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HotAir: World ends in 9 years.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 11, 2022:
Great opportunity for the unscrupulous to take advantage of the members of that religion. Watch them complain about it later. I will not refuse if one of them insists on selling me their property at a discount the day before the World ends.
Feds Paid for Room Service, Laundry, Babysitters for Illegal Immigrants Kept at Hotels - American ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 11, 2022:
Our tax dollars at work. But when people thought I would give them COVID because I was still working, I lost my rental room, and the government was not there for me...because I am a white American Citizen. Its not right. And until the American people wake up, America will always be a target for opportunists to take advantage of our country in every way they can. I have nothing against anyone trying to do that. Most are just trying to improve their lives, and the US government is pretty much encouraging them to do so with our tax dollars. But without dedicated and funded oversight, those who would do harm to our country are among those coming for their own benefit. Every sovereign nation has the responsibility to carefully manage immigration, including shutting it down at times. Completely open borders is how Rome fell, and how we will fall too. When that happens, it will not be business as usual, as asleep Americans hope. Armed thugs will take everything from everyone, and kill anyone who gets in their way. And if that does not happen, it will be because socialists get to it first.
How the Democrats Deceptively Framed Referendums on Abortion and Gun ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 11, 2022:
Democrats lie.
My second attempt at making a salad…
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 10, 2022:
Looks good to me. I’ve been Paleo since before it was called Paleo, in the 80s, after seeing research seeming to indicate that the assumptions around heart disease, including cholesterol, were not conclusive. Lots to question about the traditional medical industry. Do the research and look for proof, not just pointers, and see if you agree.
Australian Labor PM RunAwayAlbo will be meeting with his CCP master & comrade Xi.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 10, 2022:
Looking from the outside, a meeting between Xi and Albanese seems like a wolf visiting a sheep.
Fetterman “Wins” / PA & the USA Loses and I blame ‘Intellectuals’ and PBS (Propaganda ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 9, 2022:
The election was surely stolen, and many of the voters were fooled, (half of them are double digit IQ) but the real weakness was Dr Oz. If he was a stronger Constitutionalist, he would have presented the voters with a real choice. So instead the "Good 'ol boy" was able to successfully leverage his disability to convince voters Dr Oz was a bully.
Biden Says He Plans to Change ‘Nothing’ After Midterm Elections []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 9, 2022:
The gift that keeps on giving to Republicans. But the stolen votes in the midterm proves that we have to do better to protect the voting machines.
It’s only 4pm
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 9, 2022:
I have requested of my reps to vote for H.R.69 - Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 to go to a single time year round.
It's hard to wrap my head around this, it has been 33 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 9, 2022:
Betcha thought as I did that NATO would be dissolved, because its mission was fulfilled, and experts on the history of the region had warned that an undirected NATO could destabilize the region. But it wasn't, and so it has come to pass.
The Democrat campaign strategy: 1) Hide in basement.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 9, 2022:
Don't forget, claim to illegals that they are in the country because of Democrats, and that they have to vote for them. And don't forget to disable cameras near voting machines, truck in thousands of fraudulent ballots, and hack voting machines wherever they are not watched. This will continue until the voters have had enough.
Acknowledge . Apologize . Atone
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 9, 2022:
What about the dead and the permanently suffering? We don't give amnesty for assault nor murder.
re: Maple Chronicles China taking ‘aggressive’ steps to undermine Canada’s democracy, PM ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 8, 2022:
Trudeau has been playing into the hands of China so consistently that he will have a bunch of difficulty changing course. And the Chinese will not cooperate with a course change either.
INSANE: Kids admit they are ashamed to be whitehttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 8, 2022:
What more proof does anyone need of brainwashing, that someone believes that something which is, and can't be changed, should not be. Psychosis; "a serious mental illness characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions."
Once again, it’s time to refresh our awareness of the nuanced ways in which our language evolves.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 8, 2022:
Well done. I would add: DEMOCRAT. A Communist who wants to be known as a person who is interested in your rights, but knows there is no power in that, so really needs to take away your rights by destroying the Constitution, and knows that their true name is not appreciated by Americans, and who hope the term "Socialism" is more acceptable to Americans. LIBERAL. See Democrat. The classic definition of a liberal is someone who defends individual rights, like free speech, the right to bear arms, farmer's rights to grow whatever they want... American's who call themselves "liberal" are actually Communists, who believe there are only "oppressors" and the "opresssed." PROGRESSIVE. See Democrat, Liberal.
