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Guess there aren't too many Libertarian Free Thinkers on IDW.
jaymaron comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Libertarians hold many debates with many candidates. Too bad few watch.
Should American voters be given a GOOD third or fourth party for elections? []
jaymaron comments on Oct 21, 2020:
In 2016 the Libertarian party held many debates with many candidates. Yay! Too bad few watched. Let's have more attention for the Libertarian party.
Should American voters be given a GOOD third or fourth party for elections? []
jaymaron comments on Oct 21, 2020:
By the Arrow Theorem, there does not exist a perfect electoral system. If there are more than 2 candidates then different election systems can give different results, and 3rd-party candidates can have an undue influence over the election. Or, a candidate could have the most votes in a 3-way election but not have a majority. This is how Jesse The Body Ventura became governor of Minnesota and how Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California. The best way to mitigate this is a system of "Devil take the hindmost". For example, start with 16 candidates and then trim it to 8, then 6, then 4, 3, 2, 1. You have to go through stages of trimming or you could get ridiculous results. Libertarians should formally join the Republican party and enter the Republican primary, as did Trump.
I have been taking shots at the democrats for a while now, so let's balance the scale a little here.
jaymaron comments on Oct 20, 2020: Cruz sounds great in this video.
We could be headed toward an apocalypse | Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman YES WE ARE.
jaymaron comments on Oct 19, 2020: All we got is slaves, cotton and arrogance. Civil War 1 was decided before it began. The North had 71% of the railroad miles, 90% of the manufacturing, and 97% of military production. Lincoln nationalized the railroads and telegraphs and had total command over transport and communications. The South failed to harness their rail and telegraphs. Civil War 2 is different. It's not a slavery war. It's an Atlas war. Rural vs. Cities. Conservative vs. Leftist. And it's decided before it begins. Republican cities and states are decisively economically stronger than Democrat cities and states. See the plots. Republican states tax less, have lower debt, have a lower murder rate, and are attracting moving vans. If Civil War 2 breaks out, this is how it games out. It will be a boycott war, rural vs. cities. Rurals will win.
Is the Hunter Biden email dump believable?
jaymaron comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Schweitzer has another email leak, from an associate of Hunter's.
Athens, Sparta, and the Roman Republic had great ideas for a constitution, such as: Roman offices...
jaymaron comments on Oct 18, 2020:
From the Wikipedia page on Athenian democracy, During an Athenian election, approximately one hundred officials out of a thousand were elected rather than chosen by lot. There were two main categories in this group: those required to handle large sums of money, and the 10 generals, the strategoi. One reason that financial officials were elected was that any money embezzled could be recovered from their estates; election in general strongly favoured the rich, but in this case, wealth was virtually a prerequisite. Generals were elected not only because their role required expert knowledge, but also because they needed to be people with experience and contacts in the wider Greek world where wars were fought.
SciTechDaily: NASA's InSight ground station has has finally gotten its probe buried in Martian soil.
jaymaron comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Cosmic rays easily get through Mars' atmosphere and it takes 1.5 meters of rock to stop them. If you want to find life you likely have to dig deeper than that.
Frontpage: Michael Ledeen.
jaymaron comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Weaponize soy for the trade war. USA dominates world soy production, with 117 Bkg of soy/year compared to 330 Bkg/year for the world. China imports 86 Bkg/year. Soy is the ultimate feedstock, being high in protein. Soy is a great foreign policy carrot, especially for nations with not enough land or water.
I didn't support/like Ted Cruz in 2016 and didn't consider "Lying Ted" worthy of the presidency.
jaymaron comments on Oct 18, 2020:
There is a great video of Ted Cruz on Newt's World, where he discusses his book "One Vote Away".
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
jaymaron comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Kim Klacic is running for office in Baltimore as a Republican, and she's showing what Baltimore really looks like, and pointing out that it's under Democrat leadership. What does Trump's district look like? Lots of Trump towers, golf courses, and hotels, stuff that attracts rich people. Everything Trump touches prospers. Manhattan is great partly because of Trump's real estate development, and Manhattan doesn't appreciate.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
jaymaron comments on Oct 16, 2020:
When I feed geese I feel like a billionaire. A small fraction of my wealth spent on food supports a vast flock of geese. Good deal. And geese appreciate. Give geese food and they treat you like a celebrity. I'm distributing wealth to individuals, not institutions. I'm hand feeding the geese. If you leave food out indiscriminately then swamprats take it. Make eye contact with the geese while you feed them. Build individual connections. Geese appreciate food but they don't know the science of nutrients. Humans can help. God put humans on the Earth to solve the science of nutrients and bring it to the animals. Textbook on nutrients: Billionaires should find ways to help society in ways that only a billionaire can.
