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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

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1180 comments (526 - 550)

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When asking skills or talents, on the questions in the profile. I would add or replace construction with skilled labor. As a plumber and blue collar worker I feel a little left out. I believe the blue car community deserves more then a simple labor label or construction label. Thank you
Sincerely Cody myrant

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Stop supporting sexual deviants. There are only two sexes in your Profile section. Take out the so-called other choices. They are bullshit!

People could identify as an avocado and still be welcome to discuss their positions civilly. How is it different than having a religion different than yours (assuming you have one). Most religious people feel other religions are BS but still respect the person's right to believe it. Just an idea.

"Just an idea"? No. Believing you are not and can never be no matter how many bits you cut off or how much silicon you add is just mental illness. There are, and always have been, only two sexes. By allowing these mentally ill to impose their crazy ideas on us you are facilitating their madness...not helping it. Would you call this "normal"?


I'm new to the page, but I can't find any option for push notifications. If that's not available please make it.

Yes, the app has push notifications. I'll check if they're working now.


Still a little unwieldy so keep up the good work to improve the GUI - it will take time.


I just sign on and already am having an open-minded discussion about a wonderful crazy idea!
K, gotta go, there may be a reply from the poster!


I am a Christian Conservative free thinker that is tired of being beat down and bullied by the left.

Sorry you feel bullied. What do you WANT from society?

I hear you girl!!! Be proud of who you are, sending love your way from a fellow white Christian


I am so happy to find a place to go and see people of likemind. Thank you to all who started this community. I am still learning.

Good to hear, hope you like it here.


I am glad this site now exists given the amount of regular conservitive contributors that have been shut down for not being offensive but simply telling the truth. The pendulum is most certainly swinging back from the left and hopefully lands in the center where it should be. This we just saw in Australia last week where our federal election was completely blind sided by the majority who in fact are conservitive giving the socialist Labor party a defeat bigger than any in history. Considering all the media coverage was pushing the leftist Labor agenda and shutting down freedom of speech from any one who spoke out against their ludacris policies shouting them down and the usual chants of Bigot, Nazi , racist redneck etc etc etc they infact did all the hard work for the conservitive right. The unlosable election they were absolutely slain in. Good days ahead filled with accepting the responsibility of challenging times with firm and positive action


Glad to check this community out. Tired of identity politics and phony SJW bs.. Hopefully some thoughtful conversation can take place here.

Welcome to the community.


Seems to be all AMERICAN, this site.

Unsatisfied intellectuals exist in the UK, also.

That's odd I am in USA and I see a lot from the UK now I enjoy this but I see your what your getting at. 🤔


More exposure to the UK and Europe. Posts I have seen are all American.

There are big brains over here you know, waiting to be drained, tapped!!!


Not competent from the beginning, Theresa May is gone. She CHOSE the job. Took £150k a year and two free houses, plus limitless transport and a team to look after her. Member of DC's cabinet, she KNEW the challenges before she started. She was NOT COMPETENT from day one.


Is there a way to hide your profile from appearing in search engine results?

Yes, go to settings.


Frustrating. click like and suddenly pages change... I don't like that. AT ALL. If I click 'like' I expect it to hightlight that function, NOT send me to another function altogether.

Can you explain this a bit more? The like button typically just updates the like count. Is there a but? Send me a @admin message.


New customer. I like what I’ve seen so far!


I must admit, i cam accross this site on my Facebook feed. And WOW I am so happy I did, this feels like a brand new concept that needs to spread like a California wild fire! I truly hope I can assit this site's appeal throug word of mouth.

Thanks - we're a bit of a proof of concept... a small community of thinkers with long form posts/comments.


I have high hopes for the IDW, it's been too long since we've strapped ourselves to the social media feedbag that tells is all to step in line and think the same or be ostracised.
I was caught up in the "this side or the other" battle, but I got worn out and chose to go speak face to face to people with all views, constantly reminding myself not to follow any emotion or ideals down a rabbit hole listen, and then respond knowing, I am not here to change minds, and yet, if there is a reason, I'm willing to change...or at the very least, further open my mind.
High hopes IDW....high hopes.

Best of luck or stay in your lane

We're trying... thanks


You need to provide a forum for the very conservative - we're getting kicked off Facebook and Twitter (& Gab is full of conspiracy theory nut-jobs).

Wrong tree your barking up! My profile is changed daily and you hope to have a voice good luck


You're doing just fine. Keep up the good work.


Please let me know how to leave this group. It is nothing like I expected, the name is a complete misnomer and has nothing whatsoever to do with intellect. It appears to be merely a group of narcissistic American political extremists.

We are not all that way welcome to IDW politics. You can't leave admin posted groups sorry

@Gerri4321 Yes, you can leave any group you don't like... including the 20 or so that we set up for members. We show the IDW group posts to everyone until they have joined 4+ groups.

@Admin no leave group button in open in open post @admin and you pin post at rol so all members see!


The idw harkens me back to a time when the left and the right would debate ideas not trade insults over trivial things those were the days when consenses could met and things actually done

Not much one on one conversation with admin?


In the near future, will there be a IDW link to Youtube (or any other site eg. Facebook)? As to link posts from other sites avaliabe here? I would like to share more examples and facts on my page and having an icon directly to this site would be immensly helpful in my endeavours! Thank you. -Truth seeker.- No-one.


Since YouTube is trying to get rid of any anti-Left ideology, I think it would be good to come together and really support other non-discriminating video content providers. Just like IDW is forming, join up with and support an alternative to YouTube. The only others I know of are Vimeo or Brighteon.


How will the site attract opposing views? I'm hoping that there will be debates and discussions. Are there any icons for links to opposing views?

The views may differ slightly, yet rarely stray very far left. The site being for those who seek healthy discussion, those with more center mostly right leaning views, being the only ones who seem able in seeing a obvious problem. we are lol


I think that a GREAT idea would be to NOT make people sign up for a new account after not posting for a couple of weeks! WTF!

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