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Gonna' need a bigger cot.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Shame on the parents. When they are gone, only a Socialist state will keep that spoiled brat from starving.
TFIGlobal - Canada: Trudeau faces the music over harassing Truckers []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
May God have mercy on Trudeau. I doubt that Trudeau will find much mercy in Canada, and maybe no where else in the World either.
Protesters Claim That My Speech Threatens Their Very Existence | Ep.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I suggest they go somewhere where protected speech does not threaten them, like Venezuela.
Democrats PANIC As Republicans Set To WIN In A Blowout This November!![]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
AOC, Tlaib, Ilhan, Abrams, Nadler, Waters, Pelosi, Schumer and Biden: God's gifts to Republicans.
WHY does Kamala dodge this reporter?[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Kamala is so dumb, it remains a mystery to me too how she could actually understand that talking to that reporter might be a bad idea. I'm amazed.
THE SECRET CENSORS Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep430https://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
These non-profit firms actually profit from generous grants from the Federal Government in exchange for passing through lists of who should be censored digitally: The SIO, The Stanford Internet Observatory. The University of Washington Center for an Informed Public. The Atlantic Council DFR Lab. Graphica Analytics The illegal part is the Administration sending "tickets" containing those lists to those firms. Demand of your reps that Congress investigate the Administration now for violation of the Constitution - which comes under the "High Crimes" section of the Impeachment rules.
WEF has been ‘upfront’ about ‘Great Reset’ ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Of the two main things of which Democrats are guilty: Deception and being dedicated to overthrow of the Constitution, at least the WEF has one thing right over them: They are telling the truth, in an attempt for legitimacy. But taking your God-given rights without being duly elected is still wrong.
Joe Biden's recent claim was both ‘bizarre and a lie’[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I suggest that Biden declare himself a Republican. After all, he has done more for the Republican party than McConnell, McCain, Cheney and a host of other RINOS put together.
Federalist: DavidHarsanyi: Colorado Is Still Persecuting Jack Phillips For Thought Crimes ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
My home state should show the American Flag upside down.
'Woke' bureaucrats are going to 'force' Australia down EV path 'whether it works or ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I look forward to the truths emerging by their insisting on forcing EVs. They will be very unpleasantly surprised when they can no longer deny them.
Liberals have spent $3.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Its all going to the WEF. Stop the money and you stop the WEF and Trudeau.
WarIsBoring: Ukrainian troops reportedly using Blue Force Tracker and deception to infiltrate ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I believe every weapon provided to Ukraine has increased the death toll, and far increased the suffering, maiming, displacement and starvation. In a war of attrition, the stronger nation wins, and extending that inevitable loss of the weaker nation only costs more lives. Any notion that another nuclear superpower has any chance of stopping it is foolish when the other superpower is nuclear as well. How dumb does someone have to be to not get that?
PJMedia: UKRAINE WAR Won't Be Won on the Battlefield.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I believe every weapon provided to Ukraine has increased the death toll, and far increased the suffering, maiming, displacement and starvation. In a war of attrition, the stronger nation wins, and extending that inevitable loss of the weaker nation only costs more lives. Any notion that another nuclear superpower has any chance of stopping it is foolish when the other superpower is nuclear as well. How dumb does someone have to be to not get that?
Ontario College of Physicians recommends 'medication' and 'psychotherapy' to encourage COVID ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Coming to a neighborhood near you...better start demanding changes from your reps right now. Its going to be too late very soon.
Biden Torched Over Tone Deaf Corvette Tweet []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Our President is dumber than a bag of hammers.
Gasoline prices are climbing and Democrats' midterm prospects are falling- []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Biden is just about at the the bottom of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, (So much for our defense if we are attacked) and the Sauds have just raised the price of oil. Buckle up, Biden's policies are going to be a rough ride from here forward.
Americans' support for Biden's electric car push is nearly zero []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Its a good sign that some Americans are waking up to the green scams. Now if they would only wake up to the Deep State, the WEF and the Democrats.
