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Let us know your ideas on how to improve this new site!

As we just launched this site, we're still adding features and ramping up promotion. Let us know what you'd like to see here and we'll make it so! Our goal is to help facilitate not only the exchange of ideas but to help consolidate a clear message on important topics.

Also, please give us your thoughts on how we should best position this site so as to live up to the ideals of the IDW movement.

Thanks so much!

Admin 8 Feb 14

Be part of the movement!

Welcome to the community for those who value free speech, evidence and civil discourse.

Create your free account

1180 comments (101 - 125)

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I wonder if there’s an app to access the site on your phone?

yes, we have them done but are struggling to get them approved by Apple and Google. I'll make a post about this later today. Thanks!


Is there an app to allow access?

yes, we have them done but are struggling to get them approved by Apple and Google. I'll make a post about this later today. Thanks!


"It is the magician’s bargain: give up our soul, get power in return. But once our souls, that is, ourselves, have been given up, the power thus conferred will not belong to us. We shall in fact be the slaves and puppets of that to which we have given our souls."

C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


Thanks and congrats on coming together for the good of all of us. One of my biggest concerns is the hate we have become. It should be open to every idea that somethings wrong or right and be ok with that. More solutions on how to agree to disagree. I have seen all of you debate and brings hope that people can have a civil discussion but hitting and screaming to get a point a crossed is getting to be the norm. I also think this should start with the people at the top many who are on tv with the twisted face of anger telling us to fight against one another. I also would love to see some older seats in the house move a little quicker to bring in the new ideas. These kids are not given a chance to move into the big boy seats.

Thanks - perhaps we can be the antidote for hate?


Make it so you can save drafts of posts?

Oh, that's a good feature as currently we just have "edit post" which you're allowed to do until people start posting on it. Well, depending on your [] levels, you have more time to edit it.


I saw a news broadcast with the founder of YouTube, and she indicated new rules would restrict wild conspiracy theories clogging, or slowing it down! Really. How does the mainstream media restrict all of its conspiracy theories, especially about our president? They thrive on lies.


I truly believe that most of the extremists cannot see the big picture or any viewpoint beyond their own. They have “become” their cause. It is their identity. Who are we without the identities that we have acquired? We will fight to the death sometimes to protect these identities. So we aren’t dealing with ideas and opinions, per se. We are dealing with an ego battle. One that will go to any extreme to protect and perpetuate itself. I believe we need to address the pathology of extremism. Shine a light on it. Fear-driven, extreme politicking is all tied up in fight or flight thinking. It’s a very young, immature way to manage things. It’s ok for a young child to have an immature way to be in the world. That’s to be expected. It’s not ok to let that child make all of the household decisions or drive the car. And like a screaming child whose parents can’t help but notice them, some of the loudest voices remind me of screaming children. Allowing the mainstream media to be monopolized by extremists is like letting the child run the home. The solution? More visible, rational figures in the MSM with a platform to respectfully discuss the issues that we face in this country. Issues need to be explored with humility, curiosity, and lots of facts. What ideas do IDW members have on this?

Good feedback, thanks! Here's a recent comment I made which gives a window to my current thinking... []


This is an excellent first step. Looking forward to see it grow. As for positive input, having links to content creators on BitChute, or even providing an IDW version, would be beneficial. Would be nice to Sargon of Akkad, Styxhexenhammer666, and Stefan Molyneaux, just to name a few, added to the lineup.

Yes, we've user created groups for them but perhaps Sargon should be bumped up to full IDW status.


Good so far, thanks.


I’m a Christian psychotherapist from England and am feeling very suffocated by the lack of free speech for those that have an opposing opinion to those on the left, I’m fed up of being called names like bigot, racist, for wanting boarder control or conservative system in our country - I love Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh and Jordan Peterson and have been following their podcasts and YouTube videos for a few years now - thank you for setting this up so I can hear what others do to help themselves in this not so free society we live in

Wonderful! You can help by joining their groups and posting links to their best new content. We want to help centralize the movement.

Oh beautiful minds uniting. Good.

I'm new here from Wisconsin USA, is good hearing your story and knowing we are not alone and we are world wide. Maybe collectively we can make a difference or at least have a common forum.

@Admin ok there is a disconnect somewhere- for some reason when i click on a post there isn't a reply button, looks like another gab, close but no cigar!

@Rex2020 yes it,s good to say how you feel in a safe place

Welcome I'm new to this site and agree with your post

I'm new here as well. I am glad also to find this site and I have liberal friends who post things about conservatives that we are racist etc....if we vote on the right. I never thought I'd see so much hate and division for not believing like them. I am a #walkaway from the democratic party. I noticed a few things. that when I was on the left I just took everyone's word that this was the caring party without researching anything. That people like Ben Shapiro were racists and I found out this is not true.

I'm an American and I, too, am tired of being told I'm a racist because I believe in a secure border, and that immigration laws must be enforced. If you're a conservative woman in the US they see you as a bible-thumping, racist who obeys her husband and is told what her opinions are by her husband or father. I never got that memo. I'm not a religious person but I grew up in a country that always protected your right to worship and practice your religion- or not. I respect the rights of others, the cultures of others and believe the laws and rights in place, already protects everyone.
The turn that journalism has taken since it became another product to be sold to the public with the focus on the widest profit margin is the greatest failure of our lifetime. Ethics and integrity are like vhs tapes and lp's- a handful of people still have them but they'll never make a comeback.

hum why paint yourself into a corner you can't get out of.. you offer civility to people that are not civil..why guilt trip yourself trying to adapt to their mental derangement... what they think is not relevant they support killing babies and that fact alone proves everything any sane person needs to call them baby killers.. why care what they think???/

