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Trump's WH physician says he can be discharged 'as early as tomorrow' []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Seems to be making a lie of the claims that the President is deathly ill and being given deadly experimental drugs, doesn't it?
The Satanic Left Wants Our President To Die []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
The price of loyalty to Satan is the eternal loss of their souls, and much sooner than any of them expect. Satan lies to everyone, including his converts, and destroys them - often by causing them to destroy each other...because they can't touch those of us who have faith in Jesus Christ.
An event happens and people SUGGEST a certain behavior in response.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
“For the greater good." The phrase that always precedes: "The greatest evil.” ― Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
Accuse your opponent of that which you are doing.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
...and his homage to Stalin.
Homeless man FINED in Melbourne for 'breaching curfew' by living in his car - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Welcome to Stalinist Australia, in which everyone is wrong, and only the government is right.
Turns Out The Original Bible Is Drastically Different From The Version You Grew Up With ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
"Drastically Different" is a drastically over-dramatic and silly comment about some hair-splitting, that in no way that I can discern affects the message of love for all humans in the new Testament, and the message that humans are massively flawed children in the Old Testament - requiring hands-on correction by God as any parent would with newly-walking infants.
They're now calling it "The Rose Garden Massacre!"
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Link please?
ViralTruth CD19 all about Microchiping every Human will change Humanity Forever! []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
The sign of the Beast. Resist it as long as you can. I will give my life in defiance if necessary before being chipped.
Derek Hunter was always the smoother edged version of Kurt Schlicter, his fellow Townhall columnist.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We are in big trouble when the Left has so convinced our brighter and more peaceful minds that their destruction of civility means we should give it back to them. That is exactly what they intend: for us to lose our cool and prove them right...that our system is basically flawed, and not that they are actually attempting to destabilize our society to prove it illegitimate. Sneer at them yes. Laugh at them, sure. Ignore them as much as possible. Prosecute them when we can within the law. But lets not become as uncivil as they are.
I had a spiritual experience this past week that I would like to share.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I have seen many wonderful things happen that defy the laws of physics on Earth. When we look back from our new perspective, we may have some kind of confirmation of what we now suspect.
The President’s Life Is In Danger — Being Given Highly Dangerous Drugs! []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Hide and watch. Leftist claims always prove false.
This is what happens when we elect weak governments! Spencer Fernando: Raising Flag Of Foreign ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Until "political correctness," raising a foreign flag in any nation was an act of war.
In the never-ending effort to keep the Clinton name relevant, Chelsea Clinton has once again ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
"Better to remain silent and let them wonder if you are a fool, than open your mouth and prove it." - Ecclesiastes 10:12.
Whitmer: Trump Has ‘Failed Spectacularly’ To Protect Americans From Coronavirus ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Anyone who thinks the President has the power to prevent a virus is a moron. And anyone who thinks the medical profession could stop any COVID, should wonder why they ever had the common cold.
Rule by protest is inherently unDemocratic.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2020:
If I understand your post, you are defending socialism, protesting, pure Democracy, and opposed to capitalism. Is this true?
Sometimes this meme is dangerously close to the truth about everything
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Snopes is affiliated with George Soros. I have caught Snopes in some pretty big lies in areas of my expertise.
How much longer do you think we'll have freedom, not of the press, not of speech, but freedom of ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2020:
As a victim of censored speech from my own family, co-workers, Internet and others, I assert from my point of view that freedom of expression is now dead in the US, and that has had an effect on my thinking.
This happened in my neighborhood but it could have happened anywhere in this country on any given ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Judging by group is generally a sign of low intelligence. That's the group which believes they don't have to read anything to know everything.
Microwave radiation is toxic to all biological life.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2020:
This is one engineer who disagrees with the blanket statement of the toxicity of microwave radiation - especially when it neglects any mention of the strength of the radiation. Gamma rays are among the most toxic to biological entities, and very low levels are of no long term risk. Radiation strength is significant. Ignoring that is irresponsibly taking it out of context - a typical scare tactic.