Trump still has more popularity than ‘anyone’ in the Republican ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
There are very few true Constitutionalists; those dedicated to protecting your rights. Trump is one. Cruz is another. DeSantis is one. Lake is. Gabbard is. Reagan was one. Coolidge was one. There are many more, mostly unknown nationally.
Christine Anderson MdEP: COV-IDIOT VS GOV-IDIOT []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Christine Anderson holds the media and politicians in contempt who have pushed the COVID scare.
Oh boy! Tomorrow we find out what the big Democrat plan is! They must have one?
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Democrats lie. If you look at their official platform, it has almost no resemblance to their record. And if you bother to look at their history since they were founded in 1828, it is practically a guide to being a corrupt politician, and how to slander the Republicans. Easy to verify. So I have almost no interest in their "plan." Republicans, on the other hand post their dedication to protection of the Constitution, and unless they are RINOs, that is also their record. Super easy to verify.
Glenn Beck: How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast | ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Transhumanism has been discredited, and is clearly beyond human technological capabilities today. But that is not stopping the delusional and powerful from funding it, just like the Nazis were convinced of their ability to improve human beings, and kill off "inferior" humans. Gates is among those who believe in this religion. If our technology ever does make transhumanism possible, the ethical considerations will obviously be irrelevant by then. They are today. It does not take a genius to think through the logical consequence: The end of humankind. Those who think they will somehow remain alive then, as lords in a feudal state, are massively delusional. Many will be surprised to find the human genome resistant to the manipulation, and that it will respond with unexpected turns, including mutations of those who hope to be immune. If you believe COVID is an engineered virus, notice how no one has managed to avoid infection. If those who engineered it hoped to be immune, it didn't work. Some of us feel this will be the hand of God. Whether or not you believe that, I know as an engineer, that it will be true.
Glenn Beck: How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast | ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Webb's work illuminates and confirms my belief that agencies created in emergency conditions MUST have sunset clauses, because emergencies tend to allow extra-Constitutional measures that are on the slippery slope on which there is no effective control. That means the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, HSS, the Department of Education, the Department of Justice, and probably many more, are operating outside the Constitution, and should be dissolved, and replaced as necessary with Constitutionally based agencies - in most cases in the States, and not in the Federal government. Restoring Constitutional reverence in the US, could begin the erosion of the WEF power in the World to manipulate the average person into feeling they have no choices.
Glenn Beck: How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast | ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Mr Beck is apparently unaware that long term exposure to moderate O3 concentrations can cause lung damage
Kathy Griffin suspended from Twitter for mocking Elon Musk []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Censorship favoring the Right is no better than Censorship favoring the Left. Our Constitution calls for free speech.
Never Trumper Says Biden AND Kamala Should Drop Out, Slams Biden For ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 7, 2022:
George Will couldn't think through his way out of a paper bag. He is among so many in the nation who are functionally illiterate and seem to be unaware of the distinction of the Constitution, and the candidates who defend it.
Alway thought Madonna was a raving lunatic - she's re-affirmed it.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
“The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.” Robert Heinlein.
Donald Trump uses Florida rally to call for 'death penalty' to stop 'crime and drugs' (3:16) ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
Unpopular among the Christian Right, but more popular with the bloodthirsty Left.
Joe Biden Calls For Windfall Tax On Oil Companies Which Will Dramatically Spike Gas Prices ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
Biden is declaring war on the people at the bottom of the economy. Does he think oil companies will swallow increased fees, or will they pass them on to consumers??? If I were desperately poor (I have been in the past, so I know what that's like) I would be voting for Trump.
Democrats have 'nothing to offer' but 'fear and division'[]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
Democrats claim a Republican win means the end of Democracy. By "Democracy" I mean Constitutional rights. By "Democracy," "Democrats" mean Communism, not Constitutional rights. Democrats have taken the name "Democrats" since they were founded in 1828 as a smokescreen for their stand against the Constitution of the United States, because it limits government, and limits their potential for power....and it sounds better than "Communists." In Communism is unlimited power for the expense of your rights. So I believe Democracy IS on the ballot. We hope to regain freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom from government excess.... All of these things are protected by our Constitution and ignored by Democrats.
