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Radical liberals are scary.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 8, 2020:
No, it will not happen that we will live in a world where people can agree to disagree and still be friendly with each other. Being nasty is actually part of the strategy of the Left. And it is brilliant. It fits with our natural lower human nature to be tribal with neighboring tribes. The Left regards anyone else as the ignorant savages, and eagerly condemns them. Just as Islam is a religion of peace only when all the infidels are gone, so will the Left only be happy when we are gone, and they will happily spit on us until we are.
The master strikes again.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Obama had unquestionably the worst economy in the history of the US, and obligated taxpayers for the greatest debt than any administration in history. Anyone see a connection?
Liz Wheeler. "Chinese Communist Media Infiltrates White House." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 8, 2020:
If this is not ringing alarm bells in everyone's heads that the Communist revolution has hit our shores, not as we expected, but slithering in like spies in the form of a "free press," then history has failed to inform us. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Studies show that virtue signaling is effective with annoying repetition.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
The perfect response for virtue signaling, is no response. Turning away without regard is a massive signal that you have seen through it, and hold no respect for those who so practice. Responding verbally is always justifying their implicit claim. And responding with criticism is becoming enrolled in their method without your own knowledge.
Prager U.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
“It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.” - Thomas Sowell. In the US, the finest medical care in the World, is a thing of the past. In 1981, Democrats in Congress passed the LRRA, which drove 276 insurance companies out of business. Its stated goal was to "regulate" the insurance industry. The result was an instant quadrupling of insurance rates, many people were unable to continue carrying health insurance, and a two tiered system of medical pricing began. The Commerce Clause abdication in 1942, allowed Congress to justify the Affordable Care Act, which tripled insurance rates, and increased medical costs by requiring uncompensated record-keeping. Most medical professionals I knew personally retired. The effect of both acts has been to increase the number of uninsured, increase the cost of medical insurance 12 times, and make expensive medical procedures far less accessible to everyone. If the free market was allowed to resume, health insurance would again be a competitive market and become cheap, and medicine eventually restored to excellence. Worst of all, the Bayh-Dole Act of 1970 brought government funds and interference to universities. The effect of the increased cost of medical care and the change in research priorities drastically slowed advanced in medicine, except those favored by the government. This is the slow path to socialized medicine in the US. We are not yet where Canada and the UK have been for some time. But everyone knows that if you have a new diagnosis of a condition requiring long-term care, you most likely will die in the queue. Now the same is likely in the US as well. Government is good at war and coarse action. Not much else. The proof is what has happened as it has meddled in the free market. This increasingly makes the government in the business of practicing medicine without a license. No reasonable person thinks this is a good thing.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Finally, someone with a brain is speaking out about what we all know, and no one dares speak because of political correctness in the US. The unhinged Left in the US has roundly censured anyone who would speak this way, as I have personally experienced.
How politicians will exploit Covid-19 to further restrict our rights- [thefederalist.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
This is the second tragedy to befall the World in 2020. Those brainwashed by the false promises of Utopia, will lie, destroy, and kill "for our own good," to make it so, regardless of the historical record of torture and carnage. It will now be the worst carnage in history coming at us.
The war portion of this groups name, sounds like the correct landing for this.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
The Left are pressing in on all fronts. 2020 may be the year the West no longer represents a free people.
Ben Shapiro.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Valuable information. Awesome presentation by Ben Shapiro.
Steve Turley. "Media Stunned As Americans Rally Behind Trump." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Good sense always stuns zealots.
Coronavirus stimulus checks: 175 million Americans will start receiving funds 'this week or early ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Who in their right mind will turn down money given to them? No one. Even if they know that they will pay four times or more the value later. And they will. I think most Americans are completely unaware that they have been obligated by the government to $67,000 of debt for nothing in return. No boat. No RV. No Audi. Nothing. And interest will accrue. Obama obligated taxpayers for the largest amount in history that any government ever spent supposedly to restore the economy, 9 trillion dollars. There was already more than 9 trillion owed. The economy under Obama was the worst in American history. Where did the money go? So now we are obligated for 2.2 trillion more, and the Democrats have made much in that bill about something else. Where will that money go? If we don't ask all of our representatives to reverse all of this right now, we are in big trouble. How do we reverse it? History shows that the private sector produces up to 6 times more than the government can per dollar spent. So cutting taxes to zero temporarily ALWAYS brings an economy roaring back to life, which then becomes a powerful source of revenue when up to speed. History proves it. The Democrats will fight it. Why? Because of one simple fact: They want Republicans to fail, at any cost. Any cost. Even if it means the destruction of the US. They are like the sociopath who will kill his girlfriend rather than let anyone else have her. Don't let them.
