1180 378

Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

Create your free account

1180 comments (876 - 900)

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An app

You got it - check the app store 🙂


If you click the join group link on a comment, the comment vanishes forever and you are redirected to the group page. ok, but what sense does that make if you can't ever find the comment again ? Personally I think the windows for reading should be the background so you can do all the redirecting you like, but keep the windows for writing small foreground windows so you don't lose the posts/etc you intend to comment on / respond to

If you are using a computer, you can click "Control" key and then a link to open a new tab. We'll take a look at your design feedback too.


Some posts are a little more aggressive than others and while I don't want to stop them being posted the more control over what o see the better.
If posts from friends could be seen with greater priority that would also be great.

Otherwise, really looking forward to using the site!

Interesting idea. You can follow members (like Twitter) and see their posts in a separate feed.


Allow us to upload videos besides using links.

You can upload/record up to 2 minute videos with your posts. We are considering doing same for replies.


Is there someway I can link to Facebook or my contacts to see if any of my friends have an account?

That would be a privacy violation 😮. However, you can make a post on Facebook and see what happens. Under the "learn" button, you can see links that will track which of your friend sign up using your link.


Perhaps an app!

You got it! Check the app stores 🙂


Free Speech less Communism Free Market Less Politics. No regulation.

Hear hear 🙂


Cheers guys I wiil comment when I have been on here and used it a bit. I will certainly be informing friends to try it.


Hi admin just signed up. I can not load a profile photo. Can you advise me where to find your app to access pls. Chees

After log in, on the top of the main page, you'll see a "Photos" button. Interestingly, we were discussion last night on how to combine "Photo upload" and "Profile update" without using as much mobile space.


Would love it if there was a section just for You Tube banned videos

Make a group when you get to level 4.

We currently support video uploads up to 2 minutes so to keep this site more about conversation than video but we do plan to extend this once it takes off.


Only after I become fully immersed in the site.


Hi! I’m new here, and the first thing I want to request is for a mobile application.

I want to commend you for making a website that is fairly easy to use on mobile (I’m using a mobile browser), but I do hope that an app is in the works for easier use.

That’s all I have to say. Have a good day!

Your wish is our command... app went live last week in both app stores. 🙂.

@Admin It has? I looked on the app store for it and it did not appear. Does it go by a different name?


I just got here. Came over from YT. I’m still trying to figure out what IDW is? movement ? I do not see a definition anywhere. I must have missed it.

Check out the "About us" page under the "Learn" button. We are transitioning away from the IDW group as it peaked last year and we are broadening the idea. It's all about being civil while discussing tough topics.


Thank you! After i check out the site for a while i will be glad to do so.


It is overly complicated and needs to be more contiguous. Checking another status should not stop the thread you are on completely.

We are always making design adjustments based on feedback/etc. What do you mean by "checking another status"? Another post? Notification?


Refreshing to find a platform where freedom of speech is actually allowed. No suggestions yet except keep up the good work.

Thanks - it's appreciated! 🙂


Any chance you can add spell check? Trust me...spell check!!

Roger that 🤓


Brand New to the site! As time goes by I'm sure I'll find something to say!

cool 🙂


Have a category or fan group devoted to comic book/ pop culture discrimination prevalent today. Better known as the "comicsgate" movement on youtube. Big following with large numbers that would like a place to comment and interact without sjw censorship. Look up guys like Ethan Van Sciver or Richard Meyer on youtube (ComicArtistPro Secrets and Comics MATTER w/ Ya Boi Zack)

Once you're a level 4 member (e.g., make 20 or so comments), you can create the group and be it's moderator. Agree with you that comic books/video games are a battleground of "correct thought".


Just joined, but my first comment is that the email confirmation email was caught by Outlook spam filter. I'm unsure if others will be, but some part of at least that email might need to be reformatted to reach new users.

Thanks for the heads up. We'll have to investigate this.


Just found this site thanks to Sydney Watson. I never thought I would be joining a site because my cultural and political views are considered "wrong". I'm from America, and what I see is a bit concerning to me. I always was taught that the U.S. was a place where people were allowed to speak their mind, I mean it's the first in our Bill Of Rights, the inalienable and untouchable rights excluded from governmental control. I am concerned that this intolerance that has grown as of late, and seems to be growing in other places in the world, will lead to violence at some point. Either violence from those who still wish for the freedom of expression, or violence from those intolerant of those who wish for free expression. Joining this site, I kinda feel like I am sitting in a canoe headed down the river, and I've just seen the last sign warning me of the waterfall ahead. I sincerely hope I am wrong.

We are at a turning point on free speech with political demographic changes to enable one-party rule... with corresponding dangers of thought coercion.


When i signet on I was disappointed that someone else has my name as their username already, so it would be great if I could use my actual full name as my user name like on facebook even if someone else has the same name....

We currently just have a field for "real name" but show usernames as they are unique. We are considering getting verified names "checkmarks".


I thought I would like this site, but I don't. It's not laid out well and there are too many things sign up for. It's not fun at all. What is all this 'level' stuff, good lord!!! Is it a video game? Unsubscribe me. Bye

I agree that there is a lot of complexity in the current design... we keep trying to simplify it while keeping functionality for those who want it. Is there a specific feature/page you'd like us to focus on?


I'm trying to figure out how to only search up groups, but I can't do that it just turns to posts and I can't find the tags I'm looking for when I search them up. I feel you can add a filter results type of thing and improve the search feature

Thanks for the idea... now when you do any search we show both the matching posts and a link to the matching groups. 🙂


Here's the 1st thing that comes to mind. Make pages individual pages. It seems it's a me too tribal almost community. 2nd go by other social networks basics and start from there.
i have my doubts if this site will be effective.

Can you elaborate on "make pages individual pages"? Thanks! Send me a direct message too 🙂

@Admin Thank you. What i meant was the topics (posts) are central to the site. i think if it's more about the person posting content then that would possibly generate better interest to (for) the site.
Individualism trumps content imho. The groups will form of their own collective interest.
Kinda like FB but not so much group think. hth!

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