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The International Republican Web ???
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Now why would that be, when you can go to Facebook to feel justified by your leftist friends, which I can discern by your loaded question? And how would you know what is "moderate?" It just might be that this is a place where intelligent, independent thinkers can freely express themselves, unlike places that censor free speech, like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Parler, Quora, Reddit, MeWe.... Unless you have an independent, intelligent thought to share, instead of Leftist talking points, just go there. Don't disrespect this space. On the other hand, if you are seriously interested in learning something you don't know - like how to ask a question without the answer presumed, welcome. I have learned a lot that I didn't know here, including how to have a more open mind.
SCOTUS sidesteps 2A cases in Monday's orders... []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Better to wait for a case that defines the issue a bit more clearly, and is less likely to be overturned, or diluted by precedent.
Are you being mind-controlled through social distancing? - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
God help us if a seriously deadly virus ever happens. This one is about the same as the flu. We should never have responded this way. The Left is showing their hand because they think they have won. Let's let them know their trouble has just begun, and they won't get elected to even dog catcher, ever again.
CursedChrome turns your browser into a hacker's proxy... []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Thank you Bill Gates, once again. He is the gift that keeps on giving. (not)
NRA: Jackson's Mayor exploits crisis, achieves nothing... []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
You get to see who people are in crisis. Jackson's mayor Lumumba is clearly a power hungry anti-Constitutionalist. If I lived there, I would be working to recall him. "On April 26, Mississippi’s top law enforcement official, Attorney General Lynn Fitch, advised Mayor Lumumba that she had reviewed his executive order and found it to be invalid and unconstitutional. 'Neither Section 45-17-7 nor any other provision of law governing municipal civil emergencies, authorizes a mayor to suspend any valid state statute or constitutional right…Mississippians enjoy the right to lawfully open carry in all of Mississippi’s 82 counties and in every municipality within the State. The City of Jackson is no exception.'" Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
India overlooked the largest terrorist organization in the World the same way our arms were twisted into the political correctness of accepting Sharia in the US, which is explicitly unConstitutional...yet we have communities which are Sharia. We are fools to let this stand.
The great white hope.... Amhaaaaaazing []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Trump has run rings around the Democrats since he has been in office, and now, FINALLY, the American people know who the Democrats are.
The weirdness by John fucking Ward []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
I fear for the immortal souls of people like Lemon. There will surely be a day when he realizes what he has done.
And there you have it.
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Lisa Bloom is a fool to admit to believing Tara Reade and still vote for Biden. So she believes in supporting a senile sexual predator in favor of someone who she probably told everyone would start WWIII, and it didn't happen. That's World-class denial.
Coronavirus: Trump Raises Projected COVID-19 Death Toll As States Reopen []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
See and look at the logarithmic curves to understand the trends. You will see the downturn of the trend. There are those who feel it serves them to say this is worse than it is. So my question to them is, why isn't the truth good enough?
Is this county shut down to protect the public or punish them? []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Let this be our rallying call, to set these socialists back 100 years. If we fail, we, our families and our friends may have to rip back our freedom at gunpoint.
Coronavirus: Delingpole: 'Absurd, Dystopian, Tyrannical' Lockdown Must End Soon - Says Rebel Tory...
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Let this be our rallying call throughout the West, to set these socialists back 100 years. If we fail, we, our families and our friends may have to rip back our freedom at gunpoint.
OAN. "Blue States Advance Radical Ideologies." []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
These dogmatic socialists have now shown us who they are. Now is our chance to set them back 100 years. Vote them down. Vote them out in resounding numbers. If you don't, they will enslave you and you and your family and friends will not again be free without a gun.
Thanks for the 1 month free trial of communism, I’d like to cancel my subscription please and ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Yeah, now that they've tasted control, I'm not hopeful that Democrats, socialists, and communists will relinquish control willingly.
Be warned, Coronavirus snitches: you too may be snitched on- [reason.
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Control freaks often want everyone to fall in line, but when it comes to them, they feel as enforcers, that they must be exempt. Make sure they aren't.