Mobilized Russians intercepted phone calls.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I remember VietNam. People were saying all kinds of things to justify their feelings against the war, for the war, whatever. In the end, almost all of those statements on both sides turned out to be rhetoric, and those who insisted they knew the truth never came clean. My Uncle was a 3 tour Sergeant Major in the Infantry. I asked him about those assertions, and he said "All of that's bullsh*t. How would they know any of that, and how would they think its right?" Lots of people passionately talk about who is wrong in Ukriane. If I believe my Uncle, and I do, NO ONE is right in any war. Wars are times when the rules go away and everything is destroyed, including civility. Anyone who thinks their side can stay above it is on the losing side, for one thing. You can't halfway fight a war. Finally, when you're in the middle of righteous indignation about the other side, you may forget that Putin had been concerned about his exposed flank in Ukraine for some time. It was not a secret, and you can find that all the way back to when he first came to power. And when NATO came to encourage Ukraine to join, his problem basically became like a fire starting there. Lots of people may be unsympathetic about that, but the Former Soviet border has been something Russia tried to consolidate since the wall fell in 1989; not very successfully either. So their sensitivity about it is real. Some condemn the US for attempting to have influence over Cuba. But in a nuclear age, it is naive to think the US should not attempt to control its strategic soft points. That is true of every superpower, and it is why Taiwan is a sore point for China. Ignoring those truths is foolish. I believe every weapon provided to Ukraine has increased the death toll, and far increased the suffering, maiming, displacement and starvation. In a war of attrition, the stronger nation wins, and extending that inevitable loss of the weaker nation only costs more lives. Any notion that another nuclear superpower has any chance of stopping it is foolish when the other superpower is nuclear as well. How dumb does someone have to be to not get that?
Texas Sheriff Refuses to Investigate Undeniable Election Fraud After Person Confesses to Police ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Texas was once a proud addition to the Republic, and has now been Deep Stated by California, and overrun with illegal aliens who want to keep the gravy train going at the expense of true Texans.
NYPost: GlennReynolds: Why stop US oil production?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Its always unsettling when reality begins to conflict with delusion.
California Decriminalized Jaywalking Because ‘People of Color’ Are Ticketed Most [uafreport.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 6, 2022:
All the people with triple digit IQs must have left California.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Won’t play on my Apple 6E
Worth watching. Is this what's to come? []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Allowing unelected officials to cause a change in currency, or to orchestrate it in elected officials is illegal, and voters must speak out and demand prosecution for treason of all participants, and they’d better do it today.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Open borders. The gift that keeps on giving.
Has anyone seen Joe Biden?[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
When my Mom had a stroke, she would sometimes go walkabout. She had an amazing ability to escape and get somewhere miles away seemingly in minutes. We would then hear from the police. Seems familiar.
Is “white lives matter” actually racist?[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Yes. I understand that "White Lives Matter" worn by those with dark skin, is intended to refute the assertion by BLM that the phrase means someone is a white supremacist. However, singling ANYONE out based on ANY skin pigment is racist. "All lives matter" is not racist. Judging anyone based on their culture is not racist...just ignorant. Wheeler is exactly on point that inciting racism in America is a Marxist tactic to destabilize our Constitutional Republic.
The talking heads in the USA leave Me wondering what reality they live in?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Low information voters will not make the effort to learn the history or understand the dynamics, and instead are parroting the made-up media line. The media will be the last to admit they caused WWIII. Nor will the low information soccer moms, who are the dupes of Marxists and their sympathizers. All wars are caused by those willing to kill and equally caused by those who don't believe anyone is willing to kill, so they will ignorantly make inflammatory statements, and interfere with efforts to stop them.
listening to the couple next to me, “who would want to go to texas?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
When they go to Texas, the next thing they do is come here. California drivers are unmistakable, even when they have Texas license plates. They are rude, speed, cut people off - causing people to brake hard to avoid hitting them, throw trash and cigarette butts out the windows, and are free with horn and the 1 finger salute, which almost no one here uses - even for idiots like that. Its already a hellhole like California, so they'll be looking for a nicer place than the one they've trashed and will be coming to your state next.
There’s still a long, hard row to hoe.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Watch The Utter Disdain Biden Has For The Free Press []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Must be rough being King of the World.