Why hot people lean RIGHT... - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Smarter people take better care of themselves, make better decisions with fewer negative consequences, so are generally less scarred, wealthier, more fit, and don't smoke anything nor drink excessively. Tons of studies prove it, which tobacco and alcohol companies spend billions to suppress. And smarter people have actually read the Constitution, understand why it is unique in history, and are not fooled by those trying to trash the country and say it is a bad system. If you smoke, are overweight, drink or "inhale" to excess, you just aren't that smart, probably think you are, and don't need to read anything to know everything.
> Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Unfortunately also true for Constitutional principles. Most have no idea why the Constitution was written and why it is unique in history.
Presidential debate REACTION: Why i'm NOT voting in the 2020 Election - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Not voting is the same as voting Democrat. Why do you think the Democrats are telling you that ALL politicians are corrupt? Republicans don't say that. Democrats and Leftists want to demoralize you so you WON'T vote, and their minions will then win. By admitting that you won't vote, you are admitting that they have succeeding in brainwashing you that the system is broken, and you somehow have missed that Leftists broke it. We were fine before they did that. I remember.
It seems the agenda here is really to embarrass Trump on live TV.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Ya think????
If you vote for Biden you wind up in this situation: Biden is senile and it is getting worse, ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Biden is Harris' straw man. He gets elected, she dumps him unceremoniously (institutionalizes him, claims he's had a stroke, Hillarys him, or just plain disappears him) and she assumes power.
[] Don't like the two party system?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2020:
If you have been convinced to abandon our system, then the Left has succeeded in demoralizing you by destabilizing our society, then blaming the destabilization on the system, not themselves, so you'll consider abandoning our system. And you have bought it. Welcome to brainwashing.
On Liberty, John Stuart Mill: > Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Please cite examples of tyranny against LGBTQ from the "right." I doubt that you can. The Left claims the right does that utterly without foundation. Conservatives are conserving the rule of Law in the Constitution, which guarantees equal rights for all. If not for Southern Plantation owners (Democrats) the Constitution would have included provisions banning slavery. Imagining that conservatives should champion the rights of all and single out LGBTQ is ludicrous.
"Turning a blind eye to evil, however, doesn't make it disappear.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2020:
"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke.
What did you learn from the first "presidential" debates?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Exactly what is the validity of a "debate" in which the moderator is member of one side of the debate. Such a show can only be for one purpose: to shill for the side of the moderator and Biden. I will not support such a farce.
Was Joe Biden Wired During Presidential Debate?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Harris is delighted that we are concerned, and not asking her to explain herself.
If you can bear it, watch the debate again.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I did not watch. I dislike any duel in which the referee is pointing his pistol at one of the combatants, and it frustrates me that no one seems to find this unacceptable. Given that our President probably enjoys the challenge, good for him, but I find such a ridiculously biased event, and the hypocrisy of Democrats a shameful spectacle.
Can feelings of "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative," "enterprise," and "optimism" be ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2020:
There is great wisdom in better sources than Ted Kaczynski, beginning with the Federalist Papers, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and most of the great philosophers. Almost all of them still accessible, although probably not for long. And some of the greatest wisdom is on this site. For example, Dr Jordan Peterson. Why look in the wilderness for wisdom that is right in front of you?
What do you think about Amy Coney Barrett and getting her confirmed for the Supreme Court this ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2020:
She’s guilty of one thing only: Being appointed in a Republican administration. Anyone with a brain has to be ashamed of what Democrats are doing with this.
ESPN Go woke and broke []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Couldn’t happen to a nicer monopoly.
Anyone else miss Shep Smith???
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Christians, do you think the Lord intervenes today into our politics? Or, is that past?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
We harm each other because the Lord grants us Free Will. The Covenant made by Jesus Christ means our salvation has already been bought. Now we qualify or disqualify ourselves to the eternal presence of God by merely our choice. Before the Covenant, he punished and rewarded humans as a parent would prevent an infant from hurting himself or others. So no, He has nothing to do with our politics, except for those who choose away from Him. He knows, and we will mourn for them as he honors their choice and lifts only the Faithful to Him. I pray for them to see the light before it is too late. God honors our choice individually. I pray for each person individually, as God will not violate our free will.
Consider this. As Canadians we all love our country. But what is it that we actually love?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
In the US, I am fighting for my family. My community. And the enemy are those trying to subvert our nation. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Three scoops. And Bill loose his mind []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
If not for the dumber half of the IQ curve in America, he would not have a job.