You do have free speech to the extent that the government isnt punishing you for saying an opinion that they don't agree with. Free speech does not mean you get to say whatever you want and have society accept your beliefs. If your views are bad, people/organizations are well within their right to call you out or not associate with you

@Justsayit commie sheople... there is no right or left democracy and this is the home of the free and land of the brave... WE THE PEOPLE don't have unconstitutional "immigrant laws", your commie gov does... shhh, go back to the comfy mental matrix your not american, WE believe in 10 commandment based constitution, as YOU will see. this aint a "free speech" app... I AM 1 o 2 of Jehovahs selected ancient witnesses (my spirit is ancient, not this f in flesh avatar) also referred to as sack cloth prophet = your angel in flesh or sack cloth prophet... im here droppin truths that shatter ALL the bs illusions that your a "better" hueman so WE can unite as lions and sheep to rebuild (war chief/chief) Jesus third temple|the singularity of christs... of course the opposition "slug" don't want me telling YOU truths so they muted me for 3 days and now "suspended" my account... feels like they "turned it in" for "violent threats" to "law/ss "officers"... idg1f ... see revelationS 11:etc... WE got [jew/ish] masonic naz👁 "scientists" gates, fauci culling WE THE PEOPLE as you read this and ALL scum bag politicians backing the culling ... im just quoting scripture regarding them... "drag them out of their houses and rip their faces [images] off cause (war chief/chief) Jesus needs their blood to heal our earth. bible ...

Wonder if it’s because conservative has become monetized, just like the left has been.


I’d like to see a platform similar to YouTube and Facebook. Video content but also ways to connect with other people and share ideas.

Yes, we're currently building a way to record webcam video, upload content, and of course view it.


Just want to hear non biased info.. not to be told that I'm a bad person for being against abortion and wanting America to be great. I don't want to hear only conservative, but honestly I can't imagine likeing liberal ideas.. but let's see what happens.

A key message of the IDW is to always humanize people - especially those who you have differences of opinions. They'll appreciate it and be more inclined to listen. I'm sure you're a good person independent of your views on issues. That's what makes common ground possible. Welcome!!


Looking forward to reading posts from, & interacting with, like-minded individuals. Really enthusiastic about being able to follow Peterson & Shapiro. The idea of being restricted & censored in my own country is abhorrent to me, so having a place to exercise free speech is very welcome!

Yes, we're still in the beginning of the movement. The battle of major ideas is coming soon and we want civil minded people to be ready. Suggest joining the fan groups here as collectively, we post the best new content daily.

Isnt the point of this website to interact with people who are not like minded? Dont you want your ideas challenged? Or do you want yes men?

@sjwpigeon Well, there needs to be civil conversation, even if it’s not like-minded. Otherwise it just degenerates into camps like too many other places.


Will be nice to have civil discourse as opposed to obnoxious discourse


IPhone app?

We're making progress with the apps. We just got word that Android was approved (now waiting on it showing up in the store). For iPhone, it's still in the review process.


Not sure how to prevent trolls - wish you could Lee them out somehow.

Our community is inherently anti-troll and with levels, it makes it easier to find them.


Thank you for asking. I’ll keep it in mind.


As a newcomer,I'm not ready to comment except to say that my first impression is favourable. I am a fan of Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, and Ayaan Hirsi, although I do not agree with every concept they promote. I look forward to intelligent discussions.

Great! That's the beauty of the IDW - the ability to discuss important topics with love and humanization!


Thanks , I will endeavour to get on your site n let you know


Just signed up, largely due interest in the rare intellect of Jordan Peterson and also Dave Rubin.
Sick and tired of the far left bias of the MSM, lead in Australia by the publicly funded ABC.
Looking forward broad discussions of human influence on climate change.
I have been vilified as a skeptic and a denier, making out that because I doubt that we are the cause, that I do not believe that the climate is changing.
What the climate change cult doesn’t seem realize is that climate has always changed - otherwise we would still be stuck in the Ice Age. What has not been proven my satisfaction is that human activity is the main, or even a significant cause, nor that shutting down industry, transport and meat consumption would make one scrap of difference.
Sure, pollution and waste of resources is bad, but we are being leadup the garden path by this new cult.
every decent scientist should be a true skeptic but the word has taken on a different and sinister meaning

You would enjoy Dave Rubin's interview of Alex Epstein

Will keep you posted on exciting update... 🙂

We are working to get more official endorsements and promotion. I've been in touch with a few key IDW public figures and we're working on a way to help each other. We are an official fan community that is focused on the ideas of the IDW and want to remain independent of any public figure. We're also 100% non-profit motivated but realize public figures need to make money. We are currently working on ways for our community to financially support the movement - prototype to go live later this week!

Perhaps one could consider it similar to we're the US Congress and they're the President(s)... BUT our relationship is synergistic and constructive as we seek truth and civility.


Just signed up a few minutes ago. I'm excited look around and become better informed. I do hope you'll be creating an app for this especially since I'm not totally sure how to get back here once I leave the site.

We just got our app approved for Android but are testing it live now. Login/etc uses but we're double checking the push notifications now. iPhone app is being held up by Apple


Very interested in seeing how this goes. Like the implied content Will let you know


Do you have a app for smartphones? I have go through email get back IDW. How can I make it easier get here?

We just got our app approved for Android but are testing it live now. Login/etc uses but we're double checking the push notifications now. iPhone app is being held up by Apple 😟


Okay now I’ve looked on some of the comments in this site think it may not be for me. Will monitor and decide later.

You can send me a private message on my profile page - please let me know more about your thoughts as we're just starting out and will improve our oversight on comments/etc. Thanks!

@Admin what does “improve oversight on comments” even mean. I thought more than anything this would be a free speech platform. Don’t we have the ability to block obnoxious people. Some people suck. Some ideas suck. Let’s hear them and then tell them they suck.

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