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Bill Mahr said once that rural people want to be like the urban people.
jaymaron comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Wrestling college national championships: Oklahoma State 34 Iowa 23 Iowa State 8 Oklahoma 7 Penn State 6 Minnesota 3 Everyone else: 1 or less The foundation of wrestling power is balance. The more time you spend on rugged terrain the better your balance is. Rural America is rich in rugged terrain. City folk spend their lives on smooth pavement. This is why rural people kick the ass of city people at wrestling.
Why is it that every time you address economic inequality you get accused of being a socialist?
jaymaron comments on Jan 10, 2020:
The Gini coefficient characterizes wealth distribution. Gini = 0 corresponds to equality Gini = 1 corresponds to all the wealth held by one person. The plot below shows the wealth and gini of nations. There are two goals: increasing wealth and decreasing Gini. Never forget the importance of increasing wealth. A possible way to improve the Gini of a corporation is if consumers reward companies with a good Gini. Another possible way to improve the pay of low-end jobs is to create a surplus of well-paying jobs elsewhere, and this requires a source of wealth that can be tapped. For example, suppose that the mining of energy and minerals is regulated such that corporations must adhere to a minimum wage. It's reasonable to regulate here because this is natural resource wealth. This is entirely different from imposing a minimum wage on an industry that is not based on natural resources. If you don't have a surplus of well-paying jobs then there is little you can do to legislate equality.
Is the IDW at risk of being infiltrated by alt-right provocateurs?
jaymaron comments on Jan 9, 2020:
It's important to cull the extremists from your own party if you want to appeal to the center. An asymmetry is that the Republican Party does this and the Democratic Party doesn't. Behold the exit of the Rinos in 2018. Behold the extremists that have taken over the Democratic Party. This is reflected in the plot below. There is economic conservative vs. liberal and there is social conservative vs. liberal. A libertarian is a social liberal. A free thinker is economically conservative and socially liberal. The Republican Party is evolved in the direction of the Libertarian party. This is reflected in the plot below. If there are 3 factions, A, B, & C, and A is more greedy than B and C. B and C can gang up, make a deal, win the election, and shut out A from the agenda completely. An ungreedy gang can defeat a greedy gang. The left is greedy.
Organ Harvesting in China from Live Victims That was an excellent report, Mr Sarin.
jaymaron comments on Jan 8, 2020:
China leads world CO2 emissions and they also have a poor value for energy/carbon. They do it by burning coal.
Organ Harvesting in China from Live Victims That was an excellent report, Mr Sarin.
jaymaron comments on Jan 8, 2020:
China live-plucks geese and ducks for their down feathers. This is "conflict down". Down is important because it outperforms synthetic fill and because world supply is limited. In 2009 a Swedish documentary exposed the live-plucking industry. The China Feather and Down Industry Association issued a statement stating that no live-plucking is occuring. IKEA hired a team of agents to investigate and found wanton live-plucking. This led to the establishment of the "Responsible Down Standard". In Iceland they gather molted down from nests. No birds are hurt or killed. This is the Molt Down Standard. Goose down as a secondary product from meat production = 120 $/kg. (most of this is conflict down) Eider duck down gathered from nests in Iceland = 2200 $/kg.
Gervais just nuked hollywood.
jaymaron comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Wealth redistribution. Is anyone aware of any impoverished actors or politicians? Vote in a new round of politicians and watch movies that have no A-list actors in them.
Climate change would be a bigger issue if we had one of these asteroids crash into earth.
jaymaron comments on Jan 6, 2020:
You can deflect an asteroid with hydrogen bombs. Calculations: You need a shotgun-style telescope like the Pan-STARRS and LSST to find them, along with a crowd computing project to analyze the data. You need lunar ice and the Oberth maneuver to depart the Earth. Lunar ice can be turned into hydrogen+oxygen rocket fuel. You need a nuclear thermal hydrogen rocket (again, powered by lunar ice) to deliver the bombs to the asteroid. They are easy to design. We should get off our asses and build it.