At least 12 armed citizens have thwarted crimes in just the last 60 days | Fox News
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Constitutional AND doing one's duty. Well done.
Interesting that ashkenazi jews arent even Jewish, they are goyim.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Only fools judge by group.
Nothing at all to see here.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
My prayers are with Dr Carrie Madej, her friend and their families.
If love is God, then no one knows what it is.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Sounds unclear and confused to me. God is Love. Simple. 1 John 4:19 "We love only because God first loved us."
Listening to the couple next to me, “who would want to go to texas?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
When they go to Texas, the next thing they do is come here. California drivers are unmistakable, even when they have Texas license plates. They are rude, speed, cut people off - causing people to brake hard to avoid hitting them, throw trash and cigarette butts out the windows, and are free with the horn and the 1 finger salute, which almost no one here uses - even for idiots like that. Its already a hellhole like California, so they'll be looking for another unspoiled place and will be coming to your state next.
Biden's border collapse in three episodes.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Before his term is done, Biden will preside over the worst border/economic crisis in American history. He is doing everything perfectly to make that happen.
FoxNews: Elon Musk Buys Twitter, Leftists Get The Vapors []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Sooo the media being slanted to the Left is OK, but if there is a chance it might slant back its not? Hmmm. Its as if truth is not the issue, isn't it?
‘Suddenly unwoke’: AOC mocked for not wanting migrants in her district (4:23) []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
When our economy collapses, will we be able to cross the other way? Probably not.
Support Ukraine by turning in your firearms. What an absolute bullshit.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Why would I have any involvement at all with a couple of international thugs dukeing it out, when at least one of them is a nuclear power and the conflict is at one of their two their strategic weak links??? I’d have to be delusional. And I’d be doubly delusional to give up firearms in the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
When I was young the world existed under the cloud of M.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Democrats are insane, and always have been. The public has always been so dumb as to believe their slander against Republicans. Democrats HAD to slander Republicans. If they didn't try, Republicans would have made them look so bad, the criminal enterprise known as Democrats would have disappeared long ago. And they succeeded far beyond their wildest dreams. Their slander of Republicans always made for good sensational news, so the media was always willing to reinforce that garbage.
Kadyrov SHOCK! Chechen Leader Calls for NUCLEAR Strike in Ukraine!!![]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Beginning to wonder what kind of special forces capability Chechnya has. Maybe they blew up NordStream.
Kamala To Award Hurricane Relief Based on Skin Color | Ep.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
So Harris is by definition a racist.
Hidden cost inside all electric vehicles revealedhttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
As I have posted ad-nauseum, as an engineer familiar with the issues, electric car batteries are already near the top of their potential, so the additional potential required to make them even remotely competitive with fossil will NEVER (NEVER) happen. And if you bother to study the advances in petroleum technology, you will learn that we are now producing oil from wells that were deemed permanently unproductive not very long ago. And if you are familiar with the subject, you know that what were called unproductive reserves in the US alone are more than twice the easy reserves. So the price will go up as oil production gets more difficult, but that will not be for a very long time...generations from now. Most folks who have invested in battery development have not done well. They will not do well investing electric cars for a long time either. And those without an engineering degree like mine are quick to say something pollyana-like such as: investing now will provide the innovations to make it possible to switch away from oil. Hogwash. There are things that have wide open possibilities and there are those which do not. Electric cars do not.
Plenty needs to be ‘ironed out’ before popular use of electric cars is a ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
As I have posted ad-nauseum, as an engineer familiar with the issues, electric car batteries are already near the top of their potential, so the additional potential required to make them even remotely competitive with fossil will NEVER (NEVER) happen. And if you bother to study the advances in petroleum technology, you will learn that we are now producing oil from wells that were deemed permanently unproductive not very long ago. And if you are familiar with the subject, you know that what were called unproductive reserves in the US alone are more than twice the easy reserves. So the price will go up as oil production gets more difficult, but that will be a very long time...generations from now. Most folks who have invested in battery development have not done well. They will not do well investing electric cars for a long time either. And those without an engineering degree like mine are quick to say something pollyana-like such as: investing now will provide the innovations to make it possible to switch away from oil. Hogwash. There are things that have wide open possibilities and there are those which do not. Electric cars do not.
