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On Aging Gracefully - Former Supermodel Paulina Porizkova Is Angry with Men (THE SAAD TRUTH_1357)...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 9, 2022:
People who expect other people (of either gender) to be different than other people - in particular kinder, more considerate or sensitive, are setting themselves up for disappointment. Often I wonder if they are drama queens. Life is unfair, difficult, and disappointing. The best of us try to be better and mostly we fail. And those who aren’t trying to be better…seems like mostly they complain.
China Uncensored: The Greatest Threat to Taiwan Isn’t Chinese Warships.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Before long-range missles, it made some sense to defend Taiwan - aside from our desire to support democracies. But now, defending any democracy within any other superpower's sphere of influence may not be a survivable strategy.
The Empire of Japan 2.0 (3 years ago) []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 8, 2022:
This military buildup in Asia is eerily similar to the pre-WWII buildup.
Nearly twice as many military members died from suicide July-Sept than from coronavirus since ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 8, 2022:
But government knows more than we do. (sarcasm)
RT News: People killed in Pakistan as temperatures fall [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 8, 2022:
The emotionally immature will defend their policies to the death, no matter how much evidence is in their face to the contrary.
Watch out for the lunatics!
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Hopefully her genes will not be moving forward.
‘Authoritarianism’ May Be Necessary to Fight Climate Change, Cambridge Study Argues There ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 7, 2022:
We are getting very close to the lower limit of CO2 that can support plant life on Earth. No one seems to be mentioning that atmospheric CO2 has been declining on Earth for thousands of years, in spite of plenty of trend reversals in temperatures in that time, and that when the plants go, so do we, whether or not the Earth actually warms or cools. Brilliant. So who is running that scam, and why? The following article shows that Anthropogenic production of CO2 has declined. Global Human CO2 Emissions Have Been On A Slightly Declining Trend Since 2011 1 week ago Guest Blogger 78 Comments From the NoTricksZone By Kenneth Richard on 9. December 2021 Until recently, human CO2 emissions were responsible for ~10% of the variance in year-to-year CO2 growth rate. But a new analysis says human CO2 emissions have been slightly declining for the last decade. So 0% responsible, apparently. CO2 emissions derived from human activity (fossil fuel combustion and land use changes) only account for about +0.1 to 0.3 PgC/yr of the annual change in CO2 concentration. This is about “10% of the variance (σ²😉 of the CO2 growth rate” (Wang et al., 2013). Image Source: Wang et al., 2013 Jones and Cox (2005) have pointed out that the changes associated with annual fossil fuel emissions are unlikely to explain CO2 growth rate anomalies. “…it is unlikely that these anomalies can be explained by an abrupt increase in anthropogenic emissions, as the anomalies are much larger than annual increases in fossil fuel emissions.” Image Source: Jones and Cox, 2005 Dr. Jari Ahlbeck (2009) also concluded that the correlation between fossil fuel emissions and the increase in CO2 growth rates is “clearly statistically insignificant.” He therefore excluded this factor from consideration in his analysis of the mechanisms of CO2 variability. A chart included in the body of the paper reveals other 5-year periods where there was either a decline in the annual CO2 emissions trend (5.33, 5.17, 5.13, 5.11, 5.29 GtC/yr for 1980-1984) or a flattened trend (6.40, 6.53, 6.63, 6.59, 6.57 GtC/yr for 1995-1999). Image Source: Ahlbeck, 2009 And now an updated analysis detailed in the Carbon Brief blog suggests “global CO2 emissions have been flat – if not slightly declining – over the past 10 years.” Image Source: Carbon Brief In sharp contrast with the tiny to non-existent changes in the year-to-year anthropogenic CO2 growth rates, there is an enormous amount of uncertainty and lack of observational knowledge when estimating the massive year-to-year changes in natural CO2 emissions from Earth’s soils. While human CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and land use change have hovered around 9 to 10 GtC/yr with little variance during the...
Does anyone have a Universal Vax card?
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 6, 2022:
If you have any sense, you will resist such a card with every fibre of your liberty-loving strength. Or maybe liberty is just a concept to you.
Whoopi Goldberg SHOCKED By Positive COVID Test Despite Being TRIPLE Vaxxed, "Doing Everything ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 6, 2022:
Whoopi who?