Is the Hunter Biden email dump believable?
jaymaron comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Tucker Carlson stated that every detail that could be checked proved legit. He also stated that if it proves to be a hoax, it's a bigly sophisticated hoax.
What did you learn from the first "presidential" debates?
jaymaron comments on Oct 13, 2020:
We need a raucous crowd to give it the energy of a sports event. Let each side bring a crowd of partisans and encourage them to make sound. Hear Republicans laugh when Biden gaffs. We want a superbowl, a debate between the mightiest members of each conference. We want Newt Gingrich vs... can anyone think of a worthy Democrat? Your argument is only as strong as the strongest Devil's advocate that you have defeated in fair debate. American politics used to be more civilized. The Lincoln-Douglas debates didn't have a moderator, and both candidates rode the same train. The Lincoln-Douglas debates featured proper rebuttal. Each side got 1.5 hours to speak and each side got rebuttal time. Plus there were 9 debates, and if you fib, the other candidate has plenty of chances to zap you for it. The newspapers printed what each candidate said. Partisan newspapers tended to polish the grammar of their candidate and leave the other candidate's words raw, but they would still print the other candidate's words. Today, Democrat media censors Republicans. That should be called out as a weakness. On Fox, they show the opposition's statements and they rebut them.
Ideology in STEM concerns me.
jaymaron comments on Oct 10, 2020:
STEM strength of universities. We need more institutes of technology. STEM departments should form their own university and ditch the other departments.
jaymaron comments on Oct 10, 2020:
In space, using iron from the moon, you can build a radio telescope of colossal size, and it would be steerable, unlike the Chinese telescope. It would also be free of Earth radio noise. Data from multiple radio telescopes can be assembled to increase resolution, and in space this works well because the greater the distance between telescopes, the greater the resolution. We should build a fleet of radio telescopes in space and turn them loose throughout the solar system. We should have a small set of colossal radio telescopes and a large set of small telescopes.
StrategyPage: General Atomic goes back to its roots.
jaymaron comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Exhaust speed in km/s: Chemical hydrogen+oxygen 4.4 Thermal H_2 9 Thermal H 13 Nuclear devices are a mature technology and we can design them entirely on a computer. Baffling that we don't already have nuclear thermal rockets.
"Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." C. S. Lewis
jaymaron comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Herb Kohl is a businessman from Wisconsin who donates heavily to the University of Wisconsin, and he was rewarded with a senate seat. He accepted no campaign contributions. "I'm nobody's senator but yours". Wisconsinites knew that Kohl is not beholden to any external force. After 3 terms, polls indicated that Kohl would easily win a 4th term. Kohl did something few politicians do. He retired and he didn't seek higher office. "The senate seat belongs to the people of Wisconsin".
"Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." C. S. Lewis
jaymaron comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Trump produced a list of supreme court nominees before the 2016 election, and had the integrity to chose names from that list while in office. Trump has a consistent ideology and adheres to it. Biden doesn't have a supreme court list, he doesn't have an ideology, he flip flops whenever convenient, we don't know what the forces controlling him are, and he is easily bullied by the radical left. No integrity.
Old school...