Amazon VP quits over employee firings, saying they were ‘designed to create a climate of fear’ ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
I have stopped using Amazon for more than a year now. Bezos is as Stalinist as they get. I refuse to support a seditious, immoral and hypocritical guy like Bezos, and Amazon. I encourage all Constitutional Americans to drop Amazon until it goes out of business. And if you are anti-Constitutional, please, please, move to China.
Covid-19 shutdowns expose the new class divide- [thefederalist.
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.   What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.  The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.   When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend is the end of any nation.  You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” - Dr. Adrian Rogers.
What Americans MUST Remember Once the Dust Settles... - []
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
All due respect, this appears to be crafted the same way "An Inconvenient Truth" was made, with the appearance of objectivity, but leaving out much of the rationale around many of the referenced facts, and picking one main argument to explain the fact, while claiming to put forward no opinion. This is the same tactic the Washington Post uses to falsify their "1000 lies" of the President, mainly by reporting facts out of context. Once I detect that a source seems to have intentionally misrepresented the facts to me, I never again use them as a source. This one has lost me.
What do you guys feel will happen when in 10-15 yrs when the boomers begin to die off?
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Not even the "Boomers" remember what this country was like before the birth of the unconstitutional Federal Bureaucracy, which began to tell farmers what they could or could not grow in 1942, thanks to Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who unconstitutionally threatened 9 Supreme Court Justices with removal if they didn't abandon the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. FDR should have been impeached and removed from office. Americans so accustomed to Constitutional protection could not believe what was going to happen, and did nothing. They would not recognize the country today. Boomers? We are too young to remember, so we will pass into that good night almost unnoticed. Millennials may preside over the final destruction of this Representative Republic, and only after a time will they realize what they have done. Thank God I won't be around to have to live it.
Some cops excessively enforcing against peaceful lockdown protest stand down after citizen’s ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Niestzsche on Leftists: "Your most secret ambition is to be tyrants and shroud yourself in words of virtue." They are "murderous and tyrannical beyond belief." I submit that the quote in the article was more of the same about Leftists, not against legitimate leadership.
Some cops excessively enforcing against peaceful lockdown protest stand down after citizen’s ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 4, 2020:
Niestzsche on Leftists: "Your most secret ambition is to be tyrants and shroud yourself in words of virtue." They are "murderous and tyrannical beyond belief."
DHS report: China lied about severity of Covid-19 so they could hoard supplies- []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Yup. 6 weeks passed when Dr Li Wenliang was arrested after warning colleagues about a case he thought was important 17 November. By that time, all of China was infected, and they were beginning to understand the problem. (That may be why their numbers are so low now.) So by December they were planning to obtain masks, hand sanitizer, hydroxycloroquine, antibiotics, ventilators and other medical supplies. I read about a shipment of medical supplies just delivered to Australia from China in January that was abruptly hijacked back to China. They still hadn't told us, and WHO said there was no human to human transmission.
Anarchy and Freedom are not Cohesive []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
"Those who would sacrifice essential Liberty for Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin. And the Constitution is the only document in history that protects everyone from each other - especially from those who both dislike rules and lack integrity. They will take your rights unless restrained by the Constitution. They are the anarchists, and are no different than common criminals.
NYT reporter calls Americans who want to open economy 'dumbest people'- []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now. And the New York Times is best used as toilet paper, not news.
Mike Rowe tells AOC, Cuomo there's 'no such thing as non-essential workers', warns about effects of ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Tell it like it is brother!
How Evil Thinks To understand reality and the problems of man we need to understand how people ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
You didn't distill it, so I will. There are those who understand that the Constitution protects individual freedom, and those who believe socialism only sacrifices individual freedom for order. However the history of socialism shows that it always fails to deliver without violence, suffering, starvation, torture and death - which one should probably equate as the opposite of order. Socialist propagandists assert that there are successful socialist regimes, and they are lying, because if they told the truth, no one would accept socialism at all. The regimes they name always resort to capitalism to restore their failing economies, and because they are authoritarian regimes, which always resume socialism after the economies recover, because it is their source of power and control. Socialism provides the legitimate place for the power hungry, who basically must disguise themselves as public servants in a capitalist society. As authoritarian regimes, those who benefit from brief episodes of capitalism are always at risk when they are returned to socialism, and they suffer and sometimes die for their inability to adapt. No socialist regime ever started without first being funded by successful capitalism, which it then squandered. "All socialist regimes fail as production inevitably ceases, and the resources built by capitalism are squandered on dachas for the privileged."