jaymaron comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Great stuff. I have my own gallery of CO2, temperature, sea level, sunspots, forest mass, etc. at accompanied by numbers and calculations.
weird huh?
jaymaron comments on Jan 6, 2020:
In America, California is the villain because of their high burn fraction, and because they're bankrupt and helpless to do anything about it. The Australian fires are mostly brush, not forest. The brush would have decomposed anyway even without a fire. It's unfair to compare Australia to the rainforests because Australia is drier. World forest fire data: World fraction Forest Deforestation Fires % Bkg Bkg/yr Bkg/yr South America 22 96000 400 50 Russia 21 92000 ? 100 Africa 17 73000 240 50 Canada 12.6 55000 0 50 USA 7.9 34800 0 15 S.E. Asia 5.9 26000 -120 10 China 5.3 23300 -170 20 E.U. 4.1 18000 -40 3 Asian Islands 3.6 15800 30 10 Australia + NZ 3.2 14100 ? 20 C. America 2.7 11900 60 5 World 1000 440000 350 250
Digital Exclusive: Dr. Patrick Moore TEARS APART The Green New Deal | Huckabee []
jaymaron comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Energy magnitudes. Biomass and nuclear are the way forward. Also, make the most of natural gas and oil, to make the price of electricity cheaper.
Tulsi Gabbard's biggest contribution to history may be that she dismantles the Democrat machine.
jaymaron comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Praise Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard for their ambassadoriality. Carlson invites Gabbard onto his show and gives her the stage, to speak about a nonpartisan issue upon which they agree. He even gives her material to work with: “Why are you the only Democrat saying this”? Both figures stay on point and decline to engage in petty off-topic attacks. Tucker Carlson exposes the schisms in the Democratic Party:
Is the homeless "epidemic" getting better or worse?
jaymaron comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I have been personally investigating the homeless system for years, with the lense of a physicist. Far more is spent on administrators and staff than on the homeless. As 10thGeneration said, politicians love to create captive constituencies. If you solve the homeless problem, you next have to solve an unnecessary administrators problem. The money is spent inefficiently. If the money were spent efficiently then the homeless problem could be solved instantly. City land costs 100000/meter^2 and rural land costs 4 $/meter^2. It costs far more to support people in a city than in a rural area. Ship them out of the cities. Polite people cost far less to support than impolite people. Much of the money is spent on measures to handle impolite people. Separate the two crowds. The polite people would very much like to get away from the impolite people. There is no mechanism for discussion and improvement of the system. The homeless are never asked for their opinion and administrators tend to have a sense of power entitlement. If you disagree with them they can throw you out. Psychiatric meds are used as a tool of control. Meds are put upon you by force, with no due process, and with an insufficient number of doctor-patient sessions. In the shelter you are under continuous surveillance and it is used against you with negative prejudice. Many people smoke, and the system is hostile to smokers. They're not going to stop smoking. The smartest thing politicians could do is to remove the tax on cigarettes. The world is full of obstructive regulations. California is incapable of building anything. Don't give them money. PoliticalAthiest has a great post about this in this thread. In the current political climate, cities are engines for sucking wealth out of the rural areas. Revitalize the rural areas by shuMany are homeless because it's damn hard to make enough money in a city, and there are few economic opportunities in rural areas. The left vs. right war is partially a city vs. rural war. The Obamaphone program is a rare success. The homeless need those phones and they spend all day on them surfing the web. If only there had also been an Obamaphone protector program as well. Many have dropped their phones and it's heartbreaking watching them use phones with broken screens. AOC pulled a stunt by crying over a detension center that didn't exist. Finding something to cry about isn't hard. Just look at any shelter in AOC's district. I have attached a in inforgraphic for food, showing calories/$ and protein/$. If you look at what's being served in the shelters you see that they are oblivious to this. The heroes are the...