Timcast IRL - Kamala Harris Compares Jan 6th To Pearl Harbor And 9/11 w/Brandon Tatum - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 6, 2022:
If she had any idea how breathtakingly ignorant that makes her sound, she would be mortified. I'm pretty sure she does not feel mortified.
"The person who strives to see his own inner world with clarity recoils at the prospect of ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 6, 2022:
A quintessentially conservative point of view. To Leftists and Democrats everyone else's business is their business.
America Uncovered: Are Politicians Getting RICHER with Insider Trading?
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 6, 2022:
“You can’t get rich in politics, unless you’re a crook.” - Harry S. Truman
Although marxist atheists think they are intellectually superior to Christian believers they merely ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 6, 2022:
What kind of arrogance believes they know everything, so they can conclude that there is no God? While numbers don’t prove anything, atheists are in a minority in the population, and are not a highly intelligent demographic. Of the most intelligent people on the planet, roughly 2/3 believe in God. Even the most intelligent can’t tell you if our Universe is a special case, what was there before time and space, and whether or not our Universe is part of one or more other Universes beyond our ability to detect. IMO those who are not open to the possibility of God, but have the opinion say, that aliens have been on Earth, are just silly and have an inflated view of their gifts.
Bill Gates Owns Your Media []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Gates will go down in history as the Joseph Mengele of our time.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Almost all epidemiologists agree that the spread of pathogens like flu and COVIDs follow the same trajectory, that includes more virulent, less deadly variants after the initial more dangerous variant, until the spread dies out. Invoking white hat biologists (who would have to have billions in the cookie jar to manage it) is not required to explain the pattern.
TheSun: New Mercedes could be Tesla killer with 47in TV on board and 620 mile range.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Without a significant advance in charge density in batteries - which has not happened in over 50 years of extremely expensive research, all electric cars are doomed to be known as burning twice as much fuel (at the power station) and creating twice as much carbon as the best gasoline engines. And we are still hundreds of years away from running out of oil. Ask someone capable of doing the math. Its irrefutable. People who buy these things are purely ignorant.
LiveMint: Two Biggest Carmakers Are Set to Challenge Tesla for EV Dominance. []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Without a significant advance in charge density in batteries - which has not happened in over 50 years of extremely expensive research, all electric cars are doomed to be known as burning twice as much fuel (at the power station) and creating twice as much carbon as the best gasoline engines. And we are still hundreds of years away from running out of oil. Ask someone capable of doing the math. Its irrefutable. People who buy these things are purely ignorant.
Tony Heller: Vaccine Efficacy There are three times as many “active cases” in the US now as ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Only one way that is possible: The vaccine is responsible.
The CEO of OneAmerica a life insurance company in business since 1877, with $74 billion in assets, ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
The vaccine is responsible. It has been designed to overwhelm the natural immune system to be effective against COVID. That was a miscalculation, because it is based on the assumption that there are no significant lingering pathogens or processes that the natural immune system was keeping in check. So underlying heart conditions, arterial processes, cancers are suddenly no longer prevented from accelerating, and heart attacks, strokes, cancers are presenting in large numbers. Time to hold Fauci & co responsible.
Justin Trudeau and every other party of radical followers are Bankrupting Canada they have spent ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Destabilization of the system to make the people ready for ANYTHING else. And if the people are inconvenienced, lose their jobs, livelihoods, and their lives, well, that’s the price he has to pay.
This is so true.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
And they are blindly following leaders who are scaring them into thinking that is the only safe path. Even if the leadership know they are wrong, they also know that at this stage admitting they had it wrong will be committing political suicide and open them to crushing liability suits. Every leader still pushing for vaccines, lockdowns and/or masks are throwing the people under the bus to save their own skin.
"Highest Death Rates In History" - Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths are UP BY A WHOPPING 40% ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
The vaccine is responsible. It has been designed to overwhelm the natural immune system to be effective against COVID. That was a miscalculation, because it is based on the assumption that there are no significant lingering pathogens or processes that the natural immune system was keeping in check. So underlying heart conditions, arterial processes, cancers are suddenly no longer prevented from accelerating, and heart attacks, strokes, cancers are presenting in large numbers. Time to hold Fauci & co responsible.
The Case Against Lockdowns, Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University and...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
“In the sciences, the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man.” - Galileo Galilee.