Russia Deploys APOCALYPTIC Tsunami Bomb Submarine And Everyone Is Freaking ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
A nuclear powered torpedo can not move at high speed, so it will be easily detectable and can be targeted. These folks should really ask someone like Jane's so they are better informed before reporting.
Russia Deploys APOCALYPTIC Tsunami Bomb Submarine And Everyone Is Freaking ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Why draw wild conclusions that will prove to be wrong soon enough? Smarter minds will wait for the evidence, which will not be long in coming.
Tennessee Vacation?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
I'll take whiskey over Disney.
Gavin Newsom Signs Law Protecting RAP LYRICS For THIS Reason...[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Newsom is a fool. And its a free country. Anyone who wants to advertise that they are terrified is welcome to listen to Rap music, which is exactly like whistling in the dark when you are trying to convince yourself you aren't afraid. That is why mostly convicts who can't speak in complete sentences listen to it. So anyone who wants to advertise that they are wanna-be criminals with a 2nd grade education, go for it.
Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Loren is one of the best examples of class and dignity remaining in the World.
Biden administration wants federal government to be diversity, equity model for the nation | Fox ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Completely unConstitutional.
Newt Gingrich: the threat of Nuclear war is real The threat has been there since WW ll.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Anyone supporting weapons to Ukraine are woefully ignorant of the potential consequences. If WWIII breaks out with nuclear weapons, the media will not be admitting to have been responsible, nor will the WEF or NATO, nor the indignant soccer moms. Putin never had any choice but to attempt to close off the vulnerable strategic opening at Ukraine. It is not about vilifying Putin or praising Putin. It is not about vilifying Zelensky or praising Zelensky. Stuff like that is only propaganda to justify ignorance or taking an inadvisable position.
Wanna know why the left/modern feminism people fight so hard for a right to kill their unborn ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
The spoiled, entitled, self important want what they want right now, and don't care how it affects anyone else. Then when the consequences of their choices appear, they are quick to blame everyone else. They grow up to be bitter, angry and full of fear about the future. So they are easily manipulated into believing the first thing they hear that tells them who's fault everything is. And the dupes of Marxists and their sympathizers have made sure the media is telling them it is anyone who believes in the Constitution: Republicans.
Pelosi's Plantation...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Gay Rom-Com's Opening Numbers Hurt Hollywood's Pridehttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
Hollywood deserves to disappear.
Move on, move on....
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
The past is only in our memory, whether or not in our mind, written down, or in video. It is not a place. We only exist in the present. If we were all to cease to exist, the past would be gone, but the present would continue without us.
A Very Quick Primer on the Pitfall of “Redistribution” One has to wonder … How Much ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
As soon as you talk about redistribution, you are talking unConstitutional.
Deep State and Globalist swamp deeper than we think.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
Can reveal, but maybe want to stay alive. I have had veiled opportunities appear, which evaporated when surreptitiously questioned about my Constitutional beliefs. It seems being a Constitutionalist is not desirable in such secret organizations. I toyed with the idea of passing myself off as a NWO guy, but realized almost immediately that my safety and that of my family would be at risk once my agenda of influencing or exposing them were discovered.
What Fox News Won't Tell You About the Deep State - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
Can reveal, but maybe want to stay alive. I have had veiled opportunities appear, which evaporated when surreptitiously questioned about my Constitutional beliefs. It seems being a Constitutionalist is not desirable in such secret organizations. I toyed with the idea of passing myself off as a NWO guy, but realized almost immediately that my safety and that of my family would be at risk once my agenda of influencing or exposing them were discovered.
Population Growth in Canada 95% Immigration, 5% Canadian-Born []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
You reap what you sow.
Population Growth in Canada 95% Immigration, 5% Canadian-Born []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
You reap what you sow.