Roe v Wade: Trump says Supreme Court ruling on abortion 'possible'
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Middle Way is baiting conservatives. I have no interest in any discussion in which I will learn nothing.
Roe v Wade: Trump says Supreme Court ruling on abortion 'possible'
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
The post is conflating "certainly possible" with an expectation of revisitation. Ridiculous on the face of the question.
New video! Kayleigh McEnany Destroys Jim Acosta With Logic And Facts. Enjoy! []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
God bless Kayleigh McEnany.
"In September 1946, Albert Einstein called racism America’s “worst disease.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Actually, Einstein was right then, and society recoiled in a wave of condemnation of racism - not by being overtly critical; just by subtle expressions of disdain, which were very effective. I remember. By 1960, we were not a racist nation. Not until Obama revived racism, using social disadvantage as the excuse. Social disadvantage always exists in all societies. Aristotle wrote about it in ancient Greece. Leftists are delusional or arrogant enough to believe they can abolish it, but only if those who believe human nature can not be controlled by government are eliminated, which means the loss of individual rights. The fact that Prohibition was a miserable failure is not proof to these utopian idealists. And those who think its OK to forfeit individual rights are completely ignorant of history proving otherwise, as well as the record of socialism being the second most murderous force in human history. Until people start dying, AND they realize that they can't blame others, they will not understand that.
What do you think, or know from precedent, Judge Barrett's position on mail-in voting and the ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Many SCOTUS nominees are circumspect about their position on issues in advance, for good reason. We may not know her position on mail-in voting for a while, however, given her record, her support of mail-in voting would be surprising.
Since Labor Day, President Trump has seen around 240,000 supporters at his rallies.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Democrats are happy with Biden because they know he is the way to get Harris in. They don't care that it is a fraud. Democrats are the party of fraud, deception, violence, ignorance and prejudice.
You can't expect things to get BETTER if you're going to stay BITTER! For the next seven days, I ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Those who desire change for the sake of only change, have only motivation to be intentionally critical. So they have no interest in not complaining, and nurture their bitterness to get their way, as surely they know they will not achieve such an unjust goal any other way.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
"God so loved the World that He gave His only Son." That is love. The source of all love is God. The only thing preventing us from loving each other the same way is our failure to completely honor God. Rumi is correct that such a choice is in our hands, just vague as to its source.
Corporate Anti-Whiteism Series No. 30: Not finding those black-owned businesses?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 27, 2020:
"Miner" thinks the NAACP and La Raza are not racist, and seems to be arguing that most people are not racist - as if tribalism does not exist. Its a free country, and Miner is perfectly free to offer that opinion, as quaint as it may seem to me.
"Before these steps can occur, intelligence analysts must profile potential targets in order to ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Dwight D Eisenhower warned of the excesses possible by the military if not managed with powerful and accountable oversight. The office of the President is that resident oversight, and the effectiveness of that management has been a reflection of the integrity of the administration at the time. Many administrations regarded Psyops of US citizens as necessary, even though that is explicitly against Constitutional principles. Those administrations were Democrats, who generally regard the Constitution as optional. Republicans' platform is to support and defend the Constitution, so they would find themselves in danger of censure by fellow Republicans if they risked it. Republicans have such a rule in Congress. Democrats do not.
[] big oops!🤣
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The worst call I could get if I were a police officer, would be to defend these ungrateful fools. I would have to do so with the best of my ability, and would hate every millisecond of it.
> The Left accuses the Right of what they are doing - @Andyman > Yep, and people often threaten...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The Left are liars, thieves, frauds and power-hungry manipulators, with no regard for anyone's rights. And if you've ever had to deal with them, you know they feel they have the right to tell you what to do and how to live, regardless of your opinion of your own rights. And they will be the first to complain if you are driven to attempt to do the same with them, or even defend your own rights.
Kamala Harris called Tupac the best rapper alive.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Take some time to read Harris' history. You will be appalled, and should wonder how Democrats could possibly field her, unless they intend to completely fabricate a new history for her, and steal every vote they can find.