Continuously throughout the Bible we are instructed to be thankful and give praise.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I pray for those who seem to consider themselves God on Earth. They may be impressive in some sense here, but if they fail to gain wisdom before they leave Earth, they will be the least, not the greatest. And depending on how far they remain from the true God, their desire will be honored to be away from Him in eternity. That’s a long time to be wrong.
Fear of unmasked faces! It's a real thing - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
"The surest way to manipulate someone into condemnation of their friends and families, and into abandonment of good conduct, is to convince them without their realization that they have something to fear."
I seem to have angered a homeless fed junkie who is making all of these celebrity references I am ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
John F Kennedy does not belong in that group of fictional characters, athletes and actors. JFK would be further right than all Democrats and some “Republicans” today. “The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.” Robert Heinlein.
Its hard to see you are in the cult if you only spend time with other cultists.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
“Its very easy for someone to take sides when they only know one of them.”
This is only cursorily about W.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Often those who seem to feel themselves above reproach, as Wilson, and FDR, were the least intellectually able to grasp the unique strength of the Constitution, and they unceremoniously walked all over it. Democrats today have almost all adopted that lack of respect for the greatest form of human governance the World has ever known. And some calling themselves Republicans have done so as well, perhaps unaware that the Party formed around Abraham Lincoln was centered on defense of the Constitution, and that its platform remains so today. So what would Democrats have to gain by claiming Republicans are interested in anything else??? I think it betrays their knowledge on some level that if the American people ever regained their understanding of the value of the Constitution, Democrats would be finished.
Jordan Peterson FT Elon Musk Something Unbelievable Is About To Happen (PREPARE NOW!!") - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 4, 2022:
“For the greater good": The phrase that always precedes. The greatest evil.” ― Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
Leftists Look to Remove Biden []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 4, 2022:
Good riddance to the devil we know. I hope the one we don’t is not worse.
Is Violence Against the Government Ever Justified?
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 4, 2022:
The following document says we not only have the right, we have the obligation to overthrow a tyrannical government. The document? The Declaration of Independence. In Congress, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a ...
Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64 | ZeroHedge
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Yep. And the sheeple that believe in all the fake scare nonsense will only be too happy to condemn others on command. Just like NAZI Germany when people of weak character were told to do unspeakable things, and simply did them.
Girls-Only Private Schools in Britain are Refusing to Admit Transgender Students
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
A tiny drop of intelligence in a sea of stupidity.
Ending COVID: []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
This suggests parallels between the Spanish Flu and COVID-19, which is ridiculous. The CDC just announced that the PCR test on which the case numbers were based could not distinguish between flu and COVID. So the flu rates went through the floor and the COVID rates shot up by about that much. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened. And the Spanish Flu was a true pandemic: 500 million cases and 50 million people dead. People were "dying in the streets." Did anyone see that with COVID? No. So what conclusions can be drawn when there are far more dissimilarities than similarities??
Disgusting War Criminal and Soros tool in the UK becomes Sir.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
False prophets. We who trust in the Lord will be delivered by Him from evil.
Ron DeSantis NUKES AOC for Vacationing in Florida After Trashing Them [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
The wages of being a spoiled brat.
“A 2020-Biden would demand that 2021-Biden be charged with responsibility for well over 400,000 ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
All of the government, non-government, health agencies and pharmaceutical companies involved will begin to be held accountable when the people rise up and refuse the vaccine.
What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
It already is a disaster, but those in power defending it are looking at removal from office, and horrendous lawsuits if they admit culpability, so they will dig in until they die. We are going to have to find those in law enforcement and the judicial willing to try them and then drag them from their offices and homes until every last one is forced to face facts in court.
Weird, I wonder why? Hmmm
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
When vax deaths occur, it is usually because the vax was designed to weaken the immune system, so the artificial immune system can protect against COVID. But that leaves the vaxed person vulnerable to all other conditions chronic in their system. Almost all of us have something lingering, that our immune systems are keeping at bay. So the deaths are stroke, heart attack, cancer..... They SHOULD be classified as killed by the vax, but that would not suit the powers that be.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
You can see exactly how such programs work by visiting Vancouver, where the drug addicts are out in the open, shooting up and rotting for lack of proper nutrition and other self-care measures, because they are incapable.