Pharma-Funded Group Tied to a Top Trump Donor Is Promoting Malaria Drug to the President – Sludge
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Those delighted at the commonality as proof of something are probably studiously avoiding the dozens of unrelated posts showing the validity of Chloroquine. But hey, never let the facts get in the way of your propaganda narrative.
He is so mean....But he called grand pa Joe []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Maybe he should return to actually reporting the news?
VDH: Some coronavirus humility []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
A voice of reason. Everyone should read this until they understand.
You're white and you have a penis....I want reparatiton. ;) []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Alexandria who?
Ordinary Men. A Jordan Peterson Short Film. []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
This should be, and probably will never be a wake-up call to the virtue-signaling, those willing to condemn anyone who does not agree with them, and who would kill, say Republicans, if they were in an environment which approved. Not that I am any better. I just realize it, and so am armed against expressing it in any way. The value of my life - such as it may be, should be entirely forfeit were I to succumb to my impulse to the expression of such condemnation. I would rather die first.
Georgia Free.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Brilliance and beauty! Well said. I appreciate her description of the validity of MGTOW. However, I do not subscribe to the central philosophy of MGTOW, except for agreeing that I shall avoid those who often call themselves "feminists," when they display the tendency to condemn by group. This is not my condemnation by group, as I will make that choice in my interaction with individuals. I fear for anyone who condemns a whole gender.
If Jordan Peterson is indeed back in Canada and working in his new book, the timing couldn’t be ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I look forward to hearing from Dr. Peterson.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Remember those who claimed this was poison? That it was dangerous and irresponsible? We need to remember who they were who said that stuff. They are willing to enforce their uninformed beliefs on everyone else, at the expense of the lives of others.
Sage wisdom in these troubled times.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
He is still their candidate. I guess he is making sense to them.
I've been observing carefully, and I believe this just about covers all the 2020 Democratic ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I would call this the spoken and unspoken Democrat platform. And except for the destruction of the Constitution, you've pretty much covered it.
Fact Vs Fiction: Trump vs. the Coronavirus -- What the Polls Say []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
This article points out that roughly half the country has no idea what has happened about the virus. In polls 18% are cited as admitting it, but the description of those polled shows that their understanding of the virus is at odds with their understanding of economics, with about half the population in confusion. I have been making an effort to tell those around me what I know for certain. Those who have always been Trump bashers have no interest in anything I have to say, as soon as they recognize a different narrative than they are seeing on CNN.
The phony climate crisis has died a suitable death.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I hope not an asteroid. A Life Ending Event (LEE) such as an asteroid ten or more miles in diameter, is an unimaginary threat. However there is probably nothing we will be able to do about it. Movies portraying nuclear missiles making a difference are good theatre, and bad science. The panic over COVID-19 was largely unjustified, given the 80,000 flu deaths in 2018 in the US, and 2,046,549 deaths in the US from all causes except suicide in the US. No headlines. We did not shut the nation down for either of those tragedies, and the 10,000 COVID-19 deaths is making headlines. When you start to looking at this stuff in perspective, then look at who is promoting the panic (no pun intended,) it is an opportunity to live a more peaceful life to stop listening to fear-mongers. And "Climate Change" is part of that narrative of fear. "The surest way to manipulate someone into condemnation of their friends and families, and into abandonment of good conduct, is to convince them without their realization that they have something to fear."
VDH has been writing a lot in his confinement.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I am grateful Beth. Hanson is a bright light in a dark World.
LONDON CALLING : TRUMP says something very fishy at WHO. []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Pretty much all of what Trump said has been confirmed by independent media outlets. If you listen to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, WaPo... you would have no idea. In March, WHO said there was no SARS-COV2 human to human contact. They were wrong. China said the same thing. WHO said there was no reason to restrict travel. China said the same thing. The Epoch Times and many other independent papers warned about human to human contact and the danger of free travel in February. Look it up!