Words of wisdom. []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
When Congress is hearing testimony to determine if First Amendment rights are at risk on College Campuses, it tells you that we are all in trouble. We all know its at risk, and Congress seems to be unaware.
Will Americans actually use contact tracing apps? []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
No one who believes in the Constitution will use contact tracing apps. But you can bet Democrats, socialists and communists will. So who will get reported? Right: Patriots.
Dem's hazard pay proposals are a recipe for a lot fewer essential workers- []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Because of Democrats late but now persistent overreaction to the virus, half of the healthcare industry is out of work. When Democrats tell you they care about jobs, you know that only applies to theirs in Congress or illegals.
No one could have predicted that the King of the Woke, Michael Moore, would spark a worldwide ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
"Humans bad" is the Leftist mantra for greater government control. Humans are a small part of the animal kingdom that are part of the planet. THERE IS NO STANDARD OF WHAT THE PLANET SHOULD BE, because it has been in the state of change since it was a dust mote around the Sun, and will continue to be changing until it is consumed by the supernova of the Sun. We and all of the animal and plant kingdom are part of that change. Of course one of the biggest lies of the Left is that carbon dioxide is bad. For the last thousand years the carbon dioxide that fuels plant life on Earth has been on a steady decline, and is nearing the point of plant extinction. See Dr Patrick Moore. Human production of CO2 has acted to delay that inevitability, not doom the planet. Don't let idiots like Michael Moore tell you what to think.
With no new leadership options, an uncertain future lies ahead for NRA... []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
The NRA always performed a public safety service, as well as informed the public about firearms. It created a lobby as a result to the threat posed by Leftists who always had as a goal to disarm America, just like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez... As long as the 2nd Amendment stands, Americans will do fine without the NRA.
State Reopening Plan, State By State.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
The economic damage accrues daily, as well as the recovery time. I don't blame the pajama wearing unemployed to be disinterested in reopening - especially if they are self-centered, which most surely are. By this time next year, it will be so obvious that this was a terrible, foolish overreaction, that the most rabid for closure will deny they were. And there are towns like mine, which are still locked down tightly. They are idiots.
Sky News Australia. "Is Hillary Ready To Swoop In As Biden Stumbles?" []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Ya think??? But this time the Democrats will have bought and stolen at least twice as many votes as 2016, and that was 5 million.
Jordan Peterson. "Carl Jung s Intelligence was Bloody Terrifying." []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Enjoying JPs insights immensely.
RDP brute-force attacks on the rise during the Covid-19 pandemic... []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
This is showing up frequently now.
Why The Character of The President Matters []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Three years of Democrats looking for smoke to prove fire tells me all I need to know about the man. I had my doubts before. There is no one I know, including myself, who could have withstood such a withering examination without something turning up. I think Donald Trump is a far better man than I ever suspected, and maybe the best man alive in our time. I am not at all worried that he does not have someone sanitizing his honest appraisals, even though they may be a bit rough. His character is what counts to me.
I have an urgent message for all the leaches in the world.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
"All socialist regimes fail as production inevitably ceases, and the resources built by capitalism are squandered on dachas for the privileged."
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Hopefully this is in time for us to realize the danger China poses.
Socialism is a learned mental disorder! True North: Are you "overwhelmingly satisfied" with ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Yiiikes. That means either they are socialist or apathetic. Bad news for Canada. "Its easy to vote socialism in, but you need a gun to vote it out." Won't be long before they understand.
Hey Arielle, just wanted to say that you're doing fine.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
My heart goes out to every one of us facing some kind of sense of being different and not mainstream. That means everyone. Yup. You are not all that special if you are among the few percent of LGBTQ whatever, and none of us get to cancel the rights of the majority for our own special benefit. Prayers for all the broken, disenfranchised, lonely, brokenhearted.... All of us. Straight, gay, religious, not religious, woman, man, whatever...even Democrats.