None of this is an argument against atheism or for theism.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Consensus does not prove anything as "fact." Logic is practically irrefutable that: 1. It makes no sense to insist that there is no other being than ourselves in the Universe, 2. It makes no sense to insist that there could not be something more than our Universe, 3. It makes no sense to insist that it is impossible that a reality greater than our Universe might exist, and 4. It makes no sense to insist that it is impossible that a being there might have created our Universe. Therefore atheism is the assertion of something unknowable. Therefore atheism is irrational.
Just the idea that infinity exists is as incomprehensible as God exists directly itself proves that ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Read William Lane Craig, PhD.
“As bitter as it may be, the fact remains: It is the irresponsibleness of masses of people that ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
There was no need to create "general freedom." We had it under the original Constitution, until Progressives started "change," as if change from the pinnacle of social progress could be anything but destructive. Now the "change" has caused riots, violence, social disorder, people disrespecting each other, and deception. Progressives caused that change, and that has been destructive. They are trying to blame it on the system that worked fine before they "fixed" it. Democrats in Congress passed the LRRA which caused 276 insurance companies to go out of business by 1981. Insurance rates quadrupled in one month. I remember. Did Congress realize its mistake and repeal the LRRA? Nope. They blamed the increase in insurance rates on insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and Republicans. YOU believed them. Their answer? The "Affordable Care Act" that Democrats passed in the dead of night, that was neither affordable, nor did it decrease the number of people insured, it cost taxpayers billions, and cost the US its place as the vanguard of medicine in the World. What moron thinks more "change" is needed in that direction. The change that is needed is to restore the original Constitution, and run every single Democrat in the country out of office.
I would say that the ONLY way the Democrats can come at Barrett is via religion - and a religious ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
What the Left can't assert in fact will make up in fiction. The soap opera of impeachment proved that. The Democrat party is the party of deception from its roots, to men hiding behind hoods as founders of the KKK, to todays version promising everything to their gullible base, then providing only tactics to preserve their own power, and blaming Republicans that they didn't come true, even though Democrats made no attempt to keep their promises. Those in the US who still believe them after 200 years of shenanigans are surely proving themselves the dumber half of the IQ curve.
TEDx Talk Supports Satanist and Satanism. Christians, unsubscribe from the channel
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
She said the "Satanic Bible." How about choosing the Holy Bible instead? The Holy Bible simply says Satan intends to lie, destroy and kill. This poor soul is choosing to serve the lie. She has been deceived to think Satan is love. Only God is love. Satan is the Angel charged with sorting the wheat from the chaff. This poor girl is among the chaff. I pray for her that she sees the light before it is too late.
Atheism is simple.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." - Carl Sagan. The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.
I have had some say that God is a cruel and vindictive God because of His dealing with a prophet in ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The Covenant made by the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ as atonement for all our sins for all time, happened after God's various corporal punishments of humans, including the Flood. The Old Testament is that story, and mostly tells us about our nature. God began with us as one does with small children, with a stick. And as we matured toward sentience, the Covenant of His Son became possible. No more corporal punishment, as we now qualify or disqualify ourselves for eternal presence with God by our free will. That is the story told in the New Testament. It is simplistic to consider God vindictive before the Covenant, any more than a parent responsible to control a small child. And it is mistaken to consider God destructive after the Covenant. I have experienced prejudice by those with absolutely no understanding of Scripture. Many make uninformed suppositions and conclusions which could easily be cleared up by simply reading Scripture.
Tom Steyer Selling San Francisco Home Because of ‘Climate Crisis’ Could it instead be the ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Unfortunately, now that hypocrites like Steyer have destroyed California, they are moving away and, like a plague, are sure to destroy wherever they end up. I pray to almighty God that they stay away from my home state.
Donald Trump's SCOTUS pick Amy Coney Barrett is going to get attacked like no woman in the public ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
# What are the chances that the "Me too" people will be defending her? I expect to hear only crickets. Hypocrites.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Harris has us focusing on Biden and his handlers, instead of fielding embarrassing questions about her qualifications, integrity and throwing police under the bus.
Science is dead and has been for decades.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The Bayh Dole act in 1970 was the death of science. Universities sold their integrity for funding.