Umm… “The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
The "Death Rate" during the "pandemic" was the same as before the "pandemic." So there was a SCARE but no pandemic. If the death rate is actually higher now, it can only be because of the vaccine.
Masks For Thee, But Not For Me And My Friends!
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Probably not vaxxed either, because he and his buddies know its dangerous.
Dear vax-thirsty (aka, Jab-Desire), so much that you cannot wait for the next fix.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Has it not occurred to you yet that the architects of the virus scare INTEND FOR YOU TO BE SCARED??? If it were a bioweapon, it would have been the least effective in history. And if it was intentional, why use it on their own people? Lower flu rates when COVID rates were supposedly high should be telling you that COVID is still killing the same population with co-morbidities at the same rate it always has, since medicine has known about the common cold. It doesn’t pass the smell test. And you being terrified plays right into their hands. The objective was always the forced vaccination of the public. What stops the public from strongly resisting the vaccine is the belief that there is actually a pandemic. If you have a brain, you can see there isn’t.
Please share!!! Especially to your brainwashed cowardly sheep friends and family []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Nothing will ever break through their fear-driven “Science” superstition, which they are holding onto like a life preserver. They will still feel that way when it turns out to be an anchor dragging them to the depths. They have made it clear that they don't believe a word I say. I can do nothing for them.
2201021300Su BEDLAM?
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Sometimes the truth hurts.
truth 😂😂😂
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
I think it would be suicidally disorienting to someone from the 50s to see the common cold so feared, and to find themselves in a socialist state - a little like Marty McFly landing in the bad future, except he wouldn't be facing some stupid fantasy of runaway capitalism. He would be without rights as he knew them, and incarcerated by the Gulag Archipelago of the Federal Bureaucracy, unless he was clever enough to declare himself an illegal alien seeking asylum.
And we are supposed to believe this guy is not a pederast?
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
That side of the aisle is populated with those so immature that they utterly abdicate personal responsibility and judge everyone else without restraint. Its a whole club of them, all justified by each other. If it were only a few, society would condemn them to an institution. What do you do when half the society has permanently wired themselves that way, and they have their own representatives???
"The Covid narrative is insane and illogical…and maybe that’s no accident.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Your excellent point, made previously, is that the greatest exercise of power is to enforce behavior which the power wielder also admits is a lie. COVID-19 is a power broker’s wet dream.
What a narcissistic moron.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
AOC is disgusting. I wouldn’t ask her out if she were the last woman on the planet.
Why is it that in most of the woke part of social media, the majority of the audience are young ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
I think you can credit socialist feminism for the delusional behavior of young American women. They are both specifically targeted by feminists to be turned, and they are ready to believe in utopian themes - which depend on blaming an oppressive class - just the opposite of taking responsibility for one’s self and what happens around one. Taking responsibility is learned with maturity. Once someone goes down the immature road of blame, locking it in with personal trauma, many never reach maturity; like 2 year olds in adult bodies, forever throwing temper tantrums.
Various ways that cobalt is used and the associated humanitarian issues. []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Fairly well researched and balanced presentation. Note that the highest large-scale charge densities of the leading technologies in batteries is still around 250kWhr/kg. That makes a lie of Tesla’s claim of 1000km per charge.
Happy New Year! HappyNewYear NewYear2022 HappyNewYear2022
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I have a good feeling about 2022. Protests against the vaccines are accelerating, The American public is figuring out who Biden and company are; everyone everywhere else in the World already knew. Best of all, thousands of doctors are declaring COVID a false narrative, and the public is beginning to understand that the vaccine is unsafe, and that it may be a creation of those attempting to control the World without being elected to do so.
Germany is trying Great approach with some random child to push for political agenda.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Everything is a tactic to the Left, with utter disregard for the truth. This is the Greta Thunberg tactic.
It’s a matter of perspective
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Also unintelligent is depicting aliens with eyes which can not rotate in their sockets, and seem to be designed for low to almost zero light - which is unlikely for a species highly advanced for hundreds of generations .
This lady knows more about the government of the United States than anyone working in it now, ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Hillsdale College offers a free online course on the Constitution that can be completed in 2 weeks if you are a quick study. There is no excuse for anyone not to have read it or to not understand it. It is written in simple, clear language, and it is only about a dozen or so pages.