Now one Liberal bought-off media outlet is pointing at other bought-off media outlets for publishing...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
That's the first healthy sign of an actual free press I've seen in a while. But I can understand your suspicion that there might be another shoe to drop.
Prager U. "'Scientists Say' This Is the New Religious Doctrine." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Paul Joseph Watson.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
No point among the people I know. Racism is cultural bias, and only exists in the minds of those who actually think watching CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, reading the New York Times, and Washington Post is a way to learn something valid.
Off topic.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Given the fears of the day, I'd say you are quite on topic. :)
Iain McGilchrist's book 'The Master and his Emissary' was a sensation.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Pure Democracy is pure chaos. I see Representative Republic as harnessed chaos. Many people find the chaos of the US unsettling. So Iain McGilchrist's statement that order has taken over the West makes no sense to me. And as an engineer, I find his comment that turbulence is of value as creative, only of limited value as viewing entropy - the tendency of all systems to fall into chaos from order, and creativity, which is actually finding a pattern serendipitously in the chaos, as the same. The fact that he states that we know very little is excellent, but then he fails to mention the profound difference between the religions, and actually states preference for the mystical, it struck me that he seems to be actually seeking chaos, and turning away from valid answers. It makes me wonder if he would rather throw out the "baby with the bathwater" no matter how much we might value the baby. I wonder if he is uncomfortable with the similarity between his description of the Tao I Ching that describes how looking at something changes it, and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. "The Universe is not only stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think." - Heisenberg. Is it his sense of this which he actually finds inspirational?
American Greatness.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Any politician needs to be absolutely sure before taking drastic action, or lose office. It should be easy to imagine yourself in that position. So throwing rocks at the President or the advisors can't be productive, because one knows nothing about what has happened behind the scenes. Those willing to take advantage of the resulting chaos are those willing to play politics while people die. I won't be trusting them or listening to them.
Liz Wheeler.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Boom! Oliver probably doesn't even know he's been blown up.
Politics U.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
After placing 300 million dollars in the Coronavirus bill on page 147 for migrant worker relief, she may be trying to buy back her base. If they are smart they won't buy it. And that's why we are not rid of her yet.
This week's politically incorrect cartoon is a Merrie Melodies one called Fresh Hare, starring Bugs ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
"To arrive at a just estimate of a man's character, one must judge it by the standards of his time, not ours." - Mark Twain.
Liberty Or Death. "Candace Owens Interviewed On Coronavirus, Trump and 2020." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Beauty and brains times 2.
Sky News Australia.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
We may never know exactly what happened in Wuhan, however the sequenced genes for SARS-COV2 tell us what we need to know. The important facts are: 1. SARS-COV2 has not been seen in humans before, so it must run through the population to build antibodies and herd immunity before it becomes part of the normal cycle of flu and coronaviruses. 2. SARS-COV2 is an unusually fast spreading virus that kills those with pre-existing conditions almost exclusively. That limits the expected number of deaths to those with pre-existing conditions - a population already at risk from the normal cycle of flus and coronaviruses. 3. The Chinese Communist Party tried to cover it up. Because they did, there was virtually no chance of stopping it from infecting the World in a month or so, except for those nations which had advance notice of SARS-COV2. 4. Sweden's low death rate proves that self quarantine is irrelevant for nations without advance notice. This means that draconian measures that risk economic stability are counter-productive in just about every measure.
Lauren Chen. "AOC and Greta Never Waste a Crisis." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
I don't know anyone who listens to either of them. Do you?
NYC Official Says City Is Preparing To Dig ‘Trenches’ In A Park To Bury The Dead ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
And what happened in years past when they had ten times more flu deaths, hmmmmm?
Prager U. "So Why Isn t Communism As Hated and Feared As Naziism?
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Muslims and Communists both have in common that their doctrines call for lying about the doctrine as necessary to persuade a supposedly ignorant public for their own good. And Communism has its stated goal a kumbaya kind of Utopianism that is attractive to gullible idealists. Until these kids have enough life experience to realize that history is correct, they are ripe to be brainwashed.
The UN's WHO has been lying to us again, or (still?) []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
According to Nikki Haley, China's modus operandi is to lie and cheat as a matter of normal business, and they control the WHO. As part of the UN, which already has a record of appointing countries like China who clearly violate human rights, to things like the human rights commission, shows their duplicity as well. We must demand that our leaders defund the UN, and that we no longer are members.
