust can be considered trustworthy. This place is eat up with member opinions, perceptions, and analysis. Nothing is "fact checked" until you do it for yourself.

We only can use crowd-sourced link checking and keep an eye out for "Russian" bots.


Ok. I have a question. Let's talk about the trabs-gender issue. What exactly is the end game? Why is it so important to trans-gender our little boys to girls? This makes me nuts to see drag queen story hour, little boys with maje up, boys in pink tutus. Why?

Just an opinion. It has to do with shaking the confidence we have in our own senses and abilities to think. Start with the big lies first. Then the tunnel is open for the monster trucks. It's gaslighting, like Winston Smith's Ministry of Truth. Once the people decide they are incapable of thinking for themselves, they'll turn to experts to think for them. This seems to have limited success right now, thankfully.

This would make a good post - give it a try! 🙂

It is probably sensationalized to piss us off. Like everything else these days. But when a lefty judge throws a dad in contempt for not calling his son a girl, that's institutional persecution. Pure and simple.


I am from UK and think this is great. The left do not want dialogue only that you conform to their way of thinking. Not on my watch. Keep up the good work there are a lot more of us than you think.

Yes, it's time to organize a movement to goodness, clarity, and truth!


I'm not crazy about something already baked in. "Dark" in "dark web." I'd want to use something like light, intellectual sunshine, as in light is the best disinfectant for odious ideas, not censorship.

Yes, that's Eric Weinstein's word. Mostly made up that the mainstream news could joke about without effect. We're thinking of a new domain for the site too - ideas?

@Admin I understand the reason for the term and I think it was useful. The problem is that it is too easily conflated with "the dark web," which is problematic. A suggestion? I'll have to think about it. Disinfectant sounds a bit acidic, Sunlight sounds Maoist, cultural-revolutiony, as it were. Naming is very difficult.

@Admin how about intellectual backlash?

Intellectual Resistance
Rising Light
Rekindled Renaissance
Senate of light
Senate of Minds
Plato’s Army
Thinker’s without Borders
The Whole (as in the Whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts)

I realize most are problematic or silly, but hey they’re FREE!
Thought these were funny, maybe good for Memes;
Just say Dogma
This is your brain on Dogma


"Cultural Bias"

@StefanSanders I like without borders. I'd say Thinking Without Borders rather than Thinkers. The other one I like is The Whole but maybe add Enchilada to make it light and a bit humorous.

@Admin Sandbox?
In computer systems development, a sandbox is a closed environment where new concepts are trialled. So named because if an idea is crap, you just "blow it away" and start again.


The mere fact that this site exists is enough for me.


I'm a mathematical physicist graduated in Chile, living in Downey, California (USA), working on Fluid mechanic behavior as an independent researcher, building new algorithms to build new analytical models for weather forecasting (right now they work with numerical methods ONLY, and that is why they cannot predict anything far away then 2 weeks from now and the main reason that the climate crisis is a HOAX), I don't trust in DEMOCRACY parse nor AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES, I do believe in the REPUBLIC(those 3 have different substantial principles), The republic should be protected from the HOAX impulsed by the democratic party.


A simple ‘back’ button would be nice!


I'll need to see what's here before I'd venture to suggest anything one way or the other.


Primary image f👩 does not work correctly. Cant change profile photo.


I just started working with this site, so i wuold have no idea how to make the site better.


The one thing that is missing is the ability to easily take a news article and share it to your site. It is probably already in the works, but all the major social media sites are already implanted in virtually every thing online. If i am online, and want to share, Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn etc., all have buttons at the tops of their sites for you to click on if you want to share to them.


Hi Admins, thanks for what you do.
I’m brand new to the site and my first impression is I feel a bit lost in the jumble if content.
A solution?
Maybe if the topics were “visually bracketed” that would help. In other words, a border which defines each topic/links/comments section from it’s neighboring topic set.
Just my thoughts...Thanks!

I’m sorry I do now see that the topics ARE in their own tiles, what if the background were darkened to create greater contrast?


I think it would be ok to be able to talk about racism and be racist if you so wish. Or anything else that you want to be because freedom of speech is going away.


Okay, there's this.
I've been noodling around this place on and off for a few days. I've noticed that, as is typical, there are some 'point hogs,' highly contentious and willing to comment on literally anything. One of them is at Level 7. Good for them.

It seems the only thing that can't be attenuated on any social media platform is the needfulness of persons to own a space.

No doubt, the "Level" of contribution, and the benefits thereof, were imagined to be a benefit to a fledgling platform. For such as myself, it's more stuff to wade through. I'm just looking for 'simple.'


Hello, I am a PhD in musical theory and composition. I am an old-school liberal in that I think the freedom of expression and thought are some of the most important liberties to protect. I was born into a Christian family but am now agnostic. Thanks for having me!


I am also happy see a forum where free-speech is not suppressed. I consider myself fairly moderate and never use anything close to hateful language and yet it appears that my comments are being suppressed on Facebook. There is often a FB message regarding some comments being filtered out but Facebook refuses to disclose the full criteria used for such screening. Comments that particularly seemed to get suppressed were questions or skepticism of the anthropogenic warming hysteria. Climate change could be a worthwhile group suggestion if one does not already exist. Another suggestion would be a Meghan Murphy group.

I also have a bit of difficulty with the IDW name but I understand the logic behind it after listening to Weinstein. Perhaps a change of name would be worth considering. Perhaps something along the lines of "Intellectual Freedom of Expression Web".

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