Democrats have gone all in on attacking Amy Barrett for adopting two children from Haiti.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
People adopting other people is not news, unless you are a racist and claim their color means something. Leftists are racists. Who in their right mind would want to be a Leftist?
Notorious race baiter and alledged professor, Ibram X.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
People adopting other people is not news, unless you are a racist and claim their color means something. Leftists are racists. Who in their right mind would want to be a Leftist?
What will happen if America becomes a ‘failed state’?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
All one must do to recognize what is happening in the US is to read history after 1900. The main difference is the scale. In 1917 it was only Russia and a few thousand people involved. Today, the entire Western World is transforming away from Democratic Republicanism to socialism. It seems likely when comparing the events of the past with today's events, that the change has gone beyond the tipping point, and only the most severe measures could possibly stop it now.
"Too many white people": The rise of self-segregation and anti-white racism - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Any reference to "color" (including "white") is racist.
chuckle Climate racist []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
There are no races among homo sapiens. Geneticists have known this for decades. There are cultural differences which groups of humans judge harshly. Anyone who conflates anything about humans as racism is a moron.
Kamala Harris praises BLM, says ongoing protests are 'essential' for change in US []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The need for change was caused by progressives like Harris. Before them we were doing fine. So their demand for change is telling you to expect more chaos, damage, violence, loss of rights, and deception. No one in their right mind should be hoping for that.
Ramzpaul OKed the adoption of Haitian kiddies by White women.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Considering "color" (including "white") in any decision is racism.
Corporate Anti-Whiteism Series No. 30: Not finding those black-owned businesses?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Seeking "color" (including "white") in anything is racism.
When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020: might be motivated to ask: "Why erase history?" and "Who benefits from erasing history?" Reading Marx will answer both questions.
What do you think about Amy Coney Barrett and getting her confirmed for the Supreme Court this ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 26, 2020:
There are several reasons why she is among the best candidates right now, and some of them are tactical. This is chess, not checkers.
Here is where atheism is talked about.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
To assert that there is no God is like saying you understand the Universe. I'm an engineer and I won't make that claim. And some physicists have proposed that our Universe is more like a thin film on the surface of a more substantive universe. I would not dare assert that there were no beings in such a more full universe than our own. Nor would I assert that I knew for certain that such a being did not create ours. I think saying there is no such being requires a level of arrogance of one's ability to understand things even our brightest barely grasp. "The Universe is not only stranger than we think. It is stranger than we CAN think. - Heisenberg.
[] Click on post for link to video. How dark money convinces people to vote for monsters.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
This seems to be a paid political announcement, probably by George Soros himself, which has conveniently omitted the fact of his service as a NAZI soldier. If this were a real production, it would have addressed that fact in some way. And the Antifa posters found that show contact organizations tied to Soros are not addressed either, and clearly are an undeniable connection to Soros. This production doesn't deal with the subject of "Monsters" so much as defend Soros. Soros has the money to produce such a thing. He is re-inventing his history the same way Bill Gates has managed by suddenly becoming a philanthropist of left wing politics.
Why even put this on your car? []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
That seems to me to be the poster-child for mixed messages. Did an anti-trumper disfigure his or her own car? Free country...sort of. Or is that just infantile vandalism?
Biden can only handle one 'interview' a day, earlier the better.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
If I were Harris, I would be delighted to have Biden be the lightning rod for Republican criticism. Everyone but Democrats know that Biden is a "straw man" for Harris, and will be discarded unceremoniously after the election. And Harris' embarrasing anti-police statements are not in the news. No one is focusing on her lack of credentials, and her laughable platform. Magic is the art of illusion; the unwatched hand is lifting your wallet, when the other has your attention.
Virtue signaling meets the 1% “Walmart's new initiative, which includes restructuring the ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Perfect illustration of the consequences of artificial elevation of wages in a free market. And the perfect illustration of how socialist dogma and tactics disincentivizes workers, destroys productivity and eventually drives them to seek support from the State.