COVID-19: There's a Sucker Born Every Minute - Part 2 - [youtube.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
A little bit of truth and a whole bunch of malarky. Just my opinion.
The Educated Electorate. Ilean Wright. Message To The American Patriots. []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Bravo! Well said Ilean Wright. Quotes from Ben Franklin and Patrick Henry were never more appropriate.
I have absolutely no problem with LGB, and in essence, T, which was correctly defined as an ICD-10 ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
When a few percent of the population threatens the rights of the majority, it is tyranny.
Climate activists are still pushing their ideology - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Economist Says Global Synchronized Growth ‘Very Likely’ in 2020 “A shocking statement was made by a United Nations official Christiana Figueres at a news conference in Brussels. Figueres admitted that the Global Warming conspiracy set by the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, of which she is the executive secretary, has a goal not of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity, but to destroy capitalism. She said very casually: “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.” She even restated that goal ensuring it was not a mistake: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.” “
Those who would destroy our lives with lies, will themselves be destroyed by the truth! ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth." - Teddy Roosevelt. Livingston's brave stunt that brought down slavery. []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Once in a while, we learn of someone and their history, and we say to ourselves "Now there was a real man!" (And sometimes a real woman), because we admire their sacrifice and stand for justice. David Livingstone was such a man.
Hillary Clinton Tells Followers To Keep Wearing Their WuFlu Masks - [youtube.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Delighted that Democrats are now showing who they are. REMEMBER! Does anyone remember when Democrats claimed Trump was going to start a nuclear war with N. Korea in 2017? That should have been enough to stop listening to Democrats and the media. Three years of looking for smoke to prove fire should have tested even the most devout believer. So Remember!!! Then never again allow ANY Democrat into public office ever again.
Moody's report to show viability of Paycheck Guarantee Act [] []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Giving "cooking the books" new meaning. % per job takes no account of the future cost of money, the risk of failure to the economy of 100b/mo (which is greater than the GDP of 180 of the 195 countries in the World.) and the willingness of taxpayers to add $3,500 to the $67,500 already obligated to every man woman and child by Obama and others. REALLY???
The lawsuit grin []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Self-involvement and condemnation of those who think differently. Beauty is skin deep. Ugly goes straight to the bone.
Tony Heller - Real Climate Science: The New Normal.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
The Left has been outed now, mainly by Trump. No one has any excuse anymore for not understanding their insane belief that all things are government, including reality and physics itself. Really folks, its time to set them (Labour, progressives, Democrats, socialists, communists) aside for their own good and never, ever let them any where near public office again.
Michael Moore is jealous of Greata []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Liars Club. They are both irrelevant.
I hope everybody is keeping a close eye on Bill.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Bill is the Mini-Me to Soros. He is a marginally intelligent borderline sociopath who couldn't reason his way out of a paper bag, but he really knows how to manipulate people. There is almost no chance that he understands the depth of the issues he is pushing, and that makes him dangerous.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
I mourn for those who will suffer this abrogation of their freedom, and threat to their health. When the consequences of this come to roost, I am hopeful that the people of the great sovereign nation of Canada come to their senses and never again allow modern "liberals" to come to office. Historically socialists like modern liberals have ALWAYS been a threat to individual Liberty.
Replay: Starship SN4 testing from SpaceX's Boca Chica launch site []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
NASA was originally structured and driven by policies formulated by Christopher Kraft. It is no longer anything like that original agency, because when Kraft ran it, he only did so under the condition that safety would be top priority, reliability would be part of that equation, and the agency would operate completely independently of government and media interference. Unless this effort has those same priorities, under leadership just as strong and principled, it is doomed. Kraft retired before the Space Shuttle, in part because it was too many untested innovations in each iteration - something he insisted would never happen before that. The new effort is a collection of hundreds of untested devices, technologies and principles, under a profit motive. The odds are terrible.
The out of touch mainstream media are sneering at your concerns again.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Anyone who gets their information from the media - which is only Leftist propaganda, and does not seek original sources, is a fool.