jaymaron comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Program with punch cards, without a monitor, in Fortran, and the punch cards are in base 16. Multiply numbers with a slide rule. Old school physicists had the logarithm table memorized. Rewind a cassette tape with a pencil eraser. Learn science from textbooks instead of youtube videos. Have information in your head instead of relying on the internet. A Radio Shack from back in the day was stocked with electronics components. Today it's stocked with cell phones. Back in the day, the tests for amateur radio licenses featured heavy physics. An old school amateur radio enthusiast could build a transceiver from scratch with components from Radio Shack. Back in the day, a SAT or an ACT score was necessary for college. Back in the day, people knew history. America got almost all of its dams and bridges built before WW2, and America was a pioneer of railroad and telegraph technology. American Greatness: We had a transcontinental railroad in the 1860s. Today, California doesn't have a commuter railroad connecting LA and SF, it can't turn the power on because the power lines start fires, it can't bury the power lines because the utilities are billions in debt, and they can't use solar power because the sky is full of ash.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
jaymaron comments on Oct 8, 2020:
A country should aspire to create millionaires but not overdo it and create billionaires. The plot shows which countries are "billionaire heavy", these being India, China, Finland, and Hong Kong. Countries with a large millionaire ratio and a small billionaire ratio include Japan, New Zealand, Hungary, and Poland. That being said, a country should aspire to poach other country's billionaires. The existence of billionaires is partly the fault of consumers. Consumers should reward small companies with their patronage. Billionaires tend to cluster in cities. Rural areas should attract billionaires. Encourage them to build an estate and sponsor a sports team.Encourage them to donate philanthropically and reward them with political office.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
jaymaron comments on Oct 8, 2020:
The framers of the constitution were mostly wealthy, and they created a constitution of minimalist government, balance of powers, and protection of wealth. Modern wealthy people tend to fund the Democratic party, a party of maximalist government, unilateral power, and redistribution of wealth. It will bite them in the ass. Baffling that we haven't seen defections among the wealthy to the Republican party.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
jaymaron comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Energy is wealth. The plot shows that GDP/capita is tightly correlated with power/capita. Energy begets wealth via: Energy -> Primary materials -> Manufactured goods -> Exports To create wealth, maximize energy production and make it as cheap as possible. Since energy is a public natural resource it's reasonable to regulate it. Ensure that the wealth gained from it goes to the workers. Most countries fail in this regard. Plot #2 shows the energy of primary materials.
How about a source of electricity that has zero carbon output and has an excellent safety record?
jaymaron comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Reserves of uranium and thorium are ludicrously vast.
LIGO has spotted another gravitational wave just after turning back on []
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2020: LIGO results.
How about a source of electricity that has zero carbon output and has an excellent safety record?
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Fission reactors can produce numerous things of value besides the usual heat and electricity. A reactor that harnesses these things would be hugely profitable and people would want it built. A nuclear reactor is a cash cow that can drive cities and industry. Things that a fission reactor can do are: Electricity generation Heat for the chemical industry Heat buildings with discard heat Create valuable elements and isotopes by transmutation The fission products contain precious metals such as rhodium and palladium. The fission products contain isotopes that can be used for radioisotope batteries, such as strontium-90 and caesium-137 Serve as a neutron source for scientific research Neutralize radioactive waste with discard neutrons
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
jaymaron comments on Oct 7, 2020:
It should be possible to create a setting where the wealthy will want to donate. The average price of political office, in millions of dollars, is: U.S. President 1200 U.S. Senate 25 U.S. House 2 State Governor 10 State Senate .2 State House .08 Money spent on campaign ads goes to media executives. Why not find a better destination for the money? Herb Kohl is a Wisconsin businessman who donates heavily to the University of Wisconsin, and he was rewarded with a senate seat. He accepted no campaign contributions. "I'm nobody's senator but yours". A measure of the quality of a wealthy person is the quality of the jobs he creates. Elon Musk creates good engineering jobs. The Waltons create low-end jobs. As the wealthy flee cities, rural towns should aspire to attract them.
Why have NBA ratings reached the lowest in history? []
jaymaron comments on Oct 6, 2020: Republicans tend to watch PGA, NASCAR, and college football. Democrats tend to watch NBA, tennis, and baseball. NFL is neutral. NFL teams with republican fans: Tennessee, Jacksonville, Green Bay, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Carolina, Dallas, New Orleans. NFLl teams with democrat fans: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, New York, New England, Seattle.
Some more topics related to off-grid living from the ([en.
jaymaron comments on Oct 6, 2020: Technical speciications for off-grid energy sources. Get a giant battery and a generator.
How do you choose where to move to?
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Wherever you build a village, things can go awry. Democrats could move in. Even Kenosha isn't safe. I would want to be mobile, with a land yacht. There will be a culture of temporary villages, and the campground industry will expand. The plot shows state migration and state debt. The states that are farthest from democrats are Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. You also want a state without a "blue hole" (a large liberal city).
To me it looks like Biden has entered middle-stage Alzheimer's [alz.
jaymaron comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Mike Huckabee reports that Trump is maintaining a full schedule in spite of being in a hospital. In 2016 Huckabee made big praise of Trump's energy to campaign.
We often hear that solar panels are great for the environment.
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Endangered elements, the ones used for solar photovoltaic cells and for batteries.