Remember, democracy killed Socrates. []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
Democrats claim a Republican win means the end of Democracy. By "Democracy" I mean Constitutional rights. By "Democracy," "Democrats" mean Communism, not Constitutional rights. Democrats have taken the name "Democrats" since they were founded in 1828 as a smokescreen for their stand against the Constitution of the United States, because it limits government, and limits their potential for power....and it sounds better than "Communists." In Communism is unlimited power for the expense of your rights. So I believe Democracy IS on the ballot. We hope to regain freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom from government excess.... All of these things are protected by our Constitution and ignored by Democrats.
BoundingIntoComics: New Report Claims Hollywood Focus Groups Overwhelmingly Prefer A Fake ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
We watch for escape, entertainment, and not propaganda. Anyone who has survived WWII, or come from the Iron Curtain knows the difference. Most others do too.
Democrats 'desperately' trying to pretend democracy is 'on the ballot'[]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
Democrats claim a Republican win means the end of Democracy. By "Democracy" I mean Constitutional rights. By "Democracy," "Democrats" mean Communism, not Constitutional rights. Democrats have taken the name "Democrats" since they were founded in 1828 as a smokescreen for their stand against the Constitution of the United States, because it limits government, and limits their potential for power....and it sounds better than "Communists." In Communism is unlimited power for the expense of your rights. So I believe Democracy IS on the ballot. We hope to regain freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom from government excess.... All of these things are protected by our Constitution and ignored by Democrats.
People don't 'fully grasp' how much land is needed in the move to ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
The amount of land is not the only thing the people do not grasp. In the US, wind farms are being torn down. Many municipalities have been dealing with the consequences of lawsuits for a range of damages due to the presence of windfarms, and malfeasance for their lack of performance as promised. It is cheaper for most of municipalities to tear them down than repair them. Most constituents have noticed that many of the wind turbines are not running, and have put two and two together, that the maintenance costs must be astronomical. And they are. So the true cost of energy from windfarms turns out to be about triple that from conventional power, which now appears to be likely to be around for many generations. With economic hardship looming on the horizon, few municipalities are willing to saddle themselves with even more debt they have no hope of returning.
Attacks against Kari Lake by the media have been 'unrelenting' and 'unfair'[]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 6, 2022:
What else would anyone expect from Leftist propaganda agencies? I don't believe any of it. And slowly the American public is coming around to that too.
Fetterman's stroke brings up issue on whether he's 'cognitively sound' to run in the ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
If I am reading the pulse of Pennsylvania correctly, the point will become moot on November 8th.
Interesting conversation []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Every sovereign nation has the responsibility to its citizens to manage immigration, which can mean shutting it down completely at times, regardless of the needs of the immigrants. This may seem cruel, but it is also in the best interests of immigrants, who may leave terrible conditions in a familiar place only to land in an unfamiliar place where they are resented and there are not enough jobs. Some who don't remember starting over, or never had to deal with a language barrier will never understand that.
Fetterman's flag flop (4:11) Those flags toppling behind Fetterman is a sign.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Ask your reps to vote for the Sunshine Protection Act to stabilize US time zones.
Watch Live! Infowars Truck Hits The Streets of Austin, Texas To Trigger Liberals With Facts & ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Looking forward to the videos. Should be hilarious.
Research: Countries That Sought ‘Zero-COVID’ Lockdowns Have The Least Immunity []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
The pins are getting set up. The big ball will start rolling soon. Of course, that will mean nothing in the PRC. Their lockdown is permanent, and COVID was the Xi's excuse. Any other place can only prove itself a representative republic by ending lockdowns and prosecuting all who were willing to extend them without Constitutional justification, force public mask use, coerce others to misrepresent the data, participate in gain of function research, promote vaccine use prematurely, falsely absolve pharmaceutical companies of liability, and misrepresent the risks.
Biden Attacks Elon and Twitter; Slams Musk for Buying Outfit that "Spews Lies All Across the World" ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
The President, a Democrat, is delusional. But I repeat myself.