The wise man changes himself to better fit the world The foolish man strive to change the world ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
The question should be "When is "progress," or "change" a good thing, and when is it a disaster? To value "progress" or "change" for its own sake has been the cause of the deaths of hundreds of millions of human souls in history. Obama's line was "Hope and change." How did that work out? He presided over the absolute worst economy in US history, practically destroyed the Constitution, promoted violence and racism, gave Iran billions of dollars to develop nuclear weapons, played dirty tricks with the election, and collaborated with the Clinton's to sell a fifth of Western uranium reserves to Putin. Anyone who thinks that any of that is a good thing is a fool. And if unaware of these facts, clearly gets their information from the general media, which the New York Times proudly reports is 87% Democrat, and they have no idea how to get the truth from original sources.
Coming from a more rural part of UK I probably disagree with most on this site.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
Saw your latest video.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Democrats will tell you that every one of their own prejudices and crimes are actually Republican prejudices and crimes. The dumber half of America never bothers to check. Remember that the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. Good for you to have looked for yourself and found Trump's true record about LBGTs. Imagine about what else they are lying to you!
Children learning Gun Safety in Elementary School, 1956 Guns have not fundamentally changed since...
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
That's right. Civility died when socialists learned they could not be persuasive except by shouting down and viciously slandering opponents. We didn't stop them and now everyone is angry.
Back to the Dark Matter Crud.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Among the problems with cosmology, many think that the "constants" may not actually be constant. Time, for example. We can't prove it yet because we are inside the system we are trying to evaluate, so we have no objective standard, but there are hints that time may be deccelerating. 1000 orbits around the Sun may have happened in a previously more contracted Universe in the same time as a year now. True, or artifact of something else? We don't know yet. There was a time not very long ago when we thought space was filled with "ether." The idea is eerily similar to the current "dark matter" idea, isn't it? Or is the mass of the Higgs boson inching its way down?
This is pretty close to my views now. Except I do have a job and have voted before. lol
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Place holder. Resource user. Non-contributor.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Yeah, its awful when you steal 5 million votes and STILL lose.
Gateway Pundit. "Kate Brown Of Oregon Extends Shutdown Through July 6." []
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
Choices have consequences. Hold her accountable when we all know the shutdown was an overreaction.
Why Does the Father of Mass V@ccinations Jonas Salk Want to Kill Everyone?
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
I bet Leftists love this guy.
'Five Eyes' intel dossier detailing China's duplicity during the pandemic- [redstate.
TimTuolomne comments on May 3, 2020:
There must be consequences.
Freedom is a pandemic casualty in authoritarian regimes and leftist democracies- [reason.
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Very soon, the Left will be seen as the political opportunists they are, willing to sacrifice your freedom for power. Time for consequences.
So it’s pretty obvious that what with everything that’s going on, and what is inevitably coming,...
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
1. Convention of States to repeal all-powerful, unaccountable federal bureaucracies. 2. When Leftists start speaking, walk away from them. Make it clear that you do not respect them, nor believe them. 3. Campaign aggressively for conservatives.
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Twitter??? Why would anyone believe that???
Here are just a few of the times the media were gleeful that people got sick or died during the ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
The Left is about power, and will sacrifice you to get it.
I like to remind people that partisan politics are what is tearing our country apart by causing ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
This is an intentional tactic of the Left.
WOW! Watch Term Limits Advocate SHRED Congress! - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Time for consequences for those who shut us down and attempted to unlawfully take our rights.
It's starting to become clear that Canada overreacted to COVID 19.
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Time for consequences for those who did this.
Next News Network: EXCLUSIVE: Drs.
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Its about time.
America is BOILING - SEPARATION or War - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Tell the Left they are liars, because that's the only way they can win is to try to fool people who have common sense.
Admitting that this shutdown is about bailing out bankers & wallstreet Bad Vibes in the ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
No, it isn't. It is about promoting socialism.
Erm, DERP, YES! Especially when asked by the myriad police forces using the Duluth model.
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Can you say "conviction in the court of public opinion, and the death of due process"????
Californian Protesters FURIOUS About Tyrannical Police State/ Martial Law.
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
The reality of tyranny is about to come to roost in California, and in all states which prolong restrictions when the public finds out it was never necessary. Looking forward to that.