NYC Official Says City Is Preparing To Dig ‘Trenches’ In A Park To Bury The Dead ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Horse hockey! What did they do with the tens of times the number of flu deaths in past years?
CCP, WTO and UN dishonesty []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
As ever Nikki Haley is intelligent, clear and provides accurate information. China, the WHO and the UN are all unreliable sources of information, and willing to cheat to act in their own short term best interests.
Now this is wise governing! Not herd mentality.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Wow! Our Constitution is alive and well in South Dakota. Bravo Governor!
First dozzy Tam said the masks don't do us any good. Why?
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Obama failed to restock them after the Bird Flu.
Of course, the "bought-off" Canadian media will invent something horrible to say about President ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
“No government of the left has done as much for the poor as capitalism has. Even when it comes to the redistribution of income, the left talks the talk but the free market walks the walk. What do the poor most need? They need to stop being poor. And how can that be done, on a mass scale, except by an economy that creates vastly more wealth? Yet the political left has long had a remarkable lack of interest in how wealth is created. As far as they are concerned, wealth exists somehow and the only interesting question is how to redistribute it.” ― Thomas Sowell.
Pamela Geller.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Facebook is even lower than the New York Times. China must be desperate.
The great suppression- [thelibertarianrepublic.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Democrats just tried to censor the president, so who might be running the Great Supression???
Farcebook is at it again with the censorship.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Do yourself a favor and get away from that mess, permanently. Doesn't the idea of making Zuckerberg wealthy bother you at all??? I surely won't be a party to that.
FCC rejects petition by far left media group to censor Trump press briefings... []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Ya think??? Such a motion would have been laughed out of any discussion not so long ago.
Hillary as Hannibal Lecter. Seems so right. []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
A sociopath is a sociopath, and a danger to everyone.
Thought this was interesting.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Comparing apples to oranges is meaningless. The Left is talking about how COVID-19 compares to wars. Ridiculous. Why are they not comparing it to the 80,000 deaths in 2018 due to the flu in the US? Why are they not comparing it to all of the deaths in 2019 from all causes except suicide, 2,046,549? Why? Because then it is truly in perspective and far less sensational. Do you trust anyone who does that? I don't.
Why Inspector General Michael Atkinson roundly deserved to be fired... []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Exactly right. The wankers who ran the impeachment will be running for the dark like the cockroaches they are by the time all of this becomes public.
LONDON CALLING : SURVIVAL of the FIT via EVOLUTION. Like it or not is that what this virus is?
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
If you bother to check, you will find that half of the medical industry has been laid off, and there are non-media sites - many of them, which show no lines anywhere, and ventilators waiting for patients. If you're like me and know thousands of people, and have been in touch with your friends, and you have heard of only one or two who are sick, and know of no fatalities. This is a media-driven panic overreaction, that politicians had no choice but respond as their constituents demanded. Go to this site to find the truth: You can see there that half the deaths are those with three serious pre-existing conditions, a quarter with two, and a quarter with one. ONLY 1% OF THE DEATHS ARE PEOPLE WITH NO KNOWN PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. This means if you are healthy, you have a 1 in 100,000 chance of it killing you if you get it, and you might not even get it. We are in way more danger driving to the grocery store. And those who had pre-existing conditions might have been laid down by any other microbe, and their deaths any other year would have been blamed on heart disease, tuberculosis, lung cancer... But this year they will all be called COVID-19. Getting the picture? We may never know exactly what happened in Wuhan, however the sequenced genes for SARS-COV2 tell us what we need to know. The important facts are: 1. SARS-COV2 has not been seen in humans before, so it must run through the population to build antibodies and herd immunity before it becomes part of the normal cycle of flu and coronaviruses. 2. SARS-COV2 is an unusually fast spreading virus that kills those with pre-existing conditions almost exclusively. That limits the expected number of deaths to those with pre-existing conditions - a population already at risk from the normal cycle of flus and coronaviruses. 3. The Chinese Communist Party tried to cover it up. Because they did, there was virtually no chance of stopping it from infecting the World in a month or so, except for those nations which had advance notice of SARS-COV2. 4. Sweden's low death rate proves that self quarantine is irrelevant for nations without advance notice. This means that draconian measures that risk economic stability are counter-productive in just about every measure. In 2018, there were 80,000 flu deaths, and we did not shut down the nation. In 2019, the CDC posted 2,046,549 deaths from all causes except suicide, and we didn't shut down the nation. Call your reps now and demand the quarantine rescinded.