Will evil succeed over good?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Here on Earth, we are to tend to those damaged by those lacking Faith. The unfaithful are the selfish, thoughtless, power-seekers.... In the end, the unfaithful will win on Earth, and many of the Faithful will be killed. In the great transformation - the end of our "incubation" if you will, God will allow us all to realize our immortal selves. All of the Faithful will ascend to God's presence, leaving the rest behind forever to stew in their own mess, where God will choose to no longer preside. Perhaps in His mercy he will destroy them in fire. So it says in Scripture. I will mourn for those who are somehow sure they know the universe, and believe they are not one of God's precious children being nurtured into sentient beings. In God's nursery, they will be the ones who disqualify themselves.
LOL Why don't you fire those sisis Spotify ? []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Looks like I won't be using Spotify. I have no intention of helping Leftists keep their jobs.
"Of course, it would be perfectly futile to fight with such forgetful liars.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf, Volume 1, Chapter 10.
Although I could see elements of this when I saw this movie years ago, I wasn't red pilled enough to...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 24, 2020:
The propaganda washing the brains of every human being on the planet today would have made Josef Goebbels green with envy.
The strong political divide has put Trump supporters in the predicament of choosing between social ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 24, 2020:
That is exactly the intention of the Leftist tactic of being super critical of everything. The purpose is to destabilize society, then claim that society is unstable because Capitalism is flawed. Circular logic, but it fools more than the dumber half of the IQ curve, which median is defined as 100. Double digit IQs have no ability whatsoever to discern why Leftists arguments are utterly invalid. Unfortunately, neither do smart people convinced they have something to fear. Witness lots of smart people running around in facemasks. There is no evidence whatsoever that such a behavior is in any way effective at moderating the transmission of a highly infectious and mostly harmless bug like COVID-19. Calling it dangerous because it kills dying people is like calling air deadly. Neither dumb nor fearful people can get that.
GA gun control group already planning SCOTUS pick protest... []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
I heard the Democrats are auditioning young men to be "victims" of sexual abuse by the woman who will be nominated.
When criminals know you have a gun they always think twice about taking from you. !!Period!!
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
No. Not "Period." There are many cases where the victim clearly does not have the training and the perpetrator is somehow aware of that, and targets the victim for the purpose of obtaining the weapon. Don't get a weapon without getting good training.
I can't imagine the thought processes of those on the Left.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Could it be that you are not afraid of your own shadow? Fears drive all prejudice and false justification. Now that the entire World has been terrified by the latest version of the common cold, those kinds of prejudices are blooming like a nuclear mushroom cloud. Intelligence is no match for fear - only being enlisted in the service of the prejudice it inspires. Only those of us unconcerned about the correctness of our own choices because we have fearlessly looked into the truth, are able to sidestep such prejudices.
I listen to music 12-15 hrs a day.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Hi Tracy. My interest in music runs to dancing; West Coast Swing, Tango, Waltz, Rumba, Foxtrot... They all have differing beats per minute (BPM), running from as slow as 80 (sultry West Coast Swing, Waltz), to as high as 120 (Foxtrot). About half the music available includes wonderful listening, but not very danceable. I find it discouraging when I have to buy it first only to find that it is lacking a "hook" or compelling melody. And it is difficult and overly time consuming to research the speed of a song as well unless there is a way to hear it before buying it. Advice? God bless, Tim
What do you guys think about this?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Battery technology has been the major limitation to better performance of solar electric systems, electric cars, and lasers. There has been no significant improvement in charge density in the last 50 years, despite an enormous investment in the technology, and hundreds of announcements of breakthroughs that were more speculative than substantive. As an investment, it has been among the worst in history, only second to the massive losses in solar electric technology throughout the same period. Who knows. A real breakthrough might happen tomorrow. But I will be investing in something else.
Second Amendment support shouldn't be partisan, but it is.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
If you carefully examine the platforms and the statements of Democrats and Republicans, you will discover that Republicans consistently support and defend the original Constitution, and Democrats have from the beginning of the party to today have been about promising everything and actually repeatedly revising the original Constitution to destroy its protection of your rights. So the partisanship derives directly from the intention of Democrats to destroy the Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment, and Republicans intention to preserve the Constitution.