NewtGingrich: Why Joe O’Dea Can Beat Sen. Michael Bennet in Colorado []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
Colorado has been inundated with California I-will-mind-your-business types, who have gradually turned my home state into an extension of California, with trash throwing, rude drivers, political correctness, a huge entitled community, and a bunch of dupes of Marxists and their sympathizers. Colorado is being ruined. And you should see the lying ads against O'Dea.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
I am sharing this with anyone who has not already been co-opted by the dupes of Marxists and their sympathizers
Both christians and communists love to paint themselves as morally superior.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
A person of Integrity needs no rules, because a person of integrity will behave better than the rules intended as minimum requirements for people with no self regulation, no strength of character, and probably no interest in the well-being of others. As can be found in Scripture, none of us are "without sin," in other words, almost none of us succeed in operating with the kind of integrity required to operate better than the rules, and surely none of us are able to measure up to the perfection demonstrated by Jesus Christ. Most importantly of all, absolutely none of us may enter heaven on our own merits. We must trust in Christ absolutely. John 14:6 “Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.””
'Terrifying': US President Joe Biden has 'significant issues'[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 3, 2022:
Biden is an embarrassment to to the US, and his party is an embarrassment to the US, for stealing an election against our own Constitution. The media and our own FBI, CIA and Justice Department are also embarrassments to the US for blatantly violating our Constitution against one party and not against another.
‘We Own the Science’: WEF Member Brags About Partnership With Google to Censor Critics ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 2, 2022:
A political organization that “owns the science”???? That is a true oxymoron, brought to you by the same folks who said “…you will get a chip n your head and own nothing and you will love it.”
The Bible is not about a religion.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 2, 2022:
True. Religion is of humans, and all humans are corrupt, in everything we do. God loves us anyway. ALL of us. And from Scripture, we know that God welcomes us to His protection, and will grant our wish otherwise. So anyone not choosing to be saved through Jesus Christ, is turning away from God. John 14:6. “Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.””
Just a moment...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 2, 2022:
Sciences PROVES the Left is wronghttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 2, 2022:
Logic is always wasted against a politically motivated individual, because they are only searching for arguments to justify their ideology, and may have no idea whether or not those arguments are actually valid. If they succeed in persuading people, an ideologue will consider whatever argument that succeeded is valid for their purpose. "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It frustrates you and it annoys the pig." - Mark Twain.
Who owns the science?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 2, 2022:
"We own the science" from a political organization whose Climate Committee Chair Christiana Figueres said the Global Warming gambit was only a method of destroying Capitalism. From the lack of budgetary support by most of the World, the UN is clearly not taken seriously, and neither should we. The US should drop its financial support completely, unless the UN completely disavows all association with the WEF, and renounces its claim on "the science," with the summary dismissal of Ms Fleming.
My bank tried hard to hinder my withdrawal of money from my account this morning.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 2, 2022:
Good to know. Now I know to be looking at other options.
Nord Stream Pipeline Rupture Largest Single Release of Methane Recorded, Says UN [infowars.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Ever recorded. But flared methane would be a much bigger number. So would cow flatulence and a host of other sources. This appears to have Christiana Figueres fingerprints on it; the UN apparatchuk who openly and proudly proclaims that the only purpose of the global warming gambit is to destroy capitalism.
Makes you wonder if the German public realize why the Biden Puppet Masters attacked Nord Stream One ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
There is no evidence yet that Big Mouth Biden was behind it. If he actually did everything he threatened, the Earth would already be a smoking ruin. No one takes that clown seriously. There will be evidence at some point, and I would bet it won't be the US. It will be enemies of Germany. The US only stands to lose if Germany is ruined. But it might be in China's interests. And the US only has enough oil for itself. We are not in a position to become a major oil exporter.
Is Australia finally beginning to admit that the official Covid narrative was the disinformation?
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
The only way out of a tyrannical regime is usually with a gun. No wonder the MPs are scared.
Bill Clinton Admits: ‘There Is a Limit to How Many Migrants Any Society Can Take Without Severe ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
See "A Nation of Immigrants" by John F. Kennedy. Kennedy correctly pointed out that legal immigration allows the US to absorb them, without undue stress due to overcrowding and unemployment, and protects applicants against the risks of entry, screens them for communicable diseases and genuine requests for sanctuary. Kennedy noted that during times of rapid growth, the US could absorb high numbers, and during recessions, almost cut off the flow of immigration. From his book, it is obvious that uncontrolled immigration is not in the best interests of the US nor of the immigrants. Kennedy would be recognized today as a conservative.