Biden Announces He's Going to Shut Coal Plants Down Across America During Major Energy Crisis, Says ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Biden has no such authority.
Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has received a seven-day suspension from Twitter over his use of ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
I don't know how Twitter works, but someone doing that in response to one of my entries at IDW, will get blocked by me. I defend even the most egregious free speech, however I also have the right to choose in which conversations I will engage.
Mainstream Media Election Report Shakes the Nation – Republican Candidates Get Negative Coverage ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
That's a propaganda machine Josef Goebbels would have envied. No true representative republic would suffer such an injustice. That could only exist in a tyrannical fascist regime.
We learned what they really were capable of It's not about forgiveness.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
"The surest way to manipulate someone into condemnation of their friends and families, and into abandonment of good conduct, is to convince them without their realization that they have something to fear." -
TFIGlobal - Canada: Watch Carefully: Jordan Peterson is definitely trying to tell us something! ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
No government has any money or power unless it siphons money from the revenue stream of private production and service. If the government has no power unless it gets it from the people, the people should be regulating how much power the government has, and how much the government can take of their hard earned income. The people should penalize the government by taking money back from the government when the government fails to protect individual rights, and especially if the people lose their rights to the government. History proves that the more massive the government, the less rights the people have. The Rights stated in the charter of every government should contain the mechanism to throttle the government, and remind the government that it is to serve, not prey on the people. When the US Constitution was damaged in 1942 by the abandonment of the Commerce Clause in Wickard v Filburn, one of the restrictions on massive government growth was effectively removed. It must be re-instated and the consequences of its removal must be reversed.
Interesting thought
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
The massive Federal Bureaucracy grew as a direct result of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's unConstitutional threat to remove all nine Supreme Court Justices if they failed to vacate the Commerce Clause of our very US Constitution. In 1942, SCOTUS did exactly that in Wickard v Filburn. War weary Americans were asleep and said nothing. Before that, the Constitution provided only for Federal regulation of Interstate Commerce, and military defense of the nation. Abandonment of the Commerce Clause resulted in the control of what farmers could and could not grow, Soviet Central Planner style. That morphed through the decades into dozens of Federal agencies and the HSS, which controls the lives of most Americans through the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare - also unConstitutional. If the Federal government were the size provided by the Constitution, it would be far smaller than 50% less.
Elon Takes Out the Trash - And The Media Is Melting Down Over It![]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Abandoning US Constitutional principles has consequences.
The UN Continues to Reveal Its Belief That It Is a “Global Governing Authority” Even As It ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
For decades nations like China and Russia have not paid their dues to the UN, and the US has been the prime supporter. Time for the US to disavow the UN, and cease its support.
I guess it boils down to that
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Exactly right. Obama to Biden, with the Democrat Congress. Uncontrolled spending. Not rocket science. When you print money without production value, or precious metal behind it, eventually its value goes down. Dozens of modern economies have proved it including pre-WWII Germany, Argentina, Greece, Yugoslavia...but they didn't have the Dollar to artificially support them. The US won't either when the Dollar fails, and there are countries in the World working hard to see to it. China has almost a million times the amount of gold as the US. Dems have sold our gold to them. Russia also has far more than the US. When we see a loaf of bread costing $1000, we will starve. Unlikely to get around it now - particularly if the Dems retain Congress.
Liberals Continue Spending Hikes, Risking More Inflation []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Liberals project $36.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
NDP Leader Supported Draconian Mandates, Restrictions, And Carbon Tax Hikes.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Liberals project $36.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Liberals Continue Spending Hikes, Risking More Inflation []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Liberals project $36.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Ivison: Winter is coming, and Freeland’s not prepared to deal with it [nationalpost.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Winter is coming, and Freeland’s not prepared to deal with it [nationalpost.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Today is November 5, 2022, and the Liberal/NDP party coalition is murdering Canadian citizens ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Debunking the myth that COVID lockdowns were justified because 'we didn't know' - LifeSite ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Those who doubled down on lockdowns should now be held accountable.
Singh Supported Draconian Mandates, Restrictions, And Carbon Tax Hikes.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Smart Canadians feeling the cold, will stop being "nice" and lobby tirelessly against Progressives, knowing their alternative is to freeze to death.