LONDON CALLING : unchained speech unchained WE tuned into the enemy today.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Isn't it wonderful that we get taxed and pay for NPR to lobby for the loss of our Constitutional protection, to burden us with an ever-increasing Federal bureaucracy, and insult us with thinly veiled racist virtue-signaling and identity politics.
"The one question I get is - "if they are doing this lockdown knowing it is just a regular virus ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
The Federal government borrowed 9 trillion dollars in the Obama administration.  Every man, woman and child is now responsible for paying back about $67,500, and will get nothing for it. If you overextend your personal budget like that, you go bankrupt. The equivalent of that for an economy the size of the Federal government is a devaluation of the currency (raising the Fed rate) The Fed has no choice, as banks will also do that to protect their investments as too many dollars chase too few goods and inflation eventually makes the currency worthless. No government in history has ever pushed the debt proportionally that far.  Other countries completely dissolved economically.  The protection of the dollar as the world currency will only delay the inevitable. China has already forseen this and is making moves to become the World currency. Our last hope was for Congress to support the President at the start of his term for at least two terms of zero taxes to stimulate the economy into eventually producing enough tax revenue to pay it down.  At this point there is no power on Earth that can change what is about to happen to the U.S.. Obama, Schumer and Pelosi doubled the deficit above all previous administrations combined.  History will have their names and the Democrat Party on our economic failure.  And even though they were sure it would not happen soon enough to affect them and their families, and that they could blame Republicans, now you know! Congratulations to those who voted for them.  Don’t blame anyone else when you can’t feed your family and have lost your home.
There's no need to respond to this post.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Yipee Ki Yay Hombre! Orale!
US Death Toll Passes 10,000
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
80,000 died of the flu in 2018. We didn't shut down the country. Nuff said
New York.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Hide and watch. I doubt this is a true story, or if someone actually thinks it will happen, they are probably wrong. And if I may suggest, remember those who gleefully repeated the gloomiest projections. I would avoid them in the future.
Prager U.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Yup. "Classic Liberals" founded the nation, as rebels against true tyranny. Progressives, who seek to destroy the Constitution, and seek bigger more authoritarian control over the people at the expense of freedom, have suffered poor esteem among Americans when they tell the truth about themselves - for good reason, and must keep re-naming themselves to hide who they really are. Conservatives have always been conservatives since the existence of the Constitution - even though in the beginning they called themselves Liberals, which comes from Liberate, to set free. The Left would like the people to believe they want to set them free, when what they actually do is everything possible to enslave us.
The Rewriting of mein kamph...Replacing the word jew by hetero white male. []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
The Left places anyone in the crosshairs who is perceived as the concentration of power. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. So because it is fundamentally immoral, everyone with a moral code must stand up against it, no matter who they target.
NYC Announces They Will Bury Coronavirus Dead In City Parks As Dead Bodies Overwhelm City - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
More fake news from Timcast.
Gateway Pundit.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
You mean the Complete Bull Sh*t network? And why would I take anything they claim seriously?
Coronavirus: Theory That Coronavirus Emerged In Chinese Lab Picks Up Steam Amid Claims Staff 'Got...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
We may never know exactly what happened in Wuhan, however the sequenced genes for SARS-COV2 tell us what we need to know. The important facts are: 1. SARS-COV2 has not been seen in humans before, so it must run through the population to build antibodies and herd immunity before it becomes part of the normal cycle of flu and coronaviruses. 2. SARS-COV2 is an unusually fast spreading virus that kills those with pre-existing conditions almost exclusively. That limits the expected number of deaths to those with pre-existing conditions - a population already at risk from the normal cycle of flus and coronaviruses. 3. The Chinese Communist Party tried to cover it up. Because they did, there was virtually no chance of stopping it from infecting the World in a month or so, except for those nations which had advance notice of SARS-COV2. 4. Sweden's low death rate proves that self quarantine is irrelevant for nations without advance notice. This means that draconian measures that risk economic stability are counter-productive in just about every measure.