Wow Must see []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
It has always been up to us, the voters to stop politicians from corrupt voting, campaign ethics and vote buying by being informed and voting them out. Guys like Harry Reid, (D) recently deceased, were homeless in their car before being elected to the Senate, and accrued millions in office, by buying property on promise of political favors, then sponsoring and passing legislation increasing the value of that otherwise worthless property hundreds of times its original value. The voters never blinked.
This showed up on my You tube suggested videos this morning: Thomas Sowell re.
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Idealists and Marxists have no interest in the truth, and will destroy anything that might inform about the true nature of socialism and other utopian ideals.
Winter Blast
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I was trained and drove professionally for a while and was amazed at how about a quarter of the drivers on the road seemed to feel it was reasonable to drive the same speed on wet roads and ice, as a dry road on a sunny day. I witnessed dozens of events of loss of control and damage by them. They are typical of those too weak in character to discipline themselves in such conditions, or the intelligence to recognize the difference and plan extra time for travel.
This lady knows more about the government of the United States than anyone working in it now, ...
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
I don't see the link
Share this to ALL yo neegus lol []
TimTuolomne comments on Jan 1, 2022:
English translation please?
China Uncensored: China Has a New AI Prosecutor and It's 97% Accurate! [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Under our original Constitution, a 3% false conviction rate would have been both unlikely and unacceptable. The fact that the US Federal bureaucracy controls without appeal or recourse, and China accept that 3% are similar tyranny.
COVID Treatment Based on Race [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Greater official racism in times we know better than at the founding of the country, when we didn't.
The NYC Health department has announced that to ensure ‘equitable’ access to monoclonal antibody...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Greater official racism in times we know better than at the founding of the country, when we didn't.
TRANSHUMANISM How Education International is Pushing Teachers’ Unions into the 4th Industrial ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 31, 2021:
“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.” - George Orwell, “1984”
Ford says “Can’t ignore Tesla anymore” ! Tesla’s production speed is unassailable ! ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Doesn't say much for Ford. Ford itself long ago became a fully entrenched bureaucracy, that could only evolve at the speed of grass growing. Musk's strength AND weakness is his "flash in the pan" character. He will be a very short, bright flash in history. So many people think Tesla is the future, that it is a good investment now, but it is only true psychologically. Smart investors will be looking for the signs to pull the plug.
UK Government is colluding with the WEF on Artificial Intelligence for The Great Reset The UK ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 31, 2021:
After the COVID propaganda and scare, I have no trust in any government or NGO to act in the best interests of people or even nations. Every advance in history immediately becomes a military tool, and I can think of no more frightening application than AI as military.
China's fake near miss with Starlink.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Elon Musk, Amazon and China, as well as many other countries joining the space race, all are behaving as if they can launch as many satellites as they want with no downside. Well, all three may end up destroying human access to space. “How many satellites orbit Earth and why space traffic management is crucial By Anusuya Datta - 08/23/2020 4 Minutes Read How many satellites orbit earth Have you ever wondered how many satellites orbit the Earth? According to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), which maintains a database of active satellites in orbit, as of April 1, 2020, there were a total of 2,666 satellites in Space, of which 1,918 were in low Earth orbit (LEO). And this is only till April. Since then we have had many more launches. The busiest among the lot being SpaceX, which has been launching satellites at an average pace of one mission per month this year for its Internet project Starlink. So far, it has launched more than 600 into orbit and has plans of tens of thousands more. Amazon recently announced its plans to launch a mega constellation of 3,000+ satellites to provide Internet connection to under-connected parts of the world. Research firm Euroconsult predicts 2020s to be the decade of small satellites, with an average of 1,000 smallsat launches per year. To put this in perspective, a total of 385 smallsats were launched in 2019. As satellites get smaller, they are getting easier to build and launch. All this may sound music to some ears, but for a section of experts, this is worrisome. “Space may appear endless, but opportunities to safely place and maintain an object in Earth’s orbit are not. The risk of collisions between objects in Space is very real, and major collisions have already occurred,” wrote Michael Dominguez, former senior Defense Department official who served as Acting Secretary of the Air Force and DOD Executive Agent for Space. Even one collision can produce a dangerous debris field that can cripple a range of critical capabilities upon which we depend, such as global communications and navigation, and endanger the astronauts stationed in the International Space Station. In addition, the financial consequences could be monumental. ALSO READ: Report reaffirms Commerce Dept as lead agency for space traffic management That is why Space traffic management is a critical area for governments. In the United States, this has traditionally been managed by the Department of Defense. However, as the number of objects in orbit increased, it was felt that Space situational awareness as a service from Defense was no longer adequate. As part of Space Policy Directive-3, in 2018, the responsibility for Space traffic management activities was transferred to the Department of Commerce. Recently, a ...