We often hear that solar panels are great for the environment.
jaymaron comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Fission reactors are capable of much more than what current reactors are doing, and if people realized this they would demand them. Current reactors use slow neutrons, which can only burn 10% of the fuel. New designs use fast neutrons which burn all the fuel. The volume of nuclear waste is substantially less than the volume of solar photovoltaic waste. Fission reactors work well with a methane source, because then they can produce hydrogen, the precursor to much of the chemical industry. Fission reactors can produce discard heat that can heat a city. Fission reactors generate valuable elements in the fission products, such as rhodium and xenon. Fission reactors can transmute elements and also create novel isotopes. Neutrons can do many things, such as transmutation, and they shouldn't be wasted. For near-term large-scale power, the only options are nuclear and biomass. Solar and wind are too expensive. See the plot of the history of American power usage.
Who is real news you can trust REAL News Breitbart [breitbart.
jaymaron comments on Oct 3, 2020:
List of conservative news sites.
To me it looks like Biden has entered middle-stage Alzheimer's [alz.
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Biden does not have a functioning sense of chronological order. His hours/day of activity is worryingly low. Trump is superhuman in this regard, and he does it without alcohol or nicotine. I would like to see Biden tested for performance-enhancing drugs and for an earpiece.
Explainer: What happens to the U.
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2020:
What awkwardness. Seems the constitution needs amendment.
SpaceNews: German startup test fires a parafin/LOX hybrid rocket engine. []
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2020:
If you have iron from the moon then you can overengineer the reentry vehicle and splurge on mass. Personally, if I was riding a reentry vehicle I would want it overengineered. The Soyuz reentry vehicle has a mass of 3 tons and has been in use for decades. I don't see why SpaceX is having a hard time.
jaymaron comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Exhaust speed in km/s Chemical hydrogen + oxygen 4.4 Nuclear thermal H2 9 Nuclear thermal H 13 Nuclear physics is a mature technology and a nuclear thermal rocket can easily be designed entirely on a computer. Baffling that we don't already have them. The article states that the power/mass of a nuclear thermal rocket is 2 times that of a chemical rocket. No way. It's much less. Furthermore, H has a lower power/mass than H2.
god damnit Joe Rogan quit apologizing.
jaymaron comments on Oct 1, 2020:
California is the villain for forest fires. The numbers for 2020 are substantially higher than the annual averages. California 16000 km^2 Oregon 4000 km^2 Washington 3000 km^2
The last in a series of six videos on the Unification of physics for novices. []
jaymaron comments on Oct 1, 2020:
A dying wish ??? Bouaaaaaaaahahahahaha.. Who wrote this ? []
jaymaron comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Supreme court terms are for life, not life+afterlife.
China is the most competent Capitalist country in history.
jaymaron comments on Sep 24, 2020:
There is an applied mathematics competition for college and high school students called the Mathematical Contest in Modeling, and it is dominated by Chinese schools. This is the kind of mathematics that politicians need to be aware of for solving practical problems, and every politician should have applied mathematicians on staff. Gringrich pointed out that Chinese politicians tend to be engineers whereas American politicians tend to be lawyers. The plot below shows how China dominates world mining. This is a reflection of their respect for applied mathematics in politics. Analysis of world mining:
Would be nice to have a candidate on the left with a brain and not corrupt to go head to head with ...
jaymaron comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Yes, Democrats whiffed when they overlooked Gabbard. Gabbard appeared many times on the Tucker Carlson show and received respect. In the debates, Warren attacked moderate Democrats by saying "Those are Republican talking points!" Who are the intelligent, reasonable Democrats?
When the name Warren Zevon comes up, most of those who know who Zevon was would immediately think of...
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2020:
The Hockey Song. The goalie committed, Buddy picked his spot. 20 years of waiting went into that shot.
Tulsi Gabbard says the DNC didn't even ask her to speak- []
jaymaron comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Carlson invited Gabbard on his show many times, they were respectful of each other, and they had constructive conversations. Gabbard can connect with Republicans. When the Democratic party schisms, Gabbard will find herself leader of one of the factions.
Rule 4: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
jaymaron comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Trump's "Never Give Up" is a deep and inspiring work of psychology, bringing to life the virtue of self esteem. It's necessary for developing style. This is one of the principal irreconcilable differences between right and left. The intolerant left hates self esteem and hates Trump for having self esteem. I say that's petty playerhating. Psychiatrists judge self esteem to be a mental disorder. They call it "grandiosity" and they give you meds that cripple your intelligence. How did Trump win the presidency and the opportunity to save the world? He did it with grandiosity.
Rule 4: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
jaymaron comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Progress is outrunning lesser versions of yourself.