Canada Looks To Prosecute Crimes Committed On The Moon []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
...that's because they are not present on the planet.
AntiFa is a FASCIST Terror Group - The problem for them is that they can't lift more than 30 pounds ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Antifa are cowards who only attack in packs. If a grandma with an umbrella stood up to one alone, they would run in fear. That has actually happened.
All hospitals in Canada are EMPTY.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
We'll know eventually how many people died because they couldn't get treatment in empty hospitals. If the people of Canada haven't removed those responsible by then, I'll assume that's how they want it.
Ingraham Angle 11/04/2022
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Democrats have experienced the worst economic performance in history under Obama, and now a collapse of the economy again under Biden and a Democrat Congress. They want to deny it but now it is so much in their face that they are having a great deal of trouble buying their leader's rhetoric.
NBC silent after retracting Paul Pelosi report under mysterious circumstances A report that ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Never Believe Communists. Anyone following the "news" long enough and comparing it to what they know, realizes that the AP has been co-opted for decades now.
Biden Admins’ new definition of what a gun is comes under legal challenge- []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
From the policies and decisions coming out of the Administration, it is clear that the average intelligence of the entire bunch added together is not much higher than Biden's.
Let the meltdowns continue! Joe Rogan laughs at leftists declaring they’ll leave Twitter over ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
An American complaining that there is no censorship in our Constitutional Republic is incredible. I hope they will go someplace more comfortable like Venezuela, where there is censorship, stop reducing our aggregate intelligence, and leave us alone.
He doesn't remember.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Democrats have impeached, or tried to impeach every Republican President since 1960. Its what they do. Republicans have only sought to impeach Bill Clinton for disrespect of Congress; lying about Monica. Republicans may or may not regard impeaching Biden of any value, as a presumed lame duck. It is not simply a knee-jerk reaction like the Democrats seem to have. And when he is no longer in office, he will have more serious litigation to worry about anyway. If he could worry. For those who regard this as evidence of corruption of Republicans, it is exactly the opposite. Republicans were founded to defend the Constitution. Our Constitution is the only one in the World that limits government. Its defenders almost by definition are not in office for power. Democrats have been anti-Constitutional since the Democrat Party was founded in 1828, because it limits government, and potentially limits their power. They are all political and have always played dirty, including slandering Republicans from the beginning. If they hadn't, and enough of the public had not been fooled, they would have looked so bad beside Republicans that the party would not even exist today. But today's Democrats are so accustomed to their base accepting their outrageous behavior, that they have totally lost touch with reality, and may be nearing their end as a party.
BREAKING! US armored vehicles attack Haiti fuel terminal blockade, Russian tankers arrive | Redacted...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Haiti is a sovereign nation and we should not be there. However our interference in Ukraine - well within the sphere of influence of Russia, almost certainly has given Putin license to be in our hemisphere. The current Administration clearly doesn't get this. We will not improve our image by the necessity of protecting Haiti from Russia, because Russia will do what it always does: make fools of us. If we completely get out of Ukraine, we can demand the same of the Russians in Haiti. Otherwise, the World will keep getting more dangerous. Vote Democrats out NOW.
Find Out Why The Entire EU Has Banned David Icke []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
The problem with crying "wolf" too many times is that even when you are right, no one believes you.
DailyCaller: VDH: The Left Were The Mad Scientists – We Were Their Lab Rats.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
The dupes of Marxists and their sympathizers are only too willing to de-stabilize society by calling for the police to be defunded, and are too dumb to understand that they are being used to overthrow their own cushy lives, and lose their rights, when the population concludes that Marxism is the answer to the anarchy they themselves have created.
This Is Seriously Concerninghttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
As we in the US honor our fallen on Memorial Day, so we recognize our neighbor Canada's honor of its fallen with red poppys on Rememberence Day until November 11 at 11 AM.
MSNBC Think You Are IGNORANT About The Economy And THIS Word![]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
MSNBC is correct…about its own viewership being ignorant. Anyone with any sense is not watching MSNBC.
You know, feelings.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Yeah, but it was a good story...until the sequels.