I think one of the most useful concepts that Eric has come up with is his "Hilbert Problems for ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I love these abstractions: A Hilbert challenge list of gauntlets upon the ground. Following through leftist logic to arrive at a contradiction. Love the A&B style of presentation. Another abstraction: Mirror symmetry: For every charge leveled by leftists against conservatives, an equal or greater offense exists amongst leftists. Few leftist arguments survive this symmetry. Let's have free college! Then every republican, even if 100 years old, should go to college!
Absolutely brilliant debate in Parliament on money creation, the likes of which we shall never see ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 1, 2020: There aren't enough precious metals to satisfy the demand for currency. Trillion $ World stock markets 90 World currencies 2.5 World cryptocurrencies . 55 Gold, world reserves 1.4 Gold mined over history 7.5 = 187 Mkg Gold, world reserves 1.4 = 35 Mkg Gold, USA reserves . 32 = 8.1 Mkg Gold mining in 1 year . 10 = 2.5 Mkg (40000 $/kg) Silver mining in 1 year . 013 = 26 Mkg ( 500 $/kg) Platinum mining in 1 year . 021 = . 24 Mkg (88000 $/kg) Palladium mining in 1 yr . 0035= . 25 Mkg (14000 $/kg) Stock, New York 23.1 Stock, NASDAQ 10.4 Stock, Japan 6.3 Stock, Shanghai 5.0 Stock, Euronext 4.6 Stock, London 4.6 Currency, Dollar 1.67 Currency, Euro 1.20 Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin . 191 Cryptocurrency, Ethereum . 105 Cryptocurrency, Ripple . 048 At present, $ = Joules, in the sense that the value of precious metals derives from the energy required to mine them. There are few investments that are simultaneously high-return and low-risk. The price of solar cells is decreasing and once it reaches a critical point, solar cells will be a high-return low-risk investment. Money will flow from stock markets to solar cell farms and wealth will be measured in Watts rather than dollars.
NASA Engineer Designs a Near Light Speed Engine But Does It Work? | What da math? []
jaymaron comments on Dec 31, 2019:
It is difficult to design a rocket with both large exhaust speed and large power/mass. You will find that all the exotic rockets that can reach relativistic speed have tiny power/mass and take thousands of years to get up to speed. The only rocket that we can build that achieves both goals is a fusion bomb. The power/mass is usually limited by cooling Rockets:
"Fifty years after the first Moon landing, researchers are working at full speed on the next lunar ...
jaymaron comments on Dec 31, 2019:
The first move is to mine lunar ice and ship it to low Earth orbit, to help future rockets depart the Earth. Ice can be used for rocket fuel, life support, and radiation shielding. Lunar ice can also be used for the Oberth maneuver for departing the Earth. Rockets: The moon should be surveyed for metallic asteroid impacts, which are rich in platinum group metals. It takes 4 tons/meter^2 to stop cosmic rays.
This is What the New Space Race Looks Like []
jaymaron comments on Dec 31, 2019:
We a nuclear thermal rocket, which has an exhaust speed of 13 km/s. We also need curium and californium for nuclear batteries and fancy rockets. Rocket textbook: The first move is to mine lunar ice and bring it to low Earth orbit. Ice can be used for rocket fuel, life support, and radiation shielding. Departure from the Earth is done with the Oberth maneuver, which requires lunar ice. If you use Earth ice then the Oberth boost is cancelled out by the cost of getting the ice into orbit. Only a chemical rocket has enough power to harness the Oberth maneuver. A nuclear thermal rocket has a power/mass that is too low. The only rocket with both large power/mass and large exhaust speed is a fusion bomb. Fusion bombs can move asteroids and they can be used to mine mettalic asteroids for platinum group metals. Launch to orbit should be done from a Mach 5 ramjet. Then, cheap chemical rockets can get you to orbit.
Great deal of discussion about climate change.
jaymaron comments on Dec 31, 2019:
You have to be aware of the carbon magnitudes and you have to think in terms of bang for buck. The question of if the Earth is doomed or not is a red herring. For example, instead of carbon capture at power plants, use methane to produce fertilizer and fertilize large trees that are near water. Analysis of carbon magnitudes and the industrial economy:


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