How do you save people from marxism, postmodernism and other ideologies []
jaymaron comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Trump asked for a list of respected conservative judges and was given a list of 20 certified cool judges. Create a list of conservative professors that are cool and badass, and challenge universities to hire them. Hold protests. For example, the conservative students at a given university might choose a professor they like and then lobby the administration to hire him. Shame universities that don't actively hire conservative professors. Departments are leftist swamps. Have the professor be independent of any department.
Rule 3: Make Friends With People Who Want The Best For You I am very lucky and grateful in this ...
jaymaron comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Suppose there are 4 units of wealth to distribute, between person A and person B. The possible outlooks that A could have are: For A For B Fair 2 2 Synergistic 3 3 Intelligent 3 3 Syn + Intel 4 4 Stupid 1 1 Unsynergistic 1 1 Greedy 3 1 Spiteful 1 0 Hateful 4 0 Synergy is logical. I agree, hang out with synergistic people. Team players. Once upon a time the goal of politicians was to present themselves as the candidate that is best for *both* parties. Johnson won in 1964 with a rural-friendly platform. Not anymore. The Democrat party platform is explicitly: hurt Republicans where ever possible. Republicans are trying to make a nation that is great for all Americans. So, gonna vote against Democrats.
Open College with Dr.
jaymaron comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Instead of More socialism vs. less socialism, consider Smart socialism vs. Stupid socialism. Smart socialism: Bridges, dams, aqueducts, cathedrals, The Green Bay Packers, The U.S. Constitution. Stupid socialism: NCAA, FIFA, The U.N. Can anyone think of more examples? Also, consider voluntary socialism vs. involuntary socialism. Socialism is okay only if it has the votes.
Bi-racial ... No, Black
jaymaron comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Kaepernik benefits from quarterback privilege. Linemen toil away but the quarterback gets the glory. The NFL funnels the nation's wealth into a small set of football players that play the privileged positions.
How do you save people from marxism, postmodernism and other ideologies []
jaymaron comments on Jul 11, 2020:
May not be possible. The only way is the Atlas way. Separate Republicans from Democrats and see who's kingdom achieves greater prosperity. We already did the Atlas experiment and the result is decisive. From the plot below it's clear that red states tax less, have less debt, and have a better (Exports-Imports) than blue states. Also, moving vans are flowing from blue to red states. The plot will come to life when blue cities and states start failing.
I made this one
jaymaron comments on Jul 8, 2020:
Better picture.
I made this one
jaymaron comments on Jul 8, 2020:
BERMAN, BREXIT, MAXWELL, AND TRUMP Why did Ghislaine Maxwell leave the relatively safe confines ...
jaymaron comments on Jul 8, 2020:
Good point, that she is safer in U.S. custody than otherwise. I propose putting her back in the mansion they found her in and have the National Guard defend the perimeter. Let her live luxuriously so she doesn't feel suicidal. Give her something to live for. Give her a nice plea deal.
Glenn Beck defends Communism, opposes Socialism. []
jaymaron comments on Jul 7, 2020:
Good point, about the difference between socialism and communism. Instead of More socialism vs. Less socialism consider Smart socialism vs. Stupid socialism Smart socialism: Bridges, dams, the interstate freeway system, aqueducts, the Green Bay Packers, the United States Constitution. Stupid socialism: The NCAA, FIFA, patents, the U.N. Great American projects: Can anyone think of more examples? Ideally there should be little socialism, but the community should have the synergy to get together and build things, such as a colossal stone cathedral. Consider Inept Socialism. California couldn't do socialism if it wanted to. The transcontinental railroad was completed in 1868, and today there still isn't a commuter rail linking LA and SF. California can't turn on the power without starting fires, and they can't bury the power lines because the utilities are billions in debt. Reporters describe Californian city council meetings as re-enactments of Lord of the Flies.
Republican states are economically stronger than Democrat states. []
jaymaron comments on Jul 5, 2020:
People are moving from blue to red states.
NYC Is Dying, Crime Skyrockets, People Fleeing, Far left Takes Over Streets [youtube.
jaymaron comments on Jul 5, 2020:
New York City debt is 63100 $/person. New York City is dependent on the tourism industry more than any other city.
It’s a civil war. Only one side is fighting. Right now, they are winning. []
jaymaron comments on Jul 5, 2020:
It's an Atlas war, as Ayn Rand predicted. The sides are Rural vs. Urban, and this guides boycott decisions. The war seems up for grabs but Democrat cities and states are financially weaker than Republican cities and states, and many will fail. The college bubble will also burst. Any predictions for how a socioeconomic civil war would play out? What should be the strategy?