BOMBSHELL report reveals illegal government collusionhttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
“This isn’t a Biden story. It’s not a Trump story either. This is a national security state story.” This week Ken Klippenstein and Lee Fang at The Intercept broke a huge story: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation. Ken joins Useful Idiots to share how he uncovered the bombshell revelation, what it tells us about our powerful security state, and his predictions for the dark future of information censorship. The story, which reveals collusion between tech companies and the US government, massive CIA incompetence, and Orwellian levels of surveillance, is not a partisan issue, Klippenstein argues. It’s an issue of national security. And yet looking at the headlines from corporate media following The Intercept’s publishing, there was immediate political spin. The Washington Post told its readers that only conservatives would “go after DHS counter-disinformation work,” which means good Democrats should celebrate speech censorship. Meanwhile, as Ken writes in his story, Republicans claim we’ve defeated disinformation by taking down Biden’s disinformation governance board, ignoring that the same DHS tactics happened under Trump. “It’s crammed into this partisan framework,” he explains, “that doesn’t reflect the reality that when someone’s in power they tend not to care about free speech.” And the scariest part, Ken tells us, “this is not formalized in statute. There's no law saying ‘we're going to create the disinformation team.’ They can do this administratively without sign off from Congress. And they probably have beyond what I'm able to report because I'm only able to get details that my sources have access to. We don't know what else might exist.”
China and WEF love Trudeau.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
He thinks he is untouchable. Make sure your reps know you do not approve of his government.
‘Huge’ push in ‘enthusiasm’ for Republicans in polls: ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Partly due to the speed of electronic information, Democrats no longer have the time to keep up with their lies, and are being exposed one by one. Not even Marxist revision of history can derail the truth.
What all of us anti-science bigots were saying would happen all along.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
When most of us have a reasonable feel for what makes sense, and are paying attention - beyond some political agenda, it is easy to recognize a point of view with an agenda. Most of us have seen that since March 2020. Now we ALL KNOW that there was no pandemic, only a scare. Only those already being killed by the flu were killed by COVID-19, and healthy people were afflicted less than the annual flu. The masks and lockdowns were therefore wrong, unConstitutional and probably actionable. The government has NEVER proved they were necessary - even in the short term. FDA approval of vaccines has never been a complete assurance of the safety of any vaccine, so there was NEVER sufficient justification for rushing the process, and exposing the public to additional risk by shielding vaccine makers from consequences of the experimental vaccine was also probably actionable. Evidence like this is accumulating, and it won't be long before we see a lot of prosecution.
Tucker Calls Out Biden – “The Guy Who Showers With His Daughter Is Telling You You’re A Bad ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
His pedophelia is obvious in his public behavior.
Gavin Newsom: 'Red wave' looming amid failed messaging []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
"Messaging"??? It isn't the way Democrats are saying it. They intend to tear down the Constitution, and destroy the rights of Americans for the sake of power. You can't package that at all in any way to be acceptable - especially when the public is getting wise to blaming Republicans for all of that.
Mr Speaker []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Targeting oil & gas industries only hurts consumers with higher costs for fuel, and the first to suffer are the lowest on the economic ladder. Trudeau's administration seems completely unaware of the consequences of its policies to the economically disadvantaged in Canada.
Blame everyone else
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Narcissism 101
Dick Durbin needs a refresher course on the Constitution. []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Democrats are Democrats because they are not Republicans. The Republican Party was founded to defend and support the Constitution. Democrats do not, because the Constitution limits our government, and potentially limits their power. Even if they have read it, Democrats have no interest in honoring the Constitution. And RINOs are easy to identify: they also do not respect the Constitution. They are Democrats lying to fool the public about who they are. Democrats would not exist if they had not done their best throughout history to slander Republicans, including blaming them for everything they have done, and lying about who they are. They founded the KKK to intimidate former slaves from voting for Republicans, and wore white hoods to keep from being identified. Today Democrats call Republicans racists.
CNN is Having Some MAJOR Problems 😂[]
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Inevitable. All propaganda outlets eventually run up against their own lies. Historically their stories only hold up for a limited time, before the public catches on. Then they are forever untrusted. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” ― Abraham Lincoln
Trudeau blames lack of pain medicine for children on 'climate change' - LifeSite []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Demonstrating again his utter lack of technical knowledge.
See Trudeau blame lack of pain medicine for children on 'climate change' - LifeSite ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Demonstrating again his utter lack of technical knowledge.