Labour party need geography lessons
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
That isn't all they are missing. They are so imbued in some other universe of logic, that even communicating with them in what sounds like the same language is impossible.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
We may never know exactly what happened in Wuhan, however the sequenced genes for SARS-COV2 tell us what we need to know. The important facts are: 1. SARS-COV2 has not been seen in humans before, so it must run through the population to build antibodies and herd immunity before it becomes part of the normal cycle of flu and coronaviruses. 2. SARS-COV2 is an unusually fast spreading virus that kills those with pre-existing conditions almost exclusively. That limits the expected number of deaths to those with pre-existing conditions - a population already at risk from the normal cycle of flus and coronaviruses. 3. The Chinese Communist Party tried to cover it up. Because they did, there was virtually no chance of stopping it from infecting the World in a month or so, except for those nations which had advance notice of SARS-COV2. 4. Sweden's low death rate proves that self quarantine is irrelevant for nations without advance notice. This means that draconian measures that risk economic stability are counter-productive in just about every measure.
Fox. Tucker Carlson. "Scientists Say Virus Likely Came From Lab Horseshoe Bats." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
These guys could benefit from reading actual studies on the virus, instead of making sensational comments, but that might not please their bosses, who are looking for viewership, and bigger advertising dollars. I say stop watching this stuff. Send these guys a message that you are not willing to trade your peace of mind for their profitability.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Is anyone else suspecting a huge overreaction, mixed with plenty of opportunistic politics?
For those of you who think that 5G is the greatest thing since ...4G?
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
5G health issues explained: What’s wrong with the “studies”? Author: Kurt Behnke Category: 5G, Explained, Mobile Networks, Network Fundamentals, Wireless Technologies 27.05.2019 Introduction In my previous post on possible health effects of radiation generated by mobile networks and mobile phones I have discussed a few fundamental facts about microwave radiation, and concluded: Microwave radiation absorbed from mobile network towers is negligible, compared to the radiation from handheld mobile phones. Microwave radiation levels of mobile phones have gone down since the start of digital mobile communication in the early 1990s by a factor of at least 10. The higher the density of base station transmitters in an area, the lower the total amount of microwave radiation emitted by the phones. This is due to the tight power control on the mobile phones exercised by base stations. (An everyday experience of all of us: the better you hear your conversation partner, the lower your voice volume). I have concluded the blog post with the observation, that none of the negative health effects of mobile phone radiation predicted by fear-mongers and alarmists since more than 20 years have been observed. Despite the partly obsessive use of mobile phones, mainly by young people since the early 2000s. Still there are claims that certain “studies” have provided clear indications that mobile phones are causing cancer. In this article I would like to get a little bit deeper into the possible effects of microwave radiation on substances, and on living tissues in particular.   No Free Radicals in living Cells from Mobile Phone Radiation One of the frequent alarming claims is that microwave radiation from mobile phones create so-called free radicals in body cells, which are seen as major contributors to the development of cancer. Free radicals are molecules with charged free ends, which are very aggressive when they tend to bind themselves to other molecules in their neighborhood. In order to create a free radical, you need to break a chemical bond or kick an electron out of its “home” atom hull. The same is true when you want to break or change DNA. Let us have a quick look at electromagnetic radiation to understand if that could happen as a consequence of microwave radiation. Since over 200 years electromagnetic radiation (represented by visible light as the most “visible” section of the spectrum) has been interpreted as a wave (Huygens) and as a stream of particles (Newton) at the same time. A century old controversy, which has only been resolved in the 1940s by Quantum Electrodynamics. For our considerations we continue to live with waves and photons; no need to dive into quantum worlds. Figure 1 below shows a wide range of the ...
Coronavirus: Tiger at Bronx Zoo tests positive for Covid-19 []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Fake news. How do I know? BBC
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
I guess its comforting that Americans are not the only ones to be hopelessly brainwashed.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Governments will be responding much slower than businesses. You can bet most businesses are already gone.
You couldn't make this shit up![]
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 6, 2020:
So the UN has now torpedoed its own credibility beyond repair. Let's all urge our representatives to get us out of the UN, and to cancel any support forthwith.
Biden's ABC interview is a festival of fail, chock full of 'what the heck' moments- []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
That's 10 out of 10 Pinnochios for Biden.