US Dollar’s Status as Dominant “Global Reserve Currency” at 25-Year Low.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
The renminbi may not be the only refuge from the dollar. If the One World Order folks get their way, the new World currency will be 100% virtual, as in bitcoin; perfect for their complete control of every market. And there has never been a World currency as over-leveraged as the dollar. I think the One World Order folks have made sure of that. Their operatives controlling the US still justify spending as if the dollar can’t fail, and apparently either Americans believe them or are apathetic, as usual, even though history has proven otherwise many times.
Santa Klaus sending his compliments I see.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
This will bring about so many deaths that it will be impossible for the public to ignore.
“We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
I am grateful this "doctor" does not design airplanes. "We won't know if we are going to crash until we try it."
Folks seem to be waking up...the real truth is getting out
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
“For the greater good": The phrase that always precedes. The greatest evil.” ― Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
Oh she’s such a fucking herio []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Before 2019, when the common cold was killing those with co-morbidities at the same rate it is now, if anyone had a cold and locked themselves in a bathroom in flight, they would have been fitted for a straight jacket on landing. Nothing has changed, except the nation with the least to fear about ANYTHING have become drama queens.
What the Heck Is New York City Doing? []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
New York thinks it is too big to fail. Hide and watch.
When science can't be questioned , it's propaganda
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Correct; science is 99% questions. Very few conclusions.
Why Wokeism Is A Religion, Introducing the Taxonomy of Woke Religion ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Much easier to understand than that. Anyone who can’t “live and let live.”
Psyop: NASA, Priests & Aliens [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Our tax dollars being wasted, and probably funneled into someone's campaign.
WHISTLEBLOWER: Royal Bank has a blacklist — no mortgages for conservatives with “strong ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Even McCarthyism in the US never got that bad, and it remains a blight on US history. Welcome to the People's Republic of Canada.
CDC Admits Yet Another Mistake When It Comes to Omicron At least 3 big errors or corrections ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
The CDC is a Federal bureaucracy under the Department of Health. Expecting it to be the Lancet, or unaffected by politics is not realistic. But it has been reporting against the mainstream narrative for the most part since the scare began. For example, all its papers on mask wearing say it is not effective in the general public. Those papers have been ignored by big pharma and the media. Getting hysterical over preliminary reporting about something unknown - which will be poor data sampling at first, only plays into the hands of the actual opportunists like big pharma, to turn a scare in to a "pandemic." That's how this whole mess started.
China Uncensored: Amazon Is Selling Out to China, and It’s Dangerous for Everyone [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Everyone who deals with the CCP sooner or later finds out that the CCP only keeps its agreements until it needs to change policy. It will eat them alive. Couldn't happen to a nicer group of sociopaths.
You Keep Using That Word, Joe | The Chad Prather Show [youtu.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Without being subsidized, the general media would have already folded decades ago. Now the practice has turned into institutionalized lobbying for favorable coverage. But the public is not happy, and is moving away even faster - going to independent web sources. Nothing will stop the bleeding as we slide into totalitarianism, so all media will become the global propaganda ministry, with the channels of funding already in place.
Biden Admin Punishing GOP States Florida & Texas By “Actively Preventing” Monoclonal Antibody ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Perfect example of why the original Constitution and the tenth amendment limited the powers of the Federal government. Originally, the Feds had no business regulating anything except interstate commerce, and especially were not in science or medicine. Now that they are, we see how that is playing out.
Biden Admin Punishing GOP States Florida & Texas By “Actively Preventing” Monoclonal Antibody ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Yeah...its only human life he's wasting.
Leftist Men get Vasectomies To Support Women Amid Fear Roe v Wade Will Get ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Did you know that 46% of the FDA’s budget is funded by the companies it regulates?
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Before the Deep State existed to give this cover, this was always known as a "conflict of interest," and avoided at all costs.