Please watch this guys ! []
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
This could be among the most important articles on IDW today. This is more easily absorbed than James Lindsay's paper on the same subject, and very well, and succinctly stated. Anyone who has been a victim of this kind of aggressive socialist narrative will immediately recognize it.
Smart women, they know fear is not the path to take...
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Simple. Beauty AND brains.
Remember the firestorm when Brett Kavanaugh was hit with a 36-year-old accusation of sexual assault?
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Tell everyone you know that the Left lies.
Abuse of power?
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Soon, the facts will be known about this version of the common cold, and everyone who did stuff like this will look like an idiot. REMEMBER THEM! Don't let them tell you conservatives did this. Call them on it! Make sure they know you believe they are the liars they are!
True North: PROOF: Gates Foundation LOBBIED TRUDEAU Into Accepting MASS VACCINATION PROGRAM!!! ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
When the dust clears over this one, I'm hoping we have saved some tar and feathers for both of these clowns. Remember! Don't let the Left redirect this as something conservatives did. They WILL try, being the liars they are.
Lauren Chen. "WHO Promotes Sex Education For Infants." []
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Leftism does that; in Hollywood, in Islam, in atheism.
Facebook ban?
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Only the unintelligent are left on Facebook; their perfect, moldable market.
Brittany Sellner. "Media Calls For Hardcore Internet Censorship." []
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Good luck. That genie is out of the bottle. Even China is having a tough time with that.
VDH: 1944 the Democratic Party establishment maneuvers socialist Henry Wallace off of the VP slot of...
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
Their most sneaky and underhanded Democrat tactic is to find a Democrat who can pass for a Republican to drain votes from the Republican Front Runner. Think Ross Perot, John McCain, Mitt Romney.... All straw men whose single purpose is to steal the election for the Democrat puppet candidate.
Ben Shapiro. "Jordan Peterson Debunks Leftist Gender Ideology In 8 Minutes." []
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
I would be utterly shocked if anyone on the Left was able to understand this article.
Gad Saad. "Should Social Media Companies Remove Supposed Misinformation?" []
TimTuolomne comments on May 2, 2020:
If the public insisted that the general media only report fact instead of opinion, social media would instantly be discredited if also not factual. The tail wagging the dog.
Seraphim Rose Bolshevik and Nihilist revolutions - []
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
I have seen this already and it is truly terrifying. So-called Christians disbelieve in the Resurrection, and use the Bible as a philosophical yardstick with which they can measure their piety, but only about issues of their choosing - as if Christ was not their arisen connection to Eternity, but Buddha's brother. I fear for their immortal souls and pray for them.
So it’s pretty obvious that what with everything that’s going on, and what is inevitably coming,...
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Easy. 1. Demand that the quarantine be lifted. 2. Vote out the power hungry (every single Democrat) who want to get rid of the Constitution, because it limits their power.
We Are Change: It's Over For Canada! Tyranny Has Officially Arrived.
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
Liars and hypocrites!
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
When anyone lies, it is because no one will accept their truth. That means they are the bad guys, and should not be believed.
Brit Hume: Collateral damage from lockdowns 'is extraordinary' - WND
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
TYRANNY! ANTI Individuals & ANTI Small Businesses LOCKDOWN A Targeted ATTACK on OUR INDEPENDENCE - ...
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
The Fredo parasite []
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
Another excellent expose from Micheal Moore with over 5million views in a week []
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
I never trust anyone who has proven to have lied to me. Moore was such a malicious liar in "An Inconvenient Truth," that I have no interest in anything he has to say - especially if it is the mentally ill proposition that humans are bad for the planet. In the future, that will be seen as one of the pillars of the grand socialist argument.
South Dakota.
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Smarter than almost anyone else. But its not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
Ben Shapiro.
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
The flu...
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Comparing the flu to war is like comparing apples to oranges. Not very smart. Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.
Trump’s Temporary Halt to Immigration Is Part of Broader Plan, Stephen Miller Says [nytimes.
TimTuolomne comments on May 1, 2020:
Anyone who believes the NYT is an idiot. Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human. 99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." [] The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly. Tell your leadership that this ends now.


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