Video: Sandy Hook Lawyer Admits Lawsuit Against Alex Jones Meant to Silence Him Forever ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
If Marxists and their sympathizers were right, they would not need to silence anyone.
Jen Psaki makes MAJOR admissionhttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Meloni is talking about values that are not assured in Italy. They only exist as far as leaders like Meloni can drive them. But in the US, those values already are protected by the Constitution, the only document in human history that limits government. So why is government not limited? Why is the FBI violating the Constitution? Why is healthcare Federal instead of in the States where the Constitution says it should be? Because We the People have been asleep and allowed that to happen. We MUST defend the Constitution, and DEMAND that our reps follow it. Will our Constitutionally protected rights not exist anymore, and similar rights exist in Italy where they do not have our Constitution??? That is a World turned upside down.
Liberals Advocating For War Will CRY When They See How Bad It Will ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
I doubt that many dupes of Marxists and their sympathizers expect their tennis lessons to be disrupted.
How Hillary Clinton wants to control your lifehttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Socialism is government control of private industry. Requiring businesses to implement ESG is a good example. Some businesses wish to have a greater advantage, and think ESG will provide that. It won't, because EVERY business will have that advantage. And ESG will have a chilling effect on business. So EVERY BUSINESS will lose business under ESG, as "deplorables" are removed from the consumer base. Brilliant.
Transparency: most entrepreneurs.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
While I don't disagree with your premise, this is a good example of a manipulated sample poll.
BREAKING: Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, other conservative influencers on Twitter TARGETED by Biden ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
If we don't stand up to them, they will never understand that they are wrong.
I knew there was a HAARP weather modifying system on Alaska operated by the DOD, but now I find out ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Rudimentary math will tell you that there are no human systems capable of modifying the weather significantly. The average thunderstorm has the power of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, and the energies that create thunderstorms are magnitudes greater, including mass transfers greater than the weight of all humanity. The notion that humans could have been a significant factor causing global warming when the energies required to have any effect are so vast, and humans are capable of generating only a tiny fraction of that in the entire industrial revolution. And the CO2 mumbo jumbo is ridiculous.
Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Forcing Doctors to Push Jabs or Be Excommunicated From Medicine ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
I was not aware that Gavin Newson had a medical degree.
Pelosi Suggests Illegal Immigrants Shouldn't Be Sent Up North; Florida Needs Them to Pick Crops via ...
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
I think they will be very happy in California.
Deep dive down to where the pipelines lie in ruins. []
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Plenty of conjecture, not much fact and far too few dots to connect. I think this article will prove to have some insight, but will still miss the mark.
Truth and Reality So the LGBTQ+ community and CRT are trying to erase objective truth.
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
It is objective fact that CO2 is what plants need to "breathe," to produce the oxygen WE breathe. It is objective fact that CO2 has been declining on Earth for millions of years. Much of prehistoric Earth had far higher CO2 levels than in historic times. And before CO2 it was methane. Plants did not exist on Earth. Neither was there any oxygen. It is an objective fact that the current CO2 levels are very close to the minimum CO2 levels required for plant life on Earth. It is an objective fact that if we are successful in reducing CO2 much more, plant life will disappear on Earth, and we will not be breathing very long after that. It is objective fact that atmospheric methane and water vapor combined are greenhouse gasses between ten to a hundred times more effective at magnifying the sun's energy that CO2. It is also an objective fact that atmospheric methane and water vapor are 100 to 1000 times more plentiful than CO2. It is a reasonable conclusion that if CO2 were as dangerous a greenhouse gas as Climate alarmists claim, and methane and water vapor are 1000 to 100,000 times more effective at converting the sun's energy, then they would have reduced the Earth to a smoking ruin long ago.
So this government agency that helps the government defraud Americans and the corruot dollar and ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
The supposedly "unhackable" Crypto software has been hacked to the tune of 50 million. That's something that is a hundred times harder to do with hard currency.
Canadian Actress Reveals She Has Bell’s Palsy Two Weeks After Vax, Says She Would Take It Again...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Apparently the vax also affected her ability to think rationally.