Biden Chief of Staff Threatens Americans Just Days Before Midterms: 'Final Warning' via ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
As I recall, Hillary's threats backfired. I guess ignorance of history has consequences.
US President Joe Biden says, 'Don't worry, we are gonna free Iran' | Latest News | WION (1:17) ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Biden's handlers are apparently uninformed about foreign affairs, sovereign integrity of other nations, the difference between our Constitution and their government, and lack an understanding of what may cause WWIII,
CNN is Having Some MAJOR Problems 😂 - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Inevitable. All propaganda outlets eventually run up against their own lies. Historically their stories only hold up for a limited time, before the public catches on. Then they are forever untrusted. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” ― Abraham Lincoln
COURAGE is knowing it might hurt and doing it anyway.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Some have called courage just fear, with oxygen. Taking a deep breath before taking that last step beyond recovery sometimes is the difference between proceeding and not...and sometimes with oxygen one knows the difference.
Saint George Floyd?
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Democrats lie. If their platforms were worth anything, they would tell truth. They cannot.
Garbage platform. chuckle []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 4, 2022:
As the former founder of a corporation, I would always bar former employees from their prior offices when under a new regime, as soon as they became aware. They might not do anything malicious, however it only takes one to do a great deal of damage. There have been exceptions, such as those I came to know to be of unusual integrity and strength of character. They would be cautioned be to not overtly present. And they were sometimes able to blunt malicious events, to protect the company. As with the military, the practicalities of business often require a certain amount of secrecy, and arbitrary judgment, to which employees contractually agree, as a condition of employment.
Biden Pulls The Oldest Trick In The Book | Ep. 1118 []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Democrats always lie. Since 1828. Biden claims he is increasing social security payments, but they are inflation adjustments required by a law set up by Republicans in the 70s. However the boosts would not be so high if Biden's economy was not so inflated. So he can claim credit for them insofar as he has created a disastrous economy I guess.
Oh SHT, Did Putin just expose this? The U.N. shut it down []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
The UN might not be very interested in condemning the biolabs because there seems to be plenty of evidence that the UN and NATO are involved in those labs, and that US involvement may by limited to NGOs. I would not be inconsistent for Putin to claim the US is responsible, even if we only had a slight participation, and not by our government.
Anne Hathaway Goes on 'The View' to Spew Complete Nonsense []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Anne who?
Alex Jones Warns: Democrats’ Only Move Against The Red Tsunami This November Is CHEATING ...
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Dems have already admitted to sending voter registration forms to 30,000 illegal aliens in Colorado.
Watch: Colorado Voters Tell Lauren Boebert They Don’t Trust The Denver Post []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
I would not subscribe to the Denver Post if they paid me. And although no longer living in Boebert’s territory, I am definitely a fan.
The Age of Insanity []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
We see the insanity as well, and realize that restoring society to sanity will not happen without deliberate and costly effort. Liberty was gained at loss of life. It will be sad if we have taken it so for granted that it could require another payment in kind.
No surprise there []
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, openly admitting Democrat cheating scams of millions of votes, then wonders why anyone would vote Republican. Democrat subversion of Democracy by admittedly defrauding the election, and implying they stole the last one, makes a complete lie of the claim that Republicans will subvert democracy
There's coming "climate change" alright, and it's not going to be caused by CO2 emissions.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
I am so looking forward to meeting our dear Lord in person, who has guided and protected me in my dreams and thoughts all my life, as far as I can discern. When I was much younger, I was less clear about some of His inspirations, and took credit for them, and for achievements I seemingly made, which were merely His Will.
DC city council moves full steam ahead to make crimes increase in the city… Washington D.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Marxists now brazenly working to destabilize society in our very Capitol.
Jagmeet Supported Draconian Mandates, Restrictions, And Carbon Tax Hikes.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
The people know better. Demand his removal!
EXCLUSIVE: Migrants Are Given ‘Literal Roadmaps’ To Reach The US Border.
TimTuolomne comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Marxists must destroy our society, and convince you its destruction is the fault of our system, to make Marxism seem like a reasonable alternative. I suggest laughing at them. And also it is important to contact our reps, Senators, Governors and the President to tell them " Enough!"


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