Never say die: Trump-Russia collusion theorists strike again Byron York column So, the ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Dumb enough to believe it the first time. Too dumb to learn more.
PJMedia: Why Is the World Still Accepting China’s Dishonest COVID-19 Numbers?
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Why is it implausible that Western media, pharma and politicians are lying??? Maybe China shouldn’t be trusted either, but South Africa has also halted lockdowns and masks because their data also show Omicron as mild. They also believe it is displacing Delta, so effectively ending the scare.
📉China On The Edge Of Collapse – Exclusive Report []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Couldn’t happen to a nicer tyranny.
YouTube Pick a Side Explained []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
She knows better than we do, right? Dunning-Kruger curve proven again.
Hospital ERs filled with symptom-less, COVID-positive people in one state []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
“ Some experts have argued (NYT, paywall) hospitalizations have become a better metric for measuring the state of the pandemic. Hospitals are reporting around 71,300 total COVID-19 patients, a rise of about 12% over the past two weeks. Roughly 10% of the nation's beds are occupied by those with the disease; see the Health and Human Services' data dashboard here.” In other words, media reports of overwhelmed hospitals are ridiculous.
How do we prevent corporations from choosing China over human rights?[]
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Easy. Stop doing business with any business that does business with China or leans Left, and tell everyone what you are doing and why. I have not done business with Amazon, WalMart, Levi Strauss, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Facebook, Twitter, and hundreds of others for a very long time for that very reason. Is it inconvenient? Oh yeah. But are you a man or a mouse?
There is been a long standing war in Christianity between faith and works.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 29, 2021:
God knows the tiniest things about us; more than we know about ourselves. God knows our true heart. If our works are not out of gratitude for our Salvation in Jesus, and the genuine desperate desire to share that gift with others, God knows. We are not damned for failing to do good works. He knows we will fail, and loves us anyway. We damn ourselves by placing ourselves first, thereby distancing ourselves from God. In other words, anyone who regards themselves as above sin because of their “good works,” and believes they have saved themselves, have unknowingly placed themselves above God, and are given the freedom to protect themselves in Eternity…if they can, without God. As if believing that they have mastered this World, and that will be of any value beyond it, or the next…whatever it is. That includes the comfort they may feel here and in their brief time on Earth, believing there is no God. If they have any inkling of the vastness of the Universe - for example the possibility that physics points to, that our Universe might be a special case within something utterly unknown, and think they understand it, and still believe they know enough to conclude that there is no God, and whatever else.... Why should there be pupae that exist in one environment, that become butterflies to exist in another??? There are clues everywhere if one has the open mindedness to understand. Eternity is a long time to be wrong. I will mourn for them.
Democrat States Face MASS EXODUS As Leftist Policies Lead To Chaos, People Flee To Republican ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Unfortunately they are too dumb to realize how they created the hellholes they left, and are bringing their bullsh*t with them. They are not welcome.
This is why MSM IS SO BLOODY QUIET! []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Their revenue from advertising dollars are so deep in the red that they are desperately considering moving to the right.
Can the government regulate morality?[]
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
If the government could regulate morality, the World would be happily Communist by now. No one did a better job of trying than the Soviets and Mao. They both failed. They all failed. Note that China today made ownership of certain businesses possible. Only hybrid Capitalism keeps that socialist state afloat. And everyone well informed on the subject knows that countries like Sweden are not Socialist. They are hybrid monarchies.
Milwaukee Covid test line... []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Terrified sheeple
The Government of New South Wales (NSW) has allocated AUS$8.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Perfect. So when China annexes them, they will have very little new indoctrination to endure
Indiana: teachers Force Middle School Pupils to Listen to BLM Activists Claim Black People Who ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
I wish I could force those teachers to listen to a Hillsdale College seminar on the Constitution. It would blow their minds.
NEW - While billionaire Zuckerberg creates the "Metaverse" for the plebs, he just grabbed 110 acres ...
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Zuker who?
UPDATE: Mask Karen Who Assaulted 80 Year Old Man Compared Herself To Rosa Parks []
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Proof of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The least informed can not be convinced that they are not the best informed, and/or heroic.
19FortyFive: How NATO Must Respond If Russia Invades Ukraine.
TimTuolomne comments on Dec 28, 2021:
NATO intervening will be a precedent allowing Moscow to reoccupy Cuba. Not so smart.


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