Many people erroneously believe that YHWH, the Sovereign Creator, ordained the federal Constitution ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Mark 12:17. Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him. There is nothing in Scripture which indicates that God wrote the Constitution. Deuteronomy 4:2 says: Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you. It is a sin to claim what God has done that is not in Scripture. It is only your opinion that the explicit claim that we are "...endowed by our Creator..." is evidence of the intention to reject the Creator, and in my opinion, ridiculous. Satan is here to deceive, destroy and kill. Does anyone see any of that in this post? I do.
Ben Shapiro mocks Jesus. Why is it okay only to mock Christianity? []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Ramzpaul, dude! He's not mocking Jesus. He's mocking Mel Gibson.
"“I think they should wait until the next president and let the next president pick.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Of course. The law does not prevent either side from defending whatever is advantageous to their party. Only an idiot would back off from that position when the opposition is taking full advantage of it.
California’s Unemployment Averages 27 percent of All U.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Go to ANY location run by progressives for any significant amount of time, and you will find high taxes, infrastructure collapse, massive entitlement programs and crime, and the worst corruption in American history. That should be a clue.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Misrepresentation of who Reagan became by the time his run as Governor of California was done. As an actor, he joined ATRA, which had strong Communist affiliations, but there was no choice in those days. Reagan’s actions in office as President were to stop outright or blunt many attempted assaults on the Constitution, in spite of a Democrat Congress, including some Republicans who believed that they had to swing Left to get re-elected. I remember all of that, so this post is full of sh*t.
Nancy Pelosi is not ruling out a second round of impeachment to block SCOTUS pick- ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Bring it. Record numbers of Democrat voters are ashamed of their party already.
[] SoSask Promo 2
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Soros may win on Earth. I pray for him, because unless he changes his ways, those of us who know who has saved us in eternity will surely see him going the other way and mourn for him as he realizes his fate.
California Rep.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Speak out against Pelosi and the Democrats. Make it clear that they are wrong. Public opinion is the only thing they value. Not reason. Not the Constitution. Not what is right.
“Modern leftist philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 20, 2020:
When objective reality is dismissed, and they are given the power to enforce their beliefs, everyone is in trouble...even them, but they won't realize that until everything is broken and millions are dead. History is littered with endless examples.
Speakers' Corner Is Now Shariah Corner: Hatun Tash Removed for Blasphemy
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Hadith 9-5, among many others, calls for the displacement or death of infidels. The Christian "Old Testament," is sometimes called equivalent.. It is not. The Old Testament tells us who WE are: violent, short sighted, vengeful. New Covenant, as the current active call to Christians, tells us who God is, and ONLY calls for us to love God and ALL humans. Hadith 9-5 is among Mohammed's last words, and is the CURRENT active call to Muslims. And Taqiyya is their call to lie to promote of Islam. Islam has killed more human beings in history than any other force, disease, philosophy, dictator or country. Sharia is totally inconsistent with our Constitution. ALL true believer Muslims must be deported. Not only “violent” Muslims are dangerous!
"Peacefully" and "tolerantly", adherents to sharia law torture helpless prisoners until they ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Hadith 9-5, among many others, calls for the displacement or death of infidels. The Christian "Old Testament," is sometimes called equivalent.. It is not. The Old Testament tells us who WE are: violent, short sighted, vengeful. New Covenant, as the current active call to Christians, tells us who God is, and ONLY calls for us to love God and ALL humans. Hadith 9-5 is among Mohammed's last words, and is the CURRENT active call to Muslims. And Taqiyya is their call to lie to promote of Islam. Islam has killed more human beings in history than any other force, disease, philosophy, dictator or country. Sharia is totally inconsistent with our Constitution. ALL true believer Muslims must be deported. Not only “violent” Muslims are dangerous!
Democrats are doubling down on actions that rational people question. Why is rioting ok?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 19, 2020:
The Democrat leadership is the party of deception, racism, violence, coercion, and corruption. They are responsible for an un-Constitutional overreach of government control for a yet-to-be established excessive threat from the latest version of the common cold. That threat will never be proved, leaving every state and the Federal government liable for damages.
The right has it wrong about Netflix’s “Cuties”.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 19, 2020:
I am not surprised that you are blind to Netflix leaning hard to the Left, including the Obamas becoming major stockholders and proposing changes to the lineup, which, as far as I can discern, have been implemented. I will have nothing to do with Netflix, Disney, or Universal.


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