You know you're in China's pocket when... []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
SHAMEFUL: ChiComs Praise Propaganda Patty.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
I agree that Owen would do our Republic more good in the Senate. The destruction of the Constitution is not by any president. Obama was present and did not veto the destruction wrought by Pelosi and Schumer and company, but he did not do it himself. And if the Senate were not majority Republican, a veto would make little difference anyway.
Life Site News.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
If you read the recommendations of that simulation, they include transparent reporting by the government, and encouraging the press to not spread panic. I am no fan of Bill Gates, but the recommendations are not being followed by the media at all. And anyone who understands how slow any government is to react constructively to threat, the US was breathtakingly fast. The fact that it was rampant in the US for 10 weeks, and possibly 40,000 Chinese came here before anyone had any idea, explains the fast spread here. By that time, the government could have had almost no effect on the infection. The UK was far behind by comparison. So were most other nations, but their curves look similar to ours. South Korea and Japan knew far earlier than we did about the virus, and that is evident in the spread rates.
Richard Gere On a Boat With Illegals Off the Coast Of Italy.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Virtue signalling at its most transparent and worst. Progressivism is a mental disorder.
Gerry T.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Bravo. Long live the Queen.
Meme: 2020
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
The guy making the "heart" symbol is the guy who killed 20 million people, tortured millions more and starved even millions more into submission. This is the darling of socialists.
TrueNorth: It's more important than ever to criticize the government.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
In my opinion, you either live in a free state or you don't. If you do, its ALWAYS time to criticize your government. If you don't, it will make no difference, and you may be taking your life in your hands.
Early Data Shows African Americans Have Contracted and Died of Coronavirus at an Alarming Rate — ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Bogus as a 3 dollar bill. No data set referenced. And the fact that the CDC does not specify infections by "race" is a good thing. Those who feel there are races among human beings are not influencing the CDC. Now that we have sequenced the human genome, we know beyond doubt that there are no races among homo-sapiens. So smart people have concluded that the excuses for discrimination by race are actually discrimination by culture, and that only fools do that. Some people just can't believe they are not smarter than their neighbor. But they aren't. This article is a good example.
In a plant, a single brain would be a fatal flaw because they have evolved to be lunch.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
It is unproven that new growth in trees do not respond to shade by its own tree. When "proof" of an argument is a flawed assertion, I submit that it is not proved.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
“The two most important days of your life are when you are born, and when you find out why.” - Mark Twain (Samuel Clements) The breakdown of society is intentional by the Left, and the fact that you blame those who have manged to make the most of opportunities in a free society, means they have succeeded in brainwashing you. But you are right that we are here to serve one another. Some may be ungrateful, but we are no different if we are not grateful for every bite of food, and every convenience.
Reparation Bouaaaaaaaaaahahahaha []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
AOC Says “America is a Brutal, Barbarian Society” She's the proof that there are at least some in America who are like that. In other countries where people are forced into desperate subsistence and willing to forego any kind of civility that would be natural, there is true barbarism that would make AOC pee her pants.
Voltaire. "Australian Feminists Think Men Are Evil." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
They exist because men exist. If they have come from evil, are they not evil?
Whichever way you look at it, our constitutional rights are rapidly (temporarily?
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
The erosion of protection of your rights by the Constitution began in 1942, when the Supreme Court basically invalidated the Commerce Clause of the Constitution in Wickard v Filburn. That was the beginning of a Federal bureaucracy that could dictate farmer's rights without recourse - the very first time such a thing ever happened in this country. That encouraged the Left to press for many other bureaucratic victories, and the people of the US gladly gave them, as long as they were titled with "right" sounding names like "The Affordable Care Act," The Segregation Act," and on and on, until now the Federal Bureaucracy dictates every thing you do. You could be arrested at any time because the statutes are so immense and complicated that every person breaks Federal law at least three times a day. Before 1942, no one had to fear such a thing. The answer is to never again vote for Democrats, whose unstated goal is the total destruction of the Constitution, in the name of utopian ideals. Ideals totally proven wrong by history, but the Democrat leadership sees potential for power with a Constitution gone, and the method of gaining that power is by pandering to idealists who still feel there MUST be a way to make socialism work.
"Men With Masculinity No Longer Toxic?" []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Judging anyone by group has always been and remains the sign of a weak mind.
Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society: The worse any designated ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
This accurately describes what some of us have experienced in the World, trying to speak the truth.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 5, 2020:
"Never ascribe to malice, that which may readily be attributed to stupidity." Robert J. Hanlon.
Epoch Times.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
The Epoch Times may be the only reliable source in the World about what is happening in China. The media in the West is better than the best Soviet propaganda was, and useless in providing accurate information about China, or the US.
Coronavirus U.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Not only that. When you look at the data, you can see that a quarter of the deaths are people with three or more pre-existing conditions. A fourth of them have two pre-existing conditions. And a fourth have one pre-existing condition. Only 1% had no pre-existing conditions. So unless you have pre-existing conditions, you have about 1 in 100,000 chances of the virus killing you. Far less than the flu. That means you are in way more danger driving to the grocery store. And those who have pre-existing conditions are always in danger from any microbe, and any other year, they might be listed as victims of tuberculosis, lung cancer, heart disease..... This year they would be called victims of COVID-19. As of now, thats 8,500 people in the US. The flu killed 80,000 people in 2018. The CDC said there were more than 2 million deaths from all causes, except suicide in the US in 2019. We didn't shut the nation down. Get the picture? We have shut down the country for nothing. Call your reps now and tell them to end the shutdown.
A sheriff's proper response to an illegal order REBELLION: 'This Is Not Nazi Germany or Soviet ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Sheriff Scott Nichols is a true patriot, and defender of the Constitution. Janet Mills, the Governor of Maine pledged to defend the Constitution, and apparently has never read it.
Why is it so hard to land on the moon?
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Think of the most inconvenient, costly and dangerous camping trip you ever had, and multiply that by 1,000,000 and that might approximate the hassle of life on the moon. No rational person who understands economics and the dangers could possibly think that is any kind of solution. And with all developing nations now below replacement procreation numbers, it won't be necessary anyway. Unless China and India grow faster than they are today, The World will probably never again see 7 billion people.
Prager U. "The Government Cannot Solve Climate Change." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Every point by climate alarmists have been credibly refuted, and there are now hundreds of scientists and activists posting those refutations. Ref: So even if government could do anything about it, which it can not, it will not be necessary in our lifetime.
NYC Is Preparing For Civil unrest As Supplies Dwindle, Government Calls For Conscription Of Doctors ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
If you bother to check, you will find that half of the medical industry has been laid off, and there are non-media sites - many of them, which show no lines anywhere, and ventilators waiting for patients. If you're like me and know thousands of people, and have been in touch with your friends, and you have heard of only one or two who are sick, and know of no fatalities. This is a media-driven panic overreaction, that politicians had no choice but respond as their constituents demanded. Call your reps now and demand the quarantine rescinded. Go to this site to find the truth: You can see there that half the deaths are those with three serious pre-existing conditions, a quarter with two, and a quarter with one. ONLY 1% OF THE DEATHS ARE PEOPLE WITH NO KNOWN PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. This means you have a 1 in 100,000 chance of it killing you if you get it, and you might not even get it. You are in way more danger driving to the gorcery store. And those who had pre-existing conditions might have been laid down by any other microbe, and their deaths any other year would have been blamed on heart disease, tuberculosis, lung cancer... But this year they will all be called COVID-19. Getting the picture? Call your reps.
Facebook is blocking a million accounts a day to protect the election []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
I love how Facebook execs like to sound as if they are reasonable people, while they are deciding who can post and what is acceptable, well beyond false sites or profanity. They are a disgrace.
With the leader of the Philippines telling his police and military to shoot and kill people who ...
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
History was being repeated before the virus. Socialists apparently ignorant of the perfect record of failure and death from socialism are driving us toward it again. They'll use everything to do it, just as before, including the virus.
Liz Wheeler. "What the MSM Was Afraid To Tell You." []
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Thank God for Liz Wheeler and the OAN.
I don’t advise doing this [] it is against God and it’s Evil
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 4, 2020:
I know many people who have dabbled in this stuff, and their lives show it from my point of view. The "accuser" will lie, destroy and kill when we give him any chance by turning away from God, whether or not we realize we have.
Far left media group asks FCC to censor Trump press conferences.
TimTuolomne comments on Apr 3, 2020:
The "Free Press." Hilarious. Welcome to Stalinist Amerika. It is almost as if our Constitution never existed.


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