FreeBeacon: First Openly Transgender US Army Officer Indicted for Trying to Give Soldiers’ Medical...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
If it ever comes to a battle with the Chinese, I guess we are hoping they will laugh themselves to death.
CRINGE: Biden calls out for deceased congresswomanhttps://[]
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Biden is a greater embarrassment to the US than even Obama was.
Politico co-founder so afraid of Trump he wants Constitution REWRITTEN []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Must be illiterate. There is no other document in human history that protects the rights of citizens by limiting government. The only reason there could possibly be to re-write the Constitution would be that it limits someone's power, so they want a document just like the rest of the countries in the World, that only grant certain rights - or retract them, at their whim.
Free Speech??? []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
New Zealand is a socialist country, so facts to them are irrelevant.
Video: Climate ‘Czar’ John Kerry Lauds China, Says They Have More Electric Cars ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
I think John Kerry should move to China.
'The View's' Joy Behar Shamefully Exploits Hurricane Ian Damage | DM CLIPS | Rubin ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Why is that succubus still on the air?
Climate Change?
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Now that you know that the IPCC data was basically faked, and so many people agreed with the IPCC by saying they could feel it, see it, and were convinced by the "data," makes you wonder about them, doesn't it?? Some of us were questioning the conclusion of global warming fanatics as early as 1976, and were demonized by family and friends. Apologies? Nope. Crickets.
How sanctions work 💩
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 30, 2022:
There seems to be some kind of sentiment in the US that we should be able to tell other sovereign nations what to do. Well, they are not under our Constitution, and not under our authority, so we have no rights anywhere but in the US, and they have no protection under our Constitution. Obvious right? Apparently not. The President is responsible for foreign policy, according to the Constitution, and should express whatever is in the US best interests firstly for the safety of the nation - so the president should try not to start any wars, right? Next the President might state what is in our best interests economically, but carefully so we do not divulge things that might weaken our hand in the great international game of "Poker." Lastly, as it is our weakest position, is to take idealogical stands, as such stands potentially weaken our first two duties, and are rarely effective because other sovereign nations can do whatever evil they please and generally we have nothing we can do about it, without compromising our first two duties. Some Presidents in the US have tried to strong-arm other sovereign nations, or coerce them with economic sanctions. Such things always come with payback, and almost always give the US a bad reputation. In the "Cold War" for example, if we had let the Communists do their thing without providing a fall guy for them to blame, what they were doing would have been obvious in the World and they would have suffered all the blame for everything they did, and would have been utterly discredited by now. But by foolish foreign policy, we ended up being perceived as the bad guys, with a CIA that has a reputation for deceit, corruption and death in the World, and that is what the World has come to believe is the US. So much for a supposedly clandestine operation that achieves its objectives without being seen. They are an utter failure. So is any foreign policy that tries to bully our way around in the World.
Introducing Christianity Lite! - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 29, 2022:
If that reaches even one person, I'm for it.
Anti-gun rights politicians aim for private property gun ban- []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 29, 2022:
Absolutely un-Constitutional.
Jordan Peterson EXPOSES Bill Gates Nasty Plan (9:03) []
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 29, 2022:
Bill Gates is not an intelligent man, only sociopathically driven to extract money and power from any who will allow. His family are eugenicists, which betrays their lack of intellectual ability to connect the dots of reality. Human beings were created omniverous. Humans being the major factor in climate change is wrong. Gates intention to stop beef production will cause incredible harm to humanity, which he will no doubt greet with glee.
CENSURE — WEF’s “Global Intelligence Collecting AI” To Erase Ideas From The Internet ...
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 29, 2022:
If the WEF were benign, the truth would be persuasive. Their need to censor the Internet is their admission that they are a tyrannical regime.
Tucker Carlson: It's hard to believe this is happening - YouTube
TimTuolomne comments on Sep 29, 2022:
Dupes of Marxists and their sympathizers have almost completely hijacked the Constitution, so justice no longer prevails. Unless We the People stand NOW for Constitutionally protected rights and the prosecution of those willing to violate the Constitution, it will mean nothing from now forward, and we will be a socialist state.


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