After Ghislaine Maxwell says she plans to cooperate...
jaymaron comments on Jul 4, 2020:
We need to protect Maxwell. I propose putting her back in the mansion they found her in, and have the National Guard defend the estate perimeter. Let her live luxuriously so she doesn't feel suicidal. Give her something to live for. Give her a nice plea bargain.
Professor Warns CIVIL WAR May Be Next Step Of Civil Unrest As Cops Quit While Antifa Escalates - ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Republican states have lower debt/capita, lower taxes, and higher (Export-Import) than Democrat states.
Professor Warns CIVIL WAR May Be Next Step Of Civil Unrest As Cops Quit While Antifa Escalates - ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Republican cities have lower debt/capita and lower murder/capita than Democrat cities.
Listen to the millennial illiterates in charge of what gets banned on Facebook.
jaymaron comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Project Veritas just stung Facebook for bias against conservatives and Trump supporters.
If folks were really concerned about the stability of the earth's atmosphere, they would clamor for ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2020:
A space mirror has a mass/area of 6 grams/meter^2. A 100x100 km mirror has a mass of 60 Mkg and costs 200 Bkg to get into space.
Dave Rubin With Dennis Miller(Comedy). "What Zoomers Should Do Instead Of College." []
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Unless you can get the college to pay for it. The following plot shows average tuition (after scholarships) and endowment/student. This plot also tells you which colleges are on the brink of failing.
Bret W on the political compass quadrants: left and right libertarian quadrants should unite against...
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2020:
LightSail 2 Sends Images Back to Earth, Prepares for Sail Deployment []
jaymaron comments on Jun 12, 2020:
A light sail has tiny acceleration. In the plot below it's off the left edge of the plot.
Mysterious Space Plane X-37B Was Launched Into Orbit on Its Sixth Mission []
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2020:
It's pointless to bring back unnecessary stuff from space. A minimalist re-entry vehicle is 3 tons.
Geller Report: China has had COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in its Wuhan lab for SEVEN YEARS.
jaymaron comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Carlson has long been drawing attention to a paper published by Chinese scientists stating that the virus originated in a lab. The freakish transmissivity of the virus is anomalous. It is reasonable to hypothesis that it was engineered so. The Clancy novel "Executive Orders" explores the scenario of a biological attack. Has anyone read it?
This means proportional: ∝ Power needs to be proportional or progress stops.
jaymaron comments on Apr 13, 2020:
You can identify escallation = acceleration desescallation = deceleration Being able to decelerate is important. In the world of sports, it's far more important to be able to decelerate under control than to accelerate. For example, to execute a precise downbow, you need to first decelerate from the previous upbow. Few humans are capable of thinking in terms of deceleration.
Cable news rankings for 2011-2019.
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Wired: SpinLaunch explained. []
jaymaron comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Earth equatorial speed = .45 km/s Spinlaunch speed = 2.0 km/s Orbit speed = 7.8 km/s The rocket stages need to produce 5.4 km/s, which is easily done with cheap solid rockets. It's also a big help that the ship is already out of the atmosphere when the rockets start. The Stratolaunch aircraft launches rockets at 15 km altitude and .3 km/s. One could design a Mach 5 ramjet to launch rockets, which moves at 1.5 km/s.
National Geographic. "Gristly Wildlife Trade Exposed: Burma Border To China." []
jaymaron comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Most of the world’s goose down comes from China, where it is obtained by live plucking.
Is farm-free food the future? []
jaymaron comments on Jan 21, 2020:
Soy is the prime feedstock because it is heavy in protein. It takes half as much soy as corn to produce meat. Give the Solein to the animals as feedstock, and then eat the animals.
jaymaron comments on Jan 19, 2020:
This one might be very important.
jaymaron comments on Jan 18, 2020:
The political potential energy function. The center is a slippery place.
[] 2020 Trump re-election commercial
jaymaron comments on Jan 18, 2020:
Trump's greatest accomplishment is making Chuck Schumer cry.
How do you test the Mars helicopter?
jaymaron comments on Jan 17, 2020:
The power/mass required to fly scales as AirDensity^{-3/2} * Gravity^{3/2} The Hellas basin is 7 km deep and the air is 1.5 times as dense as at the surface.
NASA announces top three designs for homes on Mars: []
jaymaron comments on Jan 17, 2020:
Mars' atmosphere is too thin to stop cosmic rays. You need 4 tons/meter^2 of material to stop them. The homes depicted in the article don't take this into account. Everyone would die after a few months from radiation.
How does one get around the Fallacy of Equivalence?
jaymaron comments on Jan 17, 2020:
Mirror symmetry. For any foul committed by party A, a foul of equal or greater magnitude exists by party B. You can't compare infinities. You need to define a measure of magnitude.
😂 🤣 Boris Johnson says veganism is a 'crime against cheese-lovers' - CNN
jaymaron comments on Jan 17, 2020:
World protein production = 500 Bkg/year Protein % Pig 6 Beef 4 Other mammals 1 Chicken 7 Turkey .4 Other birds .5 Fish 15 70% is farmed, 30% is wild Milk 6 Egg 2 Cheese 1.5 Corn 7 Rice 10 Wheat 22 Potato 1 Soy 7 Beans 2 Nuts 4 Fruit 1.5 Vegetables 3
I would love for Dinesh to research and report the historical truth of the Lincoln “Green Back ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 15, 2020:
It worked. After the war the government redeemed the greenbacks with gold. Lincoln made additional bold moves such as nationalizing the railroads and telegraphs. There aren’t enough precious metals in the world to satisfy the demand for currency. What else could be used? Possibly: Freshwater Trees Land rental A piece of the profits from energy mining and metal mining.
India and the origins of Zero - Firstpost
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
The zero is a red herring. What matters is your power of calculation. In 1585 Simon Stevin introduced the decimal number system, which enabled modern calculation. He used it to calculate the frequencies for 12-tone equal tuning. In 1604 Galileo used it to establish the equation for acceleration. Logarithms followed shortly after in 1614. Decimal numbers were necessary for Kepler's analysis of Brahe's data, published in 1608. Then followed Cartesian geometry in 1637 and The Calculus in 1687.
This is good info if you are interested in Grand solar minimum cycles coinciding with Milankovich ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Sunspot number correlates with past climate extremes. The sun is presently dimming.
This is pretty cool from Discover Magazine.
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
The maximum height of a mountain is proportional to the shear modulus of the rock divided by the surface gravity. Gravity Radius Tallest mountain Mountain/Radius m/s2 km km km/km Earth 9.8 6371 8.9 . 0014 Mount Everest Venus 8.9 6052 8 . 0013 Volcanic Mercury 3.7 2440 10 . 0041 Mars 3.7 3386 21.2 . 0063 Mount Olympus. Previously volcanic Io 1.80 1822 18 . 0099 Supervolcanos Moon 1.62 1738 7 . 0040 No geological activity Titan 1.35 2576 2 . 0008 Ice mountains Ceres . 27 476 5 . 0105 Ice mountains. Round Pluto . 66 1173 4 . 0034 Ice mountains. Vesta . 25 265 Tall Not round
Facts and theories of Economics.
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Wealth is whatever you can get in exchange for what you produced. Wealth is exports. Primary energy --> Raw materials --> Manufactured goods --> Exports --> Wealth. Power/Capita correlates tightly with exports and GDP/capita.
A question about historical facts: back when the US had paper currency backed by commodities such as...
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Part of the backing of a currency is the defense. Sir Isaac Newton devised coins that were hard to counterfeit and he was skilled in investigating counterfeiting. He was the original Holmes. Newton also favored a gold standard because he wanted to draw the world's gold to England. This is a central theme in Neil Stephenson's "Baroque Cycle" novels. What does the United States do to defend its currency?
Gold Backed Currency-- Again "Fiat" currency is not complicated.
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
The value of elements is that they are uncounterfeitable and time-invariant. I challenge everyone to think of an alternative. The freshwater in a river is a possibility. There isn't enough metal in the world to satisfy the demand for currency. Metallic asteroids have trillions of $ of platinum group metals and this can satisfy the demand. Trillion $: World stock markets 90 World currencies 2.5 World cryptocurrencies . 55 Gold, world reserves 1.4 Gold mined over history 7.5 = 187 Mkg Gold, world reserves 1.4 = 35 Mkg Gold, USA reserves . 32 = 8.1 Mkg Gold mining in 1 year . 10 = 2.5 Mkg (40000 $/kg) Silver mining in 1 year . 013 = 26 Mkg ( 500 $/kg) Platinum mining in 1 year . 021 = . 24 Mkg (88000 $/kg) Palladium mining in 1 yr . 0035= . 25 Mkg (14000 $/kg) Stock, New York 23.1 Stock, NASDAQ 10.4 Stock, Japan 6.3 Stock, Shanghai 5.0 Stock, Euronext 4.6 Stock, London 4.6 Currency, Dollar 1.67 Currency, Euro 1.20 Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin . 191 Cryptocurrency, Ethereum . 105 Cryptocurrency, Ripple . 048
So what do you think about what Trump is doing with regards to trade?
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Soy: Produce Export Import Bkg/yr Bkg/yr Bkg/yr World 330 USA 117 58 0 Brazil 96 76 0 Argentina 59 2.1 5 India 14.0 0 0 China 12.1 0 86 Paraguay 9.2 6.0 Canada 5.8 4.9 Soy is gold. Since soy is dense in protein, it takes half as much soy as other feedstocks to raise livestock. With soy, you can raise livestock with minimalist land. As a foreign policy tool it is powerful. China needs soy and we have the soy.
Great read. []
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Gini coefficient by state. California is the fourth worst state for wealth inequality.
Here's a good article. It could apply to investing or climate change. []
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Instead of "more socialism" or "less socialism", let it be smart or stupid socialism. Smart socialism: Dams, bridges, the transcontinental railroad, the interstate freeway system, aqueducts, national parks, cathedrals, Wikipedia, The Green Bay Packers, The Large Hadron Collider, Caltech. Stupid socialism: FIFA, the NCAA, and any project undertaken by California during the last few decades. Can anyone think of more examples?
Is the persistance of "Tickledown theory" a failure of economists to explain clearly or is it a ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Waterfall economics: Primary energy -> Raw materials -> Manufactured goods --> Exports --> Wealth There is a tight correlation between power/capita and gdp/capita. The goal is to maximize primary energy and minimize its price. If you're going to tax, tax efficiently. Tax only once. If there is a cycle of money, don't tax each stage of the cycle. For example, tax the primary energy, and then the tax is reflected in prices down the waterfall. Since primary energy is a natural resource, it's reasonable to regulate it. Ensure that the salaries are paid with a good Gini coefficient. Make sure the lowest workers are well paid.
Films about economic Theories.
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
There aren't enough precious metals in the world to satisfy the demand for currency, even if you add platinum, etc.
The Unlikelihood of Climate Refugees Driven By Future Sea Level Rise (Thanks @CodeBuster for the ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Let's go on offense. Over human history, 25000 km^2 of new land has been created (most in China and the Netherlands) and 80000 km^2 has been lost to sea level rise. We can win this battle. Create more land and fortify beaches. Land creation is cheap and it tends to be profitable, especially where demand is high. Japan and South Korea greatly extended their urban land area. Beachfront property tends to be valuable. Anyone who can afford beachfront property can afford to fortify the beach, and it comes with the bonus of extra land.
Most phones come with Google pre-installed.
jaymaron comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Android and Chrome cripple your ability to compile and run your own programs (python, for example). Additionally, they control the App market. A 1990 DEC Station is more useful for computational physics than a 2020 Chromebook, because of the operating system. An Android device is capable of being a supercomputer.
I'm really sick of seeing the term "mansplaining.
jaymaron comments on Jan 12, 2020:
For those of you who would like a better solution to storage batters than Li Ion may I present the ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Nickel-iron battery energy/mass = . 1 MJoules/kg. Power/mass = 100 Watts/kg Lithium-ion = . 8 MJoules/kg. Power/mass = 1000 Watts/kg.
"VentureStar was a single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) reusable launch system proposed by Lockheed Martin ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Stage 1: Use the equatorial motion. . 45 km/s Stage 2: Air launch from a Mach 5 ramjet. 1.5 km/s You need 8 km/s to reach orbit, which means you need an additional 6 km/s. This is easily handled by 2 cheap solid rocket stages. The point of Mach 5 air launch is that you can get to orbit with cheap solid rockets. It only takes a 3 ton capsule to re-enter the atmosphere. Bringing anything more back is senseless.
Building a new country out of a province is cost prohibitive.
jaymaron comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Canada has vast reserves of potassium, oil, natural gas, water, hydropower, nickel, cobalt, platinum-group metals, niobium, copper, gold, uranium, thorium, goose and duck down, and hockey players.
I am curious to know people’s feelings concerning the state of education in America.
jaymaron comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Berkeley budget: Teachers 38% Administrators 30% Student aid 14% Caltech: Teaching 42% Research 40% Administration 13% Other 5% Drain